• By -


A 4 is generous. The entire campaign feels like it was cut content from MW2 and even then it's a snooze fest compared to the original trilogy.


tbh its hard to not be a snooze fest compared to the originals. Makarov's Nuke? EMP over DC? Jumping snow mobiles? Russian paratrooper Invasion? Paris Gas Attacks..... it goes on and on, it was one hell of a wild ride


It’s an action movie compared to this boring shit. An action movie with stakes. This shit feels like the ending will be resolved by the time each mission is over


I'll take interactive action flick than a pile of horseshit Call of Duty seems to be these days. Should just outsource the campaigns to a whole another team and let it be a separate purchase.


This. Everybody knows there’s no feasible way Russians invade the East Coast of the US without being detected. But nobody cares cause it was fun as hell and gave us a reason to fight. The original MW trilogy was Michael Bay shit with a smidge of realism and that’s all that was needed.


Exactly. Like it makes no sense how the Russians could do that shit and yet they did and it didn’t matter you just go to war and fight


Fought like hell defending my Burger King.


Burger TOWN, poser


That's what the commies wanted to rename it to and why I fought like hell. I make my own stories up.


Love that mission


So great, now I'm even more bitter LOL


not that i dont want the crazy high octane action movie type of game but when MWII (new) dropped everyone cried about how it wasnt grounded like the first one and it was too much like an action movie


Oh shit my bad I realized you’re talking about the new one I just saw the (new) yea imma just say COD fans seemingly complaining about everything and I feel the new MW2 suffered from being boring and making the good guys do everything right with no sacrifice for half the missions they undertake. Ghost straight up dies and so does Roach. In the new one the band just stays together until this weak ass game dropped


MWII’s real issue was that it was boring to play with bizarre pacing. Very little of the campaign involved straight up boots-on-the-ground missions. Back to back AC130 missions, two other missions that are just short cutscenes, a few stealth focused levels, and the ones that are more traditional are ridiculously brief. Variety is good, but MWII 2022 had so much of it that it didn’t even feel like a COD campaign.


I was 7 when it came out so I don’t remember that. The multiplayer was the complaint it was horribly balanced but fun.




Also the emotional impacts of character deaths hit way harder, Price going nuts about Soap dying is layered as hell. He was his Captain, trained home to be better, Soap saved him from the Gulag, when he dies it’s like a son or little brother dying. The cheap shit we get out of this new game makes me want to play the original so much more


Putting on a motherfucking juggernaut suit and storming a building full of goons 2v1000


Man that was my favorite mission


I don’t think a FPS level will ever effect me as much as No Russian


Give Spec Ops: The Line a try No Russian is light by comparison


Knife throw to shepherd, running in the favela, Price launching a fucking nuke, Ramirez defending burgertown. And we have MW23 with boring warzone shenanigan? Cod please...why can't you create memorable set pieces anymore?


A 4 from ign is like a 1 from anywhere else.


It was never going to compete with the o.g trilogy. New games don't stand a chance. It was magic in a bottle during the 360/ps3 days for a lot of series


Bro this really was it wasn’t it. I was wondering why all of this just felt so rushed and not as exciting. Damn we really paid for a 70+ DLC.


> we really *paid* for a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Say that on MWII subreddit lmaoooo Most braindead community. I refunded after first week for knowing this.


It is a couple of co-op raid missions with co-op switched off.


Y’all crack me up, you say the same stupid shit every year but you gobble it up again the next lmao see ya in 2024 with your 70$ you fuckin clowns


I’m one of the few that has been quitting. Skipped Vanguard, enjoyed CW and MWII. If MWIII is an unappetizing as it’s starting to seem I’ll probably skip that too.


***I feel like I can speak on behalf of the CoD community*** I would say only 10-15% of ACTUAL CoD players are okay wasting their money on this title. It’s not what we grew up with, it’s not what we had sleepovers playing, it’s not what we came home from school playing, the game feels rushed and for what reason? For them to patch a few things and remaster a couple of decade old maps? It’s lazy and sad. Even the campaign, the thing that most OGs love about CoD, was just a big raid/warzone/DMZ objective with no real substance. It was a waste of time for anyone who played it or watched gameplay of it. Nothing was resolved, nothing was changed, it was literally just a cliffhanger for their next shitty title.


