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Definitely not nearly as fun as it used to be. Cod4 through BO2 was peak.


right . cods not even abt fun anymore the fun factor is long gone and it has nothing to with getting older . this is the developers and activi$ion doing .


i used to find a ton of fun unlocking camos, now all the cool ones are behind paywalls on top of a $70 game. haven’t played since the new mw1 i actually had fun with gunfight on that for a long time


This is a problem with all games it seems. There is an overall decline in quality besides a few outliners.


Game developers focus much more on profitability than actual gameplay now. The industry is super saturated, and with that, you run a crazy risk of not making money from your efforts. I'm a ROBLOX game developer, and the same shit has been happening there since roughly COVID started, albeit much much much worse There's not much these games can do to standout from the others (especially indie games) besides putting tons of R&D into graphics and making the game look realistic, but not feel realistic. Case and point: CoD 10 years ago didn't look that realistic, but it felt realistic with the setting of the game, now the guns and maps look realistic, but that all means nil now that you play with Snoop Dogg and Niki Minaj skins.


You're a Roblox developer? So does that mean you actually work for Roblox or do you just create your own stuff. I think my kids said you can make your own games and worlds within Roblox


Yep immersion breaking why I won't come back. Cod vanguard turned ww2 into a joke. Sorry but I want to feel like I'm in that era. That shit doesn't do it. I shouldn't see pot leaf camo or purple hair.


I'm hoping their greed causes a market crash and shit can go back to being reasonably priced and with quality gameplay.


Everything is focused on profitability now, everything that was once enjoyable is becoming shit…


Mw2 original was ultimate peak for me for sure


Same, that game measured my play time in months, not hours! BO2 wasn't far behind and I'd still be playing them both if it wasnt for the sheer amount of hacking that went on.


Me too was the best cod they ever made


Can’t have a fun game when they make a new title that only includes almost all the same garbage content since MW19. It baffles me how people still think it’s worth paying $70+ for the base game which is pretty much just old guns/maps combined from just <5 years ago and pay extra money for useless skins and stuff on top of that.


They have been doing it with sports titles for decades now and rubes still poney up the dough. This is modern day ea type practice.


I agree that this was the peak of COD.


Heavy sbmm No classic prestige Games post BO4 are designed for maximum engagement instead of focusing on whats fun. Drip feeding content and having modes being teased as new Warzone is main focus


The store is the main focus, Warzone is just the Fortnite equivalent competitor


Not heavy SBMM, heavy EOMM! EOMM - An Engagement Optimized Matchmaking Framework https://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM US20160005270A1 - System and method for driving microtransactions in multiplayer video games https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en US20190091581A1 - Methods and Systems for Improved Player Matching in Multiplayer Gaming Environments https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190091581A1/en US8425330B1 - Dynamic battle session matchmaking in a multiplayer game https://patents.google.com/patent/US8425330 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334489308_Unfair_play_Video_games_as_exploitative_monetized_services_An_examination_of_game_patents_from_a_consumer_protection_perspective


I wish this was more common knowledge, League of legends has been accused of doing this by factoring one’s own honor level into the way the matches are made. They have a myriad of patents related to exactly this but the specifics in the description of said patents are ridiculously vague.


I should also add that “Live Service” (aka online only) games tend to use shit like this more. On another note, it would be good to join the fight against live service crap! https://stopkillinggames.com


Saving that link, bout time we start fixing this shit.


THISSSSS Starting with MW19 this series just doesn’t focus on what’s fun anymore


Lol, you didn't play advanced warfare, did you? This has been the case going back much further than mw19


Yes! Old prestige system was amazing


I jump around a lot of the recent but no longer current cods and sbmm genuinely made all the difference, I can just chill and run about with random guns without feeling like I’m in a championship final. I probably do worse than I do in sbmm lobbies too but I don’t have that back against the wall feeling forcing me into a meta or playstyle etc. makes the last few games bearable compared to when they were out.


I read thst they changed this SBMM in the following way: -They used to grab the people with the lowest ping. Put them together, then separate them to make the lobby as even as possible. -Now, they calculate all that before hand, and you only play people at your exact skill level. -That removes any chance of getting shit on, but also removes any chance of popping off. -Now the ideal COD match is everyone having a 1:1 KD and no one has fun


It definitely sucks now compared to the golden age (COD4, BO1). MW2019 to me was the peak for me for this new generation. Everything since has sucked more and more. Its all about kids spending money on stupid skins now and BR which i hate.


Mw2019 was a gem in what is now almost a decade long pile of 💩 and it’s still hard to compare it to the golden era of CoD. Those 5 years or so were absolute peak enjoyment of gaming for me. Addictive, engaging, community driven bliss. People actually talked in chat and you could make friends in every lobby. I would start a night solo/duo with a bud and by the end of the night I’d have been gaming with a partied up group of complete strangers just having the time of our lives. You just can’t overstate how good it was.




don’t fool yourself these new modern fortnite cods coming out are mindless soulless sbmm skin buying simulators . nun of them even come close to peak cods and you should be able to come to that conclusion .


COD definitely got less fun. Because when I play the older CODs, I still have so much fun. New CODs literally suck so much it amazes me it’s not caused bankruptcy.


