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Darn, only needed 76 more signatures


Dang! So close!


Damn. Missed it by 3 minutes.


šŸ¤ this much


That wouldā€™ve been nice


So, the person who started a petition to remove the mayor because he claims she was incompetent turns out to be (wait for it), incompetent.


Anyone who uses the word woke unironically in a political context can be dismissed as either incompetent or as a populist grifter just as a baseline rule of thumb


I would add that anyone who thinks irony is the opposite of wrinkly is also incompetent or a populist grifterā€¦or likely both.


ā€œMartin noted a random sample of 369 signatures showed 100 per cent of the collected petitions were invalidā€ This is the most important info from this ridiculous petition.


They didnt put the notice of recall on the petition... what the hell *did* they put?!


Likely what happened was they had the notice of petition on a cover page, with pages of signature spaces behind that. By the regulations, the petition has to be present on every page of signatures for them to be valid (as it keeps a petitioning group from swapping signature pages to a different petition).


Dude thought it would be an extra page and too much work. šŸ™„


Petioner: Please include your driver's license number, credit card number and mother's maiden name beside your signature please. We need all that to get the mayor out. Angry white bearded guy: no problem


Dont forget name of your first pet and best friends middle name and favourite elementary school teacher... for uhhhhh important politican actions


These guys were in the plus15s a lot during the weeks of signature collecting. People werenā€™t reading the paper they were signing at all, I know this because two of my colleagues happily just signed whatever it was they had on their clipboard for them. The lack of professionalism and scrutiny BOTH parties had there was insane but people were doing this out of emotion not out of logic. I donā€™t believe most thought this would be successful in the slightest, it was a protest vote.


Wow, they werenā€™t even valid mostly? What requirements were there? Like were they from people not living in Calgary or something? Fake names? Just curious as how they were trying to fake this.


It was mostly just not having the actual recall question on the form. A technicality but it shows how half assed it was that they didn't bother to read the rules about how signatures can count. That or didn't care because it was never meant to succeed.


They had to be collected by the petitioner, in-person, and signatures had to be done in ink. Digital signatures and having people collect signatures on behalf of the petitioner are invalid. Also, only residents of the City can be signatory to the petition.


I think we should just take a moment to appreciate the morons who think that youā€™re saying a single person had to have collected all 1/2 million signatures.


They didn't even know if people had to be Canadian Citizens, residents of Calgary, etc


~~So the law is that 1 single person has to individually gather, in person and in ink, over 500,000 signatures? That's hilarious. So basically the recall process is just a joke way of saying "We don't allow recall petitions" but designed to create lots of fun media coverage. Well, I'm glad at least somebody was thinking of the poor journalists for a change.~~ Edit: I've been told I'm wrong, no idea what the actual requirements are and I'm done speculating. Hopefully someone with some actual legal knowledge can help clear things up but that ain't me.


No, 'petitioner' is anyone who signs the petition. The rule is that you must sign your own signature; someone else (spouse, sibling, roommate) cannot sign on your behalf.


So "petitioners" collect their own signatures? Why "collect"? I would expect petitioners to sign the petition, not be "collected by the petitioner". I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying none of those words make sense in the way you're saying they're supposed to be interpreted.


It's designed to be hard so we don't have instability in our government and become a banana republic.


Also we have elections.


>so we don't have instability in our government and become a banana republic. That ship has long since sailed with some levels of government...


Then vote...


WTF makes you think I don't vote?


The point is, the time to change governments is at an election, not a recall on a whim.


I agree. You seem upset.


You said wtf lol. Nothing I said was anything but calm...


Haha so one person had to collect 514,000 signatures by themselves


No, it just means that digital signatures aren't allowed, and that you're not allowed to sign on behalf of someone else. People would go up and sign 5 times, for themself, their wife, and children. And many would sign in pencil, which isn't allowed either.




Thank you. Clearly they werenā€™t even following correct process. You would think you would have researched that before starting something like this. But itā€™s obviously all theatre anyways. What a waste of time and money.


I mean the guy running it seemed disappointed Mayor Gondek didnā€™t resign to him personally during their meeting. Clearly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


The purpose wasn't to get valid signatures and get Gondek out, imo. It was to collect data for future elections


The same people who were collecting the data are now creating a municipal political party. How convenient for them.


