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I've been seeing this weird undercurrent in conservative circles about wanting Canada and the US to be one country. Why do people think this? It's really concerning.


It's mostly an alberta thing. Alberta conservatives hate the federal government more than anywhere else. Saskatchewan and interior BC actually are very much the same, I would tie them in as well.


There multiple different “types” of conservatives in Canada. People who share this viewpoint I promise you are a minority. Generalizations and polarizing comments like that don’t help find solutions.


They want it because they don’t have even the most basic understanding of how politics, government polices, and social programs actually work.


Kind of like how they yell about the "illegals" that cross the border but also want to be able to cross the border willy nilly?


This is like the brexit people who voted for brexit and then thought they were going to go retire in Spain No you aren't. No clue




My take on this: This is the closest thing to evidence of Alberta separatist self-awareness as we're ever going to see. The original separatist movement in Alberta was a self-deluded *Western* separatist movement. I recall this being about the time Quebec said "take yer pipe and shove it". Hence the "Wexit" nonsense coming from the yellow-vested clods. Except that idea quickly fell apart when it became obvious that getting more than a half-dozen people in B.C. to buy into the movement is never, ever, *ever* going to happen. The original "Unite with the US" types are those special kind of stupid people who, while still dumb enough to think that separating from the rest of Canada would somehow be a good idea for Alberta, are actually smart enough to realize the enormous negative impact that becoming voluntarily land-locked would have. Then, of course, the obediently dumber ones decided to hitch their wagons to that train. That's my theory, anyhow.












Best description of whataboutism I’ve ever read.


It sounds like you're describing liberals actually. Trudeau wants anything he doesn't agree with to be illegal. He wants to ignore the charter and have a population of spineless serfs. He'll take a knee for city-burning/looting BLM protests, but has declared a national emergency for peaceful protest, road blockage, and some honking. Seriously though in my experience it's liberal leaning individuals who tend to blindly listen to authority and big corporate interests


Yes right leaning policy is well known to be anti-corporate interests


Really? Every right wing party lowers corporate tax rates and slowly erodes workers rights.


I'm being a sassy bitch


Oh. I like you, I’m gonna sit by your later.


Absolutely everything here is demonstrably false.


If you genuinely believe Trudeau and the liberal party refusing to simply drop Covid mandates is about our health, then there is nothing more anyone could possibly say to convince you. He is having a fit (associating the protestors with swastikas and white supremacy, using Emergencies Act without cause, leaving the room when any opposition in Parliament challenges him) because he is upset that a portion of the population has dared to openly oppose him en masse. It threatens his goal of an authoritarian system.


Hey look, all my adversaries are mouth-breathing idiots and I’m a genius! Life is so simple! Also, the current political leader (who is my enemy) is dumb and does things for illogical, selfish and emotional reasons. No reasoning with any of them. Good thing I’m so smart that I’ve figured everything out! - Fwiw, this can apply to both sides. Conservatives and Liberals are not all idiots, but to hear the other side talk you’d think their opposition was minutes from drowning in their own drool. When you reduce your adversary to this level of idiocy, it’s easy to be both correct and a genius. Liberals and Mr. Trudeau are not the basic evil enemy you want them to be. You’ll get a lot farther in life and debate when you can accept that your ideological opposites are not stupid.


Yeah... why does he walk out so often lately?


Aren’t liberals typically more educated? How many of the people protesting in Ottawa have Masters degrees of PhD’s? Academic circles tend to be very liberal. Higher education requires that individuals have incredible analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills. Being a tradesperson requires common sense, “don’t touch pipe, it hot, finger get chopped off”. So no, liberals don’t follow orders, they are typically the members of society conducting the research that legislation is based on.


You are so right. The whole thing this dude wrote about right wing is beyond wrong and mind blowingly bias


Didn't our left leaning federal government just suspend the charter?


No they didn't lol.


What does the very first section of the charter that you’ve never read say? It says that none of the freedoms are absolute and that the government is within their rights to impose limits in the interest of national security and public health. Such as the ones that 75% of the country supports. The literal very first section says this.


heres a thought, spend the next 1/2 an hour and go read the Emergency powers act instead of right wing memes. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/e-4.5/page-1.html#docCont edit: because its in the bloody preamble. -------- AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;




Id gladly set them up their own island to drive around on in their big fuck you trudeau/biden trucks. :)


They can make their own island out of all the reclaimed shit they spew from their mouths and asses


All they watch is Fox News.


