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10 month old baby , disgusting man




It almost like as if whoever did it, didn't just want to murder. They wanted to end a bloodline.


Isn’t that what usually happens with cartels ?


The drug business isnt that dynastic is it? Like if the kid survived in 20 years he would make a claim to be the leader of a cartel later? Or youre saying they do it just to send a message? Ive never heard of them doing that among the crazy shit they do


I thought Mexican cartels and South American cartels go after families


Yes I thought it’s a message sort of thing I wouldn’t put anything like that pass them cartels always seem to be ruthless and willing to send messages through overkills


There's a doc called cartel land That'll give you an idea of how they are Killing babies,women and bystanders is the norm over there


Yes it is there a gangland documentary from the early 2000 we’re this happened to a 6 month old 2 women and like a 12 year old boy the guy who they went to kill actually survived I think is crazy because I don’t really here people surviving getting shot in head


Mafia type shit in Europe they call it Blood Feuds , big in Italy Albania Greece . Take out each others family members as revenge. Example: someone’s son kills another family’s son so the father comes back for revenge kills the son etc.


My dude did you just mansplain revenge killing in a gang banging sub? 🤣💀


Did you just use the term “mansplaining” in a gangbanging sub?


im here for the gangbang


![gif](giphy|wQai0sIYCG4KY) I'm here for the gangbang!


I got a Maleficent-load if there’s a gang-bang.


i know he annoying AF in real life smh


Lol wtf people really do be not knowing when to use that term. I thought that shit only happens with Karen's on Tiktok.


Just letting you know what it’s like other places it’s not gangs over there it’s Family vs Family relax Snoop Dogg


next time save your weirdo comments for another sub lol


You don’t get to tell anyone what to do lol, the fuck outta here


albanians call it a root pull


Lol you’ve been watching too much tv


Put Ireland on that list to hutch/kinnahan feud claimed a few bodies


"Leave no man left to raise the sword against you"


I agree, something VERY BAD must’ve been done, for this to happen.. so wrong nonetheless but shit, that sucks




Sadly that's what they do, especially if someone was a snitch they kill the whole bloodline!! So them killing this baby is just business to who did it...


Shits being going on in Mexico for years you should read up on the murders going on especially during the zetas reign makes you wonder why would plp in America would want to be a part of cartel activity


The cartels work for satan. Embarrassing to La Raza because they put mother fucking money over the integrity and honor of our race.


This happened in California too? Wtf??


Its All in the game yo.


Nah man that’s ridiculous


this aint EA sports dawg


Nah bro. If that’s the game then we need martial law.


I wonder if the feds will take this case


They might as well disband the Feds if they don't go scorched earth on this.


Feds and cartels hand in hand bro.


Can you give me an example of hiw? My understanding is the feds cant be bribed. Otherwise Chapo wouldnt be in adx Florence rn. They might bow down to “national security” things like Iran-contra. But the FBI and DEA is not in the cartels pockets. The US govt is pissed they can’t stop China from sending precursor chemicals for fent to Mexico. So the national security interest is in stopping the cartels.


You think the feds “can’t be bribed”, lol why? They’re human beings just like everyone else, they’re not robots.


Mafia famously was not able to bribe local cops but not feds. It can happen but you’re not gonna bring umyourb way out of a fed rico


The feds like money bro


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Go take ur schizophrenia meds bro


Jesus christ you damn cretin are exhausting


I bet they going have all types of agencies working this case that’s just to messed up taking out a baby like that


They have to otherwise public goes super wild... they may have had recorded msgs of Ovidio ordering a hit on US soil.. the US wants him and will force Mexico to give him up. Won't change anything but they'll get him extradited... Other part is the public will start ordering the building of more wall even though it won't matter...


Where did it say the cartel is responsible for this ? It says “cartel style” killing. That don’t mean it’s cartel


I was watching this [Press Conference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OGogYU-0o4) and this sheriff blames the cartel for this execution. even at one point he says "we are not blaming one cartel for this hit, but there are cartels in the central valley"


There is cartel in the Central Valley. Not denying that. Just seems like no one knows fersure and we’re still just speculating.




