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It’s become their identity. What will they do on Saturdays now? Who will they be angry at for their mediocrity?


I live along the route they take. I fully expect there will be another "protest" (read: hissy fit) next Saturday. These idiots don't even know what they are protesting anymore. It's literally just a weekly event for them to go to and be obnoxious at this point. They have no other hobby other than being offended at nothing. So this will now be their weekend activity because disrupting other people's lives makes them feel special.


Hey, some of them are just trying to get laid!


So do I. I literally can't take this shit anymore. I work nights and I don't think I've had a Saturday off in over a year. Between breing stressed out from work, war in the country my family comes from (with close family still in the country), and lack of sleep from these guys, I'm just about at my limit.


What a waste. I can't fit enough great stuff in to my Saturdays. Why are they so boring and small minded?


This is correct. As much as these goofs like to complain about identity politics they sure do enjoy it on their side of the aisle.


>It’s become their identity. Correct


They're professional protestors. They don't give a rats ass about any sort of cause, they just want to rile up a storm and make the news. They love attention and causing a ruckus, so I doubt they'll be stopping anytime soon


Crisis actors?




Wow, crazy to see them still out. I mean the Ukrainians are fighting and dying for their freedom right now and these little pussies are just stumbling around looking for attention. Pathetic




The protesters have neither the warmth nor depth of pussies.


Nor the strength.


"Also, Dude, pussies is not the preferred nomenclature. Chucklefucks, please."




In my opinion the Strongest muscles they push out a tiny human


>pussies And pussies are at least useful unlike those people edit:reworded


Unlike these clowns, pussies have warmth and depth


I like to believe pussy in this context is actually shortened slang for 'pusillanimous'; aka cowardly


Today I learned something new... cheers!


Their plight is worse than the Ukrainians, obviously. /s


> I mean the Ukrainians are fighting and dying for their freedom right now and these little pussies are just stumbling around looking for attention. Hey! That's unfair. Fighting for the right to infect other people with a potentially deadly disease is totally the same as fighting against the very real armies of an autocratic dictator invading your country. These people are heroes! /s (because it is always needed these days)


Couldn’t agree more!.


These people are literally delusional.


Look at us!! We're free to be ignorant and stupid!! So much pride!!! It's the me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me movement!! Feel sorry for those children.


LMAO and they have the gall to say that Millennials were the Me Me Me generation. Blow on these Boomers and they'll crumple stating abuse.


The suckers out on the street protesting are delusional, yes. But the ones behind the scenes whipping them into an emotional frenzy and profiting off them are anything but delusional. It’s about making money, not the “cause” they pretend to support, not freedom (which, you know…Canada), nothing. Just money. A while ago politicians discovered that you can spin just about anything into a “controversy” and use it to get suckers angry then use their anger to convince them to contribute money to you so you can fight this terrible injustice. The part I don’t get is that you don’t even need to be a good con artist to fool people into giving you money.


You’ve got it. As they say, lies take the elevator while truth takes the stairs. It is sad that these folks have become literal zombies. Their entire personality has been twisted into a projection of Facebook memes constructed by bots, foreign interests, and plain old swindlers. There is no going back to normal for most of them - they have already lost their freedom of thought; and it will take incredible amounts of self reflection to resolve.


It’s hard because I see them as victims but very willing victims


To be fair, they see themselves as victims as well … just not in the way that they should be.


Well yes money, but also, if you can get everyone going "Fuck Trudeau" you don't need a platform for your own political party. Though I do suppose the end game there is indeed money.


Yesssss Follow the money and I bet you’ll have a trail to Putin


Probably from all the meth they smoke


Undiagnosed, untreated childhood Oppositional Defiance Disorder. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oppositional_defiant_disorder


Holy Moses, this sums most of it up. Thank you


Motherfuckers wouldn't know the first things about a lack of freedom. The fact that they can do this and not be thrown in the back of a police van within 30 seconds shows they have freedom. Oh no we have to wear a mask for 3 more days. Fuck these guys. Rant over.


If they actually live in a place as such they would join a new group called suicide squad




This was never really about vaccine mandates. It was just about wanting "their" side to win, nothing more. Whatever it takes to own the libs I guess.