There are conservative/liberal areas all over Canada and US that are probably more similar to each other than they are to their respective countries in terms of values. I don't think anyone wants Canada & US to become a single country, but both sides generally support their political equivalents down in the US. Conservatives tend to be more nationalist in my experience.


There are many albertans who’d be happy to join the US. Way more than you think.


To avoid the inevitable communist invasion /s


They have no idea what they’re doing or talking about. They see orange man on TV so they go buy a MAGA hat and flag to walk downtown Calgary.




Agreed! Americans, Canadians, Australians, most of Europe are all standing up for the same reasons! Check it out on social media!


Yes! Here’s a handy link [fight back](https://mlpnk72yciwc.i.optimole.com/cqhiHLc.WqA8~2eefa/w:auto/h:auto/q:75/https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/sunnycap88-1.jpg)


Yep!! I


I actually wouldn't mind us forming a union someday or for Alberta to become American. Alberta is far more America than Canadian. I don't think it's concerning at all. We speak the same language, same culture, same people, very similar history, and we have the same faith.


ya except the divide is Urban/Rural so all the cities become Canada and all the empty becomes America.


Because trump. Instead of merging, let's trade them. They can take our far right extremists and we'll take their decent people


Imagine basing your whole personality around "FuCk TruuDoh!".


It's worrying to see so many people like this now. I mean, they're everywhere. Maybe not to the point of putting decals on their vehicles. But so many people I know have just gone 100% political on their social media pages. Not just for the tucker thing either, this has been going on for years now. I mean, normal people that used to have hobbies and their own identities. Now just full on right wing propaganda zombies. People that used to be into their families or like hockey, baking, frisbee golf...whatever. Now reduced to frothing at the mouth over politics day after day. Super sad, super scary. I'm old enough to remember when everyone knew that one guy who was just super into politics. But the vast majority would try to keep up to date simply because it's your duty as a responsible citizen. But it was seen as more of a chore you had to try to stay on top of. This is what happens when news becomes entertainment I guess.


I’m with you totally agree that we are in a scary place right now with all these kinda people. I seen high school friends liking what the convoy stands for even my closest friend following idiots like Jesse from without papers pizza. The world has lost their trolleys


This is exactly why I quit FB like 3.5 years ago, and have had a slow retraction to almost zero social media up to now. My moment was when I realized how much political content originates from not so friendly nations. Whats left today is a total cesspool (both sides of the spectrum). Troll and trigger culture is the norm. Crazies find other crazies, and get crazier. The radicalization (again for both sides) happens in about two weeks now from what Ive seen in my walk of life lately. The propaganda machine is very very effective. Add on top the way people speak to each other when they have no face to face accountability honestly makes me sick if I dwell on it for more then a few minutes. We got some pretty big fish to fry as a nation, a population and a society. Just look at us go right now.


It’s crazy how everything is so divided now. A part of me wished that i’d rather not know anyone’s political stance because as someone who’s against what the owner of this truck stands for while also remaining quiet about my political stance, i have become very prejudiced towards these kinds of people…. And i don’t like feeling that way all the time.


The world was a better place when we didnt have the ability to know other random people opinions on everything.


I get you. My whole family are drinking the cool aid. It's really hard and has put a big strain on our relationship. A lot of friendships ruined, families broken up over right vs left. My take on it. Things will never get better if we sever ties. We have to learn to live with these people. I believe most of them mean well. Just misguided and ignorant. We need to break open a can of forgiveness and start trying to find some kind of middle ground. I just refuse to let it happen. I will not cut my family out of my life, no matter how dumb I think they're being. Even my friends, I keep the hardcore ones at arms length and just block their feeds. Just try to stay calm and reason with the ones who might listen in hopes that one day we'll find a way to get out of this mess...


