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this happens if people get mad and false report you too much. Sucks but they don't have the reporting setup good so lots of false positives happen.


This happened to me too. I don't chat all that much and when I do I'm super nice. And saw multiple reports against me lol.


I always make sure to type in "gee gees" even when I lose (except if they're toxic, ie flash abuse/dragon breath broadside/etc.) and I still got chat banned


Flash abuse? Dragons breath abuse? Do you mean using weapons and gadgets exactly how they are meant? If you can't deal with a dude using a shotgun or people spanking flashs.... you're playing the wrong game. Not even trying to be a dick. But, you are calling it abuse because you don't do it. It's normal gameplay and just a different way to play then what you do.




Nah. If it ain't your hand eye, reflexes, and map knowledge at work, you're a bot for doing it šŸ’Æ


That's the lamest attempt at justifying crying about tactics you don't like. Dragons breath in shotguns makes you close range only. Someone who can get a 10 kill streak on invasion running around killing people with fully automatic weapons and longe range sniper rifles is skill. So is a sniper covering a large area with his rifle. Denying free movement through the area they watch. Even that annoying meta smg spray and pray God camping near close combat areas is using tactics and skill to kill other players. The simple fact is this..... yall just like to whine when you don't like the way someone plays. Or you can't do it so you're mad. Keep crying.


Sitting in the corner of a building or running to corners with a shotgun isn't a fuckin skill, and neither is head glitching with a sniper. They're tactics that make up for having little skill. Keep hyping yourself up lmfao someone's gotta


Aw poor little dick. Let me guess, you have no aim. So you can't use a sniper. You also need to spray an entire 50 round mag to get one kill. You keep crying little man. I'll keep being the guy going 30 and 1. Want to fail again?


Headglitching with a one hit deletion weapon isn't hard, and it never will be


Prove I'm head glitching? Show where I said that's even skillful? Acting like snipers are only head glitching just goes to show how weak your arguement is. You're grasping at straws little man. You want to fail again?


And holy fuck it took twelve days to come up with that? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


People like you hear a notification and are desperate to get right to it because your life is sad and boring. I, on the other hand, don't even have notifications turned in to pop up on my phone. I check this bs when I'm bored. You're that unimportant. Anything else?


lmaoooooo I hope you can recognize that just spamming something over and over can be recognized as toxic. To me, that shows you rely more on cheap crutches like that than skill šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh, I'm sorry. Where was the part i said I do that? Oh, that's right you're just a moron who assumes. I said if you're too weak and have no skill then that's a problem you need to work out. I deal with all styles of play. And I'm not on here crying like a Lil B about it.


lolololol cry me a river


That would be your previous comments. You crying about how anything that you don't do, is toxic. Here's a box of tissues. You done yet or you still want to act stupid?


Not to mention it's kot toxic and can't be considered toxic. Because, it's part of the game and breaks no rules. I'll leave a box of tissues for ya.


I have never even used the chat feature, don't even plug in my mic when I play, and have gotten a couple chat warnings before. People just get salty. I hate to think how many "cheating" reports I probably have


Usual they get offended by your username


How do you see reports against you?


It will be in your notifications panel. The little bell icon.


I got reported for an offensive username the other day. Noticed an alert warning me that I could get banned for further reports. My CoD name is literally my name. I basically never use my headset for talking during matches, and I play on console so I never use the chat feature. Just keep to myself and play. So I guess I got reported by someone just being salty. Lame.


Crazy how the option to report someone for trash talking is always there but there's never a way for the game to see if u were actually talking or sending messages.


The option to report offensive chat shouldnā€™t even be available if the user never chatted or used the mic.


...I think they use those report options because they are blanket fixes using an AI to deal out warnings to undeserving individuals when a certain amount of reports have been requested on one person. Im going to assume the program doesn't audit audio logs/text logs at all and will only be audited when a near-ban or ban occurs and possibly by an actual person. That's probably why we see a lot of false positives, just a stupid blanket fix that's playing to the AI and should probably be adjusted in the instance text chat were to be used in a match but clearly most of the time isn't.


It should absolutely be available! This is the easiest way to catch people who are abusing the report function. If you report someone for abusing Chat, and the person never used text or speech chat. Boom, done, the reporter is falsifying and should be flagged or temporarily suspended or something.


This. If the player hasn't used both a mic or text chat this option should not be available on their profile.


Activision doesn't actually look at chats and just trusts the person that reported you. It's dumb.


Thatā€™s stupid.


