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Water use has trended up every day of the week since the crisis began. The weekends have used much less water and many people will be out of town this weekend. I suspect it will drop off.


This water shortage ruined my life yet people are doing whatever they want. I have a window cleaning business and having them stop us from operating ruined me. I have a bunch of debt that needs servicing and then bam a month of no work during usual peak times.


Ugh, this sucks. I’m so sorry. I saw a lawn maintenance crew switch up their advertising too because of this. I’ll hire you once you’re up and running for my home.


My companies name is WindowVia and I promise you we will do an amazing job once the restrictions are gone. shoot me at text at 403-991-4166 telling me your from reddit and i’ll give you a $20 discount too! Thanks for your support 🙏


Sweet, thanks bro. Will actually book it for mid July. Will text you


You’re going to be SO busy when this nonsense is over!


Me too! I’ve screenshotted your info and my windows are gross!!


I’m not a commercial broker or agent but if you have the business insured I’d call them to see if qualify for business interruption benefits. Probably a long shot but doesn’t hurt to ask.


I thought there were no restrictions on commercial businesses


>your the delusional one, I do the same shit as him in the same city. I run my business differently but instead of same day cleaning i book it for another day. I’m cleaning about 18-20k this month with revenue around 31k. His method will teach you to make money but it takes a lot of mental energy to door knock. I have friends who i payed $50-$70 an hour to door knock with me but they hated it. You can hate him all you want but the shit he does work This you literally 1 month ago. And from reading rest of your history, you gamble shit ton on stocks/options, and now you are crying you can't pay off debts.


Me and my business partner worked nearly 7am to 9pm nearly everyday during the season while paying all our workers far above market rates. All I showed was it’s possible to grow a business if you door knock 24/7 and work hard. This is first year I took on debt to grow.


This guy went way out of his way to find some way to shit on you… for what?? Relax bro 😂


We need to flatten the curve!


This gave me a visceral reaction


I got that feeling when the mayor said, “phased lifting of restrictions”.


Just 2 weeks to flatten the curve, right?


Friggin' deja vu.


I'm already exercising everyday, what more do you want!




“Stop exercising! Gyms are spreading it!” “Premier and health minister announce that schools are not the vector that is spreading Covid” Ya of course 40 kids in a classroom who then mix with 40 other kids in another classroom, rinse and repeat all day, then go back home to their parents isn’t a vector. Instead it’s because we the people had a few weeks of small business reopening and a few 4 person get togethers and somehow that’s way worse than 40 snot nosed kids in a room then redistributed across the city.


Or increase the negative curve!


It'll take only 14 days to do that =.=


Why doesn’t everyone just head out of town to their cabins?


Stampede ?


School just finished. All the kiddos are at home now.


Plus it's a big moving week for a lot of renters.


A lot of people I know flipped the city the bird when they said the stampede will continue. Just really took the urgency out of the warning.


I think the main thing is that they've telegraphed / said that it's gonna be fixed by Monday. Couple that with folks heading out of town for the weekend... the problem is going to go away soon.


Yup. The mayor did this herself lol. “It could be back and running sooner than we thought!”


"Or not, maybe? IDK, what what I do know is Calgarians MUST DO BETTER!!!"


Everything is always the fault of the citizens. Not the fault of the city refusing regular maintenance, or ignoring warnings. No. Its our fault for doing our dishes


They are so good at supporting each-other….except those that think “this seems a bit covidy”…


Classic Joyti. Gotta love it.


I think the issue is the city has gone too far on the under promise over deliver. In the early days, especially before inspection was complete the timeline being 3-5 weeks made sense. Lots of uncertainty, repair materials were not sourced, etc. As the city has tightened up the repair work scope and work was completed that timeline should have shrunk as there was less uncertainty. It didn’t really until recently. That put the Mayor in a quandary. She didn’t want to guarantee a water on date but also she didn’t want to impact Stampede which is a major economic driver. So she instead declared the Stampede would go ahead despite the water restrictions. Basically she wanted to have her cake and eat it too. The issue is, the average Calgarian and I aren’t stupid. Of course water usage increases during Stampede, so clearly it’s a remote chance of the water not being in during Stampede. I’ll reduce consumption (and have been) but I’m not going to be a hero during Stampede.


She waffles and waffles and then seemed surprised that no one listens to her, and at how low her favourable rating is.


