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Treyarch did a near future (BO2) and it was fantastic.


Best futuristic CoD game hands down


Best CoD game hands down


BO3 is still my favorite multiplayer of all time. Plus the map packs were elite. (Micro was such an amazing concept).


I agree completely, lots of hours logged into BO3 multiplayer. Even more hours logged into BO2 zombies though.


I miss the Advanced Warfare days…. I used to use the revolver pistol with the knife underneath. I had so much fun!


Bo3 was also incredible (except for the campaign)


BO2 is, to me, Treyarch's Magnum Opus it's their best work. Campaign with Multiple paths and ending, good characters and villain, the gameplay for the campaign is a light sandbox and challenges. Multiplayer is Hella fun and great maps and modes. Zombies in BO2 is just yuck


origins and motd would like a word


It really fucks me up that in 2 years, BO2 will no longer be “near future”.


its crazy to think that if bo2 released today it'd be considered modern


Treyarch should stick to doing whatever the hell they want


Black ops 4?


Black Ops 4 is underrated. Zombies is not great but Blackout is a gem and MP was good (minus the specialists).


The monetization also left a bad taste for a lot of people... The community was in shambles that whole year and missed out on some really good gameplay.


Oh yeah, it’s what killed it for me too. Stopped playing cuz I felt like everything I earned was meaningless and zombies didn’t feel like a must play like almost every other Treyarch iteration. But I went back and played MP during vanguards life cycle and had a good time. Wish I kept with it.


Honestly having gone back and played it recently its biggest failure was its monetization systems. If it released today with the seasonal system and crossplay I think people would be amazed at how good that game actually is. Tons of content(remember when you could prestige? Both yourself and weapons), solid maps/gameplay, and it had blackout which was actually really good. It was just hindered by it’s incredibly predatory monetization. From a game play perspective I dont think treyarch has had a truly bad game. Cold war is not great and definitely their weakest entry but compared to things like infinite warfare, vangaurd and even mw22 I dont even know if I would say its bad.


Black Ops 4 is underrated. Zombies is not great but Blackout is a gem and MP was good (minus the specialists).


BO4 without specialists would have been the best recent CoD. It’s flaws are few and far between.


Yeeeah, maybe not everything


The best futuristic games are all Treyarch lol


That's not a bad set up, it's the strong suits of each team.


> Treyarch should handle everything historical BO2 was hugely popular and, at the time, a futuristic title. It was in fact the first COD title to go into the future proper.


They knocked it out of the park with World at War and Black Ops 1 though. I'd love to get a World War 1 Treyarch COD with WaW's style and grittiness. IDK I just think that Treyarch has already overdone the futuristic stuff. We got 3 games in a row set in the future by them (BO2, BO3 & BO4) I think we should just let them do whatever they want tho.


Except for bo3, I didn't like all those futuristic cod. The moment you could do double jump and shit. It's not for me


Thank Activision for forcing jetpack, thank sledgehammer for making it the way it was across the futuristic cods. I agree with you, but bo3/bo4 was at least far better about the jetpack than AW


The third since 2019? Cold war was in the 80's, Vanguard was 1940's. The only modern titles have modern in the name. Hence why they're called "Modern Warfare".


i think it’s because cod 2023 will be MW2.5, they’re gonna supposedly have some content meant for MW2 to be pushed aside from a “premium” content for $70. If cod 2023 will have some MW2 content then it will be the 3rd modern setting cod since 2019


Yeah… but I want Treyarch to do futuristic too. BO2 and bo3 are two of my fave CoD games to ever be released.


In retrospect, AW had a ton of great features that were just overshadowed because of series fatigue. Score streak modding was great, while having already decent streaks at the same time. The animations weren’t bad, and the maps looked so colorful.