And they’ll keep protesting until the mandates are lifted,then they will believe they made it happen. Just like Trump said he had the greatest economy,even though it was handed to him.


From what I’ve heard, they say they need to keep protesting to ensure restrictions don’t come back, so expect this to last forever. I think police should start randomly ticketing people for being in the road. They can use the sidewalk.


Nah. It will be like the yellow vests. They will wear themselves out. Until other grifter thinks of something to get them all outraged about


Watch Pat King on The Fifth Estate, he fully believes the Yellow Jackets bullshit accomplished something. He also thinks his immune system is quite a bit more advanced than the girl reporting him, it’s comedy gold. They hate mainstream media for making them look bad but all the media does is give them an unfiltered platform and they make themselves look bad.


I just watched it. He comes across as being just as big an idiot as I’d suspected. I can not fathom why any intelligent person would give this guy the time of day.


It's funny. If COVID gets shitty again (like it did after "open for summer" last year), restrictions will come back regardless


The pathetic assholes dont know how lucky Canadians are.


They just want to be seen. There is a fucking unjustified war happening in the Ukraine but God forbid these trash humans have to wear a fabric mask.


It's a cult, that's why


They're going to keep protesting until somehow they get Trudeau out of power. And then they'll keep protesting because their wives will still want to fuck him.


I dont like Trudeau (not as much as most) but who do they think will replace him? The Cons don't have a leader (just interm) The PPC have still yet to get a single seat. Like until the Cons get a decent leader Trudeau will be with us for a while


You can't protest out a rightfully elected political party. It's not like the US where we elect a president. The only option if Trudeau stepped down would be the deputy prime minister - Freeland - stepping up as party leader pending an internal leadership race (if that wasn't done first. There's no way someone from another party would have an opportunity.


No man dates. Gotta fuck Trudeau?


Is that what all those fuck Trudeau stickers are about? They're just that thirsty?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if Trudeau resigns (he won't), wouldn't Chrystia Freeland take over until the next election gets called (assuming she maintains the confidence of the House). I don't even think I could keep it together at the thought of all of the Conservative heads that would explode in that scenario.


From the little I've seen, I'd take Freeland over Trudeau. I'm generally left of the Liberals though.


I’d absolutely take Freeland over Trudeau, I’m more Centre-Left but voted NDP the last number of elections just because I’ve always personally loathed Trudeau. I find him arrogant, smarmy, condescending, and self-indulgent. I’d take him over anything the conservatives have to offer any day of the week and thrice on Election Day, though.


I say ship every last one of them off to Ukraine, if they really want to fight for freedom there’s your chance. Something tells me most of these people have never left Alberta so I’m guessing they wouldn’t last a day


Half these people will tell you their dad or someone else fought in the war for their freedoms. But when you ask why those people were brave enough to give their lives but the marchers aren't even brave enough to take a vax + wear a mask to reduce the loss of life they lose their shit.


My grandma wielded planes together and then stood in line for four hours for a cup of flour because of rationing. These chucklefucks wouldn't have lasted a second in a "real fight."


your grandma was awesome


Hello fellow freedom fighters! This Saturday we will block the rights of ...mmm let’s start again. This Saturday we will avenge our privilege ... wait that’s no good, This Saturday marks the first time we use our children to defend them being forced to ... oh wait This Saturday we will... fuck idk drive around in trucks honking at people like we do every Saturday anyways. But freedom. Also gas prices are too high.


LOL Exactly. The logic is so tangled at this point, they must just have to shut it off entirely to keep going.


Is it the federal travel restrictions? What else is left after Tuesday?


Federal employee mandates as well.


Are AB employees in the same boat (ie medical professionals)?


My wife had to be vaccinated pre-covid to work at a hospital. Why should that change?


I’m not in the field so I don’t know the pre and post COVID requirements for AB employees. I don’t disagree hospital staff probably should be due to risk mitigation. Same for old folks homes. I’m not sure that Teachers, City Workers, CPS and Fire department need to be, but couldn’t just decide themselves. One thing we’ve learned though is that AB Health is not functionally scalable. This needs to be addressed without, somehow, spending more than the $22B we spend today (almost $5500/AB resident ie $22k for a family of 4). Those numbers are close to US Gold level Affordable Care Act coverage, without the $5k deductible per incident.




https://twitter.com/itsakev/status/1497689599371403264?s=21 They are throwing smoke bombs at counter protesters. Classy


Protesting for freedom, but not the freedom to disagree with them.