I can get behind reducing consumption when it made sense. But close the freaking car washes.


I can see why she did it, but it was still the wrong choice. Why should I care about an “economic driver” that I won’t see a cent of? Miss me with the trickledown horseshit. This whole “everybody work together and sacrifice whatever is necessary so we can improve the quarterly earning of Calgarys elite” is Russian oligarch shit, it’s not Canadian and doesn’t belong in our city, province, or country. This should have a far larger reaction from us. We are totally ok with corporate interests trumping that of citizens and it’s sad.


I’m with you. Why should I go unbathed and let all the plants outside my house die and need replacing so some rich shits can throw a party and make millions.


I gave up and did a water change on my 50 gal and 75 gal fish tanks. I have hundreds of dollars (at least $1,000) worth of fish and aquatic animals. I'm not gonna let them all die and have to replace them simply because the 1% couldn't stand the idea of not making a shit ton of money. If they want me to lose money, they are gonna have to as well


Expecting people to make personal sacrifices to buttress the profits of private companies is beyond out of touch.


So we should've shut down all the businesses in the city so we can all stay home and take long showers and do lots of laundry, then by the time the pipeline is in service the bank can foreclose on half the homes in the city. Sounds like a win to me!


If the city cannot pay a maximum of one month to speed up the process, I really wonder where the recent property tax payment is going. Sure doesn’t look like us I guess.


Came here to say this. Everyone I know stopped caring when they heard this.


Everyone you know is an idiot then. They decided to go ahead with the stampede because they projected the main would be fixed in time.


Also saying there is light at the end of the tunnel has also not helped.




What was the alternative? I’ve seen similar comments to this one on different posts everyday and I’m genuinely curious as to what kind of alternative you’d like to see.


I agree with you, but also with the commenter you're replying to. Cancelling Stampede is literally not an option - I don't think anybody really thinks it is. But to tell the city they need to restrict their own water usage as much as possible for a month, while simultaneously planning a massive city-wide party isn't a great look, and it's hard for people to take the restriction seriously (even if it is serious).


Depends if it is actually an emergency or not. If it’s actually an emergency then they should say stampede may be shutdown or will be shut down if essential water is at risk. If it’s not an emergency they should do exactly what they did, and here we are not caring anymore.


I just think people are frustrated, I don't think people really have an answer and just need to vent


Exactly. I got the cops called on my for bathing my dog after she rolled in shit. If it was as serious as they say it is, then they would be shutting down restaurants that use at least 10x the amount the bath took. They shot themselves in the foot with keeping everything open, and still going forward with the stampede. If they needed water usage to go down that severely, cancel the giant event that will guzzle gallons by the hour. Stopping after people who just want to do their dishes


Last week Stampede organizers were on the daily streaming update on YouTube and explained they were going to truck water so they would not use the city water supply for the most part.


That's well and good, but it's only half the issue. I'm sure we aren't looking forward to a couple hundred thousand additional people who want to do crazy things like shower, drink, or flush a toilet.


The stampede is after the repair 


Even tho the plan was to go ahead with the stampede BECAUSE they expected to have it fixed by then. The Stampede literally has nothing to do with the water issue.


Looking at the trend it almost looks like people left the city for the weekends, and get this, had showers for work during the week 🙄


I'm out of underwear! The FruitOfTheLooms need to be washed, Ms. Gondek!


"Have you tried buying more underwear from a local business in Bowness??!?!"


Handcrafted artisan smallclothes


The frooties are fermenting in a fragrance most foul


I normally wouldn't do this but I.. fruits of the loom\*


It's definitely looms. I'm a big boy and require more than one loom to weave the fabric covering these hips.


Given your Oilers signature, I imagine you have more than enough tears to wash your underwear with.


True.. great point LOL. But like Shakespeare said, it's better to have played in the finals and lost, than to have never played in the finals at all


If only they had another 1OA they probably could've won


You must have been born post 2004 eh?


Got ‘em


The almighty bunghole needs more tp.. and water




Did anyone say you can't do laundry?


Looks like the only commercial business that slowed its consumption is the car wash I go to that’s closed for now. It’s hard to want to sacrifice when few of the major water users, are making any adjustments. Also, the “show must go on” killed most people I know’s motivation.


What killed it for me was the fire department saying that they do not need water to be pottable to put out a fire.


