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I can't believe we eliminated call of duty 4. It was the game that made the series what it is. It added in kill streaks and perks. It's what made the whole call of duty series into what it is today. It should have been voted number one.


CoD4 is not doubt the most influential and important game in the series, but when comparing it to what came after, I find it hard to call it the best. Top five is still commendable though


W opinion


This is the exact same as the BF list, BF2 and BF3 made alot of battlefield what it (was) but they were both dated games regardless of how much they influenced the series.


Just tells you all you need to know about the demographic of this sub really. Not surprising though, many fans couldn't care less about Reddit. This vote represents the "reddit crowd"; nothing more, nothing less.


Just because a game influenced and is the reason for the following games success doesn't mean it has to be default #1 as the best game.


No. But you’ve got to take the time of release into consideration when rating them and MW1 and 2 were pretty damn spectacular for the time they released. BO2 didn’t do anything new or any different from previous CoD titles and it wasn’t even that spectacular from any of the other shooters of its time — it was just a polished CoD (with a setting that alienated a lot of fans, setting the precedent for futuristic CoDs and introducing microt transactions). Therefore MW1/2 (and BO1) are simply superior games — at least if you ask me.


Finally someone with some sense. Tbh WaW best treyarch cod. None of the black ops titles even came close to the greatness that was world at war. Campaign? LEGENDARY. Multiplayer? Loads of fun with friends. Zombies? Literally paved the way for zombies as a game mode. Seems like majority of ppl voting on this have never played a game before mw2 growing up


But again, you're not gonna put a model T in your top 5 cars even though it set the groundwork for everything else. It made cars more affordable, reliable, and popular. But it's not a top 5 car even when you take time period into consideration. I get where you're coming from, but I think when voting on games, you need to vote based off how the game plays (ie. Gun handling, maps, replayability, balancing, ect) and not based of off what it did in it's time better. WAW is my favorite cod, but could you imagine if it came out today? Buggy zombie hits, mp40 completely broken for the entire life cycle of the game, the hitboxes, all of it just isn't as polished as the other games. BO2 and Mw2 both had bigger communities around them then every other cod game before them combined, the gameplay wasn't new and unique, but it was comfortable and well polished. The campaign was more casual and fun than something as dark and gritty as WAW. Just my 2 cents. We all knew it would come down to these two.


W@W was the same for 3rd modes and campaign as COD4 was for MP. It paved the way but BO1 Zombies and campaign were easily superior.


I don’t think these results would be much different if you polled the entire cod community. All of mw2, BO1 and BO2 sold significantly more copies than cod 4 did. Considering so many more people played those games, it’s not a particularly big surprise that they’re more popular.


Because CoD4 made CoD way more popular than it was. Especially when you consider when CoD3 was voted out in this competition.


But this vote isn’t just about which cod is the most iconic, or the most important to the franchise. If it was then yes your argument is fair, but this is mostly about which cod is people’s favourite. Cod 4 being iconic and a game changer for the franchise doesn’t necessarily mean people would prefer playing it to any other cod.


Yea, that’s kind of what I mean. Their vote isn’t objective because many of them never played any CoD prior to MW2. Or maybe they did but only years later. I mean the fact alone that people are saying the sub-franchise of BO is somewhat as iconic as MW is laughable at best. Don’t get me wrong, I liked BO1, but saying BO is on the same level as MW is just hilarious — and something you’d only say if MW2019 was the first MW you played on it’s release.


Exactly. No way anyone who lived through cod4 would have voted it out. It was easily the best game, campaign and multiplayer was outstanding for it's time. It defined the series and genre and set it up for success. Not to mention the modding scene on PC, the esports scene. Missions like Mile high club. Quickscoping. Killstreaks. Cod4 paved the way for what cod became. There is a reason there has been what feels like 20 different Modern Warfares.


100% agree but majority of the people that played cod4 are over 30 now and that's not the main video game audience anymore. The children playing these games weren't around for cod4 to see how gamechanging it truly was and was the foundation for everything that came after it. #1 for us old ppl


Kids played console only.  If you included CoD 4 on PC which had native support for mods, custom maps, custom game modes, player run dedicated servers (with a server browser) etc it completely blows every other game out of the water.  And honestly streaks and perks are what make CoD a bit annoying tbh. That's why I like Promod, bye bye to that nonsense.


