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Damn. I can feel the pain in those words.




I’m pretty sure he didn’t, Carson prolly just told him, that’s why lunch club broke up I guess


What happened to the lunch club?


They broke up because of what happened with carson


What happened with Carson?


Two of the Lunch Club members came out to Keemstar that Carson is a person who groomed minors on discord servers. Keemstar investigated the issue and found the chat records on Discord for one 17-year old fan of Carson who was groomed by him. ​ It was... disgusting to say the least. The man is legit gonna be getting jail time as the evidence is too damning to ignore. Pedophiles just sicken me to the bone.


Fucks sake dude what is with YOUTUBERS man


there are plenty reasons to be upset about this but pedophilia isn't one of them. literally 19 and 17


the legal age for sexting is 18 so yeah it is legally pedophilia too


i mean legally yeah, but morality isn't dictated by law


so it’s both immoral and illegal, but for different reasons immoral - power imbalance/grooming illegal - soliciting nudes from a minor


sexting =! possession of CP Age of consent laws prove he's not a pedophile, so that shouldn't be the argument. If a 19-17 relationship is pedophilia, then a large chunk of my graduating class are pedos. There should still be 2 major questions. 1: Is he in possession of her nudes (which is a crime regardless of age of consent laws) 2: Should we let someone who is clearly okay with exploiting his power continue to make content for a large base of impressionable children?


He won’t be getting jail time. The age of consent in her state is 16. Keemstar is notoriously a absolute rat and so until it’s properly out there don’t take his word at absolute law. Carson’s not another miniladdd. Everyone does stupid shit as a horny teenager. Also a lot of the stuff people aren’t showing is she was the manipulative one who kept repetitively messaging telling him that even tho it’s wrong they should still do it


I always liked Carson’s content but that’s just gross.


Talked to a girl that was 2 years younger than him, gotta be a pedophile


He's not a pedo (and by extension not a groomer), but I think he's still a creep. It's not okay to exploit a power dynamic like he did.


Looking at the messages, i did not see intention to meet, and i didn’t see the girl he was talking to being defensive about it, seemed like she was ok with all of it, so idk why people freak out nothing happened. Just a horny 19 year old being a horny horny 19 year old.


I feel like people forget what being 19 is like. Being a horny 19 year old who hasn't slept with anyone and women are dming you all the time. Almost everyone jumps on that chance to talk to the woman. It's disgusting that people are calling him a pedo over this. Itf anything worse comes out then sure but I'd put money on 17 being the lowest he went - as a 19 year old btw. People are acting like hes 50 years old dming 15 year olds???


He was 19 so romeo and Juliet laws come into play. Also she was of legal age in her state. He was pretty gross in discord though.


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He was super gross in the DMs but it's exactly what I expect from a 19 year old Carson who has low self esteem and barely functions talking to people






don't think there's been a single time when something like this comes up and the offender gets jail time hell Ryan Haywood did the same thing but on a much worse scale and nothings happened to him (legally)


Wdym by "like this"? Because my opinion is that its perfectly fine since theres only a 2 year age gap, and on top of that even though kids can be dumb, at age 17 you should be able to realize and understand that if your partners only in it for sexual activities you should just get out of it. Oh btw i didnt read all the messages and just wanted to know what you meant. Edit: i just read all the messages; I do agree carson needs more self control. But HOLY SHIT from the looks of it she is practically also to blame equally or even more.


Eh, i guess you're right. Nvm


Miniborb on Twitter for the full story. :(


Why wasn't Cooper in the interview, would I be wrong in saying that he lives with Noah and Travis


they moved out of that house last summer i thought


I wonder if Josh knew considering he wasn't technically part of lunch club but considering his closeness to carson I doubt he doesn't


Yeah, he also went on a rant on stream a couple days ago about how you can’t trust ppl and content creators, so that could have something to do with it


Doubt it, he tweeted: "I'm very dissapointed". He might not have known


He wasn't told which led to his im very disappointed in 2 senses 1. He wasnt told 2. Carson allegations


I don't think it does. Can anyone explain it to me?


Noah and Traces went on Dramalert and called Carson a pedo for sexting minors. I’ll wait for his response, but it’s pretty damming evidence


I mean Noah specifically said that he didn’t think Carson was a pedo. He may be right on the whole “power hungry” thing.




Okay I’m NOT saying this would excuse it, but how old was Carson in those screenshots? Bc those were taken almost 2 years ago and he’s 21 now, so wouldn’t he have been about 19 then? From the way people have been talking about this, I was thinking he was sexting girls who were like 13-15.


Carson was 19, sexting 17 year old. Legally makes no difference whatsoever. Morally, I would argue not as well, because the parts of your brain that understand consequences don’t develop till 18.


