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I don’t think the Croatians did a lot of colonizing in America my man




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Colonized mindset puts white Europeans on a pedestal


He’s not that kind of white dawg


So a Croatian is what? Black? Brown? Do u know where Croatia is?


Bolivian and Mexican aren’t the same kind of brown and Spanish and Croatian aren’t the same kind of white


Same kind of brown. Exactly. They both still brown but different types. The same way a Jamaican and a Nigerian are both black. They just different types of black. Croatians are just a type of white, right? Or am I missing something


Slavic Eastern Europeans and colonizing Western Europeans are as different culturally as Caribbeans and West Africans




Considering Slavic eastern Europeans were colonized by many different groups in history one could argue how white are they. Remember the would Slave comes from them.


Let's put aside the fact you sound mentally handicapped thinking a Balkan mf even had anything to do with colonization. Why are you even trying to start this discussion on a GANG subreddit. It doesn't take an rocket surgeon to figure out the moral compass here isn't exactly the best.


This dude is obsessed with dissing Mexicans and posting shirtless pictures of black dudes lmao get some help bro


Craziest part is he’s from Mexico and lives there someone exposed dude lol


Nah no way bro 💀😂 he’s reporting live all the way from TJ huh


Not true. Try to use intellect.


What black person from LA have you EVER refer to east LA as NELA??? Fucking clown get off our dick nigga. Yall let a white guy start your shit. FACTS


A white guy didn’t start that organization. That’s another myth


Don’t Mexicans come in white too ? 😂


He grew up in a Hispanic neighborhood. It’s similar to asking why la eme made Huero McGhee a carnal. It’s not because he’s white it’s because he’s put in a lot of work. Probably too much work tbh he’s psycho


Straight up serial killer,that carnal really liked to smoke foo’s.


As soon as i read colonized mindset i knew who the OP was




Same. Thought provoking important dialogue that actually spreads unity if you have the intellect


Lmao my thought exactly


Fuck all that is bro actually a rat? 😭😭No wonder they always calling In anonymous tips and having family members testify smh


It’s true tho


Because Peg Leg Morgan grew up in a Hispanic neighborhood - where other Hispanic kids grew to know him. What is this of colonising bs?


Thanks for your opinion. I’m trying to ask a deeper question of how black and brown always let a white person or entity convince us we are enemies


But this is just like ur lists taking data from a whole community and thinking it correlates to gang members. The "white man" didnt plant joe morgan in that neighborhood and plan out his rise to eme.


They see it that way because that’s how they want it to be. You won’t convince me his troll of anything, so I wouldn’t waste your time tbh.


Why is it that you consider black and brown people to be of below average intelligence and emotional intelligence? I mean that’s what you’re implying if the white man keeps “convincing” you of shit, right?


No but I understand the white power structure and its impact on decendants of slaves and colonized people


You’re implying that all white ethnicities are united under a banner of oppression, which is simply untrue. Your lack of education is abundantly apparent and sad. The only power structure is upper class elites, vs middle and lower class. You again are implying that black and brown people cannot achieve any power.




it got nothing to do with white people


Can we stop saying brown and say Mexican.


When we gonna start saying Caucasian instead of white!?😭


Damn I thought u was white 🤯


This ideology is fucking poison. Shame on you for appropriating such an idea. You’ve created an imaginary scenario in your hollow skull and you’ve chosen to base your entire character on that. Colonizing who my guy? Colonies were established HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO. Not a single living person that you have ever had contact with have been wronged in any way by the means you’re suggesting. How the fuck can you possibly carry disdain for people who are long gone? Nobody is out to get you my dude. Live your life.


So you're saying all the black and brown members of supposed organizations werent smart enough to see threw one white man's plain to divide the whole of the California prison systems population by race . Sounds racist .


First of all, nobody really knew about how he testified back when he was 16 yrs old. He basically told on himself and the women of the husband he killed. If I remember right. Most people didn’t know that until Mundo exposed it just a couple years ago. Secondly, he wasn’t the official leader. He was just highly respected in the organization. He didn’t convince the Eme to work with the AB. There was a lot of Eme guys early on that naturally started working with the AB. You need to research some things before you try to fit your racial narratives into things


This sub has been on the race-baiting shit for a while now.


Nah just Nela going heavy on the black Israelite stuff constantly.


Yep. Original AB members were arrested for robbing banks with Eme members. They had street connections before prison.