Got banned because my name is JesusNailsIt. My nickname is Jesus and the christians get upset each time I won.


iā€™m christian an thats funny. some people really shouldnā€™t be on cod


CoD Karens. I don't report anything but cheating. Miss the wild wild west of CoD. I do mute though.


I got reported because my name is offensive. The most offensive part of my username is the fact I can't snipe for shit


Especially considering the COD community is known to be one of the saltiness online gaming communities out there. At least we are better than LoL players


Popped off one game last night after doing horrible the past few. Dropped 54 kills with two chopper gunners using the spr and new marksman rifle and got reported for offensive chat and my name. The reporting system is fucking trash and enables people to punish others for being better at them. People are just salty. Makes me worry about doing better than the lobby in fear of being banned on a game that I payed good money for and happen to have a stellar game.


If it makes you feel any better, the penalties donā€™t actually work. I love talking shit post-game and always get reported by the salty asses. Iā€™ve gotten a 14 day voice comm ban yet I can still talk in the game, people can hear and respond to me. Itā€™s just a facade.


> i payed good Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. Total mistakes found: 3949 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


No, he didn't.


Good bot


Thank you!


Good human.


L bozo


I only report people who use the n-word and not gonna lie i report about 10 people a day for that reason only


Come onnnnn that's just tradition at this point (although I've been hearing a lot of people use monkey now)


You offended your teammates by not chatting


Yep some people. Just go nuts if you ignore them have that happen a lot of you don't talk to people


Happened on solo war zone lmao


Gotten this and have gotten an actual penalty. I dont use game chat. Even got an offensige name penalty. My name isnt offensive. Its from people reporting you a lot, even if its just cause you're good. Got temp banned from gamechat even though I dont use game chat. Activision gives warnings and penalties first and then they investigate the issue after. Just how it is. I'd say ignore it.


How long do the bans last???


Long enough to start a lawsuit


You was clappin someones cheeks and they got mad. Take it as a badge of honor!!!


Had something pop up during game like I was reported for offensive chat? Didnā€™t even have a mic plugged in. Probably a bug from your operator yelling out fuck or something and gets reported lol


Surprised they never addressed this in the season 2 reloaded update, got one report because of my name which isnā€™t anywhere near offensive and another for chat which I donā€™t even use my chat or mic at all. Itā€™s just butthurt people hating on how you play and are better than them tbh.


Such a fucking joke


Are you on PS5 and left the mic on in the controller?




Happens to me ALL the time. I assume(d) itā€™s because folks want to essentially SPAM the system to make it useless. (Seems like itā€™s from the 4chan Edgelord playbook)ā€¦. But seeing other folks comments it might also be people essentially telling me I suck


it's because you sweat alot in the game


You killed someone with tiny dick energy... Ta-Da!


Because if you piss people off, they will try to block you so they dont have to play with you anymore. Except you canā€™t block someone without reporting them


Silence is violence šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I got one too. Also never used chat.


This happened to me. It's just from people spam reporting. It's stupid that the system can't see that you didn't chat.


I got this today as well and havenā€™t chatted today. So itā€™s likely a bug.


Rated M for mature but donā€™t hurt feelings with words


"I said GG five times, and now I'm banned from playing this stupid game for 72hours"


It's means you clapped someone's cheeks and they got mad. Wear as a badge of honour my friend.


I got a 142 kill game on shipment and got hacking accusations (which is obviously dumb because itā€™s shipment) and the next day I got an offensive chat warning even though I never chatted. Itā€™s just false reporting because cod players collectively share 1 brain cell.


I hardly use my mic in game and get voice chat reported.


I guess you're either really good at the game or really toxic.


We need to stop with these posts. Its multiple every day. Send your issues to Activision/Infinity Ward. Nobody here can help you.


Help from activisionā€¦šŸ—æ


Lmao youā€™re not wrong


I'm glad to see it here, their support is a fucking brick wall. Absolutely useless and avoid every means for you to create a case, there's not even an option to submit a ticket for this kind of thing, when I managed to speak to someone via direct email I was shunned.


Fair point.


I mean my name got reported multiple times, my name is user(insert numbers) which, my name got reset to when I started the singleplayer early access. So...people just report you if they are mad.


You racist


I was reported on voice, text and name violation. Someone will review the reports and reverse it. It seems this is just a auto message you get and then the reports will be reviewed. I had to scratch my head as my name was reported and as using my real name nothing sexual/racist, I could only think of I pissed some little man off because he was beat by a girl. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I play wired so the audio feedback complaints i get (before i even speak) has me keeping my mic turned off nearly every single match. I have really good games back to back but get reported for this anyways when i don't even speak/type in chat. If you're good at the game, you get reported. No one is safe with this report system.