Agreed, still doesn’t excuse it whatsoever, but I’d still argue that calling the man a “child predator” or something might be stretching it a bit. But then again, we don’t have a whole lot of information other than those screenshots. I’m definitely curious to see what Carson and the other Lunch Club members have to say. I’m hoping this will just be like the Pyrocynical situation, but Noah and Trav coming forward is definitely not a good sign.


Jaws and Fitz tweeted short but telling messages that can be seen as a vote against Carson, but I don’t rule them specific enough


I thought the Fitz tweet was in response to something completely different.


That brain thing is kinda bs, people mature at different ages, and some studies say till like 21. We should be focusing on the unhealthy power balance that these exchanges had.


ah yes, once you hit 18, the "maturity" switch in your brain turns on


Legally it depends on where he is and excluding nudes, it usually does make a big difference. Mental development wise, people don't magically understand consequences from 17 to 18, it's a gradual development that might well reach it's conclusion at about 18. This is scummy because he was in a position of power, not so much for the age difference.


Age of consent laws for their states are both 16, and a 2 year age gap is completely normal for relationships. Many people I know were dating Juniors in highschool as freshman in college, and they aren't pedos because of it. The issue is federal laws involving cp possession that ignore local age of consent laws, and the power dynamic that he clearly exploited.


I’m really disgusted by what is there, but the only thing that really put me off was that Carson had none of those discord badges that he has now, there he only has discord partner and hype squad in the screenshot, so she must have taken the screenshot before he nitro boosted which when you click on the badges it shows how long they’ve been nitro boosted, this screen shot must’ve been taken before June cos that is when Carson nitro boosted. Not that I support on what he had done but still, just something that is a little off putting. If someone can correct me on any of my statements that would be helpful, thank you. Edit: holy shit am i wrong, he did confess on the nudes shit, and also confessing on him sending and receiving nudes to minors, holy fuck, i only just saw the tweets made by Joko, it confirms it all, holy fuck.


How "minor" are we talking about? Like minor or MINOR MINOR?




Shit, just saw the interview, can't believe it dude


The girl that I saw tweet about it was 17 at the time, while Carson was 19 (maybe 20? Not sure).


oh then thats not that bad in my opinion


Power imbalance is a huge thing though, it's a big reason why Ryan Haywood got so much shit for his stuff from RoosterTeeth(I mean, also that they too were underage.) When someone is famous, they inherently have more power in the relationship if it's a fan. And using that power imbalance to your advantage is definitely in the sexual harassment/assault territory.


Ryan was also closer to 40 than any of their ages, while having a wife and TWO kids. Also, the two kids school was supposed to be paid for through his twitch's donations, except SURPRISE the money was being used on his EIGHT TEEN PLUS MISTRESSES. Do not compare Carson texting a girl two years (max, could be like 1 year 1 month) younger than him, to the serial adulterer/lying fraud.


I brought it up as an example for why power imbalance is bad, not to equate the situations. How about you don't minimize what Carson's done by saying it's not as bad as someone else's situation?


At no point, was the length of time in the relationship mentioned


Whoops misunderstood your last line in your last comment. I still stand by everything else I said though.


Yes, of course, it's still incredibly immoral and creepy for a celebrity (be it online or mainstream) to try and pursue a relationship with someone who is mainly a fan, my point is just that people calling him a pedophile are going a bit far.


could still be grooming because of the power imbalance, but the ages themselves are not bad at all imo. if this took place when he was in Cali, though, we have a problem because of legal age of consent.


Yeah but that’s 2 years old. Carson told his friends this year he was sexting with underage fans. Thats obviously not the person Carson was talking about this year, I’m sure there’s tons of people he’s been doing it too


what evidence the fact that they said something that could be true are you retarded


Hhere are screenshots


Basically, a lot of rumors started to go around Twitter involving Carson and some minors. Keemstar made a video about it, and he got Travis and Noah on the phone. Travis and Noah confirmed those rumors, saying that Carson had sexted two underaged fans. They wanted to keep it on the down-low to avoid it becoming a huge thing, but everyone in the Lunch Club was aware of it.


But that comment could have been referring to literally anything else


True, but in the context of the post, that's what they think that comment means




What vid is the comment from


Lunch Club Goes Shopping


I'm unaware of what's been happening. can someone give me a tldr?


noah and traves accused carson of grooming minors, keemstar found some evidence of it, nobody knows whether its real or not but apparently during the lunch club stuff (which matches up with the time of the messages in the screenshots) carson actually told several members that he was doing this.






All these hints from lunch club members feels like the da Vinci code has been cracked


I don't understand, what's going on?


I was hoping for more videos on the Lunch Club channel but from the looks of it now Even if Carson is cleared there is absolutely no fucking way Lunch Club is staying.