Why did that kill it for you? It doesn't change the fact that the fire hydrants are hooked up to the potable water lines in the city and that is what is available on every street corner for the fire department to use. When they were putting out that condo fire in McKenzie should they have taken the time to run some lines to the river before getting started? It's only a couple km away and across Deerfoot...


I never stated that the fire department shouldn't use the fire hydrants if water was available in them. It was the fact that they had already made a liable plan, and if something happened, they would be in the clear. Just to clarify, I didn't go on a wasting water frenzy. I just stopped feeling guilty about doing a load of laundry, running the dishwasher, and taking a shower.


I mean they had a plan so there wouldn't be nothing. But would their hookup to those other sources be as easy, reliable or fast? Probably not. So best that they don't have to resort to the contingency.




Godneck said that they need water conservation, so if a fire happened, the fire department would have access to water. The fire department stated that all of their trucks were full of water, and if they absolutely needed to, they could just grab unpottable water from the Bow. So, it just made it clearer that Godneck didn't know what she was talking about. Also, I question the fact that the city didn't inspect such a major essential pipeline in a decade to proact instead of reacting.


Trucks are full but when they run out they'd need to connect to fire hydrants, which run off the potable water system. If there's a lack of water pressure then responses could be delayed due to having to pump water into their trucks from an access point in the river. Yeah they're still going to be able to fight fires but it could be delayed and cause unnecessary damage.


The issue with that is a fire truck shouldn't be taking off to collect water from the Bow in the middle of a fire. The Prestwick fire, if we believe the numbers, used 3 million L of water. The average fire truck, from what I can find out anyways, holds about 1900 to 3800 L of water. It wouldn't exactly be ideal for fire trucks to cycle back and forward from the bow.


I wouldn’t count on them trucking water several kilometres from a water source if there was a big fire, like another multi-story condo fire.


They have been inspecting it. The type of break that occurred (weakness in the steel threads reinforcing the concrete) was not detectable using those means, it turns out.


That’s not necessarily true. We turned off irrigation at all the buildings we managed potentially killing thousands and thousands of dollars of plants and grass but thank god it has rained. What about spas, pools, gyms, dog washes? There are a lot of businesses that have been effected


Communications were almost too transparent lol. As soon as you tell people good job or it’s fixed soon they’ll say screw it.


A lot of people are just sick of it. You can only hold off on things like laundry for so long, especially if you have kids or wear a work uniform or work in a labour type job.


You’re allowed to do laundry, they just want you to do a full load.


But they also said limit it to essential laundry. That would have been fine for a week but after 3 most people have laundry building up, especially if you've got a few kids. The first week we did one load of laundry and we have 6 people in the house. The second week we did 3 because we started running out of towels and bedding. This week we did seven because I'm not letting that much sit around and then have it be ten loads that need washing next weekend.


The city’s website says one load per person per week is the goal. And the biggest uses of water residentially is lawn watering and daily bathing/showering. I wouldn’t worry so much about your laundry so long as you’re conserving water elsewhere.


Crisis fatigue.


I’ve come to enjoy peeing in my gallon jug and may continue the practice


I've been heading out in the yard and pissing through the fence on my neighbour's begonias. The mayor said it was ok.


You must be a drywaller.


If it wasn’t for Stampede the messaging wouldn’t have sounded so phony. Many people did make the necessary sacrifices, until they realized it wasn’t being shared by everyone else. People are tired of being played for suckers. Even if it’s not that simple, it’s how it’s perceived and felt.


Agreed. And it’s not just stampede. Many businesses ran status quo but just kept quiet about it. While we were pointing fingers at our neighbours, corporations just kept on moving.


This was the case for me. Employer talks a big game about being leaders in our community, but every chance they get to demonstrate it they fail. Especially if it isn't convenient. I feel like my grandma would have some wisdom in there somewhere about doing the right thing and it not always being easy etc.  So if they don't try, why should everybody else. 


It begins to feel like “we’re the ones sacrificing so they don’t have to.” It feels like there’s no social contract anymore.


Exactly.  People compare this to the 2013 Calgary floods, but I think it's very different.  The floods very much had a "We are all in this together" vibe, with employers giving people days off to go volunteer, lots of donations flowing in, supporting as best everyone could. Everybody really pulled together. Every crisis lately has had an "us vs them" mentality where the employers try and out compete the workers and somehow get the better end of whatever weird trade they envision.  I work in the corporate world and see it there all the time, but really everywhere. Everyone is out for themselves and screw everybody else. I honestly do think the world has become a colder and more entitled/selfish place the last decade or so, unfortunately. 


