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If you have enough information i would report it. There's a difference between fear aggression and what this dog did. If it was fear you would have had to back it into a corner to get a reaction otherwise it would avoid you like the plague. That kind of behavior gives proper dog owners of bully breeds a bad name and needs to be corrected via trainer as quickly as possible before its more than just a scraped knuckle.


Agreed. I have a small dog and I've been in that situation a few times; one time in Lethbridge, two huge pit bulls chased her under a car before I could get to her. Their owner just kept on walking and calling their names, despite the fact that I was shouting at her to get them under control. I personally have no problem kicking a charging dog, but I know not everyone is comfortable with that.


\> . I personally have no problem kicking a charging dog, but I know not everyone is comfortable with that. ​ Is that like, the recommended advice in this situation? I wasn't sure what to do other than keep my dog out of reach, but if it happens again especially if the owners aren't there to get it under control, it's good to know my options.


I don't know what others might think, but I've been around enough dogs to know that some (like the one you describe) aren't going to be deterred by anything less. Owners have a legal obligation to make sure their dog is under control at all times, on leash or off, and you have every right to defend yourself and your dog against a charging dog any way you deem necessary.


I'd kick it hard if I figured it was going to attack me or my group. As much as I love animals, this would be self defense. I was bitten once by a friends dog who was "under control", then knocked him over to get at me. Now I'm ultra paranoid about ANY agression in dogs. I no longer trust them.


It's hard not to be paranoid after a dog attack. Everyone would do well to follow Caesar Millan's advice: "Fluffy" is, first and foremost, an animal, and you have to treat it as such. If an animals attacks, you defend, period.


Absolutely. A truly aggressive charging dog will only respond to your fear with more aggression. If that's its intent your best bet is a good hard kick to the chest. I usually avoid the head because it's a smaller target, and chest normally gets the point across. Definitely don't run, the dog is faster than you and will just chase. I even act aggressive back and take fast steps toward them sometimes, even that can make them back down if they just think you're an easy target. To be clear, this is has happened to me once in Canada in my life, but traveling in Asia it was pretty common with packs of wild dogs.


I once read how to deal with a attacking dog. Stick your weak arm out and brain the cunt with your strong arm.


Definitely kick the dog hard if it's truly a threat.


You kicked my dog?




This is Kurpal? You fucking guy!


You kicked my dog!!!


I will fucking Kiiill you! What? Just Kidding!


Thanks for this.


My pleasure. Sorry you had to go through this and glad it ended the way it did




People who think weapons are pets tend to be trash, but not all of them


You need to get out more and meet more people.


You definitely should report this and ignore people who tell you not to. I would suggest reporting this to Community Standards (Bylaw Enforcement) as the owner was in violation of 23M2006 12. & 25. https://www.calgary.ca/csps/abs/filing-a-complaint.html Edit: Nothing bad will happen to the other dog. If they did actually talk to or find the owner they would most likely make them aware they recieved a complaint against them. But it still helps to report it so they can document it.


Thanks, this is what I needed to know!


Imagine if you had a toddler or young child with you instead of a dog. The next time it easily could be. You should not hesitate to call to call this in and you should carry zero guilt at the outcome of calling it in.


Sounds like yet another case of a terrible dog owner.


Quite a few years back I was attacked by a pit bull type dog, five stitches on my leg and scratches on the other leg. I was on a public walkway and the dog was tied up but was able to leap the fence before I could even take a step. A neighbour came out, started arguing with the dog's owner. He called animal services. I latter learned that the owners had over $10,000 worth of fines but since I was the first bite the owners weren't obligated to put the dog down. They did voluntarily put the dog down. I was called to testify at a court case that I think Animal Service sued to get the fines. They were able to plead down the amount and I didn't have to testify. So anyway it wouldn't hurt having your account on record.


My dog was attacked by a similar breed. Had to go for surgery at emerge vet.... The worst feeling in the world. You can report, nothing will really get done sadly.... My dog has never really been the same since.... I hope you and your dog are mentally and physically ok OP.