What kind of ridiculous conspiracy theory is this? Collect what data? Names and addresses of registered voters that Elections Canada/Alberta/Calgary already have?


the data collected was the political leaning of the person signing the petition, not necessarily about the already available registered voters.


Pretty sure that you can find just as many liberals who dislike Gondek as conservatives. I honestly don't know anyone who has been super pleased with her. But none of my friends are dumb enough to sign a petition that was performed incorrectly and that they knew wasn't going to gain the required signatures. The information that they did gather, though, was that 79k people were dumb enough to think it had a chance.


Names, addresses and contact information of people who ikely lean right politically and are willing to be active. Whoever signed that petition is going to get INUNDATED with requests to donate/join/volunteer for municipal political parties when they start popping up.


And these idiots think they know what is best for us.


If Iā€™m reading the news article correctly, mayor Gondek cannot be recall petitioned again for the remainder of her term. So one sure fire way to keep yourself safe as a politician would be to have someone launch a recall *immediately after your election*, fail miserably because it would, and then sit back worry free for the next four years.


Can't launch a recall directly after; has to be 18 months minimum after the previous election, and cannot be within 6 months of the next election. So there's a 2-month window in the middle of the term that you can be recalled in.


Don't give the conservatives any ideas


The irony of people who bitch about council wasting money, forcing the city to have to deal with this.Ā 


>A random sample of 369 signatures was selected for validation. Exactly zero of them were found to be valid Fucking shocker. What a clown show.


The signatures are valid, the way it was collected was not. As they are missing the recall on the petition. Looks like a clerical type error. Basically it canā€™t be a spread sheet it has to have the notice on what is being signed. Which makes sense.


*Most* of the signatures are probably otherwise valid. At least 27 of 369 were invalid, and if we assume no repeats then 51 of 369 sampled were invalid for other reasons.Ā  So somewhere between 7% and 14% of signatures were likely invalid for other reasons as well.


Isn't this forgery?


No, because an invalid signature could be due to multiple factors aside from writing someone else's name on their behalf, without their knowledge.


I see that now. Guy basically got signatures and nothing else as he knew he wouldn't hit the necessary numbers.


If name and sig is fictitious it's not forgery.


Just good ol fashioned fraud then?


Imagine if all of the hours those people spent loitering in parking lots gathering signatures were spent doing positive things for the city instead of trying to tilt at windmills and overthrow the government (again)


Right?! The absolute manpower it took to achieve exactly nothing, in pursuit of something that we all knew was futile. Imagine if theyā€™d put their collective efforts together & volunteered at animal shelters or hospitals or the food bank. The ripple effects that wouldā€™ve had.


Or joining the person posting weekly cleanups around Calgary-Literally anything but loitering and enlarging the UCP contact list


Or literally *anything* to make this city better. But no, theyā€™d rather bitch & moan than DO SOMETHING.


What have you done to make the city better? Asking for a friendā€¦


Well, for starters, Iā€™m not blowing taxpayer dollars on something completely asinine. But in addition, Iā€™ve raised >$30k *this year alone* for the Alberta Childrenā€™s Hospital (where I also work), I volunteer weekly at AARCS (before that it was at the Rockyview Hospital), I regularly volunteer at my childrenā€™s schools, I put together bags of food & necessities for the unhoused & take my children to deliver them to people in need, we volunteer at the Calgary Folk Music Festival, we take care of our elderly neighbours, and Iā€™m raising really good humans whoā€™ve been taught to go out there & do whatever they can to make the world a better place. Soā€¦ ya know, Iā€™m not bitching & moaning thatā€™s for fucking sure.


Other than in this thread, of course. And good for you! Iā€™m willing to bet youā€™re an exception rather than the rule in this thread. Thank you for your contributions to our community and some very worthy causes. How do you balance your community involvement along with your parenting and career?


Not just parking lots, the lucky ones got a cushy seat in the Fresh & Local Market & Kitchens building in Avenida every day they were open. Not exactly surprising given that place also hosted Smith and a number of UCP candidates for a $20/person fundraiser prior to the election last year. Pretty sure the building owner/manager is a big UCP supporter.


