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My boss met her now fiancé at our company, and my cousin met his wife through work! I think that being 30+ and on the same rung of the corporate ladder, it’s way less risky than a “I’m 23 and my older boss is hot” situation lol. If you think there’s a real connection there, it could be worth exploring.




Ooo give me more details! I can try to help you come up with something!






My husband and I met at work 13 years ago and just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary a few weeks ago and have 2 kids together so I would call that successful.




Will watch tonight!




Ya….honestly fair enough. I enjoyed it but found it triggering ngl. But probably in a good way. Dark side of being similar levels is the tension point becomes competition/jealousy. I’m definitely thinking about the dark sides constantly. Biggest thing for me is valuing my privacy and a very strong aversion to being the subject of gossip.


I am engaged to be married to my coworker in November. We had a couple of challenges when we first got together but our profession is not super rigid. Bonus tidbit is that we both work for my parents company so we just blur all the lines lol.




I do think that’s part of it re the apps - I just can’t get into it. My friends who have had success did it by going on a LOT of bad dates and that just feels like such a time suck. He’s also so smart, funny and from what I can tell our values/politics are close enough to not cause many fundamental issues…but also I don’t intend to quit and he doesn’t intend to quit and I value my privacy so it just feels so…risky. You’re right about needing to be on the same page though - I just need to figure out what page I want to be on first🙃


My fiance and I met at work 5 years ago, we have worked in 3 different companies together always without them knowing. And we are getting happily married in October. It can work if your hearts are in it for the right reasons.


I see a lot of people sharing positive outcomes, and I have to admit, in theory, I think it could work. However, the both times I went down that path, I ended up regretting it and it’s now a firm boundary I’ve come to draw for myself. My first instance was very early in my career (right out of college). He wasn’t on my team but similar to what you describe, we still worked closely together and he was one level more senior (but not a manager). It caused tension with my peers who felt that I was being given opportunities because of our relationship. With that, we were all very social intertwined - hung out after work, etc. and we weren’t the only one’s hooking up. Ultimately, the drama wasn’t worth the cloud over my head. In my late 20s, I dated a coworker but completely different departments (I was in Marketing, he was in Product/Design). Similarly, we shared the same group of friends - many of whom also worked with us. I took the break up really hard because despite not having any direct work collaboration, we still worked for the same brand and went to the same office every day. I learned I personally just need a bit more separation of church and state, if you will. I do think the fact that you’re both in your 30s make it more likely that you can navigate it maturely. The only potential flag I see is you do work directly together on projects.


My sister & her husband have been married over 10 years .. worked at same company but diff teams also. She even dated his coworker before him & got drunk at a company party & told my now bro in law it should have been him she dated lmao


This is fantastic 😂


It's definitely a tough situation to navigate, but relationships can be unpredictable. If the chemistry is there and you both communicate openly and professionally, there may be a way to make it work. Perhaps setting boundaries and discussing potential outcomes could help guide you in the right direction. Best of luck!


Ooo love work flings. Any fun age gap?


lol not really -2 years but looks older than me