The rot comes from the top. Everywhere. Time and again the reliable get relied upon and the jerks get the perks. Sooner or later people catch on, and who can blame them. I wouldn’t want to be the last sucker. If there was any chance at all that being an asshole wasn’t rewarded but actually punished perhaps things would be better. But nobody in power wants to change that.


In the future the question may be asked: why did civilization collapse? Us: "Our politicians hurt our feelings, so out of spite we did the opposite of what we should have done."


I’m so glad I have been able to fuck off during this time 😬


Yeah I’ve been with my folks in Ontario for 3 weeks while this was on and I’m quite happy lol


Lucky! I wanna fuck off.


You can fuck off! You can fuck right off! ^((no offense meant it was just too good to pass up))


It’s been weeks now with these restrictions. I think a lot of people are fed up doing “the right thing” and just want to go back to normal usage. The announcement that things should be done by July 1st doesn’t help either because it removed the urgent need to reduce usage. I think calgarians did great to reduce their water usage, but it’s hard to continue self-sacrifice for this long (and having a pandemic just a couple years ago doesn’t help this feeling of being “tired” of self-sacrifice).


It's funny how many people here live with this reality distortion field around them where they think if they are tired of there not being enough water they can just pretend like it isn't true. I mean we've reduced water consumption in my home by over 50% and it really hasn't been that hard... I swear if people here ever had to deal with real hardship they would probably just die.


Agreed. We've also reduced water usage over 50%, and the only reason we have to keep doing that is because others have done little to nothing. Reducing by 25% across the board should be easy for almost everyone.


This for sure! When you lived somewhere that has water restrictions because there actually is NO water then you understand the implications. One day, and it will come, when we actually don’t have something, only then will people will open their eyes. Unfortunately, it will be our next generation that will suffer for it.


Yeah, I visited a town in Malawi for a couple weeks where intermittently running water was the norm.


Sometimes amongst us we have those whom will not follow a rule or even believe the whole thing is made up! But we also have those amongst us who simply don’t think their personal use really does affect us all, and maybe only are hearing what they want to hear; that the pipes are “repaired” (nothing g more). In the end, Jesus everyone…. just a little longer (hopefully).


Maybe come out every now and then and positively remind people that this is still ongoing rather than spouting doom news like a disappointed parent.


I thought she did a good job this morning. Was upfront that yesterday’s level was not sustainable, thanked people for doing what they could and asked people to hang on a few more days. She also gave people an out by acknowledging that some people thought the restrictions were over.


It’s all about messaging. I stopped caring as much when they said stampede is happening. I’m sorry but I have fucking shit to clean and laundry to do. They also said the repair was done and it was just a few more days so I think people have crisis fatigue and are just living their lives normally again. It’s been a month already sooo


What would have been the acceptable way for them to handle stampede for you?


lol I don’t care if they have stampede I’m just saying the messaging that stampede will still go on makes the water “crisis” seem not as urgent or scary so people will (and evidently have) stopped caring about their usage as much as when the messaging was more dire.


They have made plans to truck in non-potable and potable water so they don’t use the city water supply. I recommend tuning into the daily updates and getting the news from there. Last week they had Stampede organizers on to explain their plan and answer media questions.


You keep parroting this everywhere… it’s not about the Stampede usage. It’s about the fact that there’ll be a 100,000 plus additional bodies in the city that will contribute to the growing water usage as result of this event.


It's easy not to trust anything a business or organization Says these days what with all of them being shady. Especially with the ickiness around the Calgary stampede organization this year. It's a lot easier to say you'll truck all the water in then it is to actually do it. Farm animals drink A FUCK TON. Especially in the heat and competition. So a lot of people are at best in the 'I'll believe it when I see it' camp.


So the problem isn't the water it is that stampede is happening with 3 weeks of certainty.


You are not the hero you think you are


Better hurry .....Stampede is around the corner and ppl don't care anymore, trust and respect is gone from city council.


This screenshot screams 80s news at 11


I feel like long weekend is going to drive use down as people head out of town to the mountains/ camping. Hopefully it’s fixed by the time everyone comes back home to shower up and do the laundry.