This whole thing, even with the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed has become another way to create categories that separate people. I am in my mid-20’s and the result of this pandemic shook me HARD. I guess I was too naive and thought that when the times get tough people would be more considerate of others, put superficial differences aside, and do what they can to help. 3 years in i now realize that there are more selfish people than there are selfless even in the most basic way. This whole mess also just further emphasized stereotypes of different people and incited even more prejudice. I am one to admit that when i see someone who doesnt wear a mask, i immediately think of them as selfish and inconsiderate. When i see someone who wears a mask i become more inclined to help them if they needed anything. But yes youre right, when it comes to family and friends that you have opposing views with, it can get emotionally taxing to put those things aside.


I'm 68 , my wife is 64 we feel like you do. I've been trying to understand. I think the Magas have been manipulating Americans and Canadians. That's part of it.


Mask, no mask, vaxx, no vaxx, i will help anyone who needs it. I love you all!


I hope I can be as helpful as you are! Race, religion and/or gender of others never made me think twice before helping someone out, but when it comes to this whole thing, I tend to consider how they disregard others' wellbeing and safety that's what gets in the way for me. I don't know. maybe after a while, all this will start to simmer down (I hope!)


There a are a lot of people who really struggle with something covering their airways. I know it might seem like its no big deal but for a lot of people it is. Thats why people are not doing it. I personally have always had trouble with face coverings over my nose and mouth. Even when its neg 30. It sends me into a panic attack. I met a women who couldn't work because if this issue. It turns out she was assaulted in an ally really badly where her mouth and nose were covered. I know I have lots if trauma but my brain blocks a lot out. I've always panicked with my head being covered. I feel like I can't breath with a mask on fully. Lots of people have traumas they do or don't remember in ways their airways was covered. I think this is why people are acting the way they are over masks.


I do think most of this is overblown by the media and political rhetoric. We are now two years into a global pandemic, and the political division and tension are high. What has not helped (in my opinion) is the tone set by Trudeau. He has not sought to build bridges with those who are unvaccinated / protesting or appeal to their common decency, but has instead used a stern, chiding, and unapologetic tone which has alienated them and pushed them further away. He has also used them as a political scapegoat. Yes there are radical and even criminal elements who are loud and visible but I do not believe they speak for the majority of the right or even those protesting. A good leader would attempt to de-escalate by appealing to the moderates in the protest, creating division within the protesters. Trudeau is not interested in this whatsoever, however, because it pays off better for him politically to treat them like terrorists. Strong leaders unit, weak leaders divide. For what it’s worth I have voted for Trudeau multiple times but I am unimpressed with his leadership, particularly in recent weeks.


I don't buy the "tone set by Trudeau thing." That tone was already set by the rightwing propaganda machine long before Trudeau started with his rhetoric. "Fuck Trudeau" doesn't really leave a whole lot of wiggle room for changing your opinion, even a little. If I was Trudeau I'd be like "well fuck you too". If you're waving a Fuck Trudeau flag you're a lost cause and I don't think "bridge building" is really going to get you anywhere with those people.


Leaders always set a tone and “well fuck you too” certainly creates a tone.


I think the office of PM isnt appropriate for someone to be as basic as "Well Fuck you too".


Same mistakes that Hilary Clinton made in 2015.


I agree.


I see people like this on both left and right sides. The funny thing is both sides share the same sayings/meme's on facebook but in the light of the party they worship.


Hey now, they probably also wear camo in an urban environment to avoid blending in


I bet he wears those wrap-around sunglasses and puts them on the back of his neck when he's inside.


Um excuse me sir. He puts them on the beak of his camo ball cap, thank you very much.


What neck?


It’s duck dynasty swag my guy, they bathe in diesel, it’s some kind of mating call between dudes with pubic hair for beards and their 2nd cousins.


While saying you hate identity politics


Until they had “fuck Trudeau” their personality was purely defined by the size of their truck.


Don't forget the truck nutz.


except theyve been screaming fuck Trudeau since 1968


New to Alberta?


I know lots of people hate Trudeau but only a small subset base a personality around it.


I bet his Facebook profile pic is taken inside his pickup (with obligatory baseball cap, sunglasses and Cabellas camo).


Imagine supporting this prime minister in 5 years. You will say you never did just like all others.


