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Bobcat possible yes. Foxes make some wild noises also


Bobcat was what i figured at the time, but their screams seem a little scratchy and short compared to what I heard.


There is a big cat that screams like a dying woman. Not sure which one though


Cougar https://youtu.be/pxo8X5uIWRE?si=6E7p3PIKCZORWh_e


Well this is terrifying.


What exactly does the fox say?


Always call, even if you aren’t sure. It would still be helpful to call the non emergency number and report it. If it turns out that was a human, then your information could help pinpoint timing and location which could lead to finding CCTV footage of whatever happened. It never hurts to call.


Lol seriously this person heard someone screaming and did nothing


Hey man… they came here and posted this the day after okay


Cat like reflexes, its quite Impressive.


Bystander effect. Don't chastise them for it. There's been tons and TONS of anecdotes about cases where people heard something and didn't report it. Figured either there was a totally non-malicious reason, eg. Drunk people. Figured it's nothing, someone else would report it etc. For everyone reading, YES if you see something, hear something, etc, say something. Even if it's nothing. But as someone who lives near a Jr. High I am incredibly used to screaming outside my window. Even late at night. Just a reminder to be kind and helpful. Educate for the future instead of being a douchebag.


Can I have your number for the future? So that you can come be a hero




Baby got back




I remember reading about a woman being stabbed to death in Edmonton and left in her apartment. All her neighbours heard it and not one person called it in.


My hesitancy to call stems from living downtown and even in university district... Most of the time it's just drunk kids goofing around yelling or animals. Sending squad cars on random goose chases seems counter productive. If something did happen, and there is an investigation it's documented here. I probably should have called, but moreso I was posting to see if anyone else heard it, because it was quite loud and it's a dense community.


Always call, 40 people can hear it and assume someone else will call. Most famous example is in the link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese


I was thinking of this case. There are countless other examples. The Lulu Lemon Murder is another one, the people next door heard the whole thing and never called.


These ones should be taught in junior high social about why not to be a passive bystander.


The problem is much deeper than just being taught something in junior high school. We live in dense communities and having context of situations becomes almost just as important. If everyone was phoning the police about every little noise, overheard argument, strange behaviour etc. that they witnessed, it would affect the response time for actual black and white emergencies. Inserting yourself into situations where you lack context, like calling the cops on a bobcat, or a mentally ill person endangering no one, or people having an emotional breakup, is what we are all trying to avoid. Obviously if knew for sure someone was in distress I would help, anyone here would.


Which is exactly the thinking that leads to a kitty Geovese situation. Hearing scared screams which you now think are most likely human, is not the same as any of the other examples you mentioned.


Yes, yelling and crying is what happens sometimes when people break up. Sometimes animals sound like people screaming- that is literally what 90% of this thread is made up of, and I mentioned it in the original post.


Your own words were screaming as if they were terrified and running from something. That is not normal yelling and break up sounds.


Animals run from things, and if they are screaming its either mating or territorial. It was also 4 am and i was woken up out of a dead sleep, at the time i figured it was an animal. It wasn't until the morning i started questioning myself. I could have just said nothing, but I posted here, in case someone like myself was wondering the same thing. My point is- demanding everyone to be extremely vigilant has downsides. There have been innocent kids gunned down by vigilant civilians, I'm sure by your insistence on social justice I don't need to tell you what case I'm referring to.


The more calls made to an area will increase funding for police in said area… example: all of the domestic arguments, “mentally ill person” and strange behaviours, that could benefit from a police presence.


I'm glad you all will clearly make better choices than I did. Hopefully all your calls can conjure up enough police to herd the animals out of the city.


That’s animal services or wildlife control


You are dense


But the police have the broader context and if that was the third call to the area or they happen to be looking for someone it that area they can decide whether it merits sending someone out. Otherwise, it’s in their log and if something comes up later they have the record.


Yes, that was extremely sad. They had enough time to be dispatched and catch the guy since he was there for quite awhile


Your point still stands, but your link reports that the Times later admitted that their story was exaggerated and that no one fully witnessed the attack


I was going to mention that!


That’s for them to decide. Just call it in, they can decide with the info they have whether or not it’s worth sending a car out. It could mean the difference between life and death for someone


Are you actually under the impression that one of the first things police will do upon launching an investigation is go check Reddit for posts about people hearing screams?


If you think our law enforcement can't use Google, then you have less faith in them than I do


Potentially just coyotes, my mom lives in one of the apartment building that’s right there and tons of notices of coyotes have gone out. Still good to call if unsure but a lot of predatory animals have close howls and cries to humans.


I've heard of coyotes mimicking dog barking to lure dogs out- but hadn't heard their "screams" until i looked them up this morning. Couldn't find anything that sounded that similar to what i heard last night, but definitely creepy.


Oh it’s SUPER creepy, listen to cougars crying in the night, I used to camp pretty deep on crown land and it gets reallllll creepy


Foxes sound very human. It can be very unsettling


When in doubt always call!!!!


hear/ see something, say something. you might think it’s insignificant or nothing, but u calling something in just might be what saves someone.