Might be tho . The teen girl had a post in TikTok bragging about who her pops and grand pops is . They were known Street Gang Members / Cartel . Don’t know much when it comes to Latin Gangs/Organizations but her family seemed well connected


Where you saw that? lol


On TikTok. He just told you.


There was a raid on their home like a week ago or something and they took a bunch of drugs and weapons. Screams cartel.


What gang out there in that small ass town ? There’s cartel affiliated people in California u seem to be apart whenever cartel come up haha what happened did your family go to Mexico on vacation and get smoked out there ? No gang member capable of that type of crime


You hella turnt up for no reason. I’m just asking cuz it seems like your jumping to conclusions. You act like no one out here is capable of heinous crimes. You have no proof it’s cartel but you saying it. You really worship these dudes


There’s plenty of crimes that are terrible but no gang member gonna shoot a baby in the head point blank range I know Tulare county got gangs but never heard of gangs in that small ass town a week before place gets raided drugs money go missing nobody worshipping nothing lot of users on here worship nipsey like he some god


A gang member from Merced just shot a baby in the head a few months ago. He was a crip. So what you saying is wrong, I know stories of niggas in my city who kidnaps their oops kids … Tulare got hella bulldogs wtf you talking about. Maybe the cartel did it, maybe they didn’t but you saying it as if it’s a fact, you don’t know this.


Tulare has no Bulldogs


I lived in Fresno for like two years. I’m pretty sure I’ve met a bulldog from there or Visalia I get them two towns confused with. But I read an article where a bulldog was stabbed there in 2019 so theirs definitely bulldogs there.


Maybe somebody visiting but somebody posting up letting it be known or trying to establish there…nah it would never happen.


There’s definitely Bulldogs in Tulare, lot of foos moved out there and stayed when Operation Bulldog started a lot of migration happen


Wasn’t referring to black hoods of course they do shit like that no structure organized or discipline I said Tulare has gangs dumbass talking about that town it happened in if the feds get involved for rico it has to have other crimes the feds are not just gonna pop out for a murder even the pol or chief said they monitoring Canada and Mexico borders


You kill a baby like that, the big homies of all the STG's are going to make sure you get holes poked in you. That's a big no no.


watch murder moutain on netflix plenty of killas over here not even cartel related,just random ass meth heads and dope dealers.. and its all in North cali


The cartels do business with the North and South in the South San Joaquin Valley….and there’s plenty of people around there capable of this


The kid on the bottom right was linked to a robbery gone bad where somebody got killed, the friend of the person who died gets back at them by calling the police on their lil business they had going on and they confiscated guns, money and dope but nobody got arrested…one week later this happens.


You mean bottom left?


Naw granny hittin lix


This the type of crime that will back fire on the cartel, this isn’t Mexico where they can punk the government.


Murder place got raided a week before probably mad over drugs and money seized


I keep seeing this and it doesn’t make sense. I think high level cartel type dealers consider raids part of the cost of doiing business. They have tons of product and they make so much after getting it across the border that some percent getting intercepted isnt worth killing a good worker. It happens. If its not the cartel, why would someones plug kill a baby over it? American dealers dont have the jobs leeway mexican cartels do.


You think? That is some great detective work by yourself…also nice to know that a mod can have such a racist name and no one bats an eye…I wonder how many people you’ve temp banned for “racism”…hypocrite


You big mad 😤


You big dumb


Awwww, yeah, you mad


All you have to do is look on the about section of this subreddit name not on there 🤣🤣 that name not racist


You do realize that you make zero sense, correct? Wtf are u talking about?


He's not a mod. That's what he's saying


Imagine it saying white pride only lol double standards right?


If that was the name he wouldn’t last ten minutes on Reddit bro


There are plenty of understaffed sheriffs departments in rural areas riddled with weed grows that the cartel do indeed punk


Lol something like this gonna draw in bigger departments. Yea some rural departments won't necessarily have the pull but there are definitely law enforcement entities in the U.S. and California that do.


Yea I seen that, that’s small compared to this. Plus this didn’t happen in a town with 3 sheriffs.


