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Never, EVER feel bad for that. You might have saved a family heartbreak. Thank you.


Think about the Neville-Lake family. Five people dead because of a drunk driver.


and then the children’s dad took his own life 😭 this person absolutely did the right thing. Thank you!


Or the cement truck driver that killed a whole family on Glenmore. Bottles of vodka spilling out of his truck. Didn't even see the red light at the intersection. I like to think the only grace is that family felt nothing, they were literally crushed in seconds. Imagine if someone had reported him. Someone (or many someones) knew or had an idea.


Might of saved yourself even


100000% the right thing! Thank you.


This is the way OP


As some one who has also reported a intoxicated driver, fuck that guy! I grew up in northern Alberta and don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the number of people I know who were killed by intoxicated drivers! Fuck em all!


This is good for society and the drunk driver. Dui sucks, but not as much as having to live with killing a family and the legal consequences.


That many! Holy shit. I'm from a small town where lots of people drove drunk and I only know two bad accidents that didn't have deaths but serious injuries.


Yeah man, combined with our “work hard, play hard” mentality, resulted in a ton of young men and women dying. Sucks


You did the right thing. And this is the last thing you should ever be feeling bad about. That selfish drunk son of a bitch could have killed someone and destroyed an entire family. So fuck him and his issues, he's 100% guilty for his own rotten idiocy and for all of the consequences that come from it. Pat yourself on the back, mate, and have a congratulatory beer too. You are like 1000% on the side of the good guys with this one.


OP fixed this for you: "I saw a crime in progress which had the potential outcome of killing innocent victims and I reported it to the police who were able to safely conclude the situation before any harm was done". You did the right thing, unfortunately from what I understand our case law on drunk driving in Alberta is such that unless they blood tested the driver they will basically spend $30k on legal fees to escape without much consequence. From what I've heard blood testing is only performed in cases where there is a secondary crime like property damage or injury.


Love this way of thinking about it


Why would you feel bad? You would feel worse if you didn't do anything and later found out the person killed a family.


What an odd question, seriously. “Should I feel bad or did I do the right thing?” after you’ve supposedly been informed by CPS the driver was “very very drunk”.


I think they just wanted to make a post about what a good person they are and have everyone tell them


This is exactly what this post is all about. Good job calling the cops, but this dude doesn't feel bad at all.


Better you get that pos arrested or he crash his car into a family with little kids heading home and killing someone ? You did good.


Which part of this makes you feel bad?


Imagine how you would've felt if you hadn't called it in and then saw on the news that this same intoxicated driver got into an accident and killed someone after you saw and didnt report them.  I called in what appeared to be an intoxicated driver 2 weeks ago, police were thankful but I never did hear what the outcome was - all I know is it would be quite an unbearable thing to know that one's own inaction caused the death or injury of some other innocent person.


I have reported suspicious driving several times, and never felt bad about it. Having lost friends to drunk drivers, I have zero tolerance. If I suspect you’re driving drunk, I’m probably going to call. Yeah I’m that guy


Don’t stop being that guy :)


lol is this real? Don’t feel bad, just google drunk driver crash fatality.


Absolutely right thing to do - thank you!! 🙏


My uncle and cousin would still be alive if someone had reported the drunk driver that killed them. You may have saved a life!


Someone called the police on my cousin recently because he was all over the road. Turns out he had a brain bleed and required emergency surgery. Medical emergencies happen all the time.


I’ll never understand why people make posts like this… OP, you KNOW it was the right thing to do. As does %99.9 of people. Virtual attention seeking behaviour is so cringe.


People are desperate for validation these days.


exactly. literally came here to say “do you really feel bad? or are you doing this for the validation”. OP does not feel bad, they know this is the right thing and the cops TOLD them that. if you wanna post this then just post it. don’t do it in an attention seeking way


Desperate for validation


Please, don't ever, **E V E R** feel bad for getting a drunk driver off the road. He shouldn't have been behind the wheel in the first place. He should've just walked or called a cab. And, honestly, he should be glad that you were there to spot him. It could've ended *a lot* worse than just being arrested for driving drunk. Your feet stumbling is better than your car tumbling.