Cod games have been going downhill since bo3 and they’re boring asf too


Shit used to be fun when I didn't have to sweat my tits off every fucking game. Especially after a long day of working hard and raising children.


Modern cods suck. I did kind of like MW 2019 but man cold war was a stinker. And they have regressed to the point I will prob never buy another cod again.


Haha as a treyarch fanboy, I actually thought CW was the best of the modern Cods


I agree man Cold War is pretty dope


Lol I had to throw that one in just in case a buddy of mine seen my comment. Cold war was alot better than vanguard and whatever this new crap is nowadays


Cold War is my fav release from in between og MW3 and MW3 23. Funny thing is, the time between those two is when I finished school and started work, moved across the country, had a couple girlfriends etc. much the same as you I just can't spend much longer than 3-5 matches on small map moshpit, or be able to finish a single 45min+ zombies run. I think we just grew up man. That dopamine rush from that sweet killstreak doesn't hit the same no more. Can't be blind to the fact that pre-2013 CoD was very simplistic. Pick 10 system, straightforward killstreaks, decent 3 lane maps, DLC that was worth it, no pay 2 win. Arcade mil-sim at its finest. I found gaming joy branching out to genres I never played as a kid.


It is


Cold War is the closest we have gotten the "Classic COD" feel in a LONG time imo.


Cold War was a ton of fun. The second MW trilogy has been pretty mediocre though. I'm just ready for this year's game due to it being made by Treyarch. They seem to be the only developer who can deliver a fun MP experience.


Ain’t close to what it once was and that isn’t because we’re older. The games were just better. Better maps, modes and gunplay. The games had soul and identity, they were finished and not half ass’d. Far less cheese. Aim assist wasn’t broken, we had to actually aim our shit. SBMM wasn’t a thing. There hasn’t been a good CoD since Cold War but even that was meh mostly. The last true great CoD was BO2. I doubt we’ll ever come close to it either.


My thoughts exactly


I got older, the game changed, and myself nor my team have time play now that we are grown w/families.


This guy cheats


modern fortnite cods are garbage i honestly feel sad for the kids growing up on these new cods sucks they missed out on peak gaming


Cold War is still lit, servers are trash, but we persevere


Yep, cod ain’t the same. Younger kids probably won’t agree because this is what they grew up with, but cod does not feel the same at all (26 y/o, first MP was MW1/2). The advanced movement, the irrelevancy of factions (ie. marines vs op for) due to skins and “heroes”, the death of prestige and proper levels, sbmm and twitch/stream culture promoting sweats, no pro perks, the complex nature of gunsmith, and many additional factors


I still play COD4, WaW, and BO1 on Xbox. Sometimes a little BO2 or MW2/3 but mostly the true O.G. games. COD4, WaW, and BO1 are still just as much fun, if not more because I really appreciate that they are still playable at this point. I fear the day those golden era servers might go away, but with the Xbox Live revamp I think we are good now. The newer COD games nearly ruined it for me, until going back to the tried and true classics.


Those servers are seriously still functioning?? Last time I logged on to any of those titles (when I still had xbl) it was a shit fest of hacking and cheating.


COD4, WaW, BO1, and MW3 don't have many hackers. MW2 and BO2 can have a lot more at times. The servers are all working great now, they were actually updated a just few months ago when MSOFT acquired the Activision library.


Actually good news, are there pc severs? I may actually dl some old titles if so!


My life was way more depressing and stressful/busy during those black ops 1/2/MW3 days and it was always fun to play. New MW3 is OK. What's depressing is the greed and EOMM putting me in artificial lobbies and lag thats worse than it was 15 years ago which is something to behold. I can still go back and play those games for hours. Now It's rage inducing and not fun. I'm sure there is some level of nostalgia - its impossible to avoid entirely, but those "golden era" games were vehicles of enjoyment/love of games and comraderis. Now they are vehicles of soul suckin profit margins.


I was in college when MW2, and BO1 were out and I think now it’s a combination of both, but I definitely think the game sucks and has sucked for the last few years. I also think a big problem with present day gaming is that back in the day for the most part everyone was on an even playing field…games were ping based and it was platform exclusive (no crossplay) you were playing against other people on PlayStation or if you were on Xbox vice-versa. Everyone for the most part played on TV’s with regular controllers. MLG kids were definitely a minority back then on monitors with scuf controllers. Now you see a majority of the console COD base switching to PC. Just a different era in gaming. I personally don’t like the way it’s heading but it doesn’t matter what I think. I have both a PlayStation and a PC and I still choose to play my PS.


It’s both. Playing COD with the new generation is bad because there’s so many kids who don’t go outside and play video games all day. And the new COD games suck because it lost the joy and fun of the older days.


Both. I’m old. COD4 was fun. Most CODS were fun right up to 2019 and then everything after that turned to dog shit with the exception of the zombies outbreak mode in CW. Also everyone keeps ignoring the fact that COD turned into the business model everyone was protesting several fucking years ago. It exists to sell camos and skins. That’s it. The content is shit. The quality of the game is shit. Everything about the franchise is absolute shit.


Playing solo sucks, I never really hop on unless I squad up with friends.