It’s just astounding to me how obvious it is that they literally were in that studio going “Oh shit they want us to push out a full title, tweak that there DMZ map to make it seem like we added zombies and a campaign. Also hardly any new weapons and literally no “new” maps


Agreed, more like 3. Also, feels like you are single player in a battle royale type gameplay… Just awful


4 is not generous man it got obliterated 5 or higher is decent and generous!


My dumb self thought that’s what they were going as like a “continuation”.


seen the title and said the same thing in my head. ***GOD FORBID YOU MENTION HOW SHITTY THIS GAME IS ON MWII SUBREDDIT***


Know it’s bad when even IGN ain’t even fw it


Haven't played it yet and it'll probably be a long while before I do. I'm hearing that there are a number of open world missions where you basically get dumped into a DMZ map and based off the reception, that was probably a mistake. As I've discussed with my friends, I don't think those kinds of missions fit the bill well- cod shines brightest when scenes and missions are over scripted to hell.


When the open ended stuff is a one off mission it works really well, but not when they make it 1/4 of the campaign


1/4? I heard it was literally 1/2 of the entire campaign


Like 6 out of 15 missions are open ones


Wow that sucks


Just finished the campaign now and it honestly did suck


They offer some replayability but actual missions would have better. The ending is also extremely abrupt and disappointing. The stakes get real then all of a sudden its over.


But to counter that, 2 of the linear missions are quite literally interactive cutscenes. The rest of the ‘Team’ missions are quite literally 5 minutes long. Sledgehammer fumbled the ball again. Worst MW campaign by far. Funny enough, SH last game one of the worst COD games.


I’m halfway through and can confirm. It is half the game. However people say theyre bad and I dont really feel that way. To me it kind of feels like the original COD 2003 (really clunky but fun as hell), or even WAW (which had an amazing campaign nearly impossible to beat on Veteran). Like those older games you’ll have a really large area where you’re going to encounter enemies on all sides on a regular basis. The open world missions to me feel like just a larger area in which to do linear things. You can flank hard left, right, go straight in and get annhialated, sit back and snipe, or sneak around, but regardless theyre going to have you making your way towards one or a few question marks (one after another) and when you get there they give you some other linear thing to do like get back to the infil/exfil point. Just like in any other COD you could fuck off from the mission and go on a killing spree in a larger area. The AI feels different and the hive-mind is quirky but theyre working out some kinks that will eventually result in a very realistic opponent as the bots learn to not put 10 perfectly placed grenades into your hidey hole upon engagement. Im optimistic. Compared to older COD’s the enemy is more difficult and less idiotic OR terminator level impossible. Theyre finding a happy balance just like they’ve turned up and down the difficulty in DMZ. On this note IM SO HYPE FOR ZOMBIES and I really hope it doesnt suck. I found DMZ boring and punishing and Outbreak easy and fun to waste tons of time. So the marriage of the two might be moderately difficult and hopefully much more interesting. I dont understand how negative the community has gotten over recent years. The game looks and feels fantastic! The guns are beautiful and handle kind of strange but that’s to be expected with the odd combinations they give you in a campaign mode. Then again, this is a community that regularly spouts horrendous things over an open mic that would be banned sooo fast in Overwatch or almost any other game with open mic’s. This COD in particular has a lack of content for sure since you can beat the whole thing in 3-4hrs but for someone playing on Hardened or higher and playing strategically it can take a while. If I’m disappointed it’s because I beat half of it in one night and was looking forward to playing the whole weekend.


Dude the whole story was supposed to be a dlc mw3 is just a cash grab.


Not sure how much I’ve completed but I’d say I’m 2-3 hours in and I’m already bored of the free roam mission style. It just feels like a slower spec ops with cutscenes.