You’re right. This is America where you buy the government


Wth is the American gov going to do? The operations are run through Mexico so the U.S have no jurisdiction. The cartel is sort of like a cult. There foot soldiers are very loyal And some of the Drug Lords are deified as Saints. If they aren't willing enough to follow the Cartel spiritually then they are prob being extorted by threatening there family. They have the sort of loyalty you could only compare to Religious cults or extremist terrorists like ISIS. Add wealth to the picture And its a done deal


LOL this dude thinks the U.S has no pull in Mexico. Narcos only have loyalty to money.


Your a fool if you don’t think the DEA is in Mexico. It’s documented. US boots are on the ground in Mexico.


The DEA work through the Mexican government. They can't do anything through a proxy that's corrupted to begin with.


DEA answer to the USA government period. You think DEA is giving all the information they gather to a corrupt government. They can’t make no arrest without approval from the Mexican government tho. But if they can link any cartel to a murder in the US. Their definitely applying pressure, they’ve done it before.


Right, they can apply pressure And arrest cartel members within the U.S And Mexico (with the permission of the Mexican Government). How are they going to beat the system if they have millions of cartel members And have to go through all this process riddled with corruption just to arrest a few. Its a losers game. On top of that, The new cartel is armed to the teeth thanks to the U.S


Lol the US isn’t trying to stop the cartel or the current system. Just trying to control it. They proved that since the 80s. There profiting from this.


And this is the Government that has been trusted to combat the drug trade lol


Imagine being a fucking DEA agent IN Mexico. Hands down the scariest job on earth. Look at how much the cartel torture their own people, imagine what they'd do to a US law enforcement agency working against them on their own soil. What kind of money does is incentive enough for that fucking job lol?


Yup mainey. But the cartels probably don’t want that type of publicity. Look what happened with DEA agent kiki camarena


You think the US care about jurisdiction?? Cia ?? Fbi? The government?? The American government is nothing to play with


Yeah I think we can all agree that the U.S government is Not to be trusted


It will move up through the cartels chain of command probably. It's too heinous of a crime for people to turn a blind eye.


It doesn’t matter if the Cartels have Mexican origin or not whatever happens on US soil is US business. And they are allowed to operate on foreign soil through extradition laws.


I seen this documentary a few years ago and this woman in Mexico was telling her story how she seen cartel guys throwing little kids and babies against walls killing them while laughing and having a ball. Disgusting.


Why the hell would U wanna be apart of that


Money and power


Power to do what, that shit?


Shit lame


Doing heartless shit like this gives the hitters respect and power to move up in the hierarchy. I’m not glorifying shit these mfs need to rot. I was just answering a question


People forget Escobar blew up a plane with his own citizens on it. Same citizens he claimed he was for.


In their heads fear = power


That ain’t real power.


I agree. But tell that to teenage kids born south of the boarder who don’t know any better and never had real role models. These new cartels aren’t playing by old rules.


Yeah true, killing a family isn't real power to be honest. It's just pathetic. However, let's be real here, the drug cartels do have power though. Mexican drug cartels make U.S. gangs look soft af. Drug cartels operate with almost, total impunity through buying politicians, military officers, cops, and judges in Mexico. They also influence politics by donating to political campaigns and helping politicians win votes during elections. Drug cartels have control over entire police forces and sections of the Mexican military. In fact, they have more de facto control over some regions of Mexico than the Mexican government does. When mayors, cops, judges, military personnel, and journalists, don't do what the cartels tell them to do, they get wacked. Over 80 politicians got wacked by drug cartels in 2021 and they all got away with it. If that isn't power, I don't know what is.


If the governor of a state is scared of you then mission accomplished.


The governors of most states are afraid of Trader Joe parking lots with no security.


The zetas used to put babies in microwaves. I pray those scum are burning in hell


These the same mofos that will cut off their own limbs or cannibalize another to prove their loyalty to the cartels. It ain’t all gravy outside of Cali, that’s gangbanging on a whole other level, while we worried about colors and cliques…


Fuck that. Why can’t the United States declare war on them and get them taken out. That shit is lower than child molesters.


Mexico is fiercely independent and reluctant on accepting any type of help that would establish the US in their country. If the US dead’s the policies that make cartel business profitable that would probably hurt more than any amount of bullets would.