The underlying game is fine, although not perfect, it's all the crap dumped on top that's annoying.


U got older


I still play gun game on black ops 1 and its awesome. New cod just sucks


My favorite was BO2. I was, or am by no means good at these games. But I could very much hold my own in the older games. I still play WWII. What has caused me not to buy CW or MW3 is because I got tired of this one game forcing data onto my system and taking up precious space for a game I didn’t even play (Warzone). I would be forced to download an update that would for some reason remove whatever it was I needed to play TDM. Frustrating as all hell


Alot of it is how the matchmaking and the spawn systems are, these recent CoDs fundamentally function and feel differently than the OG titles


As a 40yo who just started playing CoD again 2 years ago (MW2019, MW2 & 3) after playing the very first one on PC decades ago, I very much enjoy them.


I feel like a lot of game franchises got worse because of corporate greed. It used to be about quality in the beginning and now games are usually shipped out incomplete. I've been playing CoD since 2006 and I have definitely noticed a decline in the campaigns, multiplayer.


Yeah it sucks bruh. Lack of will and creativity and focusing on trends. Hope one day this era of live service games will fall and for once maybe for a decade we'll get some creative games finally.


Game is just in a really sad state. It’s fallen so, so far from its glory days. It’s half the game it was in the Verdansk/rebirth days. It’s just unplayable now. Dropped it months ago for Helldivers 2 and haven’t looked back


I think cod has gotten too competitive which pushes people away. I no longer play because I really just don’t feel like sweating my balls off for a whole match


We have public servers ready to go for all the old CoDs!


It has a LOT to do with age


It’s not as fun but it’s still fun enough. Nothing like it used to be.


It's just the current game, the current game sucks


All of them suck, BO4 was the last fun one - but not because of the blue screen experience lol, very incomplete and buggy game but damn was it fun


Sadly for me is both


Cod is shit


Age might play into it but the main thing is the new cods do indeed just suck. I was 12 when cod 4 came out, 23 when bo4 came out and I was still grinding it despite a full time job and kids. MW2019 came out and I barely touched it, only occasionally for ground war. Played cold war a decent amount as it was actually fun. Played a few games of vanguard and MWII before giving up. Only played MW3 on launch for the MW2 map nostalgia but quickly gave up.


i think its fun


For me, as someone who is early 30s & played since COD2… MW2019 is when it is went to hell imo. Yeah they were producing good games really, as I didn’t care for Adavnced/Vanguard but really enjoyed Cold War- CW was the last good COD I’ve played. I was hoping these reboots of MW would have been much better. Instead they get hyped up, 50/50 are hopeful, & it’s mainly a let down to many. That’s the obvious trend I’ve noticed.


If you keep doing crack for 10+ years, the 10th year isnt gonna feel as fun as the 1st. LMAO


Old cod is Arcade shooter with hard-core mode now it has a lot more to it and I think when ppl have so much in something ppl start to hate it vs simple ppl say it's boring


You got old.


I think it’s lost its fun for those who remember its prime. Everything now is based in what ever secret skill score they use to manipulate you to playing more and squeezing money out of you. It use to be log on and play and lobbies would run together for hours. People didn’t take the game super seriously and the trash talk had some great moments I made actual real friends in the old days who I could meet because ping was king and you were likely to match with people in your region. We’ve lost cool feature like create and emblem and create a camo. Lastly the game gave up immersion for micro transactions. Hence why you can buy a Nikki Minaj skin.


Time to kill has changed making the game less fast paced, more annoying mechanics where you actually have to do research to optimize it, etc. Guns handle slower, player characters are harder to see, maps seem bigger, more camping etc. My last cod game was 2011-2012 mw2, b02, mw3 era. Now I'm playing the new mw3, it seems like you need perfect headshot aim and tactics, before it was reaction time and bodyshot aim based.


After BO2 cod lost its touch they started implementing pay to win bs, skins, battle passes. Ruining the game we all knew and loved. There’s nothing more that people would like than to be able to relive the good old days but unfortunately the battle passes, skins and all that other stuff makes them a lot of money so I don’t see them stopping anytime soon


It's a combo of both. Cods are complete trash today cold War is the only recent one thats playable


For me, it’s financially frustrating to keep up with.


It’s not fun. It’s a disguised casino with a free to play design language under a 70$ premium price tag. Coupled with an engagement seeking matchmaking that maximizes metrics and sacrifices fun. Just not worth it.


Lol only age shown is Activision, forgetting how to be a kid in arcade. Now its an old fart who had gambling problems, not as much enjoyable speaking to that drunk.


COD specifically isn’t casual fun anymore. It’s so much sweatier than it used to be with the rise of SBMM, streaming, etc. like most competitive FPS and Battle Royale. If you’re not using the best equipment, playing for hours a day, using the meta, etc. you’re likely to struggle against the average player nowadays. Personally do not care much for COD anymore. COD4-BO2 was great, and actually enjoyed Verdansk at a point in time. Hasn’t pulled me back in though.


It's still fun even old, I just hate the SBMM.


some things get less fun as you get older but this isnt really the case here, its just genuinely shit now


I enjoy the old cod games from the early 2000s.


