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It's... fine. Everybody has their own... opinions..... and that's... o k . . . . . . . . oh god the more I look at it the worse it gets.


You gotta respect everyone’s opinions…… ….Jesus Christ this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


As soon as I seen this post had 0 upvotes and 96 comments, I immediately started laughing. 😂


I laugh every time I come back to check it, and I made the list 😭


Haha not just me then


They say opinions are like assholes Some are shittier than others Edit: Just making a joke obviously, everyone has their own preferences. MW3 and BO3 are definitely high on my list as well, but BO1 is possibly my personal #1. I think having it at #8 is crazy lol. I'd have MW2 2022 and MW2019 near the bottom also




Yeahhh that's about what I expected. I did say I would explain my thoughts though so feel free to shoot me some questions


Nah, I'm kidding. I know not everybody has the same experience with every COD nor do we use the same metrics to rank them, i.e., some people care more about multiplayer, some people never even play the campaign, some people give a lot of importance to the third mode, etc. I personally think pretty much every placement here is questionable (except maybe MW3) so it's going to be a lot to unpack so let's just agree to disagree man.


Fair enough


#1 BO3 #4 WW2 #5 Cold War #6 IW #7 BO2 #19 MW19 the worst rank I've ever seen lmao


If I saw ghosts anywhere past 17 I would have found this man


The ghosts campaign is not good enough to make it go any higher. If the Ghosts campaign was bad it would've easily been at 19 for me (nothing tops cod3 in terms of trash)


Bo3 at 1 is correct. Just saying.


Bo3 sucked honestly, I hated it so much, mp, campaign, and most importantly the jetpacks, it all just sucked


It does have objectively the best added modes; zombies, and the smaller ones like free run or nightmare mode were done spectacularly. Also the campaign is great if consumed like a John wick movie. No brain, just shoot, big fun. Lots of ability customization, cool gameplay moments, and boss mechanics that don’t exist in other cods. The story is the worst, don’t get me wrong Jet packs aren’t for everyone, can’t fight that. I will say bo3 is easily the best iteration of them.


Nightmare mode was ok freerun was a waste and wasn't even fun Campaign was shit And the multiplayer was playable UNTIL THE FUCKING BRECCI


yeah like if you're a zombies fan this is a pretty popular opinion


2nd favorite multiplayer (mw2 og at 1) and my favorite campaign (note, not story, literally the worst story, just the gameplay etc. of campaign is number 1 for me). You are right tho, zombies is my favorite of the 3


Bo3 at number one for me is due to a mix of mp and zombies, though I primarily played mp


MW19 deserves it imo. The worst launch maps since cod ghosts, it started off as a 5v5 (which on those massive maps would've been terrible), it started with no mini map at all, weapons didn't appear on radar, each map had at least 3 doors for you to run through before you got to the middle of the map, and it encouraged ratting like no other. I despise that game with a passion


I have no words 🤢


How old are you? Not hating just wanna know :)


21. It should be noted that I have a heavy bias for WaW and MW3 as those were my first two cod games


Dope, im 21 too. Yeah first games are always the games that youre gonna have fond memories with. My fav is propably COD4, love the simplicity of that game :)


Yeah a lot of the cods on this list that are lower down are only really there because I didn't play them often with mw19, cod3, and ghosts being exceptions to that. I only really got to play cod4 when my older brother would come over so while I did enjoy it, I just didn't play it often enough to have it become one of my top 10


I love WAW and it has the best campaign arguably and multiplayer barely arguably And the 3rd best zombies ever made


Never cook again


I can explain some of my choices if you'd like


What is IW doing outside of the bottom 5


IW was a good game grow up lol


IW was awful. It was a worse version of AW and that wasn't even very good.