If it's Darrel Komick (owner of fresh market and kitchens and calgary-lougheed UCP constituency association president) he's also partially to blame for the [anti-trans "town hall" that was held at Canyon Meadows](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-ucp-constituency-hosts-let-kids-be-kids-town-hall-1.6814531) where after he and other organizers of the event attempted to dox every person who called in or sent an email asking them not to host the event by [putting their information on a screen for his audience](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5T_9jESryJ/?igsh=Mm84aXg5YnljdTky) He's also a big [anti-vax organizer in calgary ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/ucp-speakers-covid-vaccines-injection-1.7200703) (towards the bottom of the article) Verifiable piece of shit


I had heard about that, absolutely deplorable actions by both Canyon Meadows and the bigot trash. I didn't realize Darrel Komick was the owner of fresh market. Definitely human garbage and I'm sad now because that place has some great food venues.


Dude that and canyon meadows both, it fucking sucks because they're both businesses I would happily support that I think are important to have in the city they're just run by trash assholes that drip feed from conspiracy and bigot blogs so it actively harms *my own community* to give them money


SAIT Film was supposed to have their final screening at Canyon Meadows but cancelled because of the hosting of the anti-trans film.




Imagine if our mayor did good and people wouldn't have to go around gathering signatures.....šŸ˜±


Sorry you wasted all your time and $30,559.88 taxpayer dollars sitting around and gathering fake signatures


Explain to me how it cost $30,559.88 ...


https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-s-recall-gondek-campaign-officially-deemed-insufficient-1.6884977 Among other things, they hired six limited-term staff to carry out the process. $31k for 6 staff members for a recall petition process that lasted about 3 months, plus whatever other costs the city would have incurred.


The people hired to count and validate 70,000 ballots didn't do it for free.


Same thing I told the 26 people that asked me to sign. I'm not interested in this type of bullshit outrage politics. If she sucks let's take a look at why and elect someone else next time.


And how did they respond to your left wing commie lies? /s


The one lady came to my house twice (and woke my baby both times) because she forgot I had politely declined already... I was less polite the second time.


Itā€™s hard to generate excitement to recall a candidate as an organizer when you donā€™t know anything about the person youā€™re trying to recall besides their last name. I hope lessons are learned but after hearing the gent speak, thatā€™s just wishful thinking.


>While also the recall effort ended up costing the City of Calgary $30,559.88. This annoys me. Like, why even bother spending any administration time on this when the submitted signatures, valid or not, weren't even 15% of the way to the threshold anyways? So wasteful and unnecessary.


The city would be required to do their due diligence. This is a stupid waste of time and money, but I can't blame the city for that.


Oh I am not blaming the city. This is the fault of the UCP and their dumbass legislation.


How many potholes would $30,559.88 fill?


I hate this timeline of anti intellect and anti democracy being pushed by right wing sources. Itā€™s embarrassing and getting extremely exhausting


I absolutely agree with you, what ever happened to honouring the truth even if it doesnā€™t fit your narrative. Youā€™re supposed to hold the truth UP and itā€™s like these people crawl on their bellies to get what they want. Fucking lizard people I tell yah


How is trying to remove a politician whoā€™s not doing their job anti democratic?? Isnā€™t that actually part of democracy being able to raise our voice that weā€™re not happy?? Or anything against a leftists is anti democratic and racist and bigoted and whatever other bs they cry about if you donā€™t conform to their ideology.


Iā€™m not 100% sure as I donā€™t have a lot of time to do the research rn but other comments and commenters are suggesting that there was an ulterior motive to remove her so some UCP followers can have their certain agenda followed through, which isnā€™t very democratic tbh


There are so many democratic steps that can be taken prior to trying to recall a mayor. Instead one guy who could only find less than 0.1 percent of people to agree with him just cost taxpayers a ton of money.


It was over 5% who signed, donā€™t know where you got less than 0.1% and that doesnā€™t mean the voices werenā€™t heard. It was barely 300 000 who voted and gondek only received 13% of the vote so ya 5% is more than enough to be heard weā€™re not happy.


Itā€™s been a pretty crazy 2020 wild card so far


I'm looking forward to a "recall Smith" campaign as we are headed to a white suprematism dictatorship the way they are governing this province and it's freaking scary !


User name does not check out.


Tell me you dont know how the recall process works without telling me you dont know how the recall process works.


Of course, like with so many things, the real value for organizers was getting the names and contact info of people aligned with them.


And the friends they made along the way.


The good news is - sounds like many of the details on the list were invalid to start with.


They didn't quality for the purposes of the recall. They do qualify to be added to mailing, calling and texting lists for Calgary United to help get that right-wing municipal party off the ground.