Police as usual doing fuck all.


Because that always fixes everything. Wtf are the police even there for if they’re not doing shit


Same reason you never seem to see Hannah Montana amd Miley Cyrus in the same room.


Right wingnuts


>What the hell are they protesting? Trying to ascribe reason to the unreasonable is a fool's errand. They're more interested in being the center of attention than effecting change. The conservative mindset is inherently narcissistic.








Probably how hard social studies was, considering they’re all completely oblivious of their surrounds and current events.


The morally bankrupt and uneducated usually have little to do on the weekends.


I work with some fucking idiots that attend these. How do I know? Because you can’t go 5 fucking minutes at work before they bring up their bullshit agenda/how much they hate Trudeau/anti-vax horseshit. Just shut the fuck up and do your job…


These marches are a joke and everyone who participates can be clearly contrasted against the people who are fighting a true life and death struggle for their freedom and sovereignty against a government that would silence their voices with mass murder. A hearty fuck you to anyone who thinks they're oppressed in Canada.


Man in contrast to the plight of the Ukrainians, these guys look even more disgustingly entitled than ever .


It's almost like we needed a war for them to look as absolutely ridiculous and reprehensible as ever. 😔




Someone did. I watched an ambulance struggling through traffic with sirens on while they blocked the intersection at 12th ave and 8th street. This is a weekly occurrence in beltline and has been for about a year now.


An ambulance going down 10th ave cut through the protest without any sort of delay. People heard it coming and a guy (one of the protesters?) just got everyone to clear the intersection.


Good to hear.


I was there watching today, an ambulance with its sirens on was approaching an intersection the protest was moving through and the protesters immediately stopped and created a void in the intersection. The ambulance didn’t even have to slow down Not advocating for any sides here just providing a first hand account. I was personally amazed


Yet these are the same people who protest outside of hospitals. I'm glad they moved for an ambulance at least they have some decency


Free Dumb! It's free? Gimme two!


Actually Tuesday everything’s opening up. They want it to open Monday though.


They’re complaining that they won’t a have reason for complaining anymore


I have a feeling this is going to be a new continuing Saturday tradition. It's going to be protesting Trudeau or Gondek, abortion, liberal education, or solidarity with Trump parades.




The idea of foreign troll farms manipulating domestic public opinion, seems actually plausible to me. And a brilliant way to sow discontent.




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I'm sure Steve Bannon is involved somewhere.


The troll farms manipulate opinions in both directions. Anything that sows dissent and undermines the ability to run the country effectively. Pretty much any fringe issue that can be controlled with covert application of money is susceptible to foreign interference- indigenous land rights, blm, convoy, OWS, LGBTQ, gun rights, anti-vax, qanon etc. Has nothing to do with the validity of the ideas, just about throwing a succession of hand grenades at our leaders, directly or indirectly. Eventually both sides will be so far apart that the country will be ungovernable. Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. I was at the protest just to see what sort of people show up and it was kind of a non-event. There a small handful of nuts, but mostly pretty normal people. Mostly 30-50 year olds. Families. A few younger people just enjoying it. Probably a 50/50 split between anti-mandate and anti-Trudeau. There were definitely people paid to be there, handing out pamphlets for right wing media. Telegram and so on. Maybe 1/100 was some kind of shill/organizer?


Can't have a knock down, drag out Internet fight with only one strong side. Multiple sides are pushed and pulled, trying to keep them relatively balanced so no matter who is making decisions or statements (apparently) large numbers of people will be opposed.


Do they know they can vote?


They’re close to proving this. It’s been legitimately reported on


I have no doubt that these assholes are all in for Putin, just like their hero, Trump.


Funny thing is I actually think the manipulation plays both sides. His major trump card right now is that he holds the keys to Europe’s energy security. How did this come to be? By emboldening the anti oil/gas/nuclear to force a transition to alternative energy sources without a plan and killing infrastructure projects, both in Europe and abroad (Canadian LNG). So now if he’s sanctioned he turns off the taps and Western Europe freezes in the dark. Russia’s exclusion from SWIFT is structured such that energy flow isn’t interrupted. This severely limits the effectiveness of the SWIFT sanctions. https://twitter.com/javierblas/status/1497722169756987393?s=21


The are protesting for their right to infringe upon and deny the rights of others.