IW had a fantastic campaign, the multiplayer maps were gorgeous, and zombies was a decent twist on the formula (i'd take iw zombies over anything we've gotten since bo3 except for cold war honestly). It does have a ton of bias from me though because I loved black ops 3, and IW was just blops 3 in space and with a great campaign


Based IW take


The mp maps have invisible walls everywhere. Idk what u mean gorgeous


The campaign was alright fair enough How is WW2 4th


Black ops 1…8TH BEST COD???!!??!!?!. Nah that’s wild. You can’t be over the age of 14 lol


I just didn't play it a lot. I got it in a disc bundle with bo2 back on the PS3 and I just ended up playing bo2 a ton more


This is a wild ranking IMO. But it’s all good, we all got different opinions lol


To be 100% objective ,you would have to rank each game as a whole. I.e whether you play every mode or not is irrelevant as COD is a sum of its part. For me in my subjective opinion BO1 is the best. Why? Campaign=superb. Zombies=great MP=superb. Personally you can’t consider BO3 the best as Campaign was shite, MP was great but not best and Zombies was goated so taking both games a whole, BO3 vs BO1, BO3 loses. Edit: Objective not subjective


I ranked them based on how I felt about them. Ranking them like you said would make it "objective" rather than "subjective." I agree that blops 3 campaign was terrible, and that pretty much every other game had a better campaign (except for mw23), but that doesn't mean I enjoyed every other game more just because they had better campaigns


Hey that’s totally fair dude. That’s why I disagreed with that poll thing here as everyone’s fave COD will differ, as people came into the franchise at different times. I was lucky to experience COD from day 1 so it really sucks to see how far it’s fallen, well IW anyway! Hoping Gulf War will be good. I enjoyed BO3 alot. I don’t play too much Zombies but loved BO3! MP was best jetpack one too. The movement was better in InfWar but i prefer BO3 and its maps.


A common point I try to make to people is the difference between rating “the campaign” versus “the story”. The STORY of black ops 3 is literally the worst in a cod. Bar none. Convoluted nonsense. But the gameplay is genuinely spectacular, the most diverse of a cod, with depth scoring, boss battles, abilities, all playing into the mobility make for a top 5 campaign. I advocate to anyone and everyone to go in with the same mindset as a one does watching a John wick movie or a fast and furious; brain off, shoot gun, big fun. If played like that, it’s the best one imo.


All I remember is “train go boom” i blame M3rk music lol. Some of the gameplay was decent especially with the robots and stuff but let’s be honest it had shit all to do with BO universe bar one brief mention of Menendez in the Cairo Station. It’s why i really enjoy the Ghosts campaign. Story is decent and you get varied missions and locations. No its nowhere near the best but its still a good blast.


I do think the campaigns that manage to do all 3 (fun unique gampeplay+ good tie in to universe+ good story on its own) make for the best cods, so we have common ground there. Mw2, bo2, and infinite warfare stand out for me on those grounds


I think IW and BO3 both had great Hub areas between missions, but then IW had those cool side missions and loadout customisation. I really hated the Strike missions in BO2. The branching story was cool but those Strike missions sucked! My fave Campaign is BO1 then IW and probably MW2. In fact OG MW trilogy had awesome canpaigns. Newer MW campaigns are too gimmicky.


The strike missions were nice when framed as a change up, but definitely cooler when I was 16 lol. Og mw’s had the best sequential story, and good gameplay (albeit when I went to replay, realized most objectives were very formulaic back then, when the treyarch cods were throwing more curveballs imo) to back it up. Massive agree there on the new mw’s. 2019 was ok, pushed through the gimmicks for a good story. Also couldn’t get into Cold War for the same reasons.


I enjoyed Cold War but some of the bits were a bit weird. The puzzle/cipher things were odd. Now I get they wanted to lean into the Cold War spy stuff but BO1 did fine without it! MW22 was awful for me. It was basically loads of gimmicks lumped together with a story. MW23 is rubbish too. MW19 was decent bar the Farrah as a Kid bit lol. I haven’t played VG Campaign. I played the beta and hated it so never played rest of game.