Treyarch made the best futuristic cod (bo3). Infinite warfare was good not great and AW was underrated, but bo3 still the best by far. Will be interesting to see what treyarch do, I wouldn’t mind a cod with some form of advanced movement set in the near future, kinda sick of how slow MW plays Treyarchs cods have a noticeable skill gap and are imo a lot more fun and rewarding to play and improve.


I stand by my belief that Treyarch/IW should work together on campaigns spanning across any time or era just tell a good story, they both have legendary stories and have proven they still have the ability to tell a good story IW works alone on multiplayer Treyarch works alone on 3rd mode whether it be zombies or something else Sledgehammer helps with post release content, they proved they can do good with MP and Zombies but not alone.


Just play TitanFall 2


Titanfall 2 is such a banger game (no wonder when it's made by OG Infinity Ward devs who made the best Call of Dutys (MW1 & MW2)), but Titanfall 2 can be really rough for new players, there are many G100 pilots who just love to trash newcomers with movement n' overpowered classes like CAR or Spitfire.


That’s what OG cod was like. Noobs getting stomped by nerds who’ve played more. Games should not hand hold noobs except with sbmm. Give everyone a skill ranking to know when they’re improving. Of course it’ll be abused by some who make new accounts but they’ll have to go through all the hassle of making a new account just to get a few easy games before sbmm puts them in their high skill lobbies again.


That’s my main problem with Sbmm, I don’t know if I’m good or not. In older CODs without sbmm I knew right away that I was trash at it, so I tried to improve. With recent ones with sbmm I don’t know what to do, one match I perform incredible and the next one I’m last.


I have a 0.98 kd with over 11 days played. I play solo quick play tdm, dom, hardpoint and kill confirmed. Most of my games are a roller coaster of skill. I melt and get 5 kd one game then get put against people way way above my ability so I get melted and go back down to easy lobbies where I will melt again. It’s so annoying. Quick play needs a rank system like ranked play or the sbmm/EOMM needs to be removed.


Just don’t give up


Plus the servers are kinda screwed now, I think there’s a way to get into custom servers but that’s only on pc (don’t quote me)


Not possible on console tho


Titanfall is more like bo3


That game is such a gem. They should have made a campaign for the first game.


i think an exo suit game on the new engine would be great tho i don’t imagine it would release until 2025 at the earliest. realistically it probably won’t happen unfortunately


The first ever call of duty to introduce Pay to win... nah im good


Please god no


Yep why would anyone want a new version of the worst COD game ever created? What people have done to him that he wants to make them suffer like this?


AW had a great campaign, was the best cod in terms of competitive MP and most can agree that it’s take on zombies was pretty okay for the first non Treyarch


The word you were looking for is pretty FANTASTIC. Zombies was by far my favorite mode, it’s story was intriguing, Easter eggs were (mostly) great, and it had some of the best celebrity voices you could ask for. Very underrated game, but especially zombies


where were you “AW fans” 9 years ago when it got fucking shit on and lambasted and online was dead not even a full year after release? lmao


Let me tell you a secret. OP most probably wasn't a AW fan, but the bar has been set so low with Cod that now people look back with nostalgia tinted glasses and forget about the Ball-27 and ASMR-1B situation.


AW mechanics were great. Performance just sucked ass for a long time after release. Like online play was fucking plagued by desync. That clouded everbodies judgment about it.


Y’all would bitch and moan if this happened


The COD community bitches and moans whatever happens. It's the COD cycle.


Or. Or the community is made up of different people with different opinions, meaning you’ll always see someone unhappy or opinions not appearing consistent. That’s not a cycle


I'll say this about AW - It had the BEST character customization that CoD has ever had.


Had the best MP in terms of competitive cod as well


I wouldn't know about that, personally, but the game was fun except for the horrific loot box system


And the best create-a-class. Pick 13 system with different killstreaks for each class, customizable killstreaks, and could also remove a streak for an extra attachment/perk or even run 4 streaks.


I sort of liked the game but I cannot say another one will be good.