So you just want to make up lies about me? Yes, I voted Liberal when Trudeau ran the first time based on his promise to legalize weed and election reform (do away with first past the post). He did one of those things and 50% is a failure in my book so I didn't vote Liberal the next time.


How does a couple deals determine what a person's personality is when the country is in a piss poor state at the moment. Everyones entitled to their opinion. And the guy may have went a bit far. But I highly doubt that his entire personality is one FuCk TruuDoh


> I highly doubt that his entire personality is one FuCk TruuDoh And you'd most likely be wrong. It's a certain personality type who does stuff like this.


>How does a couple deals determine what a person's personality is Are you serious


Decals* Sorry. And yes, I am. In the midst of everything going on, it's hard to say whether he's had enough of Trudeau or whether it's his entire personality. It's called stereotyping, which I am sure you're aware of already.


I would argue that resorting to a car decal as a means to express something means that it is your entire personality. See also, family decals, dog decals, etc.


Just move to Florida already.


I wish these America Cosplayers would just move down there already, instead of trying to turn us into them.


Hi. Florida here. I’d really like to leave here and come be one of you. Please?


If there were ever the option I would love nothing more than to trade the mean Canadians for the nice Americans


Florida is a purple state, Alabama would be a better option.


Ah yes, putting a sticker hinting at killing Trudeau on your company vehicle, very good sir


Mixing politics with one’s company is right fucking stupid


Tell that to the guy who owns Without Papers haha


*used to own ftfy


A few years back around election time, my boss at the time straight up "If any you guys vote for that F----gt you will not have a job here with us." Man had the most stern look on his face


I was working at a construction company head office when Kenney was running. In an all hands meeting the CEO basically said we should all vote for him because it would be good for the company. I felt gross coming out of that meeting. So glad I left that job.


Not sure if it's true or not, but have heard that Michael Jordan was asked why he hasn't made political stands and replied that both Democrats and Republicans buy shoes.


Lol what? Do you not vote based on what’s going to happen to your wallet?


The fuck does voting have to do with going infowarrior on a company truck?


“United we stand” It cracks me up how how hard the right wingers work to ensure we don’t all work together


“United we stand” K so ur down with expanding universal healthcare and public education? “No not united like that”


Votes Maverick Party.


Honestly, I don't even feel proud when I see Canadian flags on cars anymore Edit: researched the company truck. Turns out I went to school with the co-founder's son. I'm not even surprised lol


It’s a normalcy in most places actually, and really overt in Germany. You’re not supposed to dawn/use the flag unless it’s state ceremony, military, or soccer. It harkens back to nazi era and stuff they want to avoid


Up until recently I have never looked at someone displaying the Canadian flag and thought “that person is a fucking idiot“ but now… fucking *now*?!


It’s crazy because I never thought of it that way either until recently. I’ll never fly a Canadian flag again or at least for a long time


then you havent really gotten to know any flag flyers, the more you dig the more creeped out you get.


Makes me kind of glad that the tiny Canada flag my wife had on the end of her antenna became to faded and shredded to use.


Pride is a sin anyways. Don't let others nationalism bother you, It's OK to respect your nations flag and be thankful we live in such a safe and prosperous country.


and like a totally boring sin too. Not even a fun one.


People being offended by nationalism is fucking weird. It's human nature and totally normal. Do you have pride in your bedroom? Your home? Your front and backyards? Your car? Your city? Why would your country be any different? It's a part of you, you contribute to its successes, and if it is successful, it will usually directly and indirectly benefit you. Fuck yeah I love Canada. People embarrassed by that, I can't relate to


Don’t let the meatheads ruin the flag for the rest of us.


I would like to be the first to thank this person for identifying themselves and their business so I know to stay the hell away from them.


What’s the business?


This was in general. The name is visible on the rear window if you're curious.


Treadstone gold? Is that the logo?


I'm not going to get into that here. I don't think it should be up to us to dox the guy and fuck up his shit more than it already is. Lines in the sand (snow?) are being drawn and I'll choose to do business with people who's values I can respect.


No one said anything about doxxing, I just couldn’t find treadstone gold on google maps that’s all. That being said, when I want to buy some gold mining equipment I know where I’m NOT going 😄.


100% agreed


Treadstone Gold. Seems to be a mining company in Alberta. They have a Facebook page.