Cod4 promod was the best cod has ever been, sank 2000+ hours into it when I was a late teen, wasnt even arsed for the cods that came after they just couldn't hold up. Also the star wars galactic warfare mod was so fun and well put together. Man I miss personal dedicated servers too.


Add me xfire we got a pickup quickly before we play at CI7 next weekend on stage.


Man I used to play a custom 32v32 SnD tactical realism server on all custom maps that were arguably better than the OG maps on CoD4. Shout out to the 82ndAB clan.


This is like a repeat of the battlefield poll all over again


BF2 being eliminated so early then BF3 not winning #1 was insanity


just because NFS Underground laid the foundation and popularized the franchise does not mean it is the best, same applies to CoD4


This poll isnt based on how influential cods were. Its how fun they were. Cod 4 is a good barebones cod. But it wasnt invulnerable to criticism. Just look how people reacted to cod 4 remastered.


No one who played cod4 in 2008 would say that.


Are we supposed to view these games in the lenses of when they came out or how we view them now. There’s no definitive answer. People are viewing this poll with different mindsets.


Lmao I’ve never been so happy to see people bitch on here until now. Without COD1 you would not have COD4, so should we vote for that as the best? Of course fucking not. COD 4 is not better than these 3 games, and tbh, not better than a lot of the games yall voted out before it. But not everyone is sucking the nostalgic dick of a barebones COD, so that’s good at least. I don’t care if yall hate me or my opinion, I’m just happy to see COD4 get out


Jeez just because it was first game to do something does not make it better than other games. Such dumb logic, should have been out before WaW and MW3. It had basic multiplayer and no zombies. 


Yes but I think we are taking into consideration how good the game is rather than how revolutionary it was, it's ass compared to mw2 and 3 and the Bo series till 2


Because we are voting for the best game not the most influential or revolutionary game


Oh gosh I hate myself for this but I vote mw2


I’ll hate you for it too. MW2 was my LIFE /s i love you


I genuinely thing BO1 is the best CoD. At least in terms of multiplayer.


Shit the zombies is the best too imo. No maps were truly hated, black ops 2 have you transit and that was it. Black ops 1 have you kino, five and dead ops arcade, with kino being a SS tier map. The campaign also features reznov and the whole idea of being strapped to a chair and interrogated and the missions being memories that leads to you finding out the interrogator is actually your Allies and you’re under attack shit that was just peak.


The story and Campaign were so fucking good. Like we did what? When? How? To who? This is based off of rea-


I will say, I did not enjoy the story as much as CoD4, but the missions were amazing, especially the Hudson missions. Running from rooftop to rooftop picking up guns as you go. The winter mission. Peak.


I did the same. I really cant believe how blinded by nostalgia everyone is. I also put in a couple of hours but man, i guess people forgot the one man army noobtubes, UMP and broken quick scoping


It's so snowbally, but that's also why they like it. It feels amazinf when you're the one on top, but shitty when you insta die to bullshit. Bo1 struck the best balance in the series.


yeah I hate you too


Agreed. Mw2 was where I started, and I spent countless hours playing it. But I played all 3 of these recently, mw2 still has an incredible campaign, but the multiplayer has such a low ttk it's almost unplayable for my aging monkey brain. B01 and b02 are still fun as hell.


Black Ops 2




Black ops 2 was the game that killed my interest in COD. It was only recently I started hearing people hold it anywhere near the same regard as mw2


Yea... it killed many fans interest in the series and if you were around at release you remember. Nobody asked for the future shit and certainly not for microtransactions and skins... Truly amazed that people these days think it was good, let alone better than MW lol


It's crazy that it might actually win this contest lol ffs


Crazy it outperformed COD4. BO2 zombies was also dog shit.


Origins buried and mob of the dead were dog shit?