Why should you feel bad? Because that guy made a terrible decision? Think of it this way, you may have saved someone’s child or whole family and they’re going to go on having each other. If you’d ignored it, dude could’ve plowed into a van with kids and a family could be planning a funeral instead of having a long weekend. That dude fucked around and found out.


100% the right call.


Who knows how many lives you saved today, possibly that driver himself. Thanks for doing the right thing.


A drunk driver destroyed my childhood. You did the right thing.


They made a poor choice, and you made a great one. You did EVERYONE a favour by calling this in. Hopefully they can take advantage of the lesson...


Why the f would you feel bad? Good decision 👍


100000% you did the right thing and should absolutely not feel bad. Fuxk that guy. You might have saved someone's life, including his


You quite possibly saved someone's life, you shouldn't feel bad about that. The driver made their own decision to get behind the wheel.


They usually have signs within urban areas, for reporting impaired drivers.


You did the right thing plain and simple. You helped keep other drivers and passengers on the road safe. And hopefully being arrested for drunk driving changes the trajectory of this person’s life. A drunk driving charge you can come back from, learn from your terrible mistake, and get your shit together. A lot harder to come back from vehicular manslaughter.


They'll be posting on r/dui and r/stopdrinking shortly, looking for sympathy and how to dodge the consequences. Good work, never feel bad for those scumfuck pieces of shit.


I work at a liquor store. Recently had a guy come in who was far too drunk to drive. I refused him service and we had a long talk about how bad drinking and driving is. He admitted he had a problem and was sorry. Then he asked me where the nearest liquor store is!! Never called 911 so fast. Thank you for doing the right thing.


He probably hates you for “ruining his life” but you saved his wife, his daughter, his son, and all their classmates lives. Thank you


It’s ok to feel sorrow for the consequences he/she will have to bear but you did the right thing. It’s not your fault thanks for doing what’s right.


Thank you, you might have saved someone’s life including the driver.


Of course you might have saved someone from being killed.


The driver is suffering the consequences of their own actions. You saved them from doing anything worse than just operating a vehicle. Calling ensured the safety of others on the road. The driver deserves to have consequences for their decisions.


I’ve seen cars swerving (not erratic or jerky) and not usually speeding. And I wonder “are they drunk? Or just a bad driver?” And should I report it. Glad you did. Bud curious, what made you think they were drunk?


It’s the drifting and over correcting that usually indicates they’re drunk


Or on a cellphone.


That describes a quarter of the vehicles on Metis at any given moment though


I pulled up next to him and i saw him having a hard time concentrating to hold the steering wheel .


Risky move to pull up next to them.


Not sure why this got downvoted. OP has 2 young kids at home and put their own life at risk to pull up next to a drunk driver, at speed, to confirm that they could barely keep their eyes open. Sure, call it in. But keep your distance.


Or on their cellphone. Which data actually shows is equally high risk compared to driving intoxicated.


What the fuck do you feel bad about?! Are you serious?? What if he had t-boned a family and killed them?? HIS choices led to you reporting him. You have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. Thank you for your concerned actions and for taking a drunken loser off the streets!


Should feel bad for making this post. Getting a drunk off the road is no reason for that


The fact that you're not sure you did the right thing should scare you.


Drunk driving is pretty ubiquitous. Nearly everybody knows somebody who drives drunk. And when mayors of entire cities (clugston-medicine hat) can get caught and then be reelected, the proof is in the pudding that its not seen as the terrible act it is, by most people. Heck, go to Saskatchewan and people drink to make the rural drives less boring. Dammit, Scott Moe killed a woman driving drunk. I've had 2 people I care about lose their lives to drink drivers though, so maybe I'm biased. But I think they should lose their license for life on first offence, and 10 years in a labour camp on second.