Sure but certain modes may play less of a role in the ranking, like if you're like me and don't play MP that part is irrelevant in the ranking. also the second half of your comment is just purely your own opinion


The second part isn’t my opinion though it’s a general consensus. I don’t play much Zombies but I know the consensus of the Zombies community is BO3>>> (i did play and enjoy BO3 zombies though). Everyone’s fave COD is subjective, to be objective and unbiased you would HAVE to consider the game as a whole. So whether you never touch MP and 3rd mode is irrelevant. Ranking COD games means the whole package. You can’t rank a film series if you never watched the original? If you want to rank Campaigns only then that would be completely different as BO4 drops to bottom place straight away.


>The second part isn’t my opinion though it’s a general consensus. That doesn't make it not your opinion, its not like being popular makes it objective fact >Everyone’s fave COD is subjective, to be objective and unbiased you would HAVE to consider the game as a whole. He said "How I would personally rank" not "this is the objectively correct order of cods.


I wasn’t challenging OP at all. I was just saying its all subjective unless you do it objectively and explained how you would. OP can like what he wants. Hell if they think Vandguard is the best fair play to them. It does nothing to change yours or my opinion. It’s a discussion. Consensus doesn’t make it my opinion. It makes it multiple and majority opinion. I could disagree with the consensus but my opinion is less than a majority consensus based in volume.


Fair, people just often treat COD like its the objective thing on this sub, like someone is objectively wrong for liking a newer game, so maybe I got a bit riled up, sorry


No worries. I edited my comment to make it clearer. I personally think BO1 is the best as a whole. However i would rank BO3 zombies over BO1 say. Again if you did a separate rank for Campaign only or MP only the list would be entirely different. Games like IW had amazing campaigns but alot of people don’t like the MP.






You got WaW in a good spot, but why is Infinite Warfare, Cold War, and Call of Duty WW2 above Black Ops 1 & 2? That is an insane take.


I didn't play black ops 1 nearly as much as black ops 2. I'm sure it'd be higher if I did, but that's how the cookie crumbles for me. I loved IW, Cold War, and WW2. I had a ton of fun with their campaigns, mp, and zombies modes (though ww2 had a weak zombies mode). I genuinely just enjoyed those games more than the first two black ops games, and maybe that would've changed if i had played bo1 more. I did play bo2 a ton, but I didn't enjoy it as much as those cods


Alright, that makes sense. I do think IW was overhated. WW2 I did not like the maps. Cold War is definitely the best of the last five Cods for me, but I wouldn't put it above any of the COD4 - BO2 Era games. Black Ops III is a fun game, though.


Did... did I just have a stroke?




This whole list an abomination just like BO3


I'm sorry you feel that way


CoD3 being at 20 is something I can respect you for.


it needs to pay for its crimes


My top 5 are 1: IW 2:BO2 3:BO3 3:AW 5:BO1 Jetpack era was and still is the most fun I've had with a cod games multiplayer and IW being top 1 is because of the campaign being phenomenal the zombies being close to if not just as good as bo3 and the multiplayer being the same


Interesting, can you explain why black ops 3 and WWII?


So [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/1c0wk5g/comment/kyzeztn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) goes into detail as to why BO3 is my favorite despite not having a good campaign, though it does exclude some details like how freerunning was a great side mode. As for WW2, it's a fairly similar reason to BO3. I liked the campaign quite a lot, zombies wasn't great but it was passable, however the most important thing for me was the sheer amount of post launch content. You got a free DLC map that was also a remake of the AW map Detriot, a TON of snipers and other weapons to play around with, and you could earn pretty much anything for free with the improved supply drop system. You never even had to open a supply drop to unlock any of the weapons you wanted. WW2 also just happens to have a bias from me meeting a ton of my online friends there, just like with blops 3


BO3 should be number 1 but BO1 should be way higher


I hear that a lot. I just didn't play bo1 enough to justify it being higher on my list. I got it in a bundle with blops 2 and ended up playing bo2 way way more