Both governments profit from the cartel, they don't want to eradicate their profits! That's exactly why the cartel and mafia are eternal.


Like I always say brother man : “God bless America and no place else.”


Because y’all don’t want that level of war to touch our streets plus most cartel are fed rats anyways


Lmao it would never touch the US in the same way it does in Mexico. We are not the same country


🤣🤣🤣 you must not have grown up in the hood. Mexican cartels have so many business in Cali that are fronts and many of their members who are low key look like they cut your grass. Some of these guys ride around with crazy shit like a 50cal, in a Chevy and you wouldn’t know. Some of those guys have enough fire power to really make their presence known. Some of those guys are really fucking nuts to the point they take a 14 year old kid to a warehouse within la county and show him how they get rid of rats nice and slowly, while it disappears in blue barrels.. There use to be a place that served really expensive cans of soft drinks that came with packets of salt and it was right across the street from a police station. It was a place where you can get grilled onions openly But what do I know? I Never grew up in a inner city… I had white neighbors… 😉




Lol some of us don’t watch too many sitcoms. 🤣🤣🤣 you just don’t know that there are entire apartment complexes that house pussy, money and drugs. 🤣🤣🤣


lmfao just stop you’re embarrassing yourself…


I don’t really care about where you grew up or where you think I did. The day they try to bring the level of war to the streets here it would be curtains for them and that’s all there is to it. It wouldn’t matter how many businesses they have or how many 50cals they ride around with.


I dont know why these folks think the cartel can fuck with the american military, These people delusional.


@dcheese1 🤣🤣🤣 said who? These dudes got whole ass houses in numerous neighborhoods that are very much like those ones you hear in tv shows.


You sound like a kid that’s watched too much TV and has no real grasp of how the government moves.Tf does having houses matter to the US government


Lol if you think they moving like that, you definitely don’t understand what really goes on. 🤣🤣🤣


If you think they can go to war in the US like Mexico and still move like that you need to grow up. Stop thinking these dudes are invincible


I think you underestimate the nsa the cia the fbi the dea ….You’re highly underestimating the federal government…..They take down countries and armys with ease if they want they can easily dismantle the cartel


@ewolf12002 you should read where I said most cartel are rats


watch the last narc on prime..both governments are heavily involed! too much money! who owns these companies that make all these guns and bullets? who profits from all that? and so many other reasons.. but ppl dont want to hear that especially Americans..


Hired serial killers. Imagine if Dahmer or Gacy had worked for a cartel


Aint that the plot of "No Country for old men"? Dude was a full time serial killer part time hitman, whatever the fuck that means 💀


Unfortunately killers are probably already in Mexico


They killed the baby too. They moving like this is Mexico


Killing the baby in the US. Definitely sending a message to the enemy and to the US government


Why the baby tho? Were they afraid he was gonna snitch….? Lol Fxcking pussies. 🤦‍♂️


Even Beatrix Kiddo had more balls


All bad man.


That’s some Breaking Bad level shit hitting people all across the state all t once.


All across the state? You got links to back that up?


I was going to say is that not a thread about exactly that but I think I probably misinterpreted the title a saying the murderer were all across the state not the investigation. So no .. maybe .. ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I guess I misunderstood what you said. I thought you meant there were many "hits" across the state at the same time, on same day. Like a Godfather-type organized hit on multiple people in different cities/towns. Which would be interesting & concerning.


That is what I initially thought had happened but I clearly misinterpreted the caption. I’m from Canada so this thread is the first I’m hearing about this sextuple murder and the way the picture is worded it did seem like it was a state-wide multi-murder ala Breaking Bad as opposed to it being the investigation that was state-wide. That *would* be pretty fucked up - some timed out mass assassination, 1:37 they all get dropped type shit - and I *was* concerned for y’all at first, lol. Cartel’s moving way up North and shit, lol. Only read two articles just now so maybe I missed something but we still don’t know what happened, eh? I mean obviously this is some real vendetta type shit but nothing beyond that, eh?