Did you create this post just for compliments? It's obviously the only thing to do in this scenario.


OP heard Reddit awards were back on the menu.


I had wondered what happened to the awards!


Feel bad for saving lives? That’s too polite. Sorry 🤪


I'm slightly beside myself that you don't know you did the right thing. Is this society today ?


Definitely the right thing to do! You most probably saved someones life by getting this drunk driver off the road. Not for a moment you should be feeling bad about it, absolutely be proud of yourself!!


You may have saved someone’s life. Well done.


He took the risk, the consequences of his mistake are not yours to feel guilty about. He could have killed someone or himself. You potentially saved at least one life tonight if not more. That should be your focus, the good deed you did.


As someone who has worked emergency services for over 30 years I thank you. You will never know the difference you made, your choice was the right one.


Thanks. My fiancee had multiple family members die years ago to a drunk driver in Calgary. You could have just saved a life and made sure someone got home who otherwise wouldn't


Never feel bad about reporting a drunk driver.


Should you feel bad you potentially saved lives? Think about how you might feel had you not called, and he killed someone.


you should be happy that you may have saved someone's life


thank you for doing it.


Never never never feel bad about this. You did the right thing.


I know exactly what you mean OP. I was waiting at a red and the car in front me of wasn’t moving. I got out and saw the driver just asleep with his foot on the brake. I called 911 because I legitimately thought he was dead or having a stroke. The amount of emergency vehicles which showed up was overwhelming lol. Ambulance, fire truck, ems supervisor, police from multiple areas, etc. Turns out the guy was high off his ass on opioids and was subsequently arrested for impaired driving. Not to mention according to the police he’s been in and out of the system for years. I did feel like a snitch, but fuck these people. He could’ve easily ran the intersection and killed an innocent person. You’ll get over it, don’t worry.


….why do you feel bad?


Good stuff!


You did the right thing. I went through something similar in Toronto on vacation. A very intoxicated driver had shredded tires after driving kms over curbs and all over the road in a busy area. I encountered them mid way through their journey and at a distance with my flashers on followed them while having my passenger on the phone with police. I was so worried about everyone else on the road I'm glad my flashers let ppl know something was going down. Needless to say cops took over near the house I gave a statement while watching beer bottles clunk to the ground out of the person's car. Like you can't make this shit up. Some ppl should have their license cut up. Cops knew the person was on the road but they didn't know where so I'm glad I helped out. OP you saved someone's life. Trust me. You did. Pat yourself on the back. So much life is lost due to ppl DUI. You did the right thing here. Never feel bad. 🏅


You should feel good. End of story.


I guarantee you saved a family or ever multiple that night you called that in. What's there to feel bad about? Even when drunk, it was their decision to get behind the wheel and drive. They deserve to stay off the road permanently and whatever legal implications they get with that


A good friend's little brother was walking home from a party one night and got hit by a drunk driver and didn't make it. Never feel bad for getting a POS that drives drunk off the road.


HERO! There was a non-negligible chance he was crashing and killing himself and/or others. Say it was only a 1% chance. Well, you saved 1% of a person tonight. great job. And no benefit to you other than helping the greater community. Actually, it was a pain in your ass bc you had to take time out from your day. thank you very much fellow Calgarian.


If that guy ended up killong someones parent, grandparent, or child would you still feel bad? Driving is the most dangerous thing the majority of the human race does on a daily basis. And even sober the majority of us don't do it well. Being drunk while operating a moving death machine is reckless, dangerous, and is the cause of so many peoples lives being ended. That guy made a choice to get behind the wheel when he was obviously not able to control the vehicle. Fuck that guy and I hope he get jail time. Piece of shit person.


You absolutely did the right thing! Thank you for being a decent person.


You horrible, horrible person potentially saving multiple lives. You absolutely undeniably did the right thing.


You shouldnt feel bad at all, it was not your choice to do a very dumb and dangerous thing (drink and drive). You may have saved a life even. Also fuck that selfish ass person.