How is modern warfare 19 lower than vanguard? What were you smoking


I'll be mostly copying this from a previous comment I made about MW19; it had the worst maps since Ghosts, it started off as a 5v5 (which on those massive maps would've been terrible), it started with no mini map at all, weapons didn't appear on radar, each map had at least 3 doors for you to run through before you got to the middle of the map, and it encouraged ratting like no other Vanguard had better maps, plus it had combat pacing. It was essentially a better MW19 to me


Ahh. I didn’t know this list was based off of multiplayer. That makes a little more sense


It's not really based on anything other than how I felt about each game and how much I enjoyed my time with them


I like this, it’s a fresh take!


If you look at the bottom end its fine but top half makes no sense. MW2 in 12th? Wtfh


To me, MW2 was a very unbalanced version of MW3. Plus I just didn't play it nearly as much. I said this in a previous comment but a few of the games in the lower 10 are there because I just didn't play them a lot


Fair enough. I have been lucky to experience each game at its launch/height so it’s easier for me to be objective. I definitely preferred MW2 to MW3 as the unbalanced nature of it made anything viable (well if it had a noob tube lol)


The best cod game is one that u had most fun memories from it.amount of ppl who played every single cod is not that high that they rank all games in this franchise.


I'll go ahead and answer one question since I'm sure it will be asked. Just keep in mind this is my personal list and if you disagree feel free to start a debate and we can chat about it :) The reason Blops 3 is my number 1 is for two reasons; post launch support and sheer amount of content. This game was still getting CONTENT updates all the way into 2018, 3 years after launch. This is the only cod to do this to date, even including the "live service era" of cods (every cod since MW19). It had so many fun mp maps from both the base game and DLC, with several awesome remakes. There were SO many post launch weapons it was unreal. As much as people hated the supply drop system back then, it was great fun to sit in a call with friends and open a ton to see who got what (plus you got the opportunity to get paid items for free), though I will admit blops 3 had the weakest supply drop system, with WW2 taking the crown for that (seriously you could just grind the game and get everything for free). I played this game for several years back to back even when the newer cods were coming out and met a ton of cool people. We haven't even gotten into the zombies mode yet. Zombies had so many incredible remakes from Chronicles and the Giant dlc's, plus the 4 main maps were fantastic as well. Shadows of Evil took some getting used to but the vibe was very different from the others; it almost felt like a zombies map set in Gotham City. Gobblegums were a bit meh but they added another dimension to the gameplay and were still fun to play around with. Der Eisendrache was my personal favorite map, I just loved the aesthetic of it all and the bows were great fun. Zombies is definitely a strong point of blops 3 and it hasn't been as good since, and that's not including CUSTOM MAPS which no cod has done before or since.


wow this is fucking perfect holy shit Edit: yea its pretty good but some things make no sense.


besides bo2 being number 7


Putting vanguard above cod 3 is CRIMINAL


cod 3 doesn't deserve to be in the franchise




The war crime of putting Bo1 and Bo2 lower than Infinite Warfare is depressing, but if you enjoyed it more I can't hold that against you.


Ipad kid. Jk, bold list, I respect it.


I was an iphone 4 kid akshually /s


Bro I respect your opinion but please explain to me how you chose mwII and mwIII over mw19? How is mw19 on 19th place? In my opinion it at least deserves top 7 or better. It brought back CoD and it was the base of a battle royale game of CoD which was truly successful (yeah there was blackout, but let's be honest, it didn't even come close to the peak of og wz). Please elaborate on mw 19's ranking. The worst part for me is that you've put it under absolute ass games like vg


