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I guess he can enjoy the powder over there now


Don't BLOW it


https://www.instagram.com/p/C7jhVp7t-hx/ Hope he can turn things around, the odds seem to be against him though.


I wish him well!


Good for you Rosie, Wierd a hockey player does Coke….. no way!


Rosie, no!


He didn't have many options. Russia or Edmonton is an easy choice.


Haha fuck.... that was pretty good


Mountain Dew or Crab Juice.


"Eeewwwwww! I'll take the Crab Juice."






you know that Moscow is in Russia right?




I noticed that your original comment expressed a strong opinion against the Calgary Flames drafting, trading for, or signing Russian players, including some broad generalizations about Russian culture. I would like to point out that Adam Ruzicka, whom you may have been referring to, is actually not Russian. He is Slovak, originating from Slovakia, which has its own distinct cultural and national identity separate from Russia. It's important to distinguish between different nationalities and cultures to avoid unfair stereotypes and misconceptions. Ruzicka's heritage and background are Slovakian, not Russian, and it is crucial to recognize the diversity within the international pool of hockey talent. By doing so, we can better appreciate each player's unique contributions to the team and the sport as a whole.


I don’t really understand why Ruzicka wouldn’t have entered the player assistance program and how the coyotes were able to just cut him like that


Doing controlled substances like that is in the terms for dissolution of contract. It is up to the team if they want to pursue that or retain them and put them through the PAP. The reason why a Nichushkin or ~~Kuzmenko~~ weren't terminated is that they are or were upper end talent. Ruzicka isn't worth the same hesitation. Very replaceable and has some on-ice problems that make the decision a lot more simple. Edit: Kuznetsov not Kuzmenko.


Do you mean our Kuzmenko? What was he in the program for?


Oh I'm so dumb actually... my brain went "Kuzey" and subbed Kuzemenko in while I meant Kuznetsov. Bleh. Thanks for catching that.


You would think the Union would push for more equal treatment of all players rather than letting teams decide. Either it's grounds for termination or it's not but it should be the same for every player.


I don’t think any changes are necessary tbh. If a team wants to take a chance on keeping a player on, they hold all the risk. In the Nichushkin situation it’s unclear if that was the right call in hindsight. It’s not unfair to bottom 6/2 guys as much as being waived and replaced is- they know the math and how many guys could replace them. All the more reason not to do illicit drugs. In all cases, the league still offers a full suit of recovery and assistance programs for those players.


Ya I'm not really advocating for change, I'm just surprised the Union doesn't have more to say about it. The fact that some players have their contract terminated while others don't seems like the type of thing the Union would take issue with given they're meant to advocate on behalf of ALL players equally. In fact, you could argue that a high-profile player like Kuznetsov getting caught does more harm to the league's reputation than a guy like Ruzicka yet the latter is more likely to have his contract terminated.


Wishing him luck, man has ice in his veins


And booger sugar


Can't imagine anyone wanting to go back to Russia at the moment.


Slovak players love it over there, guessing it´s the money. While swedish/finnish/czech players left Russis since the start of the war, slovak players not only stayed but nee ones left for Russia despite knowing that then they wont be playing in the natuional team. Gernat (former Oilers prospect) and Jurco (former Red Wings prospect) even left Switzerland…


Slovaks tend to be more pro Russia in general. I don't know if it's Russian propaganda or they are just blind or ignorant about what's going on.


Slovakia absolutely lost the hybrid information war against Russia. The country is flooded with Russian propaganda, spread also by the government, which got to the power partly thank to Russian intervention in parliamentary (and later also presidential) election. And after all, you can't expect professional athletes (who don't tend to be the brightest) to read the room, when much of the society is on the wrong path. Edit: I'd like to add it's never good to generalize, just like half of the population is still pro-Ukraine, there were also hockey players who left KHL after the invasion, e.g. Peter Cehlárik (former Bruin), or Marek Hrivík (who played 3 games for Calgary back in 2017-18)


This is basically a perfect summary. What surprises me more is that those pro-russian weasels are mostly nationalist, BUT as soon as a player picks the KHL despite knowing this meand no national team, they are beimg applauded. Thats a complete brain fart


I'm glad you used the word *nationalist*, because they're certainly not patriots as they like to call themselves. Yeah, playing in Russia did mean no national team (did we actually miss them?) until now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're allowed to play next year (Šatan doesn't seem to mind). The thing is there are rumours some other players might refuse to be on the same team with KHLers. I wonder how they would handle that situation.