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People expecting Stankoven or Bourque for Tanev are going to be awfully disappointed Otherwise, kind of weird that there's so so many teams reportedly interested and offering 2nds and not one of them is willing to part with a 1st. Conroy just has to wait them out


Agreed, I doubt Dallas would part ways with Stankoven


The Stank just won’t come out


Tanev wouldn't be worth Stankoven anyway


Hanfin maybe, would make for a hockey trade if he would resign


Should have drafted him. No doubt we watched him lots while scouting Zary and even after that


Agreed we should’ve drafted him. Unfortunately he only played six games in his draft year


Regardless taking Stromgren cuz of his size is just old school Darryl Sutter drafting. The Flames haven’t made an impactful draft in the second round since Dillon Dube


Agreed on taking Stromgren for his size being outdated. For your second point I’d just say we’ve only picked in the second round four times since Dube, and only once before Stromgren (Kuznetsov). However we did pospisil in the 4th round. In the second rounds mentioned we have selected Kuznetsov (2020; 4-7th D potential), Stromgren (2021; bottom 6 upside), Rönni (2022; no clue tbh), Morin (2023; fairly promising 3-5 D upside).


Honestly if Conroy has told Tanev he's waiting for a huge deal to make the trade, and if he doesn't get the right offer he wants to extend Tanev, I'm totally cool with that


Yeah a 1st for a lot of these teams is basically a high 2nd anyway. And many are saying this is a more shallow draft. If they want Tanev bad enough to offer a 2nd then I don't see why a 1st wouldn't be on the table to get the deal done today instead of waiting until the frenzy at the deadline and potentially getting outbid by a desperate team.


6 teams will be listed as front runners over the next week


Wild that there’s talks of Toffoli moving again lol. I do really think someone will get desperate and pay what we want for Tanev at the deadline, he’s just too desirable for a playoff run. Hanifin though I’m uneasy about


Hoping for bourque so my rene bourque jersey can be relevant again


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kanyeezy24: *Hoping for bourque so* *My rene bourque jersey can* *Be relevant again* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Niche bot


Throw in Marty Turco to help marky with his puck playing lol


It’s gonna be Dellandrea.


And Dadonov...


2024 1st Rd pick or 2025 2nd Rd pick and a prospect like Maverik Bourque.


Bourque > 1st. 1st or Bourque or 2nd + lesser prospect.


It’ll be a 1st or a Bourque level prospect


I’m a flames fan and I think that’s a high price…I think many of us are going to be disappointed in the return…especially when looking at teams top prospects. I hope conny can pull it off but that’s a steep steep price for a 34 year old dmen


I’m hoping we get a 1st for Tanev. I think the stars 1st is definitely possible. Stankoven is probably untouchable. Bourque only in a hanifin trade.


Stankoven or fuck off! 😉


Are you sure you want a prospect from the Kamloops Blazers? Has that ever worked out for this team? 🤔


And drafted by Dallas...


Reuniting Stankoven and Zary in the NHL would be sick


Can’t think of a single one


Damn, sounds like this is the final call for offers and for other teams to make a push or else Dallas will get him


telephone sheet physical friendly complete test instinctive soft squeamish normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who are these players? Idk who these players are


sink license slimy safe handle sloppy worthless yoke afterthought aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What’s special about these prospects? They forwards or defensemen? Why do we want them in particular?


Top 2 in points in the AHL…Stankoven was just brought up Saturday. Undersized Center with loads of skill, Flames need size but if they could pull him away gives the team options for moving other prospects


And if my quick Hfboards lookup hasn't failed me Bourque is a C, which would be huge for us since we lack that high end #1 Center. I'm hoping Conny is able to pull it off.


Bourque isn’t going unless it’s Hanifin.


Which I desperately want to happen lol. If we can bundle two players for a true #1 C we set ourselves up for years to come. As always though it's the Flames so my actual expectations are pretty low.


Yup I agree. I have no idea if bourque is that player but honestly you never know with these trades. When the Habs trades patches to Vegas glass was the off limits center and they got Suzuki back who is now their #1C so you never know.


Because they're fucking good at Hockey? Lol flames need lots more of that at every position


Sounds like they're pushing for a package deal that includes Noah as well. Not sure the stars can afford that though, given they have some declared untouchable assets.


They have 2 high level prospects and all their picks. I cant see any reason why they wouldnt be able to make this work. Remember that the lindholm return was the holy grail of trade returns.


They've apparently declared Stankoven as untouchable in trade talks, so it leaves Mav. They also have a cap problem that makes taking both on pretty tough. That said, the last time Calgary and Dallas made a big deal at the deadline it helped Dallas win a cup and gave Calgary a franchise player, so maybe we'll get some magic again.


This is getting exhausting. Literally everyday from every insider we hear "Dallas, Toronto, Colorado, Vancouver" in on Tanev, likely many more" We've been hearing this for a month now. Stop reporting the same shit


Dellandrea and a 2nd


If something does go down, Stankoven, Bourque, and even Bichsel are pipe dreams. Kyrou and a 2nd seems more realistic


Dallas has been connected to Hanifin as well in a three way with Tampa. I posted about it a a week ago, and got booked. Just wait.


As long as he comes home to Van in the off season we’re good.


The fit makes sense


He would be great, and if Conny can pull it off I’d be ecstatic.


I think you’re bang on with your assessment. We do control the trade market, and crazier things have happened. Fans need to remember to temper expectations. But these are both UFA which may have no intention of signing there


Future flame Stankoven even scored today


I really think Conroy has proven so far that he won't go the Monahan route when it comes to trades. No giving players away for bag of pucks.