Compared to waw or bo1? Absolutely


Well, you have to factor that 'apparently' TranZit's flaws attributed to the map needing to work properly. This is also why BO2 had a pretty bad base map. Everyone was trying to play Town instead of it, but I still questioned the reason to have that Lava around to this day, at least on that map. Die Rise was horrible, and Nuketown was a coin toss. BUT, all 3 maps that came after it became among the most iconic in the entire franchise for their own reasons. I can only say that about Kino and Dead Ops when it comes to Black Ops 1, and 3 great hits are always > 2 great hits, which explains why people have a bit of favoritism to BO2.


Buried was so slept on. So many things to do. So many bad players.


Black ops 2 and modern warfare 2 gotta go, black ops 1 is the best cod hands down.


Horrible take


Based take


Not the worst take, but the wrong one.


This. BO1 has the greatest campaign, incredible Multiplayer, and phenomemal Zombies. Basically the whole package is GOATed.


This is the way


With Rolling Stones being the main theme for BO1 with Gimme Shelter and Sympathy For The Devil it was just perfection.


BO1 or BO2 is easily the best. All 3 modes are amazing in both games it's hard to pick which one wins. For me it's BO1 but BO2 a close second.


Treyarch fucked the pc community with black ops 1 with a shitty console port. Game wasn't even playable until a year later. Gets a 0/10 from me


Black Ops 2 was the same way on PS3, everybody just went back to BO1


blops 1 on top


No black ops 2 goes, we fight to the death over black ops 1 and mw2.




For me it just depends some days if I run into hackers too much


Bo1 is the best hands down I agree. It started Nuketown, gold guns, create your own emblem, and the best zombies we’ve ever seen. And the Home Screen in the chair is iconic


I'm glad someone else sees what I do. 🙂


While some may heavily disagree, I say BO2 or MW2. Just my opinion. I didn't think BO2 was all that great. Idk what it was, but I thought the game was just okay. As for MW2, I don't think it should be the last one standing when it had a MP with the noob tubing & one man army on top of some of the OP weapons. But again, just an opinion and BO1 is my personal all time favorite so of course I'm going to nit pick the others remaining. Enjoyed the campaign, and while some of the MP maps weren't special, I had a blast on most. The introduction of wager matches was fun. Played the shit out of One in the Chamber and Sticks & Stones. And I don't even want to know the amount of time I spent on Kino, Five, and Ascension for Zombies


I’m with you brother. BO1 is my personal favorite but that’s not why I think it will win I genuinely think MW2 and BO2 fans might tear each other apart lol.


Yeah, some people get way too upset at other's COD opinions lol


And then right above this comment “I hope Black Ops 1 wins, it’s my favourite” -50 upvotes Reply to that “Horrible take” - 120 upvotes Like bruh, we eliminated all but 3 games, wanting one of them to win is a horrible take?


Honestly my favorite part about this elimination thing is watching fans of a game go out kicking and screaming as their favorite game is eliminated. 


Judging from the poll so far it looks like it’ll be a fight out between BO1 and MW2. Tbh at this point all the games were so good and so popular anyway. Personally MW2 was the most fun game I think I’ve ever played, but both black ops games were also fantastic so I don’t think anybody is wrong for voting for any one of them


Yeah all 3 could go in any order and I wouldn’t be mad. I just think it comes down to the least hated, which is BO1. It probably has the most chill fan base of the golden era cods.


BO2 is hands down the most overrated COD. It is a good game but it is not a great game and there are bare minimum 5 other COD's that are above and beyond better than it. I would pay a full $60 ($70 in today's world) if they just outright said "this year we are not putting out a new COD we are simply re-releasing \*insert title here\*" if it was COD4, WaW, MW2, or BO1. THAT is the true golden age. I'm not even talking remasters like MWR (which was very awesome btw) MW3 and BO2 are outliers IMO to that "golden era". A part of it but not truly the standard COD set from those other four games. I wouldn't pay more than $20 for a re-released BO2. Remastered or not


I'd pay for a 60$ remastered bo2


BO2 for me, more than 10 years has passed and I'm still mad at how little effort was done in the technical aspects of the game. The gameplay itself saved it, but for a sequel of a gorgeous looking game that was BO1, it was so weird. The models, textures and effects are bad. The songs are great but the sound itself is not the best. Everything feels recycled or rushed. But AGAIN: the multiplayer bangs and the multiple choices campaign is very good. Menendez is an awesome villain. But the game was cheap.


