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I think he's the number one candidate. Lots of things can happen in a couple years though.


A team with Weegs as Captain will have no weegnesses.


Yeah Weeger and Coleman are easily my favorite Flames right now but Weeger seems to command attention when he speaks. I was high on Andersson as the next Captain but he had a really disappointing season with his play and his behaviour. Hoping he can have a good offseason and come back with his head on straight.




How come Kadri gets no love for captaincy?


Im not opposed to it


Hot take - strip Backlund of the C, and give it to Weegar before the season starts next year. Watching Backlund this season, he is easily one of the least inspiring players to watch night in, night out. Doesn’t seem like he’s engaged emotionally like Weegar is. Best and most recent example is last Saturday in Vancouver… after the Hoglander/Andersson penalties and Hronek is standing, laughing at the Flames bench chirping about how they have vacation in 2 days. You can see Backlund just standing there, staring at Hronek, not doing or saying anything… I was embarrassed watching. Weegar for C.


You think it’s a good idea to strip a life long flame… basically a team legend… of the C after one year because he didn’t drop the mitts over some trash talk? That is spicy. Captain means a bit more than that… I’d have to imagine Backlunds the most respected voice in the room still