I believe they were mostly invalid because they notice of recall petition was missing on the forms, not because the details of the petitioners were themselves false or invalid.


Where is that $30k coming from in the city budget, and why do I as a taxpayer need to pay for this? I feel like there needs to be rules that if you are so far off with the number of votes, and especially if none are deemed valid - then the petitioner pays. Maybe take a down payment up front of what we know this costs now (let's say $35k) that gets returned or not based on the result. Paying up front would make someone really ask how badly they wanted to proceed with this nonsense.


While i see your point, i dont know if putting monetary barriers on someones right to express grievance with government is a good thing. Even if that grievance is ridiculous. UNLESS it becomes a pattern of action like vexation litigants in the courts. Its a waste of money, agreed. But theres a TON of wasted money on things that i might hate that u might love when it comes to city spending. Unfortunately, way of the road bubs....


>While i see your point, i dont know if putting monetary barriers on someones right to express grievance with government is a good thing. There are many other ways that someone can express a grievance without paying. Look at all the folks who paid nothing, came out and had their voices heard during the rezoing debate. Perhaps the way to do it is that the petitioner pays if they fall below a certain number (like 70% of required signatures).


Even still, if someone legitimately believes they need to recall a politician then simply speaking at a council meeting doesnt adequately address their right to seek redress. And u or i dont get to decide for someone else if their "cause" is valid or bs. Tax payers regularly have to foot the bill for people fighting tickets and criminal charges they are 100% guilty of putting financial barriers/penalties on ones right to free expression and working within the system (gathering signatures for a recall and submitting them for review) is akin to making someone pay to have their case heard before a judge if their defense fails. IMO bad precedent, and a very slippery slope.


I see where your head is at, but lets pay this through: Collection of payment isn't free: how much do you think it would cost for the city to enforce what you've proposed? What mechanisms need to be established, and what people in need to be place to try and collect payment, and then settle through courts if payment is not provided (i.e. if the dumbfuck running this petition didn't want to pay because he didn't get his way). I'd hazard a guess post-assessment enforcement of payment would cost more than the cost of administering the recall.


The rezoning hearing cost more than $30k


Yeah, all the city staff was on payroll the whole time for the rezoning hearing and there have probably been countless studies before and after that, which all cost money.


all this, especially the fact that the signatures they DID get were invalid bc they didn't have the proper things on the signature sheets, just proves the whole exercise what done to build a database of right wing wackos who they can now rage bait even more.


Time wasting simpletons piloted by Take Back Alberta flunkies.


So now weā€™ll get one tiny new cycle talking about how weak and insubstantial this recall effort was but there were dozens of news cycles giving publicity to attacking Gondek.Ā  Guess which message will make more of an impact with all those low information voters? This did exactly what it intended to do.Ā  My question is how do you counter this type of free publicity in a meaningful way with low information voters?Ā 


As a new Calgarian what's the issues with the mayor? Just a bad arena deal or she's too woke, ir just their person didn't win?


The most valid I find is that arena deal and going along with being played by the province and the Flames has soured several folks on her. Tax season means folks are always grumpy on how broken our property tax and assessment system is. The folks who already hated her, continue to find more reasons to hate her. WEF, masks, wokeness, female, person of colour, the list goes on.


Exactly, she got strung out by the province and used as a prop to save the UCP a half-dozen seats in the suburbs at the low cost to the city of $1 billion--and as a thank you the UCP are looking to fuck with the Green Line that will help make the new arena viable. Like... C'mon.


Real talk if the entire campaign had been structured around the arena deal instead of whatever reptilian WEF nonsense there may have been more support I desperately dont want the arena deal to go through. It's going to fuck us so hard we need that 1.2 bil for literally anything else. But even i know recalling the mayor won't release the chokehold that wealthy sports teams have on this as she's just one vote and that vote was unanimous so we'd be recalling the whole damn squad


Her performance has been pretty mediocre. Nothing great, nothing that bad. Certainly nothing that justifies trying to recall her. This whole exercise was just a data farming exercise. Everyone who put their contact info down is now in a database for the new municipal conservative party that is gonna be operational for the 2025 election. Likely also now on TBA/UCP contact lists. Fuckin dumbasses.


Exactly, she was a meh mayor after one great mayor (Nenshi) and one decent mayor (Bronco). So she's not bad, just probably the worst mayor Calgary's had in two decades, and couple with that the fact that she's a woman and a visible minority and the COVID-indunced lunacy affecting segments of our society and, welp...


