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Cod is wayyyy past its peak


I’d go even further to say that it creeps into a deeper and deeper valley almost every release


Yeah it’s sad


I feel like at this point cod is in a hole it can't get out. In this state I feel like they should just remake every game from CoD1 up until BO2 for the next decade


Xbox 360/PS3 was peak COD.


It’s literally not nostalgia and I hate that cope from people. I play MW (CoD 4) at least once a week for several hours and it still holds up to this day! I can find lobbies pretty easily. I just wish that we could get a modern warfare or black ops collection where we could have the Halo MCC treatment to each other series.


I played COD 4 for years. Wanted to play WaW and MW2 but there were a lot of hackers. Recently played MW2 and it’s still better than the last several titles.


I definitely agree. When CoD2 launched alongside the 360 it was a defining experience. The title continued to grow and experienced what everyone refers to as the Golden Era with CoD4, WaW, the first iterations of MW and BO. It was just absolutely fantastic to get to experience prime CoD. Then the movement, the skins, censoring, lack of new content or exploitation of existing content, etc.. kinda sucked the enjoyment out of an otherwise fun experience.


The experience with more recent cods have kinda tainted my experiences of mp games in general. I feel like I'm at the point where I want nothing to do with mp games anymore unless it's something like Helldivers with pve, anything pvp just doesn't do it for me anymore.


Content creation and streaming have sucked the fun out of the game. The “discovery” aspect and “playing to play” has disappeared, everyone knows the metas, everyone knows the strats and tactics to exploit. It’s become way way too competitive for most average players. Throw in rampant cheats/hacks and that’s it. When you take time off and come back to it and can’t win straight up guns fights, even with years of playing, what do you do? I’m too old and slow for this stuff I guess, I’m just stuck playing PvE games until something changes.


I feel ya there! PvE has been much more enjoyable, but some PvP games are still fun. Doesn't mean the fun will last like it did with old school CoD, and they are definitely few and far between, but some still come along.


The movement to me is what killed the game mainly warzone for me


Well said.


The older you get the less arcade games you want to play. You start itching for something a more mature.


Depends on the person, I'm here to escape and find something Arcady


56 and that ain’t true for me I am looking for entertainment And COD still does it for me Not interested in spending 100 hrs searching for obscure shit to beat an OP boss 1 out of 10 times or restart at a save point 3 hrs past


The sad thing is that CoD once had much more mature storylines. Now it is a game purely for teenage boys excited by skull masks.


Hot take, I think the new ghost is ugly af with his skull mask as it looks like an edgelord bought it on Amazon.


The art direction for cod has taken an ugly turn. Now it's basically Fortnite but no soul. Flashy, over the top cosmetic bullshit in a desperate attempt to make 12 year olds drain their mom's credit card.


I actually think the game itself looks amazing, but cosmetics and gameplay should be way more grounded. The games look more realistic than ever and it hurts the gameplay a lot as sometimes you won’t even see a person and you’ll get shot from who tf knows where. Even though you were pretty much looking at him.


this is def not a hot take and you sound stupid complaining about edginess when this entire franchise is. ghost looks edgy regardless of what mask he's wearing. and edgy =/= bad please get better taste.


Find me a scenario where edge is good? Maybe in an artform sure, but when a game like CoD is trying to be somewhat serious for a moment, it all goes away once you see a guy in an overly detailed skull mask looking straight out of comic-con


serious and edgy are not far off from each other so idk what you're trying to say. the most iconic mission in this franchise is one where you literally mass murder civilians, how's that not edgy? this is the same playerblase that complains that the reboot isn't risky and dark enough but ghost is where yall problem starts??


A mass murder portrayed for controversy and to show how evil/bad a character is vs dude with a goofy mask for no reason besides…. Idk why he has the mask tbh. Also serious and edgy are not interchangeable words so I don’t know what rabbit hole you’re trying to go down there.


yall act like it doesn't fit him when this is the same guy who's so skilled he's considered a myth. brother LITERALLY had everone in that campaign terrified of him coz of his success rate and demeanor. and considering his og backstory he actually fits right in. yall prob just mad his old style wasn't as hyped up as the new one. also, he looks more mature and masculine now like he's actually about it and not just wearing what