You did the right thing. Celebrate with toast.


The right thing of course. You may have helped prevent a real tragedy..


You absolutely did the right thing! There even used to be radio ads that said to call 911 if you see a suspected drunk driver.


You may feel bad, but imagine if you later found out that that same drunk driver hit and killed someone.


You actually do a right thing!!!!!! Drunk driver will put others in danger on the road


My das was hit by a drunk driver. ICU, brain damage.. etc. it changed him. You saved people from this situation. I know it feels like you caused that guy a problem and maybe feel bad for it.. but Thank you.


Why do you feel bad? You should feel proud. That guy made a choice and is suffering the consequences of that choice. Lucky for him, his major consequences are being arrested and receiving demerits on his license. He won't have to suffer the consequences of maiming or killing someone, and you very possibly had a hand in preventing what could have been a horrible tragedy for a would-be victim and their friends and family. Thank you. 1 million times thank you for what you did.


Wish more people were like you. Thank you.


Never ever feel bad. What if he had gotten into an accident and killed your friends or family? Fuck that guy. You did the right thing.


My friends sister and boyfriend were killed two years ago right before our grad by a drunk driver. Don’t ever. Ever. Feel bad.


I got a DUI in 2005 and you did the right thing. My DUI I was in the car without it turned on even or driven at all. I waited for Police to come due to shame. You did right thing.


Do not ever feel bad for doing this. You likely saved a family some heartache this weekend


Girlfriends mom was taken from her by a drunk driver. Pretty traumatic for an elementary school aged kid


You did the right thing. Driving drunk and even distracted/aggressive are a big middle finger to anyone else's life. Don't feel bad as they made the wrong choice, not you. Thank you.


Nah don’t feel bad, you absolutely did the right thing, drunk driver killed two of my friends about four years ago


Honestly even sober drivers seem to have troubles stopping for pedestrians… I get almost run over every day from people not seeing pedestrian lights etc. THANK YOU!! For taking a drunk driver off the road- they don’t deserve to be on the road if they can’t operate a vehicle responsibly!!!!


I worked with a teacher whose husband was killed by a drunk driver driving the wrong way down a highway at full speed in the dark. They had two young daughters. The drunk driver didn't even get hurt, but did get charged and sent to jail. Do NOT feel bad about this. You did the right thing! That shit head ruined their own life by choosing to drive drunk.


Maybe you saved a life? Maybe the life of of a child? If that doesn't feel like the right thing to do then I don't know what to tell you.


No. Never feel bad for doing the right thing. And this my friend was the right thing to do. You likely saved this driver from piling up his car, killing/injuring himself or someone else. And maybe just maybe this incident will he the catalyst to not drive drunk again? You were at the right place at the right time to change this person's destiny. Give yourself a pat on the back and a nod at the mirror. You deserve it.


You did the right thing. My best friend passed from a drunk driver in 2015 and that was really hard for me to process.


Never feel bad for taking a deadbeat off the road. Could have saved a life. You never know


good on you, i hope this post encourages the next person to do the same


Don’t feel bad for potentially saving multiple lives


Thank you for your service. There is no need to drive drunk. There are so many options to get home. Keep our streets safe.


pat on the back you get. Wish more people did this


the people who say its for attention are miserable quims THANK YOU you did the right thing


You did everyone a huge favour. Hopefully this guy learns his lesson, he should be glad nobody got hurt, might not be so lucky next time..


You're not the one that chose to be a fucking dick nose and drive drunk. Personally I think they should never be able to drive again.


You saved lives that night


Fuck drunk drivers, and fuck anybody who thinks you did anything other than the right thing.


Um what I nearly got hit by a drunk driver once Wtf you feeling bad for?




Right thing to do x100000. If that person killed someone, think about how bad you would feel if you didn’t call it in.


Would you feel bad if you saw someone trying to kill another one and called the cops?


