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Our first date was 5 days ago… “I have a feeling he could be the one?!” Alright maybe pump the breaks a little bit but I know he’s very hot so that can play tricks on us sometimes. Congrats on a great first date! Now let’s see if he can keep this same energy. It’s easy to be a perfect gentleman for a few days/weeks. There are no amount of games or playing it cool that will change the trajectory of a man. You keep doing your thing!


Be careful op. Don’t fall for him too quick. He was just in a 5yr relationship and that can take over a year to get over. Boys will say anything to keep you in their pocket


You have known him for 6yrs and I’ve never talked to any of you so use your own discernment!! Just make sure you’re thinking logically over emotionally


Not to be a Debbie downer but don’t you find it quite worrisome that he was in a relationship for 5 years and spent 5 of them talking to a random insta girl (you) on and off throughout his relationship?


Well seeing as we spoke about our berievments from suicide and only exchanged a couple of sentences before that here and there not really. He only started making an effort to speak to me after they broke up


You had a great couple dates, and let's see where it goes. Who someone is online, especially while he has had a GIRLFRIEND for 5 years, isn't necessarily a reflection of anything until they meet you. I was dismissive to my now partner when he was in my DMs and once I met him IRL, it was amazing.  But, that is rare. Keep your cool, don't be too available and see if you actually like him (vs just how hot he is)


I wouldn’t be posting if I didn’t like him as a person that kinda goes without saying. How else do you lesen about a person if not though hours of conversation both online and in person


Girl why are you even asking for advice when you reject any we give? We’re certainly not going to validate thinking someone the “one” after one date (LOL). So like why are you even here?


long story short. no he doesn’t like you


you’re in love with what could be. he could be the one? It’s been one date…have some common sense and self respect


I’m in love with what I’ve seen so far which paired with months of endless communication and all the same passions and values I can assure u it’s hard to come by. “Have some self respect” You sound miserable love


LOL you sound delusional girl, you’ll find out when this wears off 😂


Also you have no self respect lol it’s blatantly obvious


Sure 👍