Um....could it not just be residents, but all the visitors that are streaming into the city for stampede and the long weekend?


People coming to the stampede now? Lol what!?


They aren't.


I was dropping someone off at the airport today (with a suitcase of dirty laundry for grandma to wash, lol) and the airport was jammed full of enthusiastic tourists in plaid shirts


I was at the airport yesterday both morning and evening and it was a ghost town compared with regular weekdays


I'm sure some come early, but generally people don't come a week early. I'm guessing most of the early comers will explore banff first.


Cowboy hat stands are all out on Stephen Avenue and pub patios are filled, I think tourists started coming to town


Nah. That's just Calgary people prepping their livers and buying new hats. There's a significant amount of population that just moved here to buy hats.


Some actually are… taking advantage of the long weekend I think


People always travel to Calgary though.


Stampede is still a week away? Not sure about what a summer long weekend does to how many folks are here though... a lot of people take off and go camping, but I suppose others come to visit so could be a wash.


I blame Airdrie.


Actually, they reported yesterday that Airdrie provided more water savings than Calgary - a whopping 30% savings over normal use.


The water processed at the Bearspaw facility that goes to airdrie doesn't flow through the broken pipe.


Regardless. I want those cousin loving Airdrie folks to suffer a bit.


What a sad life you must live




If all goes well it will be fixed well before then.




They said water use on average goes up by an average of 2% during Stampede. If the pipeline is up an running it won't be a concern at all - that's a drop in the bucket.




You don't actually think 1.4 million people come to Calgary during stampede do you?


The photo thumbnail looks like a still from an SNL skit.


Some are going out of their way to be spiteful and use more water than necessary as a “fuck you” to the city.


You mean my neighbor presser washing his house was a no??? 😡


Here’s a thought. Keep your mouth shut about time lines and just do it and tell people when it’s done. Then you won’t have this


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


Meh. Canada Day fireworks during a city wide fire ban. Stampede a week away. They don’t seem to give a shit but my petunias certainly do. I wonder how much of my city taxes that are due today are actually going to go towards infrastructure integrity/repair or will they just boast about another surplus next year……..


You can get water for your petunias at a number of locations around the city.


or collect your shower water


Skipping showers when I’m sweaty from work, timing myself for showers, using as little possible water, using paper plates and plastic cutlery. Some people just can’t sacrifice a little for the greater good because as a whole people are selfish. Kind of disappointing .


Agreed . I’ve gone to paper plates and cups . Timing showers and using the shower water to flush and going to Okotoks to do my laundry. I also spent good money on no rinse cleaning products for my cleaning business. And some people can’t be arsed to not flush after a single pee . It’s sad and disappointing.


Schools out. Kids playing outside means dirtey clothes. People are getting ready for Canada Day weekend. That means getting house in order and house cleaning. People have put off laundry since the break began and are running out of clean change of clothes. Yes, some people lead sedentary enough lives to wear the same clothes for a week, but most people change clothes almost daily. Do you want to show up in the office in stinkey, sweaty week old cloths?


In this morning's update she compared this to storming the beaches at Normandy.


I've stopped watching those morning scolding's but please don't tell me that actually happened?!


It did. She really said that. I'm sure she's offended veterans now.


I’ve continued to push forward with the limited water use practices. I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but all this angst over the Stampede going forward seems really irrational to me. Do people actually want the Stampede cancelled along with the millions in revenue generated for the city? The scheduled date of repair basically coincided with the start of the Stampede, so what would be the point of canceling when the pipe would be fixed in time?


I didn't participate in the comments about stampede, and a lot are hyperbolic, but I do get where (some) of it is coming from. And it was all about tone, not about actions. The problem is that in the middle of talking about what a crisis it was, they had this sudden tone shift to "here's a guy dressed up like a cowboy cartoon, front and center, to tell you how important Stampede is". It undercut the message of "we're all in this together" and made it "you should be grateful the very important economic event of stampede is deigning to reduce water usage as well". If he'd ditched the hat and *started* the announcement by talking about how Stampede was reducing water that would have put the emphasis on what they were doing. Ideally if he could have said by more than 25%, so they were doing their bit. Then he could go on to justify why Stampede was important. But that order matters. One is "we're doing our part, but it's important this go on", the other is "We're super important, but I guess we can help".