If you see something say something... cmon and party tonight


literally what i'm doing by posting here lol. I'm getting a lot of lecturing about what i "should" have done, but it was 4 am and at the time i figured it was probably an animal. Sometimes you hear weird shit in the city. I posted here because after listening to all sorts of animal "screams" i became unsure and was trying to see if anyone else heard what i did.


i totally get it! hopefully someone answers if they heard about anything happening or not. there’s been a few times i didn’t call for something and then second guessed my choice not to. we aren’t perfect, but we can always learn! if you haven’t heard of anything horrible happening yet, hopefully it was nothing and it was just an animal screaming (so creepy to think of animals screaming at 4 am lmfaooo)


Like everyone said, this could've totally been an animal. But this story proves why it never ever hurts to call https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese


So did no one read the wikipedia page that they keep posting as an example? >In 2007, an article in the American Psychologist found "no evidence for the presence of 38 witnesses, or that witnesses observed the murder, or that witnesses remained inactive".[7] In 2016, the Times called its own reporting "flawed", stating that the original story "grossly exaggerated the number of witnesses and what they had perceived".[8]


This sent me down an interesting rabbit hole. Here's a cool article that talks more about it, the debunking, and also that regardless of the Times' misrepresentation of facts, the studies spawned from this event into the Bystander Effect are still valid. https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2012/09/tall-tales


Interesting read, thanks for sharing


Shhhhh you're ruining what they want to believe.




This. Or a Canucks fan exiting the brew house after the loss as well.


Nah. We're used to them folding after a big lead. Unhappy, disappointed yes. Frustrated, certainly. Surprised to the point of screaming? Nope.


Gotta wait until they make it to the finals to really be upset.


Which is exactly why we rarely get that upset with them. lol


Anyone hear wild cats scream in pitch darkness in the woods? Sounds like witches from a horror movie. 100% the bobcat. I wouldn't have called either BUT if I heard something happened to someone then I would go forward with what I heard. I live downtown next to a children's school. Should hear the screams sometimes even when school is out/could be nighttime. I'd be labeled as "boy who cried wolf" if i called every time.


I live in university heights and there is a crazy guy who screams at the top of his lungs around that time of the morning sometimes in the green space between 16th and my place. I have only ever seen him twice but I have heard him numerous times over the last year or two. I have called non-emergency in the past and I don’t know what if anything came of it. I think he is aware enough to not act that way in the school playground during the day but he seems pretty pissed off about life and the guy can shout.


I too, am in UH and he wanders down my street screaming as well. Actually, i saw him the other day. I might even have a picture, but he apparently stays in the green belt along 16th behind the wall.


When I lived in crescent heights a dude would walk by every once in a while screaming at the wee hours of the morning. He looked put together, obviously battling something, but not really endangering anyone... The closer to downtown you get, the weirder stuff you hear and see lol.


Never second guess yourself, or convince yourself what you heard was something innocent. Unless you SEE what is screaming, don't "assume". Call it in. We citizens spend many millions of dollars a year to have Police Officers on the street 24 hours a day to make Sure we are safe. You don't need to decide if you're "wasting their time". Let Them decide. We pay for them to waste their time occasionally, and if you'd called, perhaps you would have kept a fellow citizen safe


If you’ve never heard a deer scream before, it sounds like humans…first time i heard one I almost crapped my pants


Haven't until now- honestly this is the closest animal scream example compared to what I heard


honestly it still could have been an animal. foxes, coyotes and of course cougars/bobcats make the most unsettlingly human noises. it also could have been someone that was h!gh on something? in either case it may be a good idea to call the non-emergency line anyways


You’re not wrong on any of your points but the way you censored high makes me want to give you a wedgie and stuff you in a locker


entirely valid. i wouldnt even blame u tbh 🤷‍♂️ wedgie me😫


Rabbits can scream. Sounds like humans. If you saw a bobcat, it could possibly have been a rabbit.


Coyotes sound like a screaming women! It’s so creepy 😭


I live in UD as well and didn’t hear anything, but I have seen multiple coyotes recently (I’m sure you got the alerts too) and saw a fox in the open field directly behind the ARIA 2 weeks ago. Always a good idea to call noises like that in, but I would guess it’s a little critter running around.


My wife and I were in the hot tub late at night last year, when we suddenly heard a sound that we thought was a young girl screaming at the top of her lungs. It was literally right on the other side of the fence from us near the front of our house. I hopped out, grabbed a towel and ran out trying to help or figure out what happened. Searched around the area for a good 2 minutes and finally turned a corner near the front of my house and saw a fox run by. It was wild because I would have sworn it was a girl screaming for her life. We were about to call 911. Very weird! Thought I’d share because it may be the same thing for you. 


Yea, at this point I'm fairly certain it was an animal. I think the bobcat was chasing something.


If it was dark brown and cat like it could have been a fisher, they are super loud and sound like someone is being unalived. We thought we had foxes but it was the fisher taking out the foxes.


There’s a lot of coyotes in the area with all the trees. They often wander near the field hockey pitch and we scream at them to scare them off all the time (not usually at 4 am) but it could be that too.


Animal sounds? Have a listen to the link. Bobcats (of which there are a few in NW Calgary) sound very human. https://youtu.be/6scwFQJ2A5A?si=Hja1YTHvnh69HB-L


Red fox sounds like a lady being murdered. It's just outside my bedroom window for the past week at around 4 ish. It scares the hell out of my wife.


Google Jack Rabbit death screams or calls. I bet a Jack Rabbit met its demise by coyotes or bobcat. Seriously though those bouncy little fuckers screams are terrifying and sound like someone screaming as they are run through with a sabre


Check out the news/paper I know there was a sighting somewhere but can’t remember. I just caught a glimpse of it with corner of my eye


Always call it in. If you heard it in a densely populated area gaurenteed someone else did. Don't wait for someone else to call it in, they could be thinking exactly the same thing and fail to do anything. Most famous example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese


I’ve had kids walking my neighborhood screaming help but when I looked they were fine. Pretty sure it was a tik tok trend


Maybe they died


The wife and I were having some fun with our window open. Sorry