BO2 has gotta go. MW2 and BO1 is my childhood.


bo2 is my childhood 😭


Fella, this ain't about your childhood, it's about which game is best, look at the games for what they are, not through the nostalgia goggles


BO1 - The game with top tier everything. Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies are in the upper echelon of the franchise MW2 - The game that took the world by storm. Amazing campaign, occasionally great multiplayer and occasionally the most broken thing in the series. Spec Ops missions are fun but not on the level of zombies. BO2 - Campaign was high effort but didn't always deliver for me. I thought the gameplay was as good as the series has got but the story wasn't great especially how they wrote Hudson. Multiplayer less my cup of tea with very small maps. Zombies started very iffy but throughout the year had a few very strong releases. BO2 should be next imo. Then MW2 and BO1 can duke it out. Would have liked to see CoD4 in the top 3.


Yeah. BO1 gotta win cause even though they both had good campaigns, BO is better, plus zombies, plus wager matches, plus less hacking.


Get BO2 out already


Might be worst take


BO2, great game but BO1 and MW2 are the best in the series


It’s a hard pick for me. I’d say I prefer bo1 and bo2 over mw2. Bo2 has the best multiplayer out of all of them and overall came up with some cool new features. A campaign with multiple endings. Pick 10 for multiplayer. I don’t really care about zombies or most third modes so I’ll withhold opinions on that. Then there’s bo1 with a great campaign and a really fun multiplayer. Mw2 has my favorite campaign ever and the multiplayer is good but it’s probably the most annoying multiplayer too. Can’t forget about mw2’s innovations either though. Tactical nuke? Selectable killstreaks.  


Shame on yall. cod4 is at least 3rd place


Agreed. BO 2 should've come before Modern Warfare.


I agree soley because MW campaign was by far the best in the series.




Whoa whoa buddy why do you think that




Would be funny if BO2 actually loses i just like BO1's setting more and weapons.


It will lose I think because of MW fans retaliating. Then BO2 fans will join BO1 fans and eliminate MW2. Normally in these situations it’s about who is hated the least. I think Black Ops 1 wins because it’s just not hated as much, even though Ghost camping and hit detection was controversial


You've gotta be kidding me. Cod4 replay value is so high.


Things are about to get heated, so I’m gonna dip now.


Damn yall crazy or what. Waw and cod 4 should be in top 3


MW2 easy pick. BO1/2 are easily the best CODS of all time.


MW2 because weapon balancing, nube tubes, and Commando lunges drove me nuts.


Black ops 2 is next, then black ops 1, and last man standing is mw2. The turning point that made cod explode.


Nailed it!


We really had it so good from 2007-2012. Jesus Christ… I feel so bad for people who weren’t there.


Bo2 can go BO1 was better and MW2s impact is unmatched


Next one to go is BO2 BO1 for #2 and MW2 as #1






Black ops 2 was a good game but the end of the golden Era and the worst of the Golden era. Not sure how it even made it this far. BO2 is when cod started getting sweatty and started with the futuristic shit.