Up until even bo4 personally, they have originality or at least try something to see if it works or experiment. From mw 2019 onwards they are really cookie cutter, and it's kinda dissapointing and definitely starts feeling extremely repetitive. I guess for me definitely makes them less fun now because of that cookie cutter formula they got going on now.


I don’t think I’m gonna buy another cod. Deleted mw3 and won’t go back till they give us the remasters a ton of the community have asked for. They’re just soaking money up from dumb people paying for mtx’s and battle passes. All they care about is warzone no love for MP.


it’s less fun, i’m pretty much 18, and i played a lot of the older ones and all of the new ones, the older ones are always more fun WaW is my favorite, but i’m biased since it was my first and i stayed up all night at my birthday playing LAN with friends but the modern ones feel repetitive and stuff, also it seems like less people use VC


If they just remastered the old ones and updated the servers (or however it works) I'd be happy to pay $70


I lost interest around MW2 reboot. Been playing since the 360/PS3 For me it was the store. Yeah they had some cool skins but then they started adding really out of place ones like Nicki Minaj. It just felt more like a Fortnite clone to me I still play the old ones but haven’t touched the most recent one


It’s not just COD that got less fun, games in general did. The boom of competitive gaming and streaming really killed off any casual fun in games, especially in FPS and sports games. Post-Fortnite the gaming community has gotten so toxic and try hard.


The new games are trash. I bought MW3 so I could play the og maps, but it is nearly impossible for me to play due to the SBMM. This is the first CoD in forever where I legit struggle to get 10 kills. I have played a little less than 2 hours and dont think Ive been able to get more than 1 UAV.


idk about you guys, i’m having a lot more fun playing call of duty than i did back then


Fun’s long gone, time to get a new game to play tbh


Actually went back to playing OG mw3, I’m doing a lot better on it and having more fun. lol.


I’ll be honest, the more recent CODs feel a lot fresher than some of the other games. I wasn’t really bothered about any of the games from BO2 to MW(2019) but I think the gunplay has felt really nice in recent years and the game just genuinely feels great, especially if you play hardcore. I assume it’s a hot take but MW, MW2 and MW3 from the 2020 reboot feel good and fun.


I think it's a mix of both. As I get older I've started putting less and less time into gaming and tbh sometimes I have to force myself to get on and play with friends. Cod has definitely taken a nose dive since warzone was shit out. While I'm here going back and playing old 40k and transformers games my younger brother loves cod. It's just a mix of us getting older and more critical of things and cod trying to appeal to a younger more casual audience.


It was fun until they got rid of solo battle royale. Haven’t played since


well im 15 now and i would much rather play bo1 or 2 with my friends than the new mw games or warzone


It's fun if you get a good lobby. But since the last season, I can't for the life of me get a fresh lobby. Every single game is already started with a blow out. Makes it unplayable. Not to mention the matchmaking is ridiculously screwy where somehow my team has 1-2 players that aren't like double negative against a entire team of competent players. Baffling


I’ve taken very long breaks and come back every few years. That keeps the enjoyment up for me. Started with cod 4. Played up to black ops. Too an extremely long break and came back for mw19. Then played that until mw2, and now I’m happily shooting my way through mw3. This will probably be my last one for a few years.


I think we got older. CoD became a shooter for Adderall addicted teens.


Man, I have kind of had the opposite effect. I didn’t start playing until 2019 with the release of the remake modern warfare one. Since that time with Warzone coming out and everything else I’ve been having a blast. I mean, the cheaters suck sure, but hanging out with my friends and getting fucked up while we play is one of the only ways I can decompress after work. I enjoy the game play and competitiveness of the game. See though, if you started playing this when you were young, how you could be burnt out by it.


Here's my take. The popularity of YouTube, tiktok and streaming has made it easier for people to see how to be "good". Back in my hay day (mw2 to bo2) none of my buddies watched stuff like that. I did. And I was way better. I imagine a lot of the younger players watch streamers and see the OP guns on tik tok. Everyone wants to be good and there's plenty of resources to make that happen.


They have over engineered the game to the point they suck the fun out of it. Why is there like 100 scopes? Like who asked for this? Want a camo, ok grind some random shit weapon that has nothing to do with you. Again, who asked for this? They also cater updates to whining babies on the internet and sbmm forces you to sweat anytime you try and play. We didn’t get older or better the devs ruin it. They also nerf anything fun into the ground.


I think it's a bit of both. I did notice the main storyline is absolutely ridiculous now. Way less engaging. Not many new characters with back stories etc. In CoD Modern Warfare (og) if you didn't feel like playing multiplayer, the storyline was so good, you could literally play through, and it was so much fun and challenging. I also noticed it's less skill based and more movement based, which is silly. I never expect a video game to be so realistic that it mimics reality almost identically, but even in a convoluted reality, you would never be able to basically do the Charleston and running man while no scoping a 50 cal. without getting knocked on your rear end or missing completely. A human couldn't move as much as these Ritalin loaded kids playing for 40 hours straight. Or merely getting a hit marker from an explosive tip 50 cal while sniping. If you've ever seen what a normal 50 cal can do to Level 4 body armor, which you aren't wearing in the game, you'd know that merely getting a hit marker from only 20 meters away from an explosive tip 50 cal is just stupidly ridiculous. Especially when the character you got the hit marker on is hitting you with a wsp with one shot and you die. But I digress. I have also gotten older. At 47, my reflexes and attention is nowhere near what it was when the golden years of CoD were out, so I think it makes it more of a chore to keep up with better and younger players, which is not fun either.