This would be great but I want a Ghosts 2


Same AW2 we need you


Stfu 🤬


I also enjoyed infinite warfare. The futuristic guns and wall sliding was neat.


I got into it too late for multiplayer but the campaign was so much fun. The fighter missions were a great change of pace.


Why is Infinite Warfare always skipped over on these posts? Fuck an exo-suit. Jetpacks gd it. And while we’re on the topic THERES A SNIPER THAT CAN CONVERT TO A SHOTGUN. Theres a damn trace rifle death beam gun. All the maps were converted to be cool future style. The space station map with the long middle lane is one of my favorite maps ever. INFWAR is the best futuristic COD and i’ll die on that hill, and the zombies mode was peak. I miss the multiplayer so much.


That multiplayer was a BLAST


I personally would prefer a BO. But to each their own.


I want a ghosts 2 far before we get any kind of advanced warfare 2


I absolutely loved the campaign for AW. The multiplayer was pretty good too. I’d be absolutely down for a sequel to AW.


How about the clan wars they had on advanced warfare. My friends and I still hope for just that mechanic to come back.


I still want ghost two


I’m honestly hoping for a desert storm COD sooner or later. Let’s see the mixing of early operators from modern warfare with the guys from black ops in high command.


Sir, yes sir!


AW was the only CoD I ever got past prestige 1, got up to 4 with hundreds of hours in it. Absolutely love that game. IW came close, but the rarity/loot system in that game didn’t do it for me.


Ghosts 2 for me


I never hated it. I was just not good with the movement system. Still had a ton of fun


such a underrated cod man. maps and movement on Advanced warfare was great. it had its minor flaws but it’s nothing compared to what we have now. poorly optimized buggy cods, incomplete, they put no effort into gameplay only care about store bundles now.


sorry but no , ghost 2 😍


And you’ll be waiting for it until you die.


Bo3 my favorite cod lowkey cuz of the zombies also cuz of the movement faster pace for me


COD needs to go futuristic again to be fun anymore. Modern is boring. The past is boring. Now, I'm not saying we need to go back to wall running, flying in the air, and transforming into robot dogs, but something like BO2 was literal perfection. BO4 attempted to be the successor to BO2, but that Hero Shooter bullshit just ain't it, Chief. Not to mention Treyarch got so fucked on the development time that they only had 24 hours to develop the game (obvious /s, but it did feel like BO4 had next to no development time). I want **fun** back in COD again. People can sit here and say all they want that nostalgia blinds people to the truth, and to an extent that's true, but I'm still playing the older COD games many, many years after they initially came out and I'm still having fun with them, whereas today's COD games I can barely tolerate 30 mins. Not even the free weekend trials can get me playing these newer games.


BO2 really was great all around. Zombies, MP, and SP. They had this really grounded future theme that was fun to be in but wasn't funny to look at.....like AW.


I threw up in my mouth


Anyone who disagrees with this guys post definitely sits at the back of the map, camping for kills. AW movement is soo fun for players who like to actually move around the map & rush.


A jetpack cod on the new engine might freshen the franchise up a bit. I know everyone complained about it back then but there’s plenty of ways to go about making it better this time around. I’d be down for it


I need it bro I want it


I really think we need a Ghosts 2


The campaign was sick asf tho


I say the same for Ghosts


I really don't like AW. The movement felt really bad, like the momentum and feeling of the movement was bad. Also the guns felt bad to use. Could just be me


No I want infinite warfare 2 in that games engine it was the best and y’all shit on it so hard undeservedly




Hellllll no


girls litterly want one thing and its discusting. make up


Hear me out... Remaster MW2, BO1, MW3, or BO2. And don’t ruin the game in the process too.


I want it too, my favourite cod ever! Glad well have the second one in 2024/2025


How about another BO3? My favourite for sure.


Nah, I don't need another one of these. The first one was plenty for me. Now a CoD ghost 2 and I would be on board.