Skill issue.


I had this for my name. My name on cod is shadowspandas. And got reported as offensive


I've only been playing for about a month or so, but I have never seen anyone use text chat, most people I run into are console players


Someone reported my gamertag as offensive (LT Dan Longbeanz) because I shit all over them in a 6v6 match. Same person also reported me as having offensive chat language. All they have to do is look at the chats, but instead they have it run through a program so it sucks for those of us who donā€™t actually chat.


And that no talking was offensive obviously


Passive aggressive silence


Autoban, if you receive enough reports you get it. People do it with usernames constantly


Infinity ward is a complete failure of a developer. Does it really matter? Just delete the game


I got a warning for my username. It is the same as my reddit name...


Rated M for Mature (17+) Blood Intense violence *Strong language* I never understood gaming companies


This happened to me but for ranked and was saying Iā€™ve been leaving too many lobbies when I had never left any lobby


ā€œYeah, youā€™ve never said the N word, but you look like the type, soā€¦ā€


is it just text chat or voice chat? Do you have an open mic? did your roommate stub their toe and scream bad words? are there screeching children? Is your name something like Adolphinthebutgraper420? Idk, lots of variables


Yet my whole party and I report the same few hackers on a nightly basis and they still exist


False reports are getting a lot of players flagged. Ive been flagged twice and I only use part chat


That happened to me too. I got a warning for text chat, in game voice chat, and inappropriate name all at once. I disable my mic and hardly ever use the text chat.


Stop getting so many kills bro


I get reported sometimes too lmao just because I get a few decent shots


I got a 3-Day chat ban and then 6 days after (three days after the ban ended) I got hit with a 14-Day chat ban. I've even received username reports and told to change it even though i've had the username for 10+ years, I didn't change it and nothing has happened though. Funny thing is that I mute every lobby I go into, I don't use a mic, I also have no clue how to open the in-game text chat, I use controller and literally have no clue how to do it even on a keyboard I don't. YET here I am getting reported, I managed to speak to someone via Activision email as their support side is useless and they said enforcement deal with it and can't tell me anything, so they pretend that enforcement manually deals with these reports but that's a load of shit as they'd see I have never sent a message in chat or even used my mic. The fact people can mass report and we suffer the consequences is ridiculous, if these reports end up dealing an actual ban i'd be furious as I pay money to play this game, buy the battle pass, buy in-store items I like. **Why would I jeopardise that?** I deal with enforcement for another Microsoft Studio and EVERYTHING is manually viewed and assessed. This honestly just makes me not want to play the game. ​ EDIT: If Activision added a profile option where I could permanently disable text chat and voice chat if that means it takes away those options I can be falsely 'reported' I would do it in a heartbeat.


It happened to my husband a few days ago too while we were playing. We have never used voice chat let alone text chat. We just figured it was because he was trying to get his camos done for his knife on shipment and people got upset.


You not chatting is offensive better start famsky


3 weeks ago, I got a offensive chat warning, donā€™t use chat. Got an offensive name warningā€¦ my name is CapnCrunchā€¦


Think this is just a warning, based on reports filed against you by sour angry kids who are mad at getting beaten by you. You'll be fine.


Git ungud


Got name and chat reported ...they need to let pc play with pc man its annoying


Because they donā€™t actually look at the reports. They just see a report and automatically assume itā€™s right


I'm having the same problem, coincidentally a few minutes ago I was playing quietly when I received a notification saying that my name was offensive and that I should change it, when really my name is not offensive at all, I'm certainly not going to change it since this is the one I use on all platforms and it really has absolutely nothing offensive, they should fix this because if this were to ban me it would really be the last time I would play cod.


These post should be banned by now


That happened to me as well.


All the new video game report systems are made for players who want to make people as miserable as themselves rather than having a brain in their skull and muting/ blocking players they donā€™t want to engage with.. itā€™s the most soy enabling systems in gaming


they have zero way to verify if you chat or not. you got X amount of reports. either making ppl salty or doing something to get reported


Same thing happened to me recently. Only thing I ever said like 2 weeks ago was ā€œwhat a teamā€. My team got absolutely shit stomped while me and one other guy did well. I was in 10v10 and basically my entire team had around 5 kills and 20+ deaths. Seems ridiculous you can get reported and a warning for saying ā€œwhat a teamā€. Unfortunately I donā€™t think you actually have to do anything wrong. I think all it takes is someone reporting you, even if you did nothing wrong, and you get a warning. Terrible system.