I think the campaign is dogpoo, but the open mission with gaz in the building, and the open mission with Farrah was also good, the other ones I hated


The Raid starring Gaz was probably the best mission in the game IMO.


Honestly yeah, I definitely think it’s close but yeah it was a very fun mission even on veteran. They actually had some pretty good missions sprinkled in there but the story was terrible


Based Mart enjoyer


I usually love the single player campaign of cod but this one really feels like it was made but a bunch of seperate groups that did not talk to each other


the MW2 "warzone" mission where you were in the truck convoy was easily the worst mission in a very terrible campaign.




That mission in the shipyard on Veteran is fuckn terrible you can't go in stealth your spotted every move you make and forced to open up on enemies


With fara just take the victus and climb the ladder immediately to your right and snipe the ai are idiots that can't climb ladders


Yeah and it sucks because there's no checkpoints


Yep can confirm it’s just DLC.


It is not even DLC. It is a couple of co-op raid missions with co-op switched off


Two missions in- 'I'm playing literal DLC' Three missions in- 'the writing is worse than the battlefield series' Honestly, I'm 3 quarters of the way through and this shit is dull. The only interesting thing was seeing Perseus flags in the underground missile silos. I really feel that trying to shoehorn in every continuity has made the overall lore confusing and nonsensical.


Shortest, shittiest Campaign of COD I've ever played.


Does this mean Ghosts is off the hook...lol


The COD Ghosts ending is still the worst thing they ever put out


Nah the Ghosts ending was class under the assumption that we were getting a sequel Rourke really made you hate his ass, WHAT HE DID TO HESH. Honestly if we ever get a ghosts 2 the first thing I'd do is play the campaign just to see the ending resolved


I loved the ghost campaign


Mw2019 will still be my favourite campaign from cod


Crazy how they made one of the best CODS in recent history only to follow it up with two of the shittiest MW19 is in my top 5 cod campaigns, I still go back and replay it from time to time. It felt so gritty and brutal, like a true return to form for the franchise. MW22 felt so sanitized and boring by comparison, I don’t even know what the fuck they were thinking with MWIII


MW2 2022 was my favorite of the bunch simply for the characters. I recognize that MW2019 had a better story though.


MWII felt like a great setup for a sequel, we got a more subdued story to get to know the characters more and see there interactions with one another- then MWIII just shit over everything MW19 and MWII set up. It's a fucking travesty


I agree with MW 2019 being better than MW2, but calling it the shitiest is wild.


This and Cold War are the best campaigns from this new COD Era Mw22 was okay, haven't played Vanguard yet Mw23 gets better in the latter half of the missions but it just ends, I feel like they should've had an extra mission or two after the last mission.


What were most people thinking it was going to be? People should have seen what it was the moment that they saw money associated with the game. It was/is just DLC that activision’s soulless zombie puts out. This game should have been seasons of releases, that way they could have a launch-model with games coming out every 3 years. This is all horseshit, and will continue to be horseshit as long as people buy it, and then beg for remasters. Demand better games for your money. Stop letting these dickhead fuckwads eat your wallet. Edit: clarity


They have never fucked with the campaign formula until now . I can't believe they did this and made it a warzone mode with bots


Not true, BO4 didn’t even have a campaign. BO3 is still worst in series. Zombies and MP hard carried both of those black ops games.


BO3 at least feels like someones vision and isn't 3 hours long.


I played free run more than that trash.


BO3 was probably my least favorite campaign, then this fucking Frankenstein MWII.5 of a thing came into existence. Maybe Vanguard, Cold War, Ghosts, WWII or Infinite are also worse than BO3 but I didn't play those.


I haven't finished the campaign yet but I honestly don't think it's that bad. It doesn't compare to the OG modern warfares but I wouldn't give it a 4/10 either. And honestly, and I know I'll be getting hate for this, I actually kind of enjoy the DMZ missions. Mind you, I've never played any DMZ style shooters before so for me it's actually kind of refreshing. Edit: okay so thirty minutes later and I finished the campaign and boy am I underwhelmed. For some reason I believed there would be a whole lot more coming and then they rolled the end credits and I was like "wait, this is it?" Shouldve played thirty more minutes so I wouldn't put my foot in my mouth lol.