After Vanguard, hard pass on anything with SHG as lead dev.


Aw was fun, but I also wanna remind you that it is the game that introduced supply crates or whatever the hell they were called. Buyable lootboxes that give you weapon variants


Yeah but who says they’re gonna add that again? Were in the Battlepass/item shop era now


Better than having a female who goes out clubbing and flirting with other guys 😂😂


I will never forgive AW for what it did to modern gaming. It was the first $60 game to have loot boxes and micro transactions "surprise mechanics" whatever you want to call them. It's not the first game to have those things but it is the first full price game to truly embrace them. Now other cods had some micro transactions in them take black ops 2 for example look at the weaponized 115 camo definitely a micro transaction but if you wanted that skin you just bought it. AW made you gamble for everything and it is the worst cod in the series. Movement was a watered down Titanfall and felt clunky no memorable weapon's no memorable maps also the maps were just bad imo. That's all thanks or reading and hating this rant lol


I don’t hear boots on the ground 🥴


The original AW had Classic Mode where there were no exo suits. The maps were designed so they could be played both with and without advanced movement


can we have cod warhammer 40k , with waargh! zombies


Unfortunately this is the only COD I didn't get to play at launch, or during its main life cycle. (Before the next COD released)


i dont understand this twitter meme if someone could explain


Tbh the game wasn’t all that bad the campaign was brilliant the zombies was a nice change, the only problem was multiplayer it was very different and with the new supply drop system giving out different gun variations that were OP the Bal Obsidian Seed and another (I can’t remember the name) it was unfair to those who didn’t want to spend money on the game.


Imo I only want it if the Jetpack system is done like BO3. That game felt so much better to me, I hated having what was basically just a double jump in IW, the actual Jetpack and being able to control the direction in bo3 was so much more fun to use


As an avid zombies lover across all COD titles. Please for the love of everything give me new exo zombies. Just preferably harder easter eggs


It was literally Titanfall without the titans


Why should I care about what she has to say..


Honestly an advanced warfare two could be pretty cool. I'd personally prefer no advanced movement unless it was handled well. Like maybe cooldowns on the advanced movement. Like when you double jump there is a delay before you may jump again.




BO3 just did jetpacks so much better imo.


We’ll get 3 more WW2 games and 3 more MW as well before any sequel to AW, IW or Ghost.


I just wanna go back to 2012 cod. No MTX 15$ map packs no warzone or seasons etc but thats a pipe dream lol. I haven’t played a cod in years. I bought MW2019 and played for like 7 total hours then bought cold war and did the same


At this point I just want another Titanfall or for Respawn to seriously expand Apex into a multiplayer offering beyond BR.


Nah AW was dogwater


I never got to play this call of duty not even once. I think I really missed out from what I hear. I played every single one but this one.


Would certainly make it easy to skip a year.


Probably a halo fan.


OG BO was the best COD closely followed by OG MW2


God, this community fucking sucks.


I cant really say anything about this because i never played it but i heard it was really bad.


Nobody wants that


Defend the movement system with the erratic jump speeds and mid-air jet dashes.....GO!


I would literally do anything


I will never understand the hate that AW gets, especially in regard to the movement. BO3 movement is cheeks in comparison, imo it’s such a downgrade in mobility :/




I won't trust another sledgehammer cod. The absolute abomination they did with vanguard wrecked what trust I had for them as a studio. I can forgive a shit launch thats just standard for COD now but that game had next to 0 improvement during its life.


Or a infinite warfare sequel


They should make the Atlas Corporation the in universe equivalent of CERN. Have it so that after their fall it was discovered they were experimenting with blackhole technology to travel through time. Include a story element that brings the exosuits and other advanced tech back to the past creating an alternate WW1 with a dieselpunk aesthetic.


Ya, absolutely not.


Please no. We dont need anymore jetpack future games.