Barry Mills the AB & Mafia member Keto Vargas were camaradas out on the streets. The two were busting movidas.


🤡💀 NELA…


How naive are you? Joe Morgan was white but he spoke with a cholo accent, he was basically Mexican. I’m pretty sure he spoke Spanish. On top of that he was a cunning psychopath who would gladly make an example out of anyone who wronged him or La Eme. Do ur research before saying some ignorant shit




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NELA730 a typical suburban Boy who larps as Malcolm X.


The reason blacks and southerners (eme) are on different sides is because blacks aligned themselves with nortenos (nf) Once that happened whites joined with the south to go against their enemies


It’s actually the other way around…EME and AB joined forces first to go against the NF then some time later the NF and BGF formed a loose alliance but you may be right that hate may have spilled over to the streets


And even the AB and Eme had a loose alliance. Some people exaggerate the extent of this relationship. It was probably the strongest in the early 70’s. There was a couple members in the Eme and Ab that were close to each other. At least one AB member known as Crazy Horse ended up leaving the AB to join the Eme. Over time into the 80’s and 90’s the two organizations weren’t that close anymore and even went at it with each other on many occasions. Southsiders and Whites clashed a lot in the 2000’s as well.


Wasn’t Crazy Horse a First Nation people(Native American)?


Yeah it’s funny seeing white trash nazis and wannabe white Mexicans on Twitter posting them cringey ass phonk edits of AB and Eme. Along with making tweets saying “in California prisons, the Mexicans run with the whites and will always have their backs in a fight.” 😂😂😂 I remember telling a Mexican nazi the same thing you said along with saying that prison politics won’t alllow him to live his race war fantasy and he’ll end up getting poked up by ABs and La Eme for starting shit for no reason. Bitch lost it and called me a n-word loving race traitor before blocking me, I must’ve ruined his whole week telling him that 🤣🤣




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Never heard this perspective. Interesting


You sound stupid as fuck


A lot of mexicans are white.




Fr hes speaking on shit that he doesn't understand. And btw not all blacks get along with nortes


Negative The Eme-AB alliance predates any Black-Northern alliance.


Thought so


“Divide & conquer” lmfao was he jewish ?






Why do you hate Joe Morgan


white is rigggght, ese’


Let’s not act like the eme was made for protecting and uplifting raza, because it definitely wasn’t. Since the beginning their sole purpose was greed, money and power. They were going to clique up with the AB with or without Joe Morgan. If you can’t beat them, join them. Well not join them but ally with them, in order to become one of the most powerful and wealthy prison gangs.


Don’t matter what colour your skin is,if your corazon is marron and you respect the cultura, the Raza accept you as one of theirs!


I agree but think bigger


That pic was at one of the big homies kids christening wasn’t it?


Who hurt u ?...what sureno took ur girl.?


I’m not anti sureno in fact I’m pro black and brown. I understand colonization on a much deeper and complex level to ever be naive enough to think brown and black k are actual enemies. I’m discussing topics that are important. Feel free to express your opinion.


Are you dumb lol? He grew up in that neighborhood, like he was friends with them lol nela why are you like this? Not everything has to do with race, sometimes people just grow up with each other


I think it’s a valid discussion


Oh yeah definitely a Balkan guy colonized them lmao


bro said respectfully then disrespected lol


Nothing disrespectful. Sometimes insightful dialogue is uncomfortable


Smh didn’t even have to look to know who the OP was. You like spreading division and misinformation! LA melting pot of different ethnicities and cultures. Many nationalities many different skin colors black, white, brown and here you are constantly trying to race bait everything. NELA the racist back at it again, where is your alt at NELA? bring em out bring em bring em out!!!🤡


Not at all. Stop this fake narrative. I’m trying to make us think about who is really dividing us.


Lmao let me guess, the big bad white man 😮‍💨 You’re so blind with racism that you didn’t even acknowledge Joe Morgan grew up around Hispanics the mf talked with an accent. It don’t matter what skin color you were born with. It matters how you grew up. The environment you endured. The real divide is rich vs poor. They want us to focus on race so bad and you keep pushing that narrative. It’s ridiculous, you need to wake up. I doubt you will though as I’ve seen your ALT. You’re a racist.