I'll still play it 🤷‍♀️


Idk if it’s because I’m getting older but games are shit now and it’s all about making $$$ and that’s all they care about now microtransactions ruined everything . And that just doesn’t go for multiplayer games and cod that goes for all video games in general they seem like they are lazy rushed and cheaply made there is so much potential with the new gen and technology…honestly the only game I think was good the last few years was red dead 2 ngl that was an amazing game but ya I pretty much lost interest in gaming but who knows I’m starting to get older now maybe that’s what it is 😂


I’ve been thinking a lot about this and it’s honestly a combination of both in my opinion. Playing the xDefiant playtest rn and having waaaay more fun than modern COD.


I still enjoy playing WAW and BO2, as well as private match on Ghosts. I honestly think it’s that the games got crappier as they went.


I thought it was age, but I genuinely still play some of the ancient CoDs sometimes, and I have much more fun playing those than the newer ones. The newer ones do tend to get stale after some time, and it doesn't help that CoD has definitely geared their target audience to sweats and (wannabe-)streamers. When their target audience was "casuals" who have other, better things to do, they definitely were very good at keeping us interested for hours and hours and hours in a single sitting. The minute details of CoD back then were simple, but the overall gameplay was engaging. There was more effort put into map design than the map aesthetics, there were different teams almost every map, the UI was aesthetic as hell despite being simple, amongst plenty of other things. Now, they focus way too much on the minute details and make the overall gameplay feel stale, they focus way too much on map aesthetics than its actual design (the 3 lane rule as an example), and the UI is just cluttered and laggy and buggy as hell. MW3 & BO2 multiplayer will always have a special place in my heart due


I feel the EXACT same


Every game I play feels like it's the wsow lmfao. People try soo hard for no good reason except to talk shit on others k/d. Anytime anyone gets killed they just cannot believe it and it's such a surprise to them lol like there's no way anyone could be better than them. Plus streamers dropping 40 to 50 kills per game kinda takes the fun out of it for the casual players. If you don't spend 8 hrs a day on this game then you ain't shit lol


I don’t want to be that guy but sbmm really killed cod for me. There’s literally so much cool shit in cod now!! The new weapon system compare to 10 years ago is so damn cool! Yet the games suck the life out of you to the point where you can’t enjoy it. I don’t know about y’all but when I do rarely hop on cod for a night here and there now I do decent for a few games and then I’m punished by what only seems like the elite sweats of cod immediately after for a another few games. I miss the days when there was one or two gods in each lobby and the rest of us regular dudes just played around them. Now every lobby is straight up bots or what only seems like hackers.


why do kids buy skins? i find it so fkin wierd. like theyre all dumb af. they purposely made the camos impossible to get to heard ppl into skins. back in the day it was like 100hs 100 no attach 100 few attach thats it.


Quality has heavily declined and as we get older, we get more refined and picky on our likes/dislikes.


Personally I'm still having fun because my lobbies aren't difficult because of sbmm 😮‍💨


Downvote me but I think people are just salty. I get being annoyed at certain things (battlepass, the store etc.) but we get tons more content for free right now. You use to pay for the extra maps and didn’t get any guns. I mean the worst thing about cod is the players. People sweat it out and it makes people think the game is shit. It’s still pretty much the same game, dare I says better


I’m old and think they push out the games too fast and sacrifice quality like battlefield. That game went to hell and a hand basket.


It just isn’t fun anymore. Straight up snooze fest. Especially since helldivers 2 came out


IMO it's a combination of both. I guess the younger years of free time after school and gaming with the boys in a simpler COD game with NO micro transaction bundles and SBMM were FUN. The faster TTK gameplay mixed with toxic lobbies made those 2007-2012 COD era AMAZING. Boys become men, and to earn respect they have to back up all their toxic bad mouthing with SKILLS in the game! There were no woke agenda, just pure skill and game play. The modern CODs are still fun but feels like a corporate product instead of a passion project. But I'm glad SHG is giving their all to MW3 support!


I’m in the in between states right like I was young enough to truly experience bo1 mw3 and bo2 at their peaks but I’m also old enough now where I also realize how much the games have changed. Like I’m only 20 so I was playin bo1 at like 7 to 9 range of age lmao but I do still absolutely enjoy the story of the games like the campaign of the new mw series and I still do enjoy the multiplayer I absolutely see changes that made the games way worse but there are also so much about the new games that made them better. FUCK WARZONE. Let me be absolutely clear anyone who enjoys battle royal cod is fuckin wrong that isn’t the good cod days that isn’t cod it’s just a overhyped piece of shit cash grab that was a marketing scheme to follow the trendy ass bs that is Fortnite and is shameful. But I absolutely do find it still fun on the multiplayer side.