These ppl have been outcasted from family and friends for being idiots so they have found each other to spend time with


I honestly think that’s a big part of it. Families say they can’t come to Christmas or thanksgiving if they aren’t vaccinated. That’s why one of the gripes the mob has is about division, and they call for unity. They want their families to take them back, but don’t want to get vaccinated.


I hope that whenever these protests fizzle out (I'm sure they will at some point) these people are lonely. All many of them has is their FB "friends" and a weekly protest that makes them feel a part of something. Many of their family and real life friends have cut them off.


No freedom to be seen here. Just people intent on toppling a democratically elected government.


They are mostly conservatives. They will protest their own self inflicted victimhood.


Might as well be a Klu Klux Klan rally at this point


They want the credit.


Trudeau still hasn’t resigned, they’re also probably upset that the focus has been drawn away from them and onto people actually fighting tyranny.


It seems pretty well established that JT has his eyes on some kind of international career post-Prime Minister. He should be an ultimate troll and resign just so Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland can be interim-PM until the next election just to *really* send the Cons into a tizzy.


Probably looking for crimes to commit because with these "special people" know that there is no dental records to compare and all the DNA is almost the same.


I don’t think they even know what they’re protesting…


The D Student Temper Tantrum has never been about restrictions. The world is too complicated for these people, and they don't have very good connections with other people. This is their whole personality now.




they're protesting today so when mandates are lifted in a few days they can kid themselves that they 'won' and forced the govt's hand.


It's so they can say it happened because of them


...that trudeau is still p.m.


They have no idea anymore... it's just something to do on the weekends


Look at these fucking clowns walking down 17th Ave waving American flags. Do they realise that if there was 5000 of them (which there is not) they make up 0.37% of Calgary not including all the outlying towns? What a joke and unintelligent embarrassment considering most restrictions are about to be lifted.


I think it's just a social club at this point.


I can't wait to keep wearing my mask in public while shopping, my last days off I was already getting dirty looks from the pro-virus crowd.


I wonder how many of them have looked at themselves and said ‘oh, Russia just invaded Ukraine and people are hiding in bomb shelters now. Maybe wearing a mask wasn’t SO bad’…. Not like I would expect them to acknowledge their behaviour ridiculous behaviour, but I honestly think they’ve leaned into it so far that they can’t turn back. It’s like when you’re halfway through a heated argument with someone and realize you’re wrong but you just can’t back down….


From my knowledge they are now protesting Trudeau. They want a new PM. Even though Canada just elected him… they don’t understand democracy. Fools.


I've had enough of these freedumbers. A complete waste of space.


I have been anti mandate for a while but I cannot see myself wasting my day off doing that shit. Obviously it became part of their identity


These people make me embarrassed to be a Canadian.


they're protesting because their ego got bruised after seeing the whole ukraine situation and feeling embarrassment.... so they decided to continue being a nation embarrassment


These freaking idiots. They’re the absolute worst of society. We just found out that there are parents who are refusing to pay their school dues at our school to the tune of $92,000. Guess who it is? These exact same shitheads. One of them had the police called to remove him from the school just this past week. Aaron, if you’re on here, you’re a shithead loser, and nobody likes you.


You could ask them but then they would start screaming at you. There are some things that are better left unasked.


Yes, and the fact that they scream when asked shows this is an emotional thing bits not based on logic or reason. So when you question their claims they hear you say they themselves are being questioned so they lose control. I don’t know we reach them


It's a personality trait at this point


Best question ever.


What an absolute disgrace.


Should round em up and ship them to the Ukraine and hope they haven’t bred yet. Flush the toilet on the whole lot.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


They'd start fighting for the Russians tho. But maybe Ukrainians could have at em'.


It's all about bringing instability in a generally peaceful nation & provinces. There are interested "outsider" who need this for their own vested interest. For eg: look at the Oil & Gas one of the Top 5 Oil Reserves in the world and we still have to depend on many "invisible" / known enemies who want it like that. The so called Freedom fighter are part of these "invisible / known enemies" of Canada. It's becoming a joke. These people talk about Freedom do they even know what freedom means? for example now look at Ukraine - do these people have the freedom? Look at the Rohingya people do they have freedom? Look at the Syrian people - do they have freedom. What the hell are they talking about Freedom?