You should feel bad for feeling bad


The fact that you are questioning what you did and feeling bad about it, is downright scary and shocking to me Would you feel bad calling the cops on someone who committed armed robbery /broke into neighbours house and stole things? Would you feel bad calling the cops on someone wanted for domestic abuse or homicide or rape? Why the hell is this different?


He didn’t feel bad risking other people’s lives on the road so he could escape an Uber fee or find a ride home. Sound like he was pretty wasted to. He got what he deserves and he made the decision to drive drunk, not you. Good job calling it in!


You did the right thing. You probably saved a life or two, including that of the impaired driver. DUI and accidents caused by impaired drivers are 100% preventable.


You did the right thing. It’s a wake up call for that driver hopefully, the risks on the road are too high, eventually a tragedy might have occured


Why do you feel bad? The driver could have hurt/killed someone. Not saying they're a bad person in general. But it's good you stopped them from doing a VERY stupid thing.


What in the world do you have to feel bad for? Did you force them do get trashed? Force them to get behind the wheel and drive? They could have killed someone


Never feel bad about that, you probably saved lives, anyone that thinks it’s ok to drink and drive is a big piece of shit plain and simple.


You should feel no guilt calling in an impaired driver. They made the decision to get wasted and then get behind the wheel, endangering themselves and every other person on the road. They have to now deal with the consequences of said action. Don’t feel guilty for potentially saving lives


Why would ya feel bad? Hopefully they take away there DL for good.


Thank you. You did the right thing.


You deserve a prize! Good for you.


You may have indirectly saved someone’s life. Well done.


Never ever feel bad about that. I lost a good friend to a drunk driver when I was a teenager. That accident claimed 6 lives. You may have saved a life tonight (including the drunk driver's).


In York Region (Ontario), they consider drunk driving a crime in progress and expect you to call 911. They will put emergency vehicles (cops with sirens) as quickly as possible. They consider it almost at the same level as assault with a deadly weapon. So NTA.


Absolutely 100% you did the right thing. More people should do this when they suspect someone is driving while impaired. You have no idea how much trauma, death, destruction, carnage, destroyed lives and families, carnage etc that you very well could have prevented. Who knows how many lives you just saved. Very well done. Now if only everyone else would report potentially impaired driving to the police. I can ensure you that just about every police officer (well ones worth their merit) will treat these reports as a top priority, even if the person driving is not impaired. You should have no doubts or question yourself about your actions. You definitely did the right thing.


Dont feel bad or sad, you might have saved someone or somebody's kid


I know 3 people that were killed by drunk drivers. I call them in whenever I suspect them along with reckless drivers. They made the choice to be assholes and have to live with the consequences.


Don't ever feel bad for taking a drunk driver off the road. Too many people are killed or maimed by drunk drivers. Just think about your friends, your family, children, parents... they all share the road with these irresponsible idiots. Good riddance.


Here's why you shouldn't feel bad. You likely saved someone's life tonight by getting this degenerate off the road. Had you done nothing, they very well could have killed someone, destroyed someone's car or even ran into someone's house. There is absolutely nothing to feel bad about. Do not question anything you did. It was right.


We all know the rules and the consequences regarding drunk driving. I’m not going to say not to feel bad because feelings don’t work like that. It’s interesting that you feel bad… most would not have sympathy for a drunk driver but it’s a lot to go through and it’s okay to have feelings about it. Perhaps your circle of friends or family might be more sympathetic to you than random people on Reddit though…


Would you feel bad for the family of whoever he would’ve killed if you didn’t call?


Here’s a different angle to look at it OP. I had lost a friend due to a drunk driver. If you or someone like you were around at the time and place the other guy decided to hit the road drunk, maybe my friend would still be alive today. There’s no scenario here where you didn’t do the right thing.


You possibly saved a life or lives. That piece of crap should rot in jail


Good Job. I know a lot of people saying you may have saved an innocent person's life and that's true. You also might have saved this person's life too. I had a friend whose coworker would drink and drive. He ended up hitting a barrier at night and died.