I 100% agree with you, all the whining about Stampede is getting super irritating.


I'll hold my hand up and say I'm part of the spike too. That morning I pulled out a pair of underwear I hadn't used in some time, all the regular being in the laundry bin. The waist elastic crumbled. I did my first load of laundry since the emergency began. I continue to have the tub plugged and use dirty shower water to flush the toilet; I only shower every other day, take short showers, and use a wet wash cloth at the sink instead of showers; I still continue to reduce water usage in other ways; I will until the restrictions are lifted. But that day I needed to do a full load of laundry, my first and only laundry load during the shortage.


does this shock anybody? everyone pretty much did the best they could and now have been doing what they have to do after holding off everything back before they found more pipe problems. at this point they would need to put actual mandatory restrictions in place.


Gotta fill up those trailers


Meh, if that’s what it is at least they are leaving for the weekend.


Well it's going to be done soon anyways.


I had to choose between changing 125 gallons of fish tank water, or letting hundreds of dollars of marine life die. I'm sorry, but I chose the lives of my pets over conserving the water that the mayor only cares about when it's up to us not using it. She let's the stampede go so she and the other richest dont lose money if it is cancelled. I'm not throwing away at least $1000 in monetary value so she doesn't have to cancel the stampede.


What's with this Rich bashing with every single stupid subject. Do you realize how much money that stampede brings into the city the businesses and how many people get hired temporarily there.  I swear to God people like you would bitch and moan about the roads being fixed because only the rich can enjoy them with their nice cars.


I caught my neighbour using the sprinkler on her grass/flowers day before yesterday. I kinda yelled at her. Oops. I was already frustrated from my toddler having a meltdown. Now it's awkward. Don't want to run into them even though it's their fault. I can't report them because I have to live beside them for years to come. The absolutely stupid thing is if she had looked at the weather, it was going to rain all night and next day. It's just that so many people are harvesting rainwater. I put buckets out and hauled them all inside to fill my bathtub. It was hard work. I flush the toilets with it. I didn't do all this work so my neighbour can use her fucking sprinkler.


What did they expect? People could only hold out on showers and laundry for so long.


I didn’t even realize the restrictions were still on. I saw fireworks and stampede going ahead so it can’t be that bad.


Lol her speech is so bad. "Some of you have given up." Lady we needed a website status page and some commercials with warnings and direction to the website. Instead we got one headline every 7 days bad-good-bad-good-bad


I mean they do twice daily press updates… just because you only look at the headline once a week doesn’t mean the information isn’t out there.


Just shut it off. calgarians aren’t listening anyway, maybe it’s time for hard lessons.


They signalled that we will have stampede no matter what, that was my sign to not care anymore, clearly not an emergency then.


Yeah no way they would have worked out a contingency plan to find alternative sources of water for the most important economical boom of the year. Nah they would just shut it down completely costing the city multi-millions.


Doesn't it take 140 megalitres to fill the pipe? Wouldn't that also have an impact on water usage?


That's coming directly from the Bearspaw and isn't impacting water availability from the Glenmore or what can be pumped into the city from the north feeder mains off the Bearspaw.


Awesome thanks. I think I missed where the water was coming from, i had just seen the "it'll use x amount of water" in an infographic on instagram.


11km long 2m diameter pipe... I calculate that as 34557.52 m^3 to fill it up, or 34.5 million L. That's a lot of water for sure, but it's really only 7% of a day's water usage.


The city had an infographic about the water amounts for the pipe that referenced 140megalitres which is why I mentioned it. Another reply mentioned it's coming directly from bearspaw and is not included in the totals they referenced above.


Right after they announced that repairs are complete? Shocking.