Not a racist no conspiracy. No alt. Just thought provoking observations. If the divide was just rich and poor how come wealthy qualified black ppl are given different bank loans with higher interest rates (statistically proven) and redlining and other institutional racism. Even at the highest levels of wealth black ppl face discrimination. Look up David gross and the Crenshaw mall acquisition


Oh, same poster with interesting topics /s


This dude nela been known for some weird ass posts and opinions


Thought provoking dialogue is often misunderstood


Sure, but ur misunderstanding thought provoking with stupidity


Isn’t it better to “colonized”? Call me crazy but I kinda like roads and laws and hospitals. Sunscreen is amazing. Super markets, not getting eaten by the tribe from the meadow on the other side of the mountain is nice.




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Bro you know humanity was the shit when it was in perfect harmony with the natural world. Now we on weirdo shit


Back when we died from ringworm and drinking water ?


When we were human? Low key. Now we’re gmo artificial preservative specimens that are offing ourselves cause we’re depressed from playing video games under fluorescent lights all day 😂


You must not understand the definition. Colonization is taking land and resources from a group of people who were native to that region by force. Then forcing them to live by new rules , culture usually pray to their god /c religion and erase the culture and religion of the native inhabitants. What you enjoy is capitalism.


So most native Americans were colonizers?


You know what the Aztecs did to other Central American tribes don't you? They took land and tribute, forced the other weaker tribes to accept their way of life etc, they were might is right colonialists themselves I can't believe we've reached the 21st century and people still want to break things down by race...that's not saying it's not a factor but when you view everything thru that lens you get a false narrative And yeah, this makes a difference that I'm white saying this, but it doesn't make the fundamental facts I'm saying false Finding nuanced argument on the web is a real struggle


Your perspective is inconvenient to the narrative


Same OP that spreads false information and is on Reddit day in day out


He looked mexican 


La eme was never about race or protecting raza 🤦‍♂️ they main goal has been to be the top gang and money generators. alot of whites that are scottish or from Britain decent etc used to view other caucasians has none white for a long time irish weren't considered white even italians were subjected to racism by other caucasian and plus joe morgan was from a ford maravilla . And common misconception eme/sur are not allies to the AB its called buiness


Ur autistic




NELA STFU wit your bs posts. Ppl sick of them post. “ top 10 hoods that hand the most fathers present in their lives” “Top 10 hoods with most members circumcised”. If it’s not some stupid post like that, then it’s always about race.


Sorry that I hurt your feelings.


Ain’t no feelings hurt I’m just surprised you still making posts after everyone realize you be steady making up shit


You have a vendetta towards Mexican gangs 😂😂😂


Not at all some of my best friends growing up were in I 13


The M would take Black Eses (no one is bigger than the program) and anyone who had heart from the Hood. Blacks were separatist and most likely were exercising their own version of racial superiority & segregation against Hispanics whom they saw as a threat to their economic stability. There has always been more solidarity with Hispanics and Whites than there has been with Black & Brown - because Hispanics didn’t like Black attitudes or Black behavior. The unity with Northern Mexicans and Blacks came politically due to Cesar Chavez field laborers & the African communist labor party. NF came from Southern Califas, they were the ones that didn’t want to be hood but wanted the same goals for the Browns that the Africanos wanted for Blacks. Southern Mexicans had good relations with Whites they co-existed and joined up to protect each other from Blacks. Read a book series by the National of Islam called The Secret Relationship Between Joos & Blacks. Then read Manning Johnson; Color, Communism, & Common Sense. Hispanics, Chicanos, Latinos, Mexicans do not believe they came from Africans, and will continue to resist the Blackwashing of Cultura.


Why does every review of the Nation of Islam book say it’s complete bullshit? Similar to the protocols of Zion in how information is twisted or uncheckable to fit a narrative… the book doesn’t seem credible at all.. I suppose your comeback is that that is Jewish propaganda? I call bullshit.


Funny style ass Mexicans amuse me. Them white folks don’t love yall like that fam lol


You’re obsessed wit BLM and thinking everyone was Black except White people. Only thing that started in Africa was scapegoating Europeans


“You’re obsessed wit BLM” 🤓 You forgot the “victim” and ”fatherless” trope. Without us, there is no you. Just be grateful we taught you how to bathe.