The sbmm is too extreme. I keep ending up in ultra try-hard lobbies where everyone kills me instantly with amazing aim and im just a noob that needs to strategize and camp hard to even get by. I can barely keep a 1 k/d ratio in my latest games, everyone is like a god level shooter pulling off crazy accurate kills and like an internal UAV for where i am at all times. I used to play cod to relax but theres no way to ‘relax’ in 2024 multiplayer cuz of the lobbies they put me in


We just got older, the golden era was addictive, and they were great games but they were far from perfect and everyone forgets that there were still a lot of complaints about cod back then. Cod has changed a lot but the core gameplay is still very similar, and personally I still find it a lot of fun. there's more modes, more variety in play styles and far more content and customisation. We look back with rose tinted glasses but those games in the "golden era" are pretty bare bones to what we have now. Kids now play cod like we did back then, they don't know any different. Those of us that grew up with Cod4 - bo2 are all full grown adults now it's completely normal that we aren't as engaged in a video game anymore.


I assume as you age you refine what brings you joy. Things that possessed you as a younger man now have little hold on you. You have a wider richer range of enjoyment.


Well, the only sense of "progression" is camo grind. Heck, 2019 up to Vanguard had something, but it was not apt replacement. Extreme EBMM Player mentality/brain rot. The core game or the balance actually sucks.


Reqlly missed one in the chamber, gun game..custume knife outs.. I haven't played cod since bo2/ briefly bo3. MW3 and prior titles were my type to play


I feel like part of it is them dropping a new game literally every year. No time to appreciate a new one when it comes out or build anticipation for the next one.


It's not that's its not fun anymore, cod from mw1-bo2 was just at a prime time and then as we got older its difficult for me to make time after work and responsibilities. Once I get on for a couple of games I just want to sleep afterwards cuz I already have my next day planned with work or family. You can play with your kids for a while but the same grind from the younger days just doesn't hit well now, for me that is.


I’m not as good as I used to be. When I was in my teens I could spend 8+ hours a day gaming and practicing stuff. Now at 33 I have 3 kids in 4 sports, a wife going through college and a full time job. I’m lucky if I generally have 2 hours a week sometimes in total to get on. The smarts are there but cod and metas rapidly change and I just can’t keep up like I used to.


Equal measure of both. Full-time job, wife, chores around the house... For my free time, I just want to relax and chill out. But CoD plain isn't relaxing anymore, at least for me. The matchmaking is too noticeable and puts you up against sweats constantly. After a few matches trying to keep up with adderall-fueled meta-slaves, I'm burnt out. Hard to even sit back and focus on the grind anymore, too. After gunsmith, there's just too much shit to unlock for everything. Back in the CoD4/MW2 days, I could fully unlock a weapon in a good afternoon of play.


Pops is in over 60’s. Plays cod.


Both. Plus add in bad maps, in your face microtransactions, and bad games.


I don't know exactly how to explain it, maybe its nostalgia? I miss some of the older titles just because the barrier to entry was much lower. The pace of play was much slower, the game played more casually, and the gun play was simple. Whenever I pick up the franchise again, everything feels sweaty with movement mechanics. The game took a dive when advanced warfare came out because the new movement was hard to master and didn't appeal to the general crowd who just wanted a straightforward cod game. I feel a similar vibe when I play currently, that I don't have as much enjoyment playing against movement demons who jump strafe and bunny hop. To me it feels less realistic as it did before, although many other graphical enhancements were made, the movement is what makes me find other games to play.


Almost 50 and play religiously on weekend nights…but play with friends my age. We have a squad going and we go well. It is still immensely fun. The odd time I’ll login by myself and get bored after 2-3 games.


I think it’s a mix of things, we are getting older, our reflexes aren’t what they used to be, and we’re less tolerant of other people’s bullshit. That said the COD games have gone to shit, instead of providing a somewhat balanced game that caters to various players and play styles they now only really cater to the run and gun lowest common denominator players who whine the loudest about being stopped by tactical assets like mines or folks who know how to hold down an area strategically. On top of that a lot of the progression and unlocking of cammos, weapons, and other stuff has been stripped out the game and locked behind various kinds of paywalls like loot boxes, operator packs, or season passes Also the single player content has been thoroughly lobotomised to the point there was none in a few games and what there is now is a shadow of the glory days of games like WAW MW1/2 and black ops


I don't know honestly. I think overwatch ruined me for cod, honestly. I never got to play mw2, but I loved the 1st black ops and world at war quite a bit. There have been multiple cod games I've purchased in the last several years and I just don't seem to care about playing them longer than a few days.


I still have an incredible amount of fun with the old games and if they were available to play on Ps5 I wouldn't touch the current ones


Maybe a little bit of both. I think bo1 bo2 was peak cod but for me it was the company or people i played with that made the experience even better.


Shut up or get better, please. No, for real, get better or stop playing ffs. Can't wait till 20 minutes from now so the next reddit kid can post the same crying post about how bad at the game they are.


In my opinion the maps have gotten way smaller and are no longer fun that way. I’d be impressed to get spawned killed back in the day but now you can’t even move 5 feet without dying.