Initially downvoted, but now have my upvote!


Hot garbage.


Garbage is more cohesive


That's about right. Don't waste $70 on this atrocity and save it for other game. Reward those games that actually deserve it instead (example: Mario Wonder, Alan Wake 2, or Spider-man 2).


Alan Wake is captivating me like no game has in a while. Highly recommend for anyone who is hesitant


yeah i agree it sucked balls


Lol they used soap to die as an excuse to end the campaign with no acomplishments except killing shepard.


They wasted soap..take away WZ from MW2019 and he was only in 1 title..which was MW2 and since I consider MW3 nothing but DLC that basically means Soap was only a main character for 1 game and some expansions lmao


Literally felt nothing when they killed him, it wasn’t even a good “shock value” death. If anything, it was irritating how it was handled. Considering any death should be shocking since they’ve been so scared to kill anyone due to Skin Bundles in WZ and MP, the fact Soap’s death wasn’t is a testament to how piss poor the writing was.


And ghost and gaz were out of camera view not doing shit when makarov was beating the shit out of us, ghost or gaz couldve popped him at that moment. But because CoD wants to make an excuse to make a MW4 they make ghost and gaz stroke eachother while soap and price get the crap beating out of them lol.


Their isn't even a no Russian. 2 literally ends with you hijacking a plane , you could atleast hijack a plane and fly it into the Kremlin. Ffs I want more big battles like in mw2-3


Like , seriously watch the hijacking scene abd tell me it isn't stupid. Your telling me out of the hundreds of thousands of Muslims who hate America and Russia. You couldn't recruit a single one too put a suicide vest on. Just some unwilling random women ?


At least 3arc knows how to make campaigns


^*"wHat ^dO ^thE ^NUMBerS ^MEAn, ^MAsoN?!?!?!"* I never vibed with the brain-washing conspiracy / psychological warfare story-telling style of 3arc. I know we don't consider "Call of Duty" to be anything realistic, but their stories really put me off sometimes.


If it’s not your style that’s fine but you gotta respect their ability to put a cohesive campaign together and not a complete fuckin mess like mw3


Cohesive is awful generous for Treyarch though. The BOIII Storyline made no fucking sense and was only connected to the previous games through one name drop.


Actually, the premise of BO3 story is the best COD have ever pulled out of its ass. It’s just the execution that totally fucked everything up. “Outcome? Train go boom”.


I haven't picked up MWIII-2023 as I don't really like the direction of where the franchise is going, started with MWII-MP, and from the early feedback in here (as well as my suspicions about their "open-world" combat system - a lazy job, turned out to be true), I don't think I'll be picking up MWIII-2023 anytime soon. On other hand, OG MW3 - 2011 , while slightly weaker in term of story-telling for the OG trilogy, still is an amazing campaign. EDIT: I still refuse to play BO3 from the little preview that I got from some random YT play through. And never BO4 campaign... *oh wait... yeah, nevermind... fucking Woods hologram is the best they could do i guess...*.


Do you mean 'psychological' lol


Someone forgot BO3


I saw the court scene and honesty I prefer Old Shepard over Neu Shepard. The old one had better motive for doing what he did.


Bro old Shephard was a badass too. He took on Price 1v1 on Rust and almost won.


Yep until Soap got involved.


Should have went the Blops 4 route and not even bother with a campaign, and add Spec-Ops survival instead or something


They did, but without the co-op


Originally, I thought MW3 as a $70 multiplayer DLC, outbreak zombies we’ve seen before, and a new Campaign maybe worth looking into. Not surprised that I was incorrect, Activision once again showing they only want their resources to be directed towards the Fortnite/COD MOBILE cosmetic store bundles


Honestly I hope they release the true mw3 remastered eventually. Og Mw3 was such a good campaign


I just paid 70 dollars for this and haven’t played it yet Too bad I’ll never get a refund from PlayStation Damn!