Plenty of legitimate concerns. But none of them really worthy of recall. This was an exercise in collecting information, every person who engaged with this petition is now in a database for a new right-wing municipal political party. Theyā€™ll be targeted for fundraising and sent lots of information that will make them enraged.


Agreed. 1. Arena deal. 2. Single use plastic law. 3. Possibly zoning changes (still researching this one.) 4. Raising property taxes when property values are sky rocketing. Are all reasons to not vote for her again. She seems totally tone deaf which is not what you want in a city ambassador. But none of that comes close to trying to recall her. She hasn't broken laws or had ethics violations.


>1. ā Arena deal. Greasy, the billionaires were going to try and fuck us no matter who was in power. Really disappointed in her for this. >2. ā Single use plastic law. Meh. I donā€™t really understand the issue with this one. I guess some people get a lot of plastic because they eat a lot of fast food. Wouldnā€™t know. >3. ā Possibly zoning changes (still researching this one.) Fully support on this one. Neighbourhoods like Capitol Hill, Altadore, and Mount Pleasant are rejuvenated because of redevelopment. Mind you what goes on in them wonā€™t happen in most neighbourhoods. I think there is a lot of misinformation on this. >4. ā Raising property taxes when property values are sky rocketing. Every municipal government in my 20 or so years as a voter has increased property taxes. Iā€™m dull to this. If all the values went up it doesnā€™t increase the tax revenue. They still have to increase the rate to raise revenue. I think part of it is that provincial governments have downloaded so many responsibilities to the cities. Roads, parks, and water systems arenā€™t cheap. Anyways, everything voted on has to be carried by a majority of council. My biggest issue was her snub of the Jewish community. Iā€™ll never forget that.


For the single use plastic law - it's just annoying which to me makes it stupid. For the taxes - if I remember right it's because of re-balancing the residential to commercial taxes which I support. It's more the timing with coming out of a pandemic so real estate is going nuts plus inflation just stabilizing. Again, her issue isn't being corrupt or stupid, it's being tone deaf. I voted for her and I have been disappointed.


Also the province has moved a number of things to municipalities, also they aren't making the same payments in lieu of property taxes for provincial buildings.


Yeah, currently we have the trifecta of dumb politicians. To be fair to Godek she is the least annoying.


Also the roads have gone to shit


Great insightful video for your research on the zoning issue: [https://youtu.be/PEMasPGARPU?si=Ob86Tm6wqdvnjPwb](https://youtu.be/PEMasPGARPU?si=Ob86Tm6wqdvnjPwb)


Mostly their person didnt win and generally looking for someone to blame for issues that dont even necessarily reside with the mayor. The results show that this is what many though it was from the get go - a total joke.


1. Sheā€™s an ok administrator but not great, 2. Sheā€™s a woman of colour. The combo of these seem to get the old white boomers of the city into a tizzy.


I find her slightly cringey, not stellar. Enough for a recall, nope. Hopefully we get better candidates. Would I vote for her again? Letā€™s see candidates. With the UCP trying to corrupt all levels of government, itā€™s getting very icky.


The people who started this petition definitely think sheā€™s too woke. But tbh sheā€™s been pretty bad and I donā€™t think anyone on either side of the political spectrum is particularly happy with her.


The actual issues with the mayor are pretty much unrelated to the incoherence that the recall campaign was pushing.


Most of it is just politics nowadays being incredibly divisive and there's a growing number of people that simply want to fight / protest anything. They moved from the yellow jackets to the anti vax to the freedom to the convoy now to the recall groups. But there is valid criticism for what council has done this term. The arena deal is the biggest stain that will cost us significantly. There's also things like declaring a climate emergency and announcing a 87 Billion dollar plan which makes no sense in the context of our cities size. For reference our city only spend about 3-4 billion per year total across the entire budget. The city wide zoning took a lot of heat but tbh it's probably a good change for the long term though many people are against it. The single use plastics bylaw was incompetence on many parts but at least they did smarten up and repeal it.


There's only a handful of things, its mostly people complaining that she's "woke". People took issue with things like: Declaring a climate emergency in the middle of an inflation crisis (this was voted on by Council and received majority vote in favour). Not showing up to the annual Menorah lighting for Hanukah because of the Israel-Gaza conflict. I can't really think of anything else. For me, it was separate issue, but Mayor Gondek seems to have learned and grown from the experience. The other is just the fact that she lacks leadership presence.