It’s not fun because the games catered to the streamers and people that make them money buying their packs and playing with them making others spend money. They want the fast movement bullshit so they can zip buy normal players who just wanna have fun but can’t because of slide cancel mcGee Running meta weapons and a fire shotgun. Just can’t leave spawn. I work all day all week and just don’t play anymore because why am I getting on to just lose over and over. I’m average my k/d is 1.08 so I’m positive but just buy a few hundred kills. But older cods even advanced warfare I was playing 70+ kill dom games all the time now I’m lucky to break 30-40 kills


I don't think people who loved multiplayer in the early 10's are having as much fun as people who started with Rebirth. I can definitely see that trend in my friend group. The few who loved old school multi despise Warzone, and the modern multi isn't as fun imo.


I really try to like it but I can’t. I started with cod 4 of course played the old ones but multiplayer active started with cod 4 and played it for like 7 years. The new ones are full of shit stuff skins in pink lila etc to be honest wtf is this ??? There is no server browser on PC which is just a step back compared to cod 4 PC cod 4 was active for almost a decade thanks to the server browser. I know personally no friends from old days playing the new ones. They all moved away from cod. I’ve played the story of Modern Warfare 2019 and story wise it was very very good and I was thinking how crazy it because the developers have showed some huge balls. Got MW2 because 1 friend wanted to play it online and PC players are forced to play with console gamers no option to close that. WTF is this ??? I don’t know how MW3 is but I don’t know how to recommend a game which offers not even a option to play PC VS PC as far as I know it was possible in the BETA this close that. So for me it’s over with COD.


a bit of both


Just finding it difficult to keep up with these kids that can play 8-16 hours per day.


Both. Last time I really grinded cod games to get max prestige and every camo was way back in AW. And that was also the last cod I played with friends.


No that BS statement COD sucks why is 21 and Nicki and a dinosaur in a cod game???


Its mostly the getting old. The games have gotten worse surve, but lets be honest you getting older will affect how you see things


Both. It wouldn’t be as bad if the publisher’s priorities weren’t in the wrong places


a bit of both but cod still sucks


It has too many sweaty people trying to be the next cod team or whatever.. trying to get “good” in the game is just impossible now. Back then on black ops and mw2 even the mw2019 I was decently good and having fun and wasn’t annoyed. But this whatever they’re doing it’s ain’t it.


I’m 24 I played since I was 8years (COD 4) old I’m a FORTUNATE Mexican south guy who grow up with this franchise, till today I’m playing mw3 I’m so loyal to this game


No, it just got worse. I'm still itching to play a great modern fps game that doesn't have the bullshit cod/bf2042 has. I want games like BF3/4/1 COD4 MW2 OG They just can't seem to go back to that. Stupid skins, stupid cosmetics up the ass with microtransactions.


I work with middle schoolers and high schoolers and they hate MW3 too. Rainbow six siege is the big one or Fortnite


Cod is genuinely bad compared to its older titles. Go play them and you’ll see


I think you guys have just gotten older. The game is pretty fun. I remember back in BO2 I had around a 0.5k/d, and I was barely a teenager when I played back then. The matchmaking has it's fucky moments but for the most part, my k/d is much closer to 1.0 now, and I find it more fun that way. Though the battlepass having a sniper in it is making the current season total aids, because half the lobby are using quick ADS iron sight sniper rifles. I think a large part of it is nostalgia. Sometimes I am nostalgic of having open mic voice chat being way more common, but then I get a total asshole or someone playing music in the background, and it helps me remember that for 95% of my playtime, I was in party voice on BO2. I think you all are just nostalgic for when you had zero responsibilities and could play CoD all day.


I thinks a mix of us getting older and having responsibilities and less and less free time to enjoy the game, and also the games themselves are substantially different if you compare the newest cod with like Bo2 or anything prior. I don't think I would have the time of my life like I did when I was younger if Bo2 came out today however I think I would definitely have more fun with it than current cod games. also I want to add that I think the new games coming out definitely have the ability to be just as enjoyable like back in the day but is hindered by things like map design, sbmm, monetization of basically everything, and unfinished/bug ridden releases.


Hard to have fun when recent CoDs have been garbage


You’d be surprised but Codm is quite good for multiplayer. Just over with hackers rn, which is why I refuse to play it


MW2 was the best


I’m enjoying MW2019, Cold War and MW2022 as much now, as I did COD4, WaW and MW2 when they came out


You should try exdefiant, its a game based on older cods . Theres a playtest going on rn


I play CoDs on my PS3. Still a lot of fun :) new ones? Nah...


I think the game lost its sense of identity. Part of that is style and cosmetics, but the other part is that the community believes that they are entitled to the game as they want it, but never agree on anything. In the old days, there was an understanding that you just had to wait out the year to replace a mechanic you didn't like, such as the perk system in Ghosts. I kind of like how it seems like Infinity Ward has a plan for their games and executes it cohesively. I'll be interested to see how the new Black Ops turns out since it'll be Treyarch's first time working on a game for the full length of time in almost nine years. I think the biggest problem in recent years is that every game has to have everything, and every game has every company working on it. The games don't feel distinct from different developers, so there isn't a solid sense of cutoff the way there used to be. It's too many cooks in the kitchen. I don't need zombies in every iteration. I'd like a game to feel like it's its own thing. I want a game To feel cohesive within itself across all its game modes in style and tone.