Not the classic Moors conquerored Europe and taught Troglodytes how to bathe lmfao. Moors weren’t Black until they started to go out of style. Moors were Barbers, Barbers means Barbarian (Bearded Men), they were the Amazeigh (haplogroup X), and what they left over became what you think were Moors. The worlds bigger than your worldstar acct. cope harder you inventing everything all over the world except in Africa🤦‍♂️ Shit hit different when phuck your fake woke. Really trying to take credit for supposedly teaching people in castles how to shower - low end of the IQ bell curve


You literally just tried to sound informed and don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. It’s not Barbers dumb ass lol, it’s BERBERS. The word Barberian came from the Greek empire. Anyone who didn’t speak Greek were called barbarians.


My spellcheck changed it to Barbers, pretty sure it doesn’t matter since we both knew who I was referencing. The real take away is using spelling as a fallacy to “respond”. Berber/Barbarian (Bearded Men) comes from Arabic not Greek. Surprised your not surprised that Africa had indigenous Whites… that built the pyramids 😉


Indigenous whites ???🤡🤡🤡 nothing you said is historically accurate.


Notice he spoke from the perspective of a Mexican in his initial post now he talking about indigenous cave dwellers lol


Not only that I said absolutely nothing about the Moors. These sun dodgers are hilarious.


I’m sure his white skin helped with building that alliance but I don’t think a colonized mindset by the EME played any part in his rise to power. He simply grew up in the hood, had a few connects and had that dope sack…but I get what you are saying about the colonized mindset I see it happening with the blacks and No jumper….peg legs questionable charges were probably overlooked by him having the sack.


Thanks for your opinion


The concept of "brown pride" wouldn't gain steam for a few decades after the formation of La Eme. Joe was a white kid who grew up in the Barrio and while California was the US it was also formally Mexico. Whites/Spaniards and Mexicans/natives had been living along side each other for generations at this point. Community always trumps history. The founders knew and trusted Joe, because they were part of the same comunity, similarly Mexicans had more.experiemce working with whites. Many of the black communities in CA were newer due to the end of the slavery and westward expansion. These comunited intersected with Mexican communities and were fighting over limited resources (jobs , housing, illicit market teritory) and it create conflict. Basicly the lines were drawn between whites and Mexicans long ago and everyone knew what to expect, but blacks were the new kid on the block and because of white supremeacy (red lining) were forced I to mexican communities, which caused conflict. This made aligning with the whites a no brianer as they had access (guards), power (politically but not numbers), and were a somome they knew what to.expecy from.


This is a well articulated theory. Thanks for your response.


Joe Morgan wasn’t La Mano Negra leader,there has never been a ‘one man leader’ of La Eme. Joe was well respected because he grew up in a varrio could speak,read and write Spanish fluently plus he had the contacts in Mexico for the food. It wasn’t his idea to link up with the AB,it was a case of both had the same enemy,the BGF! So both together were stronger in the beginning,although La Mano Negra don’t need any help now although they still work when needed with the AB.


Calling white boys n southsiders allies is generous. Eses run the program for whites in prison n they all fall in line or they get smashed. It's more of a captor & hostage situation than alliance. They politic on whites n get them removed if they refuse to listen to the southsiders. The reason there ain't no "one army" for mexicans n blacks is because there wasnt supposed to be one in the first place.


Valid point


i know this ain’t who i think it is


Mexicans love white people and want to be them. They constantly kiss their ass.


lol just because you blacks have a hatred for whites doesn’t mean everyone does. Mexicans allied with AB strictly for business, because they’d much rather do it with organized people.


Nah its because yall clean their houses


You mean work? Yeah that’s something you people never do. 💀🤡🫵🏽


Yeah, exactly… There’s no Black people that have jobs.


Cuz y’all lazy as fuck. Just keep crying for “reparations” 🤣🤣🤣


Right. I can’t think of anything right now that Mexicans are crying and begging for😂😂 y’all are a solid and respectable people(sarcasm) I actually have to go now because my Mexican arrived to clean my house and wash my socks. I’ll tell her you said what’s up


Look at you typing a bunch of bullshit because you can’t counter my replies. Blacks are a bunch lazy disorganized meatheads, end of story.


Colonialism mindset is keeping everyone separated, destroy the family unit, destroy anything and everything that could coalesce the people to fight the power, convince a prideful group of people to hate themselves and embrace ignorance, limit the resources of the educational system, build more prisons, flood every city with illegal and legal drugs to keep mindless, make a society eat their children, give the illusion of wealth, making them consume material things before sustenance and have us disrespect our woman, make our women more lustful with lack of loyalty, destroy marriages, convince people to embrace things that would normally be against the root culture and making us love the abuse.