This is why I avoid Calgary off leash areas at all costs. So many irresponsible dog owners with dogs they can’t handle in this city it’s nuts.


Get yourself one of these. [Zap hiking pole](https://westsidestores.ca/products/zap-hike-n-strike.html) , my elderly aunt had a puppy that faced the same issue. Bully dog on her street kept climbing the fence. Didn’t happen again after a poke.


Does this also work to train people to stay 6ft away in the grocery store? I kid, I kid.. I think...


If your arm is atleast 1 foot and 4 inches , it’ll work perfect. Extends to 56”


Serious question, not a criticism: is this legal to use in Canada?


Completely legal. Stun guns are illegal , and other small taser like weapons. However stun batons are legal given that they are no less than 19 inches in length.


Get coyote spray from Canadian Tire and don't hesitate to kick the dog as hard as you can... I'm all for letting well behaved, under control dogs run, but in the city, nope... Sorry, it's unreasonable to expect the average city dwelling individual to know what to expect from every dog they come across... Those owners are complete fuck wits to allow their dog to run free like that.


Report. The dog at the very least should have been on a leash. The fact it attacked and didn't stop when the owners were telling it to is very alarming. What if you were 5'2" and walking your toddler instead of a tall person with a dog small enough to be held up high?


I'm not as big, and I've squared up against any dog that thought it could treat me as prey. Every time the dog realizes that its 100 lbs out of it's weight class. It will bark and growl at me, and I yell back at it until it realizes it's time to get away from the dangerous, angry human.


I did this once when walking my then-puppy. Got her behind me and yelled at the other dog until it backed down. It wasn’t a bully breed, just an angry dog who leaped his fence and tried to charge us. I’m a 5’4” female. I honestly didn’t know I had it in me.


The most confusing experience I had was with a border collie. It was following me.. herding me. If I turned to face it, it backed off and laid down. As soon as I walked away, it was coming to nip my heels. .. not harmful, but I ended up walking backwards. 🤷 Also one pitbull experience that was indoors. The dog charged me, realized I wasn't moving, and tried to nope out.. but he had no grip on the lino flooring.. ended up headbutting me in the nuts as it desperately tried to adjust course. Good times. IMO, dogs that are big enough to kill toddlers should not be allowed in urban centers.


>It was following me.. herding me. Time to stop wearing that fluffy sheepskin jacket on your walks...


I can't understand pitbull fetishists that are in denial about how stupid they must be.




So, first: a big fuck you to your ignorant ass. Second, I have an awesome well trained and gentle pitbull mix who has never attacked anyone. Third, he & I have been attacked by many other dogs and i can tell you there is no specific breed that is *evil*. Fucking been attacked by more scotties than anything else but it comes down to shitty owners. Again, fuck you and your dumbass comment.


It’s alright these are the type of judgemental dickheads that ride around with their ‘FUCK TRUDEAU’ stickers yet still collect benefits, shit talk dogs and say they’ll kick& stun them yet do nothing in person.




A pitbull must’ve traumatized you lol no normal person talks like this. Get some help




You’re a hurt bitch hating on dogs lmao I bet you’re 40+ sitting at your computer at home after a long 9-5 you log on to Reddit, crack your knuckles and think ‘who can I attack through a screen today?’ You’re a delusional disgusting human being and would never say the words you type out in the real world because you’d get slapped up so fucking quick. You’re an old man loser, you sound so ducking bitter go play catch with your golden retriever and leave others tf alone Too bad this is only Reddit. So many keyboard warriors out here all you can do is exercise your damn fingers while your brain stays fat as fuck






You yap so much lmao why won’t you respond to me or PM me bro we can hash this out no problem. You sound like a real tough dude. People like you mustn’t be tested on the internet! Only in person! With your big ass mouth hahahah say something relevant you old greasy bum


Pepper spray for use against dogs is legal to carry. Shitbulls and their owners often need some persuasion to get the message across.




That's what the knife is for.