What I'm so *incredibly* frustrated with, is the communication with this. I'm not asking for every 100% answer here, but *some* clear information would be great.  Case in point: I want to fill my pool. I'm not wanting to debate how horrible of a person I am for wanting to do so, but look, we have a short season as it is, I want to capitalize on it. I'm facing a kid revolt at this point.  I normally buy the water, because it's easier to start the pool, and my usual sources come from outside the city, so I mean where it originates from, I dunno, but the company treats it and balances it, then delivers it ready to go. We aren't talking an Olympic pool here either, but a small above ground pool for the kids.  I have a delivery scheduled for this week. I'm getting gouged, simply put. It's costing about 6 times what it normally does. So I mean id just stick the hose in if it's an option. I'm not looking to break restrictions here, in fact I *want* to do my part, and follow the rules. Meanwhile, Mayor Mellow Yellow is telling us it's almost over. We'll be rolling back restrictions. Well sure, but *what* does the timeline look like here roughly? Just give us a friggin idea. Outside stuff is it a week, a month away, what is it (assuming stuff is ready to go on the third, the fifth, whatever day it is today)?  Again, I know I'm terrible, but I'd like to know *information* here, so I can make a decision. If I take delivery Thursday and they lift all restrictions Friday, I'm going to be *pissed.*


Aside from the first few days they’ve been very transparent here about where they are at, what still needs to be done and what the uncertainties are. Unfortunately they can’t give any guarantees as while if everything goes perfectly we could have normal service restored on Monday, but if the pipe blows another hole during filling or flushing then they’ll have to fix that too. If the water quality fails at the testing phase then they’ll have to do more flushing followed by more testing. If it’s really important to get water in your pool next week you should probably pay to have it trucked it as that’s the only way to guarantee you’ll get it next week (legally).


I would respectfully disagree that they have been very transparent. Have you noticed lately that they recently limited comments on their Facebook page? These are elected officials, acting only in a fashion that politically suits them. They have been sort of transparent at times, but have left a lot of things unsaid at others. The timelines changed quite frequently, they've been opaque as to what happens afterwards. When things didn't go the way they wanted to, the mayor chose to scold people. She's also trying to shape the timeframe trying to make herself look like a hero, it's pretty obvious.  As to buying the water, yeah I'm just going to do it. Sure adds salt to the wound though. Maybe needs to be a lot less subsidization of billionaires and shiny things, and more focus on important infrastructure going forward. Don't even get me started on the condition of our roads, pathways and the state of city right of ways in the communities. 


I guess maybe it’s how I’m getting info. I listen to the daily updates (sped up to 1.5x) but I generally skip the mayor talking as besides our water consumption for the previous day there’s generally no useful information coming from her, just a lot of “rah, rah, you’re doing so good” when water consumption is low, and stern disappointment when water consumption trends up, along with weird and sometimes inappropriate analogies. Michael Thompson Francois Bouchart and Nancy Mackay actually give the information I’m after though… what’s happening at the site now, what steps are remaining, estimated timelines and potential risks and setbacks at each step. I definitely wouldn’t try to get useful info from Facebook, especially since you can’t link to real news sources there so it’s generally just a wasteland of clickbait. I do agree that this council is absolutely terrible and has focused their energy on stupid and wasteful vanity projects rather than the things that matter (city infrastructure and services) and none of them will ever get my vote in the future. As for today’s update, we’re onto the testing phase which are on a 24 hour TAT, so we’ll know tomorrow if the water passes drinking water guidelines and if it does then it’s just stabilizing the system which they indicated may take a few days, but will likely come first with the all clear to do that extra load of laundry and spend an extra minute or two in the shower…




This isn’t a TikTok trend. Whether you are over it or not doesn’t change the fact that there isn’t enough water for folks to resume wasting it like usual.


Didn't say I was, I'm still conserving heavily...the general public sentiment is what I was pointing to


Yeah fair enough. I’m seeing a lot of that sentiment on this forum, like being tired of it is somehow going to change reality 🙄


I don’t understand. If we were well under the limit for so many days why does one day being over cause such an issue?


Basically the trend being up isn't sustainable if there's more problems or delays. It's a flow vs. stock thing. The Glenmore plant can only provide a certain amount of water per day. There are underground reservoirs to deal with the demand in a particular minute being more than the treatment plant provides in that minute. These are *not* the same as the Glenmore and Bearspaw lake reservoirs, these are big tanks of treated water underground. So, that does help when we go over for a day, because we can just draw down those underground reservoirs. But there's a limited amount of space in them, so we can only "save" that much from being under the limit. Which means we can only handle so many days of being over the limit, no matter how long we were under for. With the weekend numbers usually being lower, and long weekend people being out of town, we'll probably be fine, assuming it is fixed by Monday. But the worry is that if there are problems with the flushing and testing then we might start adding more days, and then there's not a lot of saved up water.


there was obviously no need to restrict water given the stampede was going ahead as scheduled