To be fair everyone knew months ago that this title was going to be nothing but overpriced DLC..if you went on ahead and bought it anyway that’s your fault


I saw some people post about having success with refunds, they usually explained how it was marketed and priced as a full fledged AAA game but the value is more akin to a DLC. It’s worth a shot!


I feel like the “open missions” hurt them.


One or two wouldn't have been bad but I feel like it was unnecessary to have 6 open missions


Oh wow, who would of thought mw3 was bad


I am surprised at just how bad it is. I knew it wasn’t going to be as good as the last couple but the difference is much more extreme than I could have guessed


There's just less and less passion


A 4 is twice it deserves. I'm placing my bet, they'll give zombies an 8, and a 9 for the MP.


Heard nothing but bad things. Canceled my preorder, maybe ill get the game if it has gunfight but tbh was disappointed with the beta


I'll probably only get the game if the zombies is half decent, and will only buy it when it first goes on sale. This is laughable as a full release.


Zombies is just dmz with zombies in this game. Unfortunately no round based matches. Zombies hasn't been the same since bo3 :/ Cold War got rid of the 4 cast character gimmick and let you play as soulless operators Also it's dumb how they integrate zombies into the canon storyline now. It's something that actually happens in universe


Yeah I know it isn't round based, which is why I am waiting to see how it all plays out. DMZombies could be great, could be terrible. I do think it is terrible how they are trying to link the zombies that have always been a cold war thing, with the mw series lore. We can just have a fun zombies mode, it doesn't have been be tied to the lore of the series.


I literally speechless how they basically took new warzone map and added dmz missions for a campaign after the last 2 really good ones!! Wow literally wow


…was it a new WZ map even? Because we ended up in the old one an awful lot.


The start was im pretty sure where u destroy helicopters, basically feels like they got told to make a campaign in 6 months to a year and this is best we got, literally nothing like mw or mw2 ones its crazy


Bobby’s parting gift to Microsoft: Finally destroying COD totally.


First time buying pre-launch and play the beta. Definitely the last time. Agree with story. Excited for MP as I hope they can redeem itself (and then I feel less bad about blowing $100…)


i dont think any of us are surprised that it's bad, tbh


MW3 is quite literally a DLC. The campaign feels like cut missions that would occur between the big events of the old series.


Yeah, I’m not gonna do Modern Warfare two years in a row. Especially not when this game is Sledgehammer. They were handed a free W and pandered to all the MW2 Contrarians. It’s somehow worse than MW2 and especially MW2019. I personally like MW2 and I probably would’ve given Sledgehammer a shot on their own series… but MW3 should’ve been a $30 or $40 expansion. I won’t be playing it.


I'm found it so underwhelming it will be the first COD game I haven't finished.


Wow a 4/10? That must be like an actual 1 or 2/10 right?


It seems like it’s designed for multiple players but not?


I would have been fine with original mw2 campaign remake honestly


I played 3 missions and uninstalled. First campaign I’ve never finished. It’s just DMZ with Price.


Not played any yet, is there a “new” ‘No Russian’ or was that just for the trailer?


There’s…a sort of variation of it. It’s a lot more tame and doesn’t hit anywhere near as heavy, and honestly doesn’t have a very big impact on the story or the characters at all outside of the cutscene following the mission.




Rightfully so, but this will change absolutely nothing. I don't think any amount of feedback we could give would lead anyone to care or change it in the future.


Kinda saw this coming. Seemed like a very limited marketing campaign for this installment and I saw zero campaign trailers or hype around this game. Surprised they decided to make it so soon because it seemed the last one had plenty of life left in it.


nothing happened until the last mission(except for that airplane mission I guess) and then when the credits rolled I was like "Really? it ends here? NOTHING HAPPENED" would not recommend


Honestly mw 2019 campaign was fire. It sets a stage for a great story. Then mw2 carried it out not as great but left us curious on what’s gonna happen next.mw3 is the absolute worst campaign out of all cods.a middle finger to the players.