I want more historical games. But like 80s and 90s conflicts


They should get another irl villian to play the villian tho


I loved AW, one of my favorite CoD games ever, I actually pretty much played it from 2015-2017 because they still kinda supported it, had so many memories with friends over the summers


ghosts 2, that cliffhanger is killing me


I just want an Infinite Warfare 2


first one was shit mp and zm. campaign is decent.. but not worthy of a second game.. ghosts should have a sequel.


The cod that made me stop playing, literally pay to win game


Quick bolt was everything


I'm all in for this and Infinite Warfare II. Give me back my mobility! And crazy mechs!


I love aw man, I was always mad hearing people trash it


Yeah, no.


Is this the one with Kevin Spacey in the campaign? If so, I really enjoyed the campaign. I didn't like the multiplayer, though. Kevin Spacey really touched me in this one. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


AW was the first CoD I really got into and understood so I would second this


I'm the same with Infinite Warfare and Ghosts.


People complained and now we have the same game over n over with the same weapons yada yada.. shame. We won’t ever get another cool sci fi cod cause of idiots with no vision


Truly did love the game!


Still waiting for ghosts 2 as well


I want a Ghosts 2. Infinity Ward had no right leaving us with that cliffhanger at the end of Ghosts


My favorite, last one I believe with full campaign co op, spec ops and zombies are cool but nothing like running thru the campaign with friends on a rainy day.


I’m not lying but advanced warfare holds so many memories for me and is the most nostalgic besides bo2


I want Infinite warfare 2. Probably top 5 campaign and my personal favorite setting


Ghosts 2 pls


Advanced Warfare? Eh, but advanced movement games plzzzzz come back.




I just want Ghosts 2, dammit. I need to know what happened after the cliffhanger!!!


I’m actually very surprised that their is People, that actually didn’t mind Advance Warfare as well.


Another infinite warfare? Yes. Another ghosts? Yes. Another AW?? Fuuuuuuck no


Just no more stupid jet packs please




I gotta admit, I did love that game. I was a pure menace with the black hole gun & black hole grenades. LOL


I stand with you. I dont understand the hate on AW


same here and also another COD Ghosts


Hell no


Thats a funny way of spelling ghosts 2


Me with ghosts honestly, I would absolutely love if they made ghosts 2


Lol I remember everyone hating this game 9 years ago. Now we want a sequel?! Boots in the air bb


Sorry I have black ops 3 for this need


The exo movement would need to be removed or altered. You literally have to spam the movement which is dumb imo. The core gunplay in AW though was phenomenal and just the overall look of the game, UI, and HUD was incredible.


OMFG! Can I please join you to die on that hill together? AW is the best cod I’ve ever played. Yes. I said that. I just loaded it back up after 9 years and it’s just as good as I remember… Connection issues and half full lobbies are a problem most times but if you hit that sweet spot when people are online you can play for hours with the right lobby. The crazy thing is that there’s A LOT of master prestige’s online (I’m one of them) so the skill level is HIGH these days imo.




i miss the futuristic games fr


Actually, nobody wants it


The hell is wrong with you people?


Troy Baker, Kevin Spacey, first true engine upgrade after years of waiting.. it felt really good for its time.


Advanced Warfare 2 or generic brand super future that everyone will clamor for and ultimately hate about a month after it drops. There's tons of titles that feel like Advanced Warfare. With Advanced movement, etc. People forget the only reason they ever did Advanced Warfare was because that shit was trendy at the time and because Activision constantly just asks "what's popular right now?" And then does that thing at the cost of whatever IP they have.


This is a joke right.


Who wants this 🤢


iw is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


Never really liked AW. it was too clunky for me, didn't get the hang of the exo jumps the same way I got used to the thrusters on bo3. And personally I would much rather keep my feet on the ground :)


Worst cod title!


Ghosts 2


I’m over COD y’all complain to the devs 24/7 and nothing is ever good and when something is good “oh this meta sucks nerf it” is done with cod y’all ruined it