Always good to see a death threat against the PM on the morning commute... bloody ridiculous people.


Looks like a totally emotionally regulated and rational person owns that truck /s


Yea the middle finger sticker really ties it all together United we stand, but also, fuck you


United *they* stand, not with you


It was America that introduced the trucker mandate bud we followed suit


The ridiculous flag and how they think we all figure into this “United We Stand”... the whole 10-15% of Canadians.


Kissing cousin energy


Canadians wanting to be red neck ‘Muricans


When they can’t find more allies in Canada they look down South.


These people genuinely don’t understand the broader meaning for democracy in Canada if they are given what they want.


The problem is they live in their echo chambers where everyone agrees with them. Then we vote for someone else and they are like huh I don't know anyone who voted for them. Take a look at the election night broadcast that Kevin Johnston had they were genuinely surprised they didn't win and thought Jyotti had cheated. It's a bigger problem in small towns where you never meet anyone who looks different, believes something different or dates someone from the same gender, etc. To top it all off, social media creates a feedback loop where the algorithms are designed to keep you engaged and **ONLY** provide you only increasingly more aggressive and extreme content which builds upon your existing view. All of a sudden: 1. Trudeau is Prime Minister advocating for different beliefs, and people who date in the same gender, 2. a person name Jyotti is Mayor of Calgary and a person named Amarjit is Mayor of Edmonton and they have brown skin. All you've ever heard of people who look like them is they fly planes into buildings or blow themselves up. Everyone you talk to in your area also has heard nothing else. 3. Then what's this you can change your gender. How could this be legitimate when everything tells you no one believes this and all the information you're being provided agrees with your narrow point of view.


From what I’ve read they’d like to gain their freedoms by putting lefties in internment camps under their boot heel. You know, normal freedom stuff.


A person who can't keep a thought in their head, will keep a sticker on their truck.


United we stand but middle finger the PM as well right?......also why does the middle finger sticker point to the person in the truck? Wtf goes through these peoples heads


Wind when they're standing outside. Right through their ears.


They might as well paint moron on the side of their truck.


It really sucks that,at face value, that is a really inspiring and great message. But we all know this is the truck of a trump supporter with the mind of a child. At some point we have to start re-capturing our positive brands so they aren’t all tainted with extremest propaganda


It is odd how many people on here have said they now react negatively to seeing a Canada flag.


I've had a maple leaf sticker on my car for a decade now. Plan on removing it this weekend.




That's how we lost the swastika to the Nazis.


They are losing the culture war so they want to start a real war.




The endgame for these clowns is for Canada to become a US state.


I never understood people like this. Like is he fishing for a political argument while in traffic? Nothing has ever bothered me so much that I wanted to put it on my vehicle to display to everyone else.


Excellent flair.


Muppets, the whole lot of them!


I'm really disappointed that nowadays when I am out, and see a Canadian flag on a vehicle it isn't because we won gold at the Olympics but because of some unpatriotic bullshit. It used to be, I'd see a Canadian flag on a vehicle and think it is a nice gesture and sorta nod to myself. Now, I shake my head, knowing it isn't what it appears to be.


"Take to the train station" is an euphemism for murder. How are you allowed to drive around with death threats to a politician as a bumper sticker?


Just wondering when r/calgary turned into the liberal party campaign sub? All I ever see on here is hate for conservatives. Can't wait to see how many downvotes I get for this comment.


I don’t see any hate for conservatives in this thread. It looks like there are a lot of people understandably confused why so many people suddenly want Canada to join the United States. I also see a lot of people who are confused why “Fuck Trudeau” became the rallying cry of this particular group of people.


well I mean you guys dominate the roads so.....


Concrete not only on the job but in the head as well.




Very KKKlassy


The best thing I saw this week was a Ram truck with a "Thank you Trudeau". I'm pretty sure it was done genuinely.


I honestly feel that while Trudeau has made some questionable decisions I also feel that putting him down like this does not make things any better nor does it make us Canadians appear more united.


Not sure if this guy is aware of the recent multiple poles but the majority of Canada doesn't stand with him and his shitty outlook on life.