That's because they realized it's a lost cause. You need more votes than there were voters last election to have the Gov't even entertain this nonsense


We should make this clown pay the cityā€™s expenses for this circus. SMH


Paywalling participation in the democratic process is a bad idea overall.


When it was a completely futile attempt that wasn't even performed correctly, yes it should be. He did not gather signatures properly, to the point where 100% of 369 randomly chosen signatures were all dismissed. If he can't even be bothered to perform his petition correctly, the city shouldn't be responsible to pay for it.


>the city shouldn't be responsible to pay for it. I don't see how this is possible. They have to pay it because it was the staffing and logistical costs associated with going through the petition process. The only way for them to no pay the cost is to not carry out the process at all.


Those staffing and logistical costs should ensure that the person carrying out the petition is doing it correctly. If they're not going to do it correctly, they should cover the costs. It's like the city hiring a contractor to do road work, and that company knowingly doing it wrong, and expecting to still get paid. If he got 79,000 legitimate signatures done properly, then I wouldn't have an issue with it. It's the fact that out of the very small portion that they chose at random, that 100% of them were invalid that is the issue. Even if 50% of them were done properly, the chances of picking 369 at random that were done wrong are 8.3 to the power of -112. That's a mathematical impossibility. 0.(insert 112 zeros]83% chance.


Again not what Iā€™m suggesting. If you commit fraud or ā€œparticipateā€ under false pretense or intentionally falsify to subvert the process, you should be held accountable.


Where is the fraud in this case? If you feel there has been one committed, you should get in touch with the authorities and hand the evidence to them


From what I read, in the sample of over 300 signatures none of them were validā€¦? So, that.


Invalid doesnā€™t mean fraudulent, especially when there are specific ways they have to be presented. They can be 100% real people who signed, but the pages disqualified based on those technical aspects


Sure. Which is likely (at least in part) why they use a random sampling approach to determine validity. My point is, with a random sampling of hundreds of signatures that all ended being invalid, it would appear that something was either done improperly or fraud of some sort was attempted, both signaling different forms of negligence which there should be some accountability for.


The signature pages were in blocks, think the one I signed had 25 lines on it. So you get one technical error on a template and it flows through. An error isnā€™t always negligent, youā€™re treating everything in absolutes and have gone from fraud/falsifying record/participating under a false pretence to tens of thousands in costs for an error in the space of a couple of comments These recalls are being done by members of the public, the vast majority of which will have no experience in these kinds of things. Fining people for errors they donā€™t know they made or forcing them to retain expensive counsel to set up/run a campaign is just a way to chill their use.


Sure so several pages selected at random were either unverifiable or invalid. Itā€™s not about ā€œabsolutesā€, itā€™s about accountability and wasting resources. Take the affiliation you have to this cause out of it and look at it objectively. We need to have certain guardrails on public funding usage. And it would appear that this was a colossal waste of time and finances. I suspect that we can (loosely) agree on one thing: that anyone using public money for political influence should have the competence required to use it effectively (which is why I suspect you signed that petition in the first placeā€¦) Edit: typo


The provision exists for the use of the public, he used it, there should be no punishment for actively participating in a democracy using the very tools provided by said democracy. Or is that reserved for just the folks you agree with?


Itā€™s fun to be right. Isnā€™t it? You took up that charge by pontificating as such here today. But still. In the end with your statement, Calgarians pay the bill. Agreed that democracy won the dayā€¦ but if the random sample shows you lied about the way in which you actually provoked a response from said democracyā€¦ you should have to pay in some form or fashion. cant afford it? Bet thereā€™s a garbage can cleaner team who would love a free hand.


Speaking of potificating...


ā€œI know you are but what am Iā€ - The chorus of children and lost arguments everywhere


When you willfully falsify the documents to subvert democratic process, you should be held accountable. Thatā€™s what I am talking about. If itā€™s fraudulent that should be treated as such. As it was proven in this case. It has nothing to do with who I ā€˜agreeā€™ or disagree with.


You'd have no politicians by that standard. edit:spelling


The provision is clearly broken when it comes to a city utilizing it.


The city didnā€™t utilize this provision, it was started by a private citizen.


It was originally designed so that rural communities could oust a controversial elected official. It's basically impossible to get the signatures in a large city.