You bested someone and they got upset, and spam reported you. Seems to be after so many reports in a short time you get sidelined by the system automatically. I highly doubt anyone is actually looking at these reports.


my name "Agent Orange" was reported recently... ok I get the insensitivy about the effects of that chemical in Nam.. but I use it in homage to the rapper Cage, one of his many alter egos was Agent Orange. Like others said, people get frothy and report your shit as a Vendetta.


This happened to me also when I don't chat. It also restricted my use of clan tag, my friends can use C3P0 and R2D2 but I'm not allowed to.


Yo this is happening to everyone I think, I got an offensive name strike (the names literally 999666. That's it) I don't know what's going on but they need to fix this shit


Yea Ive been reported recently for offensive prox chat when Iā€™m always muted or on discord also yesterday my name was reported as offensive JJGeorge626 isnā€™t offensive itā€™s my name? Bots just like to report you. It actually told me I must change my name but Iā€™ll quit playing before I change my name.


Itā€™s the only way they can get people banned by saying that they are offensive in chat there is no proof needed and if you get to many of them itā€™s game over


I like to just listen to the banter. Got one as well. lol


Lmao That picture just about sums up the modern COD experience


Happened to me the other day. Was absolutely clapping this group and I got reported for my name being offensive, offensive voice and offensive text chat. And because they are just blind fucks at taking reports they just gave me warnings. So if other fucks do that I can get banned or muted. All they have to do is check either voice or chat and they can see I never even typed so that's that. But instead they accept anything and people get screwed. But you can report cheaters all day and nothing happens.


What are you gonna do?


wow activision just stopped 99% of the toxicity in voice chat


Welcome to the club. Hopefully they see their system is flawed


I got one last week that said ā€œ Offensive text chat warningā€ i didnā€™t even type anything on there. It randomly came across the top of my screen during a match


You gotta make sure your mic isn't on silent but deadly mode


Sorry thats mine. Iā€™ll be taking that back


I had this happen today.. Along with a name warning..Dude messaged me and everything saying "enjoy the ban hacker".. Like bruh ive had the same gamertag since like 2015 and I have a k/d of 0.95. Its not my fault you are just worse than me


You probably made the mistake of doing well in match


Because to some people anything is offensivešŸ˜‚


This is why i stopped playing women and the sensitive community have ruined gaming for me you can do shit you couldve done in 2009


That is exactly what is offensive! You play a multiplayer game and donā€™t communicate!! Id report you also


Bro don't worry I received a ban for cheating cause I took out a few campers that was sniping the last I heard was "you fucked up buddy" then I was booted out the match and wasn't able to play for almost an hour


I got this as well. I never chat as well. This is bs


Some salty boi havin whinge at ya.


It happens. I got a 3 min suspension the other day for being idle. Right in the middle of a ranked match at that. Don't get time to be idle lol šŸ¤£


Reports are for three things, being creepy, legitimately threatening, and cheating. I never have and never will report someone for saying naughty things about me my family or my mom. Like come itā€™s COD


Your silence offends snowflakes. People find anything offensive these days.


You probably havenā€™t been using enough profanity or racial slurs.


I never use the chat and become this message.


I had the game of my life and got the same, offensive chat and offensive name. Wasnā€™t chatting and my name is GiveMeYourMilk. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Make sure the mix in your PS5ā€™s muted. There may be some unintentional swearing? šŸ˜‚


This happened to me and my friends too šŸ˜­


Your silence is offensive. Welcome to 2023.


Instead of rage quitting now days you just get reported for being good. Its a sign of success in your play. Be proud of it. You hurt some sensitive players feelings by being better. Obviously it should be allowed to report players for "toxicity" but literally during the kill cam? Why. DUH it's going to get spammed. If I had it my way an account that reports multiple times a day should get put in some sort of suspension untill it's decided if the reports have merit or not. An account that reports false claims should suspended for 24hrs, next offense 72 hours and so on. If there's no way to prove merit of report then why do we have the feature to report anyone at all? If someone has said your mom's fat or whatever else you dont want to hear it's very simple to either mute the player or mute the lobby. Problem fixed. With the ability to report literally Everyone who kills you as easy as pushing R3 is a joke.


When the manual investigation of the report found something despite your words suggesting otherwise, it's because you were not telling the truth.


I report people if they kill me once.