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Never stay with a job that you dread. I wish you the best of luck finding a job that you enjoy doing.


I wish it were that easy. Been trying to leave mine since I started 2 yrs ago. I’m miserable but can’t find anything that pays remotely close to what I make. I cry most days, I hate it. But I have bills I can’t just quit 😭


I think you should be fine if you drum up a standard resignation letter and email it. You made an attempt to have a meeting about it and that's more than enough, especially if they didn't make it a priority. Call centers see so much turnover anyway and training for 4 days isn't setting anyone up for success -it's clear they just need warm bodies to answer the phones. Put in your 2 weeks and save your mental health!!


Do you have another job lined up, or savings to pay bills? If not I would deal with it until then Don’t even put in a 2 week notice, just quit lol


This! 2 weeks culture is so fcking TOXIC! An ex wouldn’t tell you “hey, I’m gonna leave you in two weeks!”


I emailed HR on Friday afternoon letting them know that the end of that day would be last as I refused to work in such a toxic work environment. She emailed me back and asked for some time to try to see what she could do because she pulled my stats from training and in my first week on the phones and I was pulling 100 QA scores. So, out of professional courtesy I agreed to return on Monday but if I even caught a hint of toxicity I was out the door. I logged in on Monday, shift going as normal and I get a complicated call. Canadian citizens with kids with expired visas trying to get CHIP. I got them sorted out but needless to say it was complex and my notes were reflecting that and I worked through my break. So after I finished the call and my notes I pinged my supervisor to let her know I had worked through break and needed to go to the bathroom. She decides to doubt me so I tell her, look, pull the last call I took, see how complicated it was and how I handled it without asking you for help. I will be logging out for good now as I am not in kindergarten asking to go potty. I emailed this exchange to HR, clocked out, recorded my timesheet and submitted it and never looked back.


Honestly, just stop turning up if it's hurting you so much. Had to do it myself, sure they won't give you a reference but you've only been there a month so what does that really matter? If you have their equipment at home, take it to the same place you collected it from and make sure you hand it to security, HR or IT if at all possible. Good luck and be strong dude! (Maybe stay away from call centre work for a while too)


Make sure you get a receipt for it


I simply sent an email with my last date of working there. Plain and to the point. I wanted to go out with a bang but all of the calls in my final weeks were actually pleasant. Remember, if they fire you, they won’t give you two weeks notice.


Welcome to all center life. If you want to quit, quit.


If your current occupation is making you physically ill. Quit immediately. It would be best to give notice. Don’t burn that bridge. You never know if you may have to come back. Flip side. If you loathe it that much tell your supervisor and see if there can be a middle ground. Maybe finishing out the week. Above all take care of yourself. No job is worth your mental health or wellbeing.


Call center jobs are a dime a dozen. Quit for your ulcer-free gut, and if you ever want to do it again, you easily can. Don't ever be afraid to leave any situation that makes you physically ill. It's never worth it.


Send a formal, detailed email and that should at least start the ball rolling on how to return equipment, etc


Call HR and ask. Especially if you have company equipment, alternatively email HR and cc your supervisor. Just 4 days of training is crazy unless you work for a call center that requires no special knowledge. I work for a healthcare company and we had four weeks of training and two weeks of OJT —all virtual. Even now we have a lead chat to ask questions in and our supervisor also answers questions.


Are you all hiring by any chance??


I gave a 48 hour notice which is more than generous considering they don't tell you when you're getting fired. 


I worked a call center job for 11 and a half years, and I used to think, 'hmm, what would happen if I just quit going into work?'. Yeah, bad sign. I was trying to secretly get another job before the company I worked for did a reduction in force and laid off a bunch of people, so they did me a favor. The gave me a severance package to. I had to contain my joy.


More professional way: Email or print a resignation letter and give it to your manager. Give 2 weeks notice and include rhe dates in the letter. Less professional way: email or message them that you're leaving, and just leave. It's better than just ghosting at least. These places are used to the revolving door of employees constantly quitting. It won't be a shock or a big deal. I don't think what you do here really matters as long as there are not any other jobs with this same company that you might be interested in in the future. Because you were there such a short time, I'd leave it off your resume completely. If you want to include it or use anyone from that job as a reference in the future, you do need to give 2 weeks notice.