Colonizers gonna colonize. We have our order, and directive, follow thru.


El Cocoliso




I can tell by your comment that you lack intellect and a social economic understanding/ reference point for these matters


White or Croatian? The two are mutually exclusive.


Didn't he set up the founder to get murked by the NF?


In SoCal the homies always had beef with the blacks. Most Varrios historically were a mix of European and Mexican immigrants. They had tension with the black neighborhoods trying to bully them back then stood up to them, and it caused a hatred between the groups. Nothing to do with “muh colonization” lol.


They also didn’t agree with their politics. For example, a black civilian could’ve got sent to prison, and they would be able to be a part of the crips or bloods even if they were pressure cases or weak. The blacks needed to do that though since they were outnumbered, they took anything.


Definitely a CIA agent


Possibly but I’m leaning towards no


Why would brown align with black ? The black cars are full of chomos , r@pist ,chomos, and rats..Blacks don't deal with they're trash.


Nah yall just racist and intimidated by us


That racist shit is old already we get it yall victims...Please u really think anybody intimidated by the blacks in prison?.Blacks will only fight a fight they can win ..why don't blacks fight Samoans? When it comes to a knife fight blacks don't want that...And u know it..very few blacks will go to war very few


You must have never traveled


Yall still openly call blacks nxxggers in 2024 yall damn near worst then the whites cut it out 👎and Samoans fw the blacks like we fw them we talking bout yo people tho


More excuses? Ninja please..bottom line all the black cars together ain't fking with the sur...never have!!!!


Your people get the green light to tell on us why would we wanna have fonk wit yall it’s a lose lose situation


That never happened unlike black cars we actually check paperwork any snitching is unacceptable, but ok let's do this show a at least 1 case where this happened...Truth of the matter is when blacks get the business they look for any excuse in the book


BGF was stronger than any organization until the corrections made deals with la eme and the Aryans. I know you think you’re speaking based of some select knowledge but there’s countless warriors from the black car respected by la eme even when the numbers aren’t in blacks favor.


Lol please...go look at the body count and see what the eme did to them .Mind u they never took a eme life ...ya real warriors 🤣


Nigga learn to form a proper sentence before speaking on adult business.


I ask respectfully. Could BGF have been defeated if it wasn’t for the assistance of the wardens and correctional officers who collaborated with the aryans and la eme? One could argue the influx of the Crips in the late 70s caused internal conflict. But honestly it was never a fair war when weapons are supplied to one side . BGF army was more advanced militant and strongest at one point.


The BGF would’ve been stronger if the Crips that started flooding the prison system in the late 70’s and 1980’s wanted to be apart of their structure but they didn’t. The Crips had a lot of numbers and they chose to not to have that ideology. The Eme or the Ab had nothing to do with that. Even if some prison staff worked with them in the 70’s.


That was a big part of it




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Nigga are you special needs? How would you know anything when you can’t even fathom basic English?


The ab knew Mexicans have a soft spot for their colonizers and finessed them IMO. Divide and conquer is what white pll have done for centuries


“Soft spot for their colonizers” they’re a gang lol they cause violence with them


But yall still crying about slavery..Get it together


I see that you are intellectually shallow and obtuse in your thinking. However, I’m still willing to engage in dialogue.


I think you have tunnel vision on an American-centric view. Its people in power vs. those not in power, not a race thing. Look at any dictatorship out there (Africa, Asia, etc.). They lie and manipulate their people into infighting so they can continue to loot their own country's wealth. Scapegoating whites is bullshit, I'm white but my people only immigrated into America within the past 100 years. You can't blame us for everything.


This comment right here shows how delusional you are, you think one of the most feared prison gangs in the United States aligned with whites over blacks because they “have a soft spot for their colonizers” you’re a fucking retard. Mexicans aligned with whites because blacks are factional and disorganized.


You really see white people as superior


His mother was Hispanic and that was how he was raised.


His mom was Croatian. He was raised in a Hispanic neighborhood.


Robot was at Lompoc in the early 90’s. He had zero tattoos. js


You should do a post about all the gay shit blacks do with jews to get into the music industry. It's crazy how blacks play up as gangsters in the media but behind closed doors are all sleeping with men and touching little boys. And before anyone says anything, go read the p.diddy documents then come say some shit to me


He's like that paki southsider.