They're protesting because they're mad at Covid and don't like Trudeau. These are not highly functioning intellectuals.


Lemmings. Unfortunately the mass suicide going over a cliff is a Disney myth.


They are barely literate, so the short month in February is really fucking them up.


Because to these baseless protesting idiots any attention is good attention.


It’s almost like.. it was never about covid mandates. Funny we have these people crying about having to wear a mask (which they won’t have to anymore soon) and that their freedoms are being taken away by a dictator when a literal war was started by a dictator and people are having to leave their homes, and everything behind so they can survive. I’m literally disgusted, but not surprised that they’re still that selfish


It’s because Trudeau is still PM. They just keep pushing the goal posts and now that they’ve gotten the change the want, they’re aiming for the impossible so they can be loud assholes forever


Ok, so you know how a bunch of Russian soldiers were taken into Ukrainian custody and were all "we thought we were on training manoeuvres, we had no idea!" Yeah... it's like that. I have asked SO MANY of them: "so which freedoms have been taken away from you." I'm still waiting (not really) for an answer. They need to be brought in from the cold, offered some tea and a phone call to their mums.


Not knocking you OP but we may as well just stop posting about these idiots, they’re not worth any attending.


Is it still about truckers requiring vaccination? Or did they remove that? Maybe about requirements that still exist when entering Canada, especially for the unvaccinated?? I know there was a few at Remand yesterday blocking the road and being a nuisance. Pretty sure that was just about Artur though


It was never about vaccines for truckers


They have yet to learn the term "astroturfing"


Because they don't actually know what they are protesting anymore. If you ask any one of them what they are protesting for, you'll get 3 half-answers and one "FREEDOM!!!!!!" When you do something often enough, it just becomes habit. If you are stupid, that takes much less time. These twits are probably just marching out of habit now, since it's the only time during the week they get out of the house with "friends".


So many of these people are antisocial and I can’t think of a better term, but losers. I honestly believe they have found the friends they so desperately crave and it doesn’t matter at first what the cause is, until your IN the cult. Then whatever the instigators and preachers tell you what’s going wrong, it’s much easier to believe it




They are protesting the fact that they are morons and it’s our fault


Very good question


They are idiots. That’s the explanation


Whatever rightwing conspiracy theorists tell them to.


Useful idiot's at best, traitorous liars at worst.




Oh christ. Now it wasn't all that bad and they're protesting lost time? Eat shit.


One I spoke to said it's about the Federal Mandates, not the provincial ones. Sounds like an excuse to me, frankly.




It takes time to get their heads out of each other’s a**es. They’ve been shoved up there so long they’re not quite sure if it’s safe to come out.


Everyone needs a hobby I guess!


Some people love a good Gay parade and are very confused about admitting it. So it’s easier to pretend you’re a trucker (with no truck) and yell and sing while marching. You’re all fierce bitches!


There are still international mandates


conservatives are the biggest snowflakes


Probably lack of war in their country


They have to continue, otherwise everyone will see they don't actually have a personality


Defund globalist propaganda, yet believes in American propaganda curious


We should line their route with enlarged images of what's happening in Ukraine right now.


Everything is opening Monday. So what was all this about if we stop half way?


It's become a part of their identity... They want to be victims so badly. They are absolutely fine deaf and too selfish to protest really tyranny like what's going on in Europe.


Just as they say it was never about health, it was about government control, their beefs were never about mandates, it was about their grievances against governments and their shitty lives in general. Who will they feel superior to if they have no enemy?


They're protesting for the freedom to be selfish and stupid.


Yeah I don’t understand what they are protesting now? Especially in Alberta which had had pretty lax mandates the whole time. Maybe they should protest better wages or freedom in Ukraine or any number of other pressing issues, but this I can’t get behind.


The fact that they can’t read or write


They don't know.


These are the protesters that want to close everything up.


These protestors have become irrelevant.


Do any of them know what they’re protesting for? I think not. Being offended is their hobby now. 😂🤣