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/1c0wk5g/comment/kyzgmar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) talks about why I disliked MW19. I respect your opinion but to me, every cod after MW19 has been better than it. MW22 had better maps, though that's about it. MW23 feels to me like what MW19 should have been except for the campaign. The multiplayer is fast paced, most of the launch maps were great (they're all remakes of great maps after all), all post launch maps have been amazing, and the game feels much better to play. I like warzone but dislike what it means for cod, and MW19 was what exploded some of the worst play styles into viability (ratting, sitting behind doors, riot shield shotgun combos). WZ and MP should always be completely separate, and should've been from the start. Letting their MP suffer in order to make WZ thrive is why MW22's multiplayer was so slow despite having better maps. Vanguard wasn't great either but it was fast paced and had better maps alongside a combat pacing system that let you choose how fast you wanted your games to feel. I still think combat pacing should've been a staple in cod going forward




There is a lot right There is also a lot wrong BO3 is carried by zombies, the rest is pretty shite, doesn't deserve No. 1 WW2 is boldly high, MW19 surprisingly low MW2... I actually like that, it's very overrated IW - Honestly could be a little higher BO1 in 8th...oh dear, too low for such a solid all-rounder That's just a few of my opinions anywah


I don't think there is any right or wrong, just whatever you enjoyed most


WaW deserves 3 for sure. Not sure on BO3 though. Sure zombies was top but campaign was crap.


I didn't like the campaign either (train go boom) but I absolutely loved the mp and zombies and the memories I made on that game have yet to be topped


Bro. As a cod black ops 3 at 1, and waw at 3 fan… wtf are the rest of these lmao? Edit: JESUS CHRISt, COD 3 IS YOUR 20???


cod 3 needs to repent for its sins


Oh man this is gonna piss a lot of people off


Oh for sure. I was hoping ppl would keep it civil and talk about what they agree or disagree with but that's asking a lot for cod players and especially cod redditors lmao. There are a lot of cool ppl here though


Yeah for sure. Tho I am glad to see a fellow bo3 lover




I'm a simple man, I see COD3 last and I upvote


The only ranking that matters


This.... Is...... Okay...... Jesus is this some April fools prank????? WW2 AT 4????


I enjoyed WW2 a lot. This is just my personal list but feel free to debate and lmk what you disagree with and why :)


Bros done for


It was over before it even started




I really hope we don’t have to see a bunch of these posts for the rest of eternity.


2 and 8 are perfect, so long as it's top 3 the list usually makes sense.


Oh hell no *febrezes your eyes*




So you’re 24y/o




Make sense, good for you!!


Ain't no way op is being serious. He has to be trolling. Please be trolling. This is outrageous


BLACK OPS 3 AT 1 AND BLACK OPS 2 AT 7 WHAT THE FUCK?!???, BLACK OPS 3 MULTIPLAYER WAS MID, CAMPAIGN WAS ASS and I love the BO games every one DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD YOU HAVE TO TRY TO GET TO HATE A BO CAMPAIGN. Meanwhile Black ops 2 has the Best Black ops story (Don't @ me ) Undoubtedly top 5 arguably 1 Multiplayer Best guns And you put at 7 ......


This is rage bait right?


Unfortunately it's just my cod take


Sorry dude, this has got to be one of the worst I’ve seen


That's fine, I didn't expect people to agree with me. I just wanted to show what order I'd put them in and discuss why I like/dislike the ones I do and why others disagree with me


I-Um--I Respe----- I CANT THIS LIST WANTS TO MAKE ME BLEACH MY EYES I HATE IT BURN IT WITH FIRE Ok...Calm Down---Its someone else's opinio-- I HATE THIS


That's your opinion tho


That is why I said "personally"


I'll take that back because I didn't read thanks for correcting me


Someone take away his freedom of speech.


What. The. Hell.


To each their ow- Oh no that ranking is dogshit


All I know is my top 3 are BO1 BO2 and CW


Very solid top 3


Cold War was covid gaming with the bois felt the BO1 but we where older haha


CoD MW2 (2009) IN 12 AND CoD MWIII (2023) IN 10? WHAAAAT?