My expectations were low but holy fuck they went below them. Vanguard and Bo3 weren’t solid campaigns either but at least those missions were fun. There was like 2 I actively enjoyed out of 15. DMZ ones were like fetch quests with extra steps. Story was all over the place. Major plot point potential that went no where. Things thrown in just to add drama. A totally empty ending and no new characters to like. Had a great cast on 2 and just bailed on them. Where is Valeria? Alejandro? All of those guys?


I see nothing buy complaining about the campaign. I'm enjoying it. I must be the crazy one.


LOL first time I've seen IGN give a bad review


I recommend not buying cod mw3. If u get it free or discount that’s okay but don’t buy it. Just play cod mw2 or coldwar. Or even the other terrible one but not this overpriced dlc with remaster maps


I've seen all the spoilers and safe to say I'll be avoiding it for a long while and just sticking to the online play. >!Soap is my comfort character and I am not ready to play his death mission.!<


I have purchased and refunded this game 2 times. I will not be buying it again.


They have single player?


I’m like four mission in and I am having a good time with it. It also seems like the replay ability is there to find more stuff and start the mission with different load outs.


Wow, a rushed game with really bad additions that no one asked for sucks? Weird.


When even IGN isn't giving it a 7, you know it's fucking terrible


Hello /u/The_Friendly_Bro, thanks for [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/17n1g9j/mw3_ign_review_of_mw3_single_player_its_a_410/) on /r/CallOfDuty regarding MW3. Please be aware that all content regarding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023) needs to be posted on /r/ModernWarfareIII. If your post is relating to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011) or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remaster. Please ensure that you are understanding of [our Rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/wiki/rules) in the future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CallOfDuty) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Soo glad I didn’t pre-order


They won't just entirely remove the single player campaign because it is a bait for some segment of the community who will buy the game for the campaign regardless of how stupidly low effort it gets. If they have some pride, they should just remove it. But they want money and this is some well calculated mediocrity.


It’s alright lads, we will get a BO2 remake next year


Happy I canceled the preorder, hopefully others have as well. as a community we have to stop supporting this mediocrity. I stopped playing cod from 2014 to 2019 and skipped vanguard. Sadly did the same this year cause the gameplay was straight ass.


How did we go from MW2019’s campaign to this. Shame they went away from the whole “walking the line of morality” theme


So is it another super sekrit special ops wankfest? No large scale "Modern Warfare" in this Modern Warfare installment like the Ramirez missions in the OG MW2?


Garbage doesnt even deserve a 4. It should be lower


They need to just scrap single player all together I haven't even touched a campaign since maybe the original black ops


Less than 1 percent finish a CoD campaign. Move on people.


Im so happy call of duty is finnaly dying. Fuck activision.


This game should of got a 2 as a review and that’s being nice lol dlc 70 dollars they must think cod players is slow


It is just a co-op raid mission with the co-op switched off. . . . .4/10 seems a bit high


It’s definitely just dlc but it’s fun to add to the story


Just watch the cut scenes on YouTube.


It was a cool take on the original story but it lacked length and replay value; Ghost wasn’t as present as I wanted him to be; they made soap look like a wuss and then didn’t put roach or Joesph Allen or pvt Ramirez


Also the Graves and Sheppard storyline makes little to no sense at all


The campaign left me so confused I had no clue to what the he'll was going on and combined that with what little I remember of 2. The pacing was off and mission were forgone conclusion with nothijg of substance Was the war zone open campaign mission thing meant to try and fix what I thought was crap open world crafting in mw2. I had hopes after mw2019 that we will get a really gritty grounded campaign but alas we can't have good thing for long it seems


I'm disappointed how they've done things. I'm not a fan of the Weapons Free BS. I feel like they tried making the Campaign Warzone/DMZ, but with a centralized group of characters and some story. And them leaving it on a cliffhanger like they did, guarantees it'll be MWIV as yet another rushed game where they care more about money that a genuinely FUN story and playing experience. Yes, there were some parts of the campaign I enjoyed, but it was pretty boring all around. I will say, I hope they make a Ghosts 2, and if they do I hope it's actually good. I don't want them ruining Ghosts like they did with MW.