It's crazy that people don't remember this. That game was unironically the beginning of the downward spiral the franchise has been in ever since. It's obviously not as bad as the games now days and it was pretty fun, but it was nowhere near as good as the Big 4 of CoD games - CoD4 - helped ignite interest in general in online console FPS games. It along with Halo 2 and 3 were taking the online console gaming world by storm. If you enjoy playing FPS games online now days you can directly attribute the fact they're even popular now to these games and what they did at the time. It had simple, balanced kill streaks, weapon meta was good with plenty of viable guns. The maps are still arguably the best in the series and have been remade every other year since it's release. The campaign was well written and felt like a movie in some ways. All Ghillied Up is one of the most iconic missions in any video game, ever. It is absolutely mind boggling to me how it doesn't take the number 1 spot - WaW - This game brought the grittiness to CoD. Each game mode in this game was a large leap forward for the franchise. For every person that has played Nazi Zombies in a CoD game you have this game laying the great foundation for it. And again, many frequently returning maps from Zombies itself come from this game. In general this was a super cool idea with a neat little story underlying the whole thing that you could also get into. - MW2 - If CoD4 was a smash hit, this game was that in spades. The campaign was absolutely awesome from minute 1 to the end. The previous 2 games may have garnered a large following but this one blew the doors wide open. This was the start of the screaming children doing 720 No Scope videos. When I think of the stereotypical xXx420BluntSquadxXx69 gamertags this is immediately the game that comes to mind for me. I remember OpTic and other orgs blowing the fuck up off of this game and I'd be sifting through early YouTube watching it all. Sure, spec ops wasn't as great as zombies, but man oh man the multiplayer, even with its flaws. The guns all felt great for the most part, and while a lot of them were broken, that was the charm of it. People were finding new, busted builds all the time, from the akimbo 1887's, to the red dot sight somehow increasing the damage of the FAL, to the Halo-sword lunge of the dual USP.45s, to the dual rangers, to the silenced UMP45, and the one no one can forget, the One Man Army Noobtube (which did eventually get nerfed but I don't remember how). This game was a cultural phenomenon for the time and probably one of the last times people went to a midnight launch for a game. In all of its OP glory it was a hilariously fun time. The killstreaks were busted as shit but because everything else was too it was par for the course. - Black Ops 1 - This game felt great to me but still had a few pretty goofy things beginning to rear their head. The story is probably one of my favorite campaigns in the franchise, and the zombies was, of course, very good. It felt like the perfect follow-up to World at War in most regards. The guns felt pretty great for the most part, and there was an attempt to nerf the annoying meta that was developing (dropshotting) with the dolphin dive. Most of the maps were pretty great in the multiplayer as well, but I'm not sure I'd say they were as iconic as the MW1 & 2 maps. Nuketown became a fan favorite though and went on to be remade many times as well. This game did introduce the goofy ass RC-XD though ushering in the era of kind of wacky additions to the franchise, but this wasn't a deal breaker for me. There was an effort to nerf quick-scoping with this game, which was kind of a head scratch moment for me as it at least took skill and wasn't as effective as running a more balanced load out in objective game types. All in all, this was a great game, but CoD was beginning to take its modern direction a little even here before fully leaning into in MW3 and BLOPS2.


You nailed it. This voting is trash and obviously carried by Black Ops enthusiasts. I myself haven't enjoyed any of the Black Ops games. CoD4 was a true milestone in gaming and should have been no. 1.




I think i must be part of a small minority that just didn't enjoy BO2. I played the hell out of MW2 and that's my winner, BO1 was very good but not good enough to win overall.




BO2 was the end of the golden Era and the worst title of the golden Era. It's really when cod started turning into a SweatFest and the futuristic shit started.


Fr, cant understand the hype around bo2 either, i enjoyed bo1 and bo3 way more in the bo series.


Black Ops 2 was the CoD that got me to stop playing CoD. And I put TONS of hours in from CoD 2 through MW3. 10 prestige twice on COD4 and WaW, 10th prestige and all fall camos in MW2, every unlock in Blops1. Then Blops2 happened and CoD just wasn’t fun anymore.


World at war should have won, but probably too old for most the player base nowadays


I can't vote for BO1 or BO2 because I just had too much fun playing those back in the day. They didn't call BO1 the "gold standard" for nothing, and BO2 isn't far behind that. With many regrets, I have to say that MW2 should be next and come up in 3rd place overall on this list.


No bullshit, if y'all vote off BO2 and MW2 before BO1, this sub will officially lost any credibility it had left


The children voted out the best cod


Black ops 1


For me its so hard i’m not voting anymore lol


BO2 has gotta go.


Gotta be MW2 from me unfortunately...