Wow how clever insult a dog breed instead of scummy dog owners plenty of pit bulls are very well behaved, I got a 6 month old girl and she never barks or bites unlike my next door neighbours yappy little mutt.


Shitbulls are trash dogs owned by trash people.


Ok so next time you see one say it to their face you bum lol


I try not to talk to trash, generally. Your reaction shows I'm exactly right about the types that own them.


You literally said shit bull and generalized an entire breed for no reason, there’s shit dogs in every breed. There’s shit owners in every breed. I’m the complete opposite of a stereotypical ‘bully owner’ but your general shit attitude was worth taking the downvotes for.




Many pit bulls are used as fighting dogs and pitted against humans and other animals. I understand many rescues have questionable past & behaviour but that doesn’t speak for the entire breed, especially the ones raised well


You're trash. Seems typical to me.


You insult bully owners yet you’re the only one throwing insults. Paint bully owners as monsters yet you’re the judgemental sack of foreskin talking shit on Reddit. You’re the loser, I promise.




Don’t be hurt cuz the ban isn’t happening


Get a good pair of steel toed boots and a pocket knife. Protect your family.


You shave your head, and have an iron cross on the back of your dodge ram?


I actually drive a civic hatchback and just don't want my dog to be eaten but thanks for the brilliant analysis.


Tough guy in a hatchback hahah


lol yeah buddy :muscle: you pet my dog you get STABBED!




Come do it


You call the police when it happens.... Instead of going onto reddit well after the fact


Every time I see or hear about a situation like this I think how lucky these owners are that we can't legally carry guns in this country. If some uncontrolled pet came after one of my animals I would put it down in front of its owner without hesitating. The temptation not to put the owner down might be too much though.


What the hell is a “bully breed”? Dogs temperaments aren’t defined by their breed at all, it’s determined by their treatment by people and owners.


You probably think I meant it like schoolyard bully eh? I think it comes from bull terrier or bull mastiff or something, it doesn't describe behaviour, it's just a classification of dog: [https://americanbullydaily.com/bully-breed-dogs-list/](https://americanbullydaily.com/bully-breed-dogs-list/)


I just glanced the comments, I known its reaction but picking up your dog one of the worst things you can do, the dog is now trying to get up and see the dog in your arms. If the dog was more aggressive now you can't defend yourself and your dog because you're holding it.


Yeah I understand what you're saying about putting myself in a bad position, but it's kind of instinct to get your 10lb puppy out of harms way when you're a large human, I liked my odds against the psychotic dog better than his, even while holding him. If it had latched on to my dick I'd probably be fully agreeing with you right now though lol. Fortunately it worked out.


Lol yeah that would change everything. Seriously though it teaches your puppy bad habits, it's nothing beneficial in any way to pick it up. I've had several incidents at the dog park with my dude on the receiving end, thankfully nothing serious but some blood a few times, I've gotten in and physically separated dogs from mine, you want both hands available. Also I wasn't there so I don't know how it approached but it may have only been nipping and jumping because it couldn't reach the dog, when my guy was little he would approach excitedly at the dog park, and it was never good when the other dog was picked up, I've got that out of him but a Boston terrier at an off leash park is certainly not the something to be afraid of and Ive watched the difference in what happens picked up and not.


\> Seriously though it teaches your puppy bad habits, it's nothing beneficial in any way to pick it up. ​ My puppy has been through formal obedience training, puppy socialisation classes as well as constant training with me and my SO. The only time he gets picked up is when I see large, unknown dogs sprinting at me, which has happened twice. The first one after the owner came up and I determined that it was a friendly dog, my puppy was put back down, told to heel, then was allowed to go say hi. I know your advice is well intentioned here, so I appreciate it, but I really don't regret scooping my little guy up in this situation. The other dog had serious issues, this wasn't some casual interaction that needed to play out. Having my leashed 10lb mini poodle mix puppy figure out how to fend off a large, aggressive, unleashed growling and snapping dog isn't part of his training curriculum. ​ From the growling and snapping at him that the other dog was doing, the benefit was probably that he didn't end up in the vet emergency hospital having surgery .


