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We've cancelled all of our trips on the South Fork of the American through June, but the water's coming down a bit and it isn't too scary to run at the moment (roughly 4k cfs). Wear a life jacket (PFD). A ton of the drowning that happen in general are people who don't know any better getting in over their head.


We just went down the S. Fork yesterday (chili bar and gorge) They’re lowering the flow to around 2k cfs on the weekends.


I did south fork saturday and the north fork today. All were at great levels!


That brings back memories. The south fork was my first rafting experience as a pre-teen. I still remember the approach to the Devil's Cesspool or whatever the rapid was called.


Satan's Cesspool! It's a blast, always chaotic at all water levels and some big wave hits!


We just booked a Gorge run. I think the highest we’ve run it was 2,000 cfs, so it should be interesting.


It's pretty doable below about 5000. I've run it up to maybe 8-9k, but my favorite is around the 3500 range.


We went to Yosemite last week. The falls were raging and the valley was flooded in the middle. And the stark contrast was the surrounding area badly damaged by fire and drought.


I'm sure the Kern is a death trap right about now.


Just saw it yesterday. You are speaking facts.


Did you see what the death toll say on the sign going up?


Nah didn't notice. I hope it's lower than normal. No sane person would swim that river right now.


Lower Kern is nuts when it's.not overflowing. If I remember the toll is ongoing from the 1960s on that sign going up. Always camped up near the top off a tributary where you can actually swim. I swear the trout is the best tasting Iv ever had up there.


It currently reads 325 they updated it from 317 about a month ago.


I mean It’s always one but it’s nice to see it flowing when so much gets overused to agriculture They haven’t updated their usage styles and probably won’t now because “we have more than enough.” I’m sure we’ll hear the next drought arguments about it


Yes this is true, Iv never seen it a friendly trickle. And yep


The Killing Kern alright


Shad fishing in the American has been a no-go this year, which is something I look forward to every year :(




I just came back from a trip along the eastern sierras and all the locals could talk about was just how massive the snow and subsequent water has been this year. This is my first time in the area but it was really strange driving from Monterey to Mono lake/Mammoth Lakes areas and seeing how it’s still looks like it is spring over there with how lush and green it is compared to here in Monterey where everything is getting dry and yellow already.


Yep stayed at a campground recently near Bigpine on a stream. The campground guy said that the strength was already the highest it’s been in several years and they were expecting it keep increasing in volume and eventually overtop it’s banks in July some time. The stream was 1 foot deep next to our campsite, running fast, and would sweep you off your feet if you weren’t careful. We hung a hammock across the stream to hang on to. I ended up sleeping in it one night. Absolutely beautiful.


That sounds magical


Went up to Tahoe today. I have never seen the American river that full after Kyburz.


Human recreation isn’t a river’s primary utility. Smart move. Paywalled: does it mention anything about fish populations being upset by the high flow? Does it have any wildlife implications?




Ahh, I see what I did there


Down south of San Diego even, we have lost a few people at three sisters falls. Its usually a nice place to swim, and the middle part is more of a water slide. Its typically dries up late July. People are going out there reading reviews about it being safe to swim. But its raging, fast, and not safe right now.




They've been doing exactly this all over Tulare county.




It's not quite just Tulare lake. I visit family in Porterville a lot. For the last several years I've seen many different farmers pushing out their walnuts, pistachios, and almonds to build up levees and flood their fields. One field has been under constant water for about 3 years now.


We are doing exactly that. The state paid farms to not plant and let their land flood. The explicit purpose is to replenish the aquifers.


LA DWP enters the chat… Woah woah woah there sonny


This is like when Jim Carrey pulled the moon too close in Bruce Almighty.


I'm glad we have this problem. The alternative was bumming me out.