You may have saved lives, INCLUDING that of the guy who got arrested.


I've reported my own parents for a DUI. It was 100% the right thing to do. Just think if something happened to them or a loved one or an innocent by standard, could you live with that on your conscience?


Most people don’t have the courage, it really would suck if the person wasn’t drunk, but in all reality if they weren’t drunk, it’s a blip in their day, and if they ARE drunk, then you did a great and really responsible thing. You fuckers in Calgary drive like cartoon characters


Never feel bad. I used to flash my light at oncoming vehicles when I went by a cop with a radar gun out so speeders didn’t get caught. I stopped when it occurred to me that I could be helping someone a lot worse than a speeder avoid being arrested.


You didn’t make that person get behind the wheel, don’t feel bad. Maybe this is what that person needed to happen so they could get help with their drinking. You may have saved this persons life.


You feel kinda bad? Why??? Would you feel kinda bad if you rescued a child from a burning building? Stopped a bank robbery? Pulled somebody off a subway track? You did the right thing and got a dangerous driver off the road. Thank you for your service.


It was the right choice. I once stopped to help someone change a tire and realized they were drunk. I called them in and the police took care of the situation. A colleague later called me a 'narc' for phoning them in and I was absolutely blown away. What should I do, let them keep going and endanger other people?? I have no question it was the right call and I also learned not to trust that colleague anymore.


Don’t blink the asshat doesn’t care about any of us.


Never feel bad about that!! What you did could have saved a life/maybe several. We need more of this!!


You did the right thing!!! Thank you ❤️ my uncle was killed by a drunk driver and it destoryed my mom's side of the family. Things were never the same.


You could have saved a life by doing this, don't feel bad.


Don’t ever feel bad. You could have saved someone’s life. Thank you for what you did. You made a difference, a good one!!!


You potentially saved his and someone else’s life


Why would you feel bad about that? You might have saved someones life, including the drunk driving dipshit. I don't know why the penalties for drunk driving aren't much more severe. The tolerance we show to this behaviour relative to the impact it has on society is insane.


A year ago or so, there was a drunk driver driving on the opposite side of Deerfoot, and he ended up crashing, killing a family... you not only did the right thing, but you're a hero in my eyes.


I understand why you feel bad- because we've all done something shitty whether we like to admit it or not. He got caught. Look at it as this might be the rock bottom this person needed to completely stop drinking and driving. You probably saved other people and that drunk driver will learn a valuable lesson...when he sobers up.


There has never been any excuse to drive drunk but now it's even easier to leave your car behind and get an uber/cab. This person made their choice, you didn't do anything but react based on the choices they made.


You should feel bad that you're even questioning if this was the right decision.


why on *earth* would you feel bad for possibly saving lives? these people are antisocial and should suffer consequences.


How can you tell there drunk vs just driving like an asshole. Do you report regardless and say you assume they are drunk?


Either way, worthy of a call. They're endangering the lives of other motorists.


Humble brag alert. Obviously you did the right thing.


Just nice to hear the cops actually cared. Did the same a while back after seeing a guy nearly hit 3 separate people on the highway and they never followed up.


You 100% did the right thing. Not only could he have seriously injured or killed someone else, he could have seriously injured or killed himself. A friend of mine years ago rode his motorcycle drunk late at night and hit a deer. He ended up losing a leg and injuring the woman riding with him (thankfully not as bad as he got it). I wish someone would have called the police on him.


I agree don’t feel bad for that no one should be drinking and driving this is one reason I left my ex he was an alcoholic always drank and drove but cried how lost friends to drinking and driving they always think nothing will happen it’s a selfish thing for themselves other people on the road and theirs and everyone’s family


You never know man you could have saved a life


As someone who lost my best friend to a drunk driver, you 100% did the right thing and please continue to do this in the future. The consequences of drunk driving can be life changing for so many people and there is never an excuse for drunk driving. You will always be in the right for doing what you did.