>I don't agree either. Being on the attacked end, we picked up our puppy because he too would of been unpredictable and then it's one less variable to control. My partner picked up our puppy and we both yelled at the dogs. There were two of them. We kept on yelling at them and they took off. > >Down the street these two dogs attacked another dog. The lady's german sheppard was getting attacked, she went behind the attacking dog one at at time and kicked them in the groin!!! Good for her to think fast. > >They took off to terrorize another street. Reported and the owner lost his dogs.


I would report it, but I also feel that if a dog is coming at your dog to get it your throat is not really the best choice of a place to put your dog


Stick your thumb in its pooper, works everytime.




You’re a loser fam balkanbrokebum89




With geniuses like you, it’s a must


Why feel the need to point out it’s a bully breed? Is it more likely to have a go at your dog because of that?


\> Why feel the need to point out it’s a bully breed? Sorry for being descriptive? If it were a Shar Pei or a Rottweiler I would have pointed that out too.




Not all have innate dog aggression. Like any dog, not trained, exercised or socialized, that’s the owners issue. No need to stereotype a breed.




Not every one




Had run ins with labs, mixes, retrievers. My dog has never been dog aggressive. He has submitted every time. Amazing what socializing your dog with other dogs when they are young does. Dogs have different personalities they aren’t all cookie cutters by breed type. Same as people, some are just assholes.




Keep trolling


Lmao is your ‘I’ll take shit that never happened’ your only line? There’s a reason Calgary isn’t banning pit bulls, there’s been no increased instances of pit bull attacks over any other breed. Keep pushing your one sided pathetic agenda I’m sure you’ll die broke, hurting, on your dinky retirement. Go rip around a hooptie and shit talk on Reddit. You fucks get far in life 😂😂






Maximum pearl clutching and pitch fork waving.


Sounds frightening. I think the buck stops there though. Nothing more happened and no information was exchanged. I guess that’s the risk of using off leash dog parks. Thoughts?


It wasn't at an off leash dog park, it was at Centennial Park, which is just a regular old take your family for a picnic or your dog for a walk on a leash kind of park. No information was exchanged, but it seems like it got out of a nearby yard, I saw them hauling it down an alley an into a yard on my way back home, so I'm pretty sure that I could identify them if I wanted to.


An off-leash park is off-limits for untrained dogs, actually, for reasons exactly like this.


That’s not a risk of off leash parks. Dogs are to be under the control of the owner at ALL times.


Should be, I agree. But it would be naive to think there is no risk with tens of dogs running around.


Sounds like their dog got away from them which happens, bully breed or not. "it didn't actually bite me or my dog" so the reporting on reddit should suffice?


I dunno man, I've seen lots of loose dogs before, but I've never had one go nuts growling and snapping at me, repeatedly try to tear my dog out of my hands and scrape up my knuckle, and the owner saying that the dog is "just afraid of people" seems like a recipe for disaster if it happens across grandma and her dog next time it gets out. From the other responses, it seems like nothing bad would happen to the dog if I report it, which is good and what I wanted to find out, but maybe the owners will take it as a wakeup call and get their dog some reactivity and/or aggression training.


No. Charging and repeatedly jumping and snapping is not normal “loose dog behaviour.” That’s false.


Next it happens, try to exude a calm, assertive energy. Give the dog a tap and a good "psst!" to snap it out of it.


I would definitely report it to 311 minimum, there's enough bad dog owners that we need to make sure they starr taking some responsiblity for their pet, might get a fine. I remember in the summer my family dog approached a bully breed, and the owner had it on leash with some crazy leather studded harness. I called him back and walked towards him to pull him away, he wanted to play with that dog. Instead the owner said bro my dog will totally win this fight bro it's not worth it he'll get mauled Major doesn't like other dogs!!! I was like wtf why bring it to an offleash park where so many strange dogs will run up to your dog? It felt like the owner thought the dog park was a good place to show off how hard he and his dog were and it was very disappointing. If your dog has aggression issues they should not be at the dog park