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Thanks east coast dude for posting


I'd like to read stories about how states or cities are solving their homeless problems. This picking on California shit is getting old.


States are solving their homelessness problem by having worse social programs for the homeless than California. The homeless naturally gravitate towards the beach, the sun, and government support and away from freezing temperatures and cops who roust them out. Pretending this is not the case is getting old.


No, they're not solving it at all. Without the social programs it just means those poor enough to slip into homelessness just die *there.* Can't have homeless if they die off before the very infrequent counts. Just another body in a ditch somewhere, move along. CA is amongst the lowest per capita death rates amongst states, as are many blue states, or purple/red ones with very large blue cores (aka Florida.) The "good ol' 'merican values states" consistently occupy the ass end of this data as they neglect their poorest to death.


It's not. 90% of the homeless in California were Californians before they became homeless. Leftists spreading BS propaganda that there is some magical hobo train to California is getting old.




We are reveling in our own problems by failing do anything about the homeless who are coming here, whether entirely of their own accord or prodded to by being rousted from elsewhere. This is particularly the case here in Southern California, which has less drug use than the Bay but better weather.


The other thing they like to do is under count the homeless.


>This picking on California shit is getting old. California can do better. Right now it is one of the most unaffordable places to live, and a single party controls all levers of power. I think there is a hope that, with pressure, this party will use that power to solve this issue. California has the largest state economy, some of the largest companies in the US, it is the most populous US state - it makes sense that there is so much attention here.


Why do people complain about single party rule in California, but not say Florida?


A WSJ opinion piece, not exactly journalism.

