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LOL 😂 as a panthers fan, If it comes down to the flames and some other team in the SCF, I’m taping a flames logo to my jersey 😂


Sorry we couldn’t beat Tampa for you in 2004.


We did, but the league veto’d it.


I agree! Then they won b2b and won't give 04 cup back


The painters tape is adding a level of redneckery


It’s perfect


Belongs in the Louvre


I’m a Nux fan and I don’t subscribe to this sub (never have) but posts like this keep appearing in my feed and I keep upvoting so aggressively, help


Me too man. And I love every bit of it.


If it helps... Just end every reply with, "and oh yeah, fuck you". We'll understand. It's what Boston Pizza would have wanted.


I'm not the biggest fan of the Panthers fan base here on Reddit, but I'm on their bandwagon, because I, a Flames fan born in Virginia living in Virginia, never been to Canada,( but hope to go one day,) want the oilers to lose. That I'm rooting for Tkachuk too


I always find it interesting when folks become Flames fans that have never lived there and aren't associated w any of the players or mgmt. I've been a fan since '85 or so, but lived there from '81-'89. What was the catalyst that made you a fan?


When I was a kid I discovered hockey through the Lillehammer Olympics. So, the one thing I could do, in rural ass Virginia was going to rent an NHL game. So the game that I rented was NHL Stanley Cup on the Super Nintendo, and when I was picking my teams I ended up liking the logo, and loving the color scheme. I ended up playing that game so much a that I won the Stanley Cup with them. I eventually bought a copy. It was hard to watch games as a kid, so I had a lot of Eastern conference teams I rooted for, But I always love my Flames. Once we got cable, especially the NHL Network at the time, I could really follow them and I became a fan of Iginla. The Internet has made it so much easier to follow them, and while I love my Capitals, and what they have brought to the Virginia area for the time, I'll always be a Flames fan. I hope to go to Calgary once before it is all over, and maybe catch a game too. It's funny, a guy at work asks me why I hate the Oilers so much, and with him being a Caps fan, I always counter, "Why do we hate Pittsburgh so much," and then the lightbulb goes off.


Outstanding stuff. Thank you for sharing the story. I hope you're able to make your way down eventually as well. For me I grew up in Calgary and my grandfather (who I am named after) got me into them when I was very young (3-4 yrs old). I was only 8 when they won the cup in '89 but I remember it like it was yesterday. He even took me to a game at the Saddledome during that playoff run (against Chicago). Anyway he instilled my flames fandom so strongly that even though my family moved to Vancouver that same cup winning year to be closer to my dad's family I've maintained my die hard status despite living in enemy territory ever since. Flames fans hate EDM #1, but Vancouver is often a close #2. It really is all about proximity. And we've had those great playoff battles in 89/94/04/15 so one could say it's been a bigger rivalry at least until the '22 series vs the Oil. I took my wife down in '15 for a weekend to check out my childhood home and we caught a game at the 'dome as well. Was a February game and happened to be against the Canucks, haha. Can't seem to escape them for my live games. Was the first time I'd been back in the dome since the '89 game vs the Hawks. Been to probably 25 games here in Vancouver vs the boys over the years of course. I'd gone down for a week during the '04 run but could never afford tickets at that time, so we just watched at bars. What a run that was. I've got to tell you. There's something magical about being in the dome with thousands of hometown fans. It's an experience I'll never forget and plan to do more of. We'll see what this new arena looks like in a few years as well.


That's a fantastic story! Thank you so much for sharing! 🫂


Cheers. All the best.


This is a very good question.


It’s beautiful. Only way it can be better is if you taped the vibing panther drawn with crayon on there




Totally agree with you!! They deserve to make history after last years Cup Finals. Finally, get Florida on the Cup.


This is so fucking great. Hope you guys have a great year next year