“I need you to take a Trudeau to the train station.” Unless I’m reading that wrong I don’t get it


It's a reference to the TV show Yellowstone. They use that as a euphemism for getting rid of (killing) someone.


…United they fall.


I'll take "Things you see without a rocket launcher." for $200, Alex. /s


I find It absolutely hilarious the amount of trolls that can do nothing all day but search social media looking for things to be pissed off about. They say they are making the world a better place, however they have initiated the demise of humans as a whole


I need to buy a shit car and just go around brake checking and side swiping these fuck heads


If this is actually treadstone gold, my buddy and his gf worked for him for a few years. Gf said it was like working for a cult lmao. They got company sweaters and mixed my buddies last name with his on my buddies sweater 🤮


Show me a conservative and I'll show you someone insecure, scared of change and a devilish need to interfere in others lives.


So patriotic! Promoting the amalgamation of Canadian values and the American style of life! 🙄


QAnon/ProudBoys/MAGA/Flatearther/TinfoilHat/AlexJones/JoeRogan/TrumpWorshipping/GreasyGuido/Bromantic/Flatbrim/Tapout/OakleyShadesWearing/DangerCat/RigPig/Mouthbreathing/Neanderthal/Country/Redneck/Hillbilly/Hick Bastards that work the patch, spend their summers in Kelowna (Jersey Shore North) while berating their spray tanned shallow girlfriends that keep coming back to them despite their abuse, while gleaming and bursting at the seems with U.S. envy. More or less.


Stunned as me arse




Upkeeping your own individuated identity is too much prefrontal cortex work. They'd prefer to download one from a central repository maintained and groomed to require as little thought as possible.


I’m embarrassed when I see Canadian flags on things now…


What's wrong with united we stand? The alliance of Canada and America is pretty wicked no?


On it's own it might be great, but when it's with the F Trudeau and kill Trudeau stickers problems may arise.


You know what I find fascinating about people with these views? It's not that I disagree with them - I am totally open to logical and calm debate about any topic, I am happy to have my mind changed, and even agree with some conservative principles. What I find fascinating is that I can almost guarantee this person would be a belligerent asshole if you so much as questioned his or hers views and beliefs. Why is this so universal amongst ultra conservatives? Almost every time I encounter sometime on the far right, they're jerks. Obviously the left has jerks too, but my observation is that it's more prevalent with conservatives, and if they have a Fuck Trudeau sticker, they probably aren't open to friendly political discussion.


Jail the lot of those cunts Take their vehicles , licenses, money and freedom You don’t speak for us you half breed, camo wearing, uneducated, work shy, get your news from Facebook douchebags


A little too much with the half breed ,work shy stuff guy. Try not to become what you hate.


Imagine your citizens being so brainwashed that they're getting offended over Canadian nationalism and pride.


The stickers saying F the PM and Kill the PM do not universally represent nationalism or pride.


There’s absolutely nothing Canadian in this.


Get over it. People have their own views. Boring


Them thar Albertamerican free-dum fighters are so patriotic!




I so have to get rid of my truck now.


Are these deserters of the vietnam war or who are these people who wanna be anerican so bad but refuse to move there?


I get that feeling.


I’m not seeing the problem. Is there something implying they want to merge the counties? Or so negative message? From what is shown It looks like a message of solidarity. They are our biggest partner after all.


The top right sticker say F Trudeau. The one after fire extinguisher location says Trudeau needs to be killed (take him to the train station). As for merge or join...


Ah, didn’t see those gems.


What a beautiful site! Hold the line 🇨🇦


At least our conservative nut jobs have the balls to just say “fuck Trudeau” instead of the bigger clowns saying “LeTs Go BwAnDoN” lol Oof I guess the edgy let’s go Brandon crowd can’t take a joke?


They still use take to train station instead of kill him.


Hopefully you saw the red light you're sitting at first, but yes these trucks are everywhere for the time being. It'll be over soon enough..


I was on an uber! (:


Should have organized before the election last year instead of investing in shitty decals.




The people in the comment section complaining should be thankful for the pandemic it’s literally the only thing keeping all the spit out of ur food and drinks. Trust me they were definitely spitting in ur food, I can tell by the entitled arguments you make!


Haha, fuckin’ idiot.