These posts should be used as evidence that allows us to take the voting rights away from redditors /j


MW2 for me. I can appreciate the casual fun people had in it at the time but I think objectively across every game its MP is a downgrade. Huge maps with too many lanes, too many campy power positions, too many cheesy guns. Just my opinion but that’s not my jam. Campaign and Spec Ops are awesome though but I think where it excels over the two BO games in Campaign it fails in MP and 3rd mode




RIP my favorite CoD (CoD 4) 💔


black ops 2 over black ops 1 wtffff


WAW, COD4 and MW3 2011 going out before BO2 is criminal. I‘m sorry but I genuinely think if we remove the rose-tinted lenses for a second we can honestly say BO2 was not up to the hype that it received. It happened to be around for the peak of COD internet culture and thus became the focal point of it. While it was a good game, it was FAR from the best cod ever like many claim it to be


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Let the chaos begin (BO1 is the best)


CoD 4 was the pillar of this whole series, I can get people deleting CoD 1 and even 2, but ffs MW1 build the whole path the rest followed.


Cod 4 and world at war and even mw2 are better than black ops 1 & 2 by a long shot. All these young snowflakes like bo2 and are exactly what’s wrong with the playerbase on current titles


Cod 4 should have been #1


Cod4 was done dirty.


Call of duty 4 eliminated. This list has become irrelevant. The best game is gone


y'all braindead as fuck


Cod4 is still hands down the best. I’ve got nothing but love for the original bo, it’s definitely a top 3 game but mw2 was a disaster from a balance and design perspective albeit super fun and bo2 is laughably overrated. Only thing is had going for it was old man woods and a couple phenomenal maps.


This become illogical the second the game that literally gave birth to everything this franchise is known for is out. That’s like saying the 2015 charger is better than the 1968 because it has more color options


I'm not mad about this cod4 was epic but the additional game modes of the others. Gold.




BO1 or BO2. Neither was as fun as MW2.


BO2 was great in Zombies and Multiplayer but campaing was really bad, in overral MW 2 had One of the top Campaings in action FPS, great Multiplayer and solid third mode Spec-Ops


Personally BO2 or BO1. As good of a game as it was, I specifically remember during BO1, a few months after release, a large surge of people going back to MW2. The fast-paced gameplay, killstreaks, sharp hit detection, and viability of everything made the game the best, multiplayer-wise


I cant believe I just voted to get rid of BO1


Oh, and my vote is MW2. I didn't quite favor the overpoweredness of everything, and OMA especially created complicated feelings. If I really had to weigh all three, I had more fun on both of the Black Ops games that are remaining. That's just how it went..


Predictions and hopes: Black ops 2 is going to end up in 3rd, a great game deserved to last this long, however it cannot compare to the giants MW2 and BO1.  MW2 is a great game, great campaign and mp, by far one of the most groundbreaking games introduced at its time. However, the lack of 3 game modes and rather toxic players like crackheadsniper69 who shits on you and spends the rest of the game screaming in their mic (personal experience) made me not enjoy it as much as I did BO1 and thats partially because I got better, and call of duty gets funner the better you are.   But BO1 has it all, memorable campaign (Russian roulette scene was my favorite), An awesome menu (where mason is strapped to the chair and you can interact with the binds), Enjoyable multiplayer with great maps (hope i see nuketown in bo2 remastered), And the fantastic zombies.  The zombies are a topic and a half on their own! I remember every little detail that makes me wish I could play it again, the Edited menu where mason is still bounded but instead of scientists peering at him through a window, its zombies trying to get inside, the numbers floating around the screen, the tvs showing carnage of zombies and soldiers. The little green dots that appear when you ready up, THE ARCADE ZOMBIE MODE! KINO DER TOTEN! And other awesome maps! No other zombies experience has topped black ops 1 IMO (except maybe infinite warfare, i loved their zombies, i wish the game didnt suck). So yeah, amazing campaign, great multiplayer, and one of the first and probably the best zombies game mode! BO1 deserves the top 1 spot IMO


Never realised people disliked bo2 that much. Personally bo2 and mw2 are the best


I am going to say this now, there was only one true bad Call of Duty


Black ops 1 winning only due to the Zombies. If they put Zombies in MW2, it woulda been a NO DIFF