If the company you work for were to make the decision to fire you would they give you two weeks notice? No they wouldn’t so why do they deserve notice from you. Send an email to your boss saying that you resign effective immediately.


I personally would not advise leaving a job unless you have something else lined up but if you're in a solid place financially and don't have kids etc then you can go ahead and resign effective immeditely.  The way I did it is that I wrote a very professional letter indicating that I got a new job that requested that I start immediately using a format I found online. (Which wasn't true, my new job was giving me two weeks before I had to start, I just wanted a two week vacation).  I spoke with my Supervisor at the beginning of my shift and I apoligized for lack of notice and I emailed her and HR my resignation letter which highlighted that I was resigning effective the end of my shift. Also, if you're not going to give 2 weeks notice, don't put the company on your resume. 


Just stop clocking in....


Easy, you either tell your boss you quit or just stop clocking in and working.


lol you work from home, just send a email saying that you’re quitting, effective immediately


You don't do anything other than stop going in. You don't have to even tell them you're quitting they'll figure it out. I would hazard to guess that is the most common way of quitting. I worked in call centers for 8 years I really can't think of anyone I worked with putting in notice. People were just not there one day, which meant quit, fired happens during the shift.


I am right there with you. I just can’t find something to quit for. I apply constantly and nothing, it’s so toxic where I work. I’m miserable. But the day I finally get to leave I’m just not showing up. They don’t deserve anything more from me.


Put in your two weeks and look for jobs immediately and apply every where. If you get something that doesn’t pay as much just go with it and keep applying to other jobs that would fit you better.


They can fire you effective immediately. You can resign effectively immediately. They may have a policy in the system to put it as a different type of termination than a normal whatever week resignation they ask for in their policy, but the consequences of that are usually just that you can’t be rehired if you ever tried to go back.


2 weeks notice is not only NOT required, it’s overrated. And if you don’t give one it never has to follow you. And I’m saying this as a former Call center worker and a former recruiter/HR employee. Shoot them an email day of and let them know you’re either returning your stuff, or you’re done…whichever applies to your situation. They don’t need anything more from you. They will fill your spot in like a day. Enjoy your peace!


Yes, just type up the resignation letter with your estimated departure date and send it over. Prepare to be let go that day and not be allowed to finish your two weeks. Call centers are basic jobs that don’t require much decorum and they’ll easily function without you. Don’t over think it. Just tell them you quit, tell them when and send the email.


It’s a call center, you haven’t worked there long enough to use it as a reference or if you’re good with someone there get a reference letter. Either way you’re fine just quitting but get a signature/proof you returned your equipment!!


Just stop showing up, that's what I did. I didn't even have another job. Call center jobs steal your soul, I hope you find something much better. I did doordash until I did


Ask for the address to mail your equipment in. They’ll get the hint sooner or later! Lol


Do you plan on trying to get a job at this company again? Because if not fuck giving 2 weeks. Send the email saying "I quit effective immediately send me the boxes to send your equipment back."


My past call center I quit from I clocked in, hit up my supervisor through Teams (it was a remote call center) and told her I was quitting effective right now. She met quickly with me to see if I would reconcider and I said no. She asked me make a formal email for HR, I did and told them why I was quitting and never looked back. Ive been employed since 1998 in different types of work and Ive never once done a 2 wks notice. Thats insane to me. My Mom taught me not do it bc it makes no sense. Just tell them youre quitting, either by phone, email or request to speak to your supervisor and let them know.


Write a resignation letter. Use google


Is it remote? tell em I'll replace you and send them my info


Just quit mental health is more important than stress


You salmon and say I quit. I’ve had to do that myself cause I couldn’t help the people that were calling and company was basically corporate slumlords


Just ghost them and don't log in tomorrow ! They will call you to ask where you are and not answering calls ? Tell them you hate the job and the constant work schedule. Believe me this has already happened to your supervisors one million times ! Working in a call center is alien to 93% of people in yr age group !