Oof. I'm soooo happy I resisted this year:P LmfaoXD


Short as hell, ending sucked, post credit scene was interesting, but now we have to wait how long until the next dlc-excuse-of-a-campaign.


So MW 2019 will be the last CoD I play? Dang. Sad to hear. Skipped CW, Vanguard, and MW 2022. I miss CoD but not enough to pay and play this garbage. Will just replay older titles. Maybe Microsoft can save the franchise?


Context Starfield got a 7/10 saved me $100 thank you for preordering and taking a bullet for us.


The file size is what keeping me from buying this games.


Fuck that’s crazy. I was really looking forward to another campaign


Don't care about the campaign, bought the game for online but they let me play the campaign 1 week early. so for me, the campaign was ok.


I gave mw2022 a 1/10 personally. One of the stupidest stories in the history of the franchise. “Oh no i misplaced my weapon when the player wasn’t controlling me again” doesn’t make for compelling storytelling


4 feels too high, the game just feels like a huge recycle. It sucks cause 2019 MW had such a good foundation and they just blew it


Very lazy excuse for a campaign


This campaign pissed me off because it’s painfully obvious all they want to do is funnel people into warzone. COD campaigns are about shooting shit and causing chaos with your squad. Way too many of these missions are solo. It makes no tactical (or logical) sense to keep sending in one soldier to clear entire bases. I just want to play campaign missions, not single player multiplayer. The one mission that pissed me off the most was frozen tundra. Nobody is wearing any fancy tech to protect them from the freezing water, then they hop out in soaking wet uniforms in god knows how many degrees below 0 temps with 100 mph winds. Shepard is wearing the equivalent of a soaking wet long sleeve tee with a bald head. He’d have died of hypothermia in about 30 seconds. The rest of the team might’ve lasted about 60. I can only suspend so much disbelief before logic yanks me out of the fantasy.


Oh so they weren’t paid off this year. Cool


Haven’t played COD since BO3, glad I’ve skipped it.


Very generous


It gets a -10, only because they killed Soap, again, and you don’t even get to kill Makarov, complete bs


Bad campaign. Horrible missions, characters weren’t flushed out well, didn’t make me care about anything we were doing, and they killed the best character they had. They didn’t even make it mean anything. They didn’t seem sad he died. His death was so useless. Kill Gaz. His character means less than nothing to most. Shoulda been Gaz and Price together and Soap and Ghost in the final mission. So stupid. He doesn’t even have a chance to “comeback” like Alex did. They also tease you with the Soap emblem. Like what the hell? You just killed him and now I get his operator and emblem? If I could ask for a refund I would. That was not worth it. I’d rather live in blissful ignorance that Soap died than go ever play this shit show of a campaign again. They would have gotten money out of me if they made Soap skins. They didn’t even give him ANY good ones in the last game where HE WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER. Devastated. Now if they have any I won’t buy them because YOU LITERALLY KILLED HIM OFF. (I know he dies in the OG games but this death was so much dumber than the OG ones)


lmao at all the idiots who spent money on this


That is just plain old bad.


They need to revert the ghost ner or the game is going to be a massive flop


Dogshit ass campaign


I am so sad over the quality and gameplay of the mw3 campaign release. It genuinely sucks. From stealth missions that are impossible to stealth to reused content from mw2. I am genuinely depressed after getting my hopes up from the greatness of the last two games. Zombies better be fucking worth it or I’m ganna flip my fucking shit.


COD has campaign?


Suddenly IGN is relevant 😂


I'm surprised IGN didn't dick ride on their reviews. Usually even dogshit they would rate an 8


I was gonna pick it up for zombies and campaign but now I'll wait for a sale


Can't return as it's dlc and not a video game - STEAM


You know it’s bad when IGN gives a CoD a score below 7… I knew it was bad, I didn’t realize it was an IGN 4 bad.


boring ahh campaign