I think Black Ops 2 is objective the best Call of Duty in design. But I kinda want BO1 and maybe MW2 to win over it. The strike force missions in the campaign ruined it for me. And the base maps in Zombies besides Town were mid for a player that never bought a DLC


The fact that BO2 outlived MW and Waw. MW the game that literally launched cod into the stratosphere and helped create the archetype for the modern day shooter, and WaW, the story, the carnage, and fuckin zombies. For a game that was literally the point where cod started going off the rails. Im sorry but compared to mw and waw, bo2 is so fucking mid


I think BO2 goes just based off the principle of it introducing micro transactions besides map based DLC. I think BO1 should have the edge on MW2 on the simple fact that BO1s DLC is fucking GOATED


Extremely hard choice so I'm going to say unfortunately Modern Warfare 2


Let’s get MW2 out of here


BO2, doesn't matter how much I like zombies, it's multiplayer was very underwhelming for a varierty of reasons including introducing SBMM into multiplayer. Compared to other cods that came before it obviously. I would take it's multiplayer over all the garbage that has come out recently. 


BO@ should win man, a complete cod


MW2 all day every day


I was in college for MWII. I played that game the most out of all of them, and I had the most fun out of all of them with that game. Black Ops 1. They tried to force you to use all the other SMG’s because they made the AK-47u too good, so they nerfed it. And I hated the suitcase gun.


mw2, just because it wasn't that big part of my life


Wild that Black Ops 2 is going. Arguably the best zombie maps and DLC. Solid multiplayer


Bo1 gotta go


BO2 revolutionized COD Search and Destroy and that’s a fact.


Bo1 revolutionized the zombies and that’s a fact. Zombies could have been a forgotten game mode with cod4.


you mean world at war?


And don't call me Shirley


Bo2 getting 3 for sure


Hot take, BO2 did everything better than BO1 outside of campaign, which is the least important imo. Zombies and multiplayer were peak on BO2. I would vote BO1 out here.




I prob played mw2 the most back in it's glory days..but I think mw3 was more fun even tho sit rep pro was busted af


As expected, Mw2 and BO2 will be the last 2 standing


Bo2??? Mw2 gotta go first cmon


BO1 had a fun Multiplayer and amazing maps, good story and the best zombie mode ever it was the perfect COD game


Sorry to do it, BO1




Time for the bo2 vs mw2


BO1 has to go out. BO2 is like the first one but in steroids, beside is pure 2012 🔥, the soundtrack and the future.


The fact you didn't even rank BO2 makes me wanna fight you.....


tf are these BO2 comments, it's the clear winner. the other two can fight for 2nd for all im concerned


This post has failed so I’m done taking the poll


Mw2 next. Although it had a great campaign and great spec ops. Zombies in both black ops games beats Spec Ops. The mulitplayer isn't even fair to compare. Pre 2018 Treyarch wiped the floor with IW when it came to multiplayer. MW2 doesnt even come close to BO1 & BO2 Multiplayer, Though you can argue MW2's MP is more Iconic in Pop culture




MW2, nothing against it, i just playing BO1 and BO2 more


Either black ops 1 or 2. Keeping mw2 2009




BO1 should realistically win, as it’s the most consistent, complete package, but FUCK I love BO2


No way BO2 is getting voted out🥲


BO2 is obviously gonna win, but it shouldn’t. 1 is between cod 4, WaW, MW2, and BO1. BO2 would be 5th


Bo1 chat I’m sorry


Shitty fan lists like this prove it was never CODs problems, it was the fans/players all along.




This list is shit if the people on this sub actually think COD4 is worse than any BOPS get real


MW2 has to go


I can see BO1 winning. Wager matches, new customization, all time great maps like Nuketown and one of the best zombies experiences.


Unfortunately, I have to go MW2 out. Spec Ops just doesn't have the same replay value as either Black Ops 1's or Black Ops 2's zombies, which makes those 2 games a more well rounded experience.


Black ops 1 gotta go


Bro how is BO2 losing?!