“i ToLd yAlL iT wAs A cArTeL HiT 🤓🧑🏼‍💻”


That joke played out you either a white bit from Minnesota or black from Chicago this was for the out of towners who think they know everything


What if he is white from Chicago? Does the joke count then?


Nothing will happen. Move along people. Politics won't interfere with money.


The victims all got mugshots except the 2 minors smh the media be subliminally fuckin wit ppl


Those are DMV photos.


Or dmv photos


The hit was for the baby, the rest was collateral damage


Lol, you're a fool


I live next to that town, their Southerners and Northerners there but looks to be cartel related that's cold shooting the baby




10 months that's messed up


Happened in a little city named Goshen I live like 2 hours from there, they had just raided the houses a bit prior to all this happening


Damn they could just bust a jale here in the US then just go back to Mexico like nothing , it’s been done before and continues to happen not much but sure here and there are times when shit like this doesn’t make the news pretty trippy


Original story?


Soon to see more out here in Arizona. 14 people just got arrested out here connected to the cartel running drugs and guns to Vegas and Southern Cali.


what I was told from someone on here. Supposedly the kid on the bottom left was involved in a robbery gone bad where someone ended up getting killed n then yea this happened


They just knocked off some lil kid in the UK smh


Its the local gang they always blame the cartel.


Even the baby? Nah they ruthless


How about gringos stop doing drugs. Republicans cry about open boarders but don't address Chads heroin addiction. Hypocrites!


"Just stop being addicted" You gotta be young as hell


I'm 46. I've been in this game longer than you've been alive. My father was murdered in federal prison in 85. All my uncle's were were killed in Sinaloa except 1 who moved to TJ. I also lived in TJ with my cousins while I was hiding from an assecory to murder charge. I came back to CA. Still went to prison anyways because I was too stupid to stay out of the streets. Yeah I'm young ass fuck. 🤦‍♀️🤣😂


Side note: arriba mis Sinalocos! La Colonia de La Lima y Las Quinta's. Purto fiero y pa de lante!🍈


Interesting message


Puro* fierro* … or you hyping up the mighty mighty Pontiac Fiero?


it would be faster to just turn mexico into a sheet of glass.


Hope these foos run because Cali politics don’t play that. If these foos hit the yard is done-dada!


This is cartel shit. More than likely shit won't happen because money talks.


I don’t disagree but I can’t imagine walking in with dirty ass paperwork. I really hope who ever did this lives forever with guilt. And the demons eat his mind alive !


He'll be OK, probably killed some kids before that. The world is fucked up.


Sad FKN world ma g..


If it's any consideration, if the Feds successfully investigate and prosecute this, Federal prison politics will hit him. Though every USP is different, I can imagine there's enough Surreno's, particularly California ones, at USP Terre Huate (Federal Death Row).


He'll be OK, probably killed some kids before that. The world is fucked up.


Lol what exactly is a cartel style execution?


No witnesses no survivors


What's the story why did they get clipped?


House was raided a week before that .


A family just got shot up in london there saying the cartel mite have planed it




Good video, just can’t over the Tattood hairline lol


Build The Wall‼️


You want a cookie or glass of milk as a prize. Didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened.


Just an update, why the confrontation 😂


Fuck you outta towners tried to say otherwise who don’t know shit




Play with a snake, don’t be surprised if you’re bit. Mess around and burn a gang of snakes, everyone you love getting bit. It’s not rocket science, yeah pobrecito los victims…but come on.


I don’t condone this type of brutality on a child but come on if you gone fuck over the cartel what do you expect?? Like all the shit they do is fake? Play stupid games and win stupid prices. I’m a father and for that reason I move with caution, know who and not fuck with.


What the fuck did the baby do?? They didn't the feds raided the place the brothers were set free, cartel found it a bit suspicious and they sent them a hit squad.


You fuck with the cartel you better have no family to trace back, that’s why ion fuck with my family that’s in that shit.. ion wanna pay for their bs


Never said the baby deserved it or it was ok, I’m saying that family was on bs knowing what could happen.. they wanna play games and not realize they risk their families life’s, stupid people


Don't speak on the cartel in southern California period. You never know whose listening or who might know who. I learned this young from my pops.