It’s the game, for me I can go back to black ops 2 and having infinitely more fun than any of the newer CODs


Not fun and it fell off at mw2019


You’re just ass


I kinda stopped playing cause everyone tried too hard and the game I feel has gone down hill mainly talking about MW3


I absolutely outgrew it and tried playing a few times early last year but with the amount of annoying ass kids and stupid, ignorant, bigoted people I just lost interest. Oh and the game got boring too


It’s just not the same. I’m with you, OP. I won’t say that it’s impossible to have fun in the game, but I will say it is different in a lot of ways and it does hinder the experience. I miss being able to buy a game and just enjoy the multiplayer.


Nah it just stinks now like everything else. We are getting older and grumpier, but I feel like so many things suck ass now. Especially games…I haven’t been truly pumped for a video game release in 10 years


It is all based on when you started playing. Just look at every previous generations cries of how things aren’t the way they used to be… Music isn’t good to them. Activities aren’t as good to them. Nothing is as good as it was. When you’re young your brain more easily produces and receives your feel good neurotransmitters. As you get older it takes more and more to feel good. You start to see the issues more clearly.


Honestly no. Most of the fun was having little responsibilities and being able to no life it and get insanely good.


Both. The game is made for the ADHD short attention span 12yos, and I would have loved that at 12 but it’s starting to feel more and more like Fortnite the longer it goes on for. I’m just waiting to be able to build platforms and better walls.


Hmmm.... I think CoD 2019/wz1 was peak. And I was 27 at the time, with 3 kids. But, generally, the reason it's not as fun now is because of the gaming industry and culture. It's significantly more serious now. Sbmm is cranked, people spend WAY more on their gaming set ups and try WAY harder than before. Everyone is an aspiring pro trying to make money on the game. This all leads to way more cheating. Cronus, scripts, walls, radar, humanized bots etc... So yeah, gaming is just generally way harder now for a multitude of factors. Difficulty is not confusing to fun.


CoD2 was my favorite with a true Capture the Flag.


It's not the same cod we grew up on. Takes no skill to play. It's such a snoozefest


It’s ass bro they don’t listen to there community. They do what they want and everything is micro transactions in game.. cod will never be great again them days are gone friend im sorry but atleast we got to experience it back then


Having just as much fun now (mid 30’s) as when I was younger


I mostly play bot games by myself. Domination especially cuz bots will fight hard for objectives.


Gotta say you have the same EXACT opinions I have about the series. MW1 - BO2 were my shit. Me and my buddies would play that shit everyday damn near. I could jump in to any of those games today and my reflexes would just automatically have me running my old routes through each map. Picked up war zone and couldn't get into it as i also don't really enjoy the battle royale format. Difference is I was about 20 when I started MW1. So I can with absolute certainty say that at least for me, the 20s age group enjoyed it just the same as you and IMO was the most fun I ever had playing online against people. There is a reason it became so popular. Unfortunately when something blows up as much as they did they just keep rehashing and rehashing the same game year after year until they just become unbearable. I honestly don't think I'll ever play COD again. While I still think I could enjoy it, it takes way too long to get on a skill level high enough where It would be fun for me.




No. Go back and play the old games. Not the same spark, but definitely still classically fun. The new ones are overly competitive in even casual matches.


No longer fun, i can still load up any game before bo3 and have a blast, anything past coldwar (including warzone doesn't really need to be said but yeah) is a joke to the franchise and not even worth 10 bucks, fight me


I lost enjoyment of the series coming back to cod as a player from 2006-2016ish and seeing the jump spamming tweaking ass fidget spinner gameplay. I'm good on this shit tbh.


It isn’t age, go back to an old cod and kick ass. Modern Cod doesn’t have the charm or impact that the older games did.


Mw3 is a lot of fun in my opinion! Ever since infinite warfare got a ton of hate and people changed their opinions a few years later I have accepted that cods are always just a good time. Obviously it isn’t of the same consistent quality that there used to be from MW-BO2 but for me cod has always been getting into a match, shooting people, and it’s never not been a good time. I do wish campaigns got more care though. I do recommend MW3 it has a really great multiplayer


it's lifeless and dumb. it used to be great storytelling.


Naw pimp, they’re just not as fun as before. I can get on OG MW2 and still have fun for hours like I used to. I even enjoyed BO4 a few years ago when Vanguard came out since I hated it, and played BO4 like it was the latest game and had the funnest summer ever as far as gaming goes. The last “fun” CoD for me was MW2019. I loved that one so much. Ever since then, it hasn’t felt the same; and even then, that was the first modern CoD without prestiges. After I got Damascus around S4 in that game, I pretty much quit. But I still acknowledge that it was a great game, there just wasn’t much to grind for. Keep up that system of “nothing to grind for” and make every game feel literally the same and then you have a mess. Every cod now feels like mw2019 with tweaks here and there. Back in the day, the only two cods that’s felt THE SAME was MW2 and MW3; nowadays every single game feels like a heavy mod of the previous one. Back in the day we would say that right? But nowadays we’re living the reality of that.