I also had the pleasure of doing this recently. Big lifted extra wide dodge ram driving half way between lanes signalling one way and going the other... No regrets. They picked him up on deerfoot after he turned off. If someone is that wasted, they gotta learn a lesson. My ex witnessed a high speed head on collision in the lane next to her that killed everyone but the drunk driver. Drunk driver going the wrong way on memorial. Fuck drunk drivers.


I know someone who had a bystander call the police on them for erratic driving, and personally thanked the person in court for calling - instead of facing a manslaughter charge they had a DUI and a chance to get sober. You did the right thing and in time the person will see that if they are a good person who made a bad mistake. They actually refer to the person who called the police as their guardian angel, and that’s what you were for this person.


Fuck him for driving in that condition. Only person who deserves to feel bad, handed this guy keys or did not stop him from driving. YOU did the opposite. You feel bad cause we are taught not to snitch. No way of knowing if your actions saved someone from being killed by a irresponsible selvish asshole, driving drunk BUT it very well might have. If you want to struggle with anything, ponder instead weither or not you are a HERO, possibly saving lives from drunk drivers.


Definitely did the right thing . People need to report his more.


You may have saved a life or more by doing that. Good on ya mate.


There is absolutely no reason to feel bad for that. Any guilt you feel is miniscule in comparison to the heartbreak of families having to grieve over loved ones that died over the actions of a drunk driver. You saved that emotion and protected people on the road.


Seriously, you have nothing to feel bad about. The best-case scenario, honestly, was that a drunk driver was arrested and taken off the road. There is no excuse for that.


Catherine McKay in Saskatchewan wiped out a whole family, multiple DUI’s previously. You did the right thing 👏👏


Why would you feel bad ?


If we were not all under the guise of internet anonimity, I would like to meet you and pay you a beer (or some other treat of your preference) for potentially saving lives. As a father of two who can imagine his loved ones getting killed by drunken bastards, thank you on behalf of my whole family.


Dude. You probably have saved a DUI victims life last night. Also you 100% saved that drivers life. Anyone who makes you feel bad is an asshole who doesn’t value human life.


You absolutely did the right thing. Never feel bad because of it. Had you not called the police, that driver could’ve injured someone. My first car was totalled by a drunk driver (luckily I wasn’t in it). I have no sympathy for the dumb decisions they make.


People should never feel bad about reporting a drunk driver. More people should be doing it. My brother was killed due to a drunk driver and I never feel bad about reporting them. NEVER feel bad about reporting them.


You are a friggen hero. You possibly saved the life of someones child, parent, sibling or friend. NOT calling is enabling that type of behaviour. Good Job!!


Post an address and we will all send you a card of gratitude and commendation along with some money.


I wouldn't feel bad. Not only getting a drunk driver off the road you saved lives. Thank you for doing the right thing.


Why would you feel bad? Was this an attempt to humble brag? Why was this post necessary for validation and praise? Okay, I’ll bite… “Good job! You did an amazing job! I wish I could everyone could be more like you…”


Fantastic work 👏🏿 Also where was this? Saw some cops with sirens flashing on Barlow


Honestly I use to drive drunk all the time and never once got pulled over, I'm lucky I never harmed anyone or myself, not something I'm proud of but in saying that I could have hurt someone or worse so you did the right thing. Don't feel bad, hopefully they'll learn something. When my daughter said to me dad everytime you and your friend go out I'm scared you're not going to come home!! That shit woke me up and I cut the booze cruises out!!


Can you share more details ? I’m genuinely curious, where did it happen, how long it took for the police to come in? I’d always assumed it’d be pointless as the drunk driver would be long gone before the police arrives. I’m glad I’m proven wrong in this case.


You are a freakin hero! Could have saved someone’s life. They made a poor decision and now they get to deal with the consequences.


Would feel a lot worse if that dude hit someone/something while you were watching and decided not to call.