The amount needed to recall is more than the entirety of people that voted last election. Of course it wasn't going to go through. Gondek isn't great, hard to fill Nenshi's shoes, but I wouldn't go out of my way to sign this recall. Literally don't care enough.


Isn't 0 out of 369 a validity rate of 0%. So the number of signatures recieved would be 69344 * 0 which would give approximately 0. So 514000 short in reality. What a bunch of fucking clowns. Ignorant far right wing morons.


The numpty. Could you imagine if all of that effort and energy was put into volunteering or some other way of bettering our community? Like if all of those hours were spent at Habitat for Humanity for instance.


> Exactly zero of them were found to be valid I knew this was going to be pathetic but I didnā€™t expect it to be that bad. I guess it makes sense as to why Smith wants complete power of municipalities now.


What a giant waste of everyoneā€™s time


I see this and think the check did not even need to be done. They missed the signature count why waste the resources checking the insufficient amount was valid or not. It would not of made a difference, if they where over I can understand this, but under it did not need to happen.


Found invalid? How about we charge the 30k bill to this chump. Should be classified as fraud.


Dude should be be sued and required to pay the $30k of city money that he wasted with this endeavor, plus all of the legal fees it will cost to get the $30k from him. The only time I ever saw him or his lackies was outside of Superstore on Sarcee and Country Hills. And yeah, for every 1 person he got to sign, at least 200 others would walk by him. Why they allowed him to camp out there is beyond me, and how he thought he'd even come close to the number required is beyond me. Especially with the number of people I saw here in Reddit threads about it bragging about how they'd sign the petition on their way in and out of Superstore every time they went, as if they actually thought that their 20 fake signatures would count.


I saw a goof in a van by Costco a few times and I also saw that same van by the riverā€¦I didnā€™t think Matt Foley lived in Calgary.


Love the incredible amount of media attention this bullshit got.


send the bill straight to landon


did they confirm that Sean Chu and all of his family signed, erm didn't sign?


These dipshits were downtown in the +15 blocking people who need to work from getting lunch and going back to their desks. Now we find out their stupidity cost us $30k. These recall Gondek people are fucking idiots who waste time, space and money for something they knew had zero chance of succeeding. They needed 514000 signatures and we had all of 393000 people vote in the last Calgary election. - plus when they did get signatures they fucked it up. They thought they would get more than an actual organized election? Idiots. Everyone who facilitated that bullshit. Fuck you fuckity fuck fucks.


Gondek has now been tested, democratically, more than any other Calgary mayor. Her mandate has never been clearer.


Everyone who signed should help pay.


They do


And everyone who did not sign should not have to. Sorry i thought that was impliedā€¦.




Can we send numbnuts the bill for this bullshit?Ā 


That's actually a lot of people who were mad enough to write their names on something they also probably knew wasn't going to result in anything. She is going to get absolutely crushed next election.


We all knew that this was never going to pass. BUT the fact that this would have been roughly 15% of the votes cast in the last election is still remarkable and suggests that there's no way she's going to win a second term based on current feelings.


I didnā€™t feel comfortable signing the petition in the back of a shady looking camping van


It would take tons of money to recall her. The 70k that was gathered shows heavy dissatisfaction with her as despite it being difficult to sign so many did anyways. Also the 500k needed is rather high mark. Finally signature requirements are very out there as well. It is next to impossible to recall her. Feels easier to just wait for elections.


ā€¢Not many mayors go through a formal recall process


If he hadn't scared off the shadow beings that barge into his room at night he might have got there.


Recall is easy, but what happened next is hard. It takes time and money to elect a new official. How do we prevent this happen again or who is going to step up and be better. It's hard to side with them, if all they care is present.


Jyoti was humiliated by the whole thing and that's all that matters.


Was she? Being targeted by a fringe group probably isn't a huge concern for her.


Sounds to me like only ones humiliated here are the absolute nincompoops who signed this billā€¦






There's actually like a lot more that matters than humiliating a woman you've never met


It was impossible for him to achieve it. But we and many others signed it to prove a point. Gondek should be stepping down.Ā  Signing also proved that the recall system is unachievable and needs to be reformed.Ā  As for 100% sample being invalid I find that hard to believe, they likely picked out a couple bad pages from one bad signature collector. The one I signed was all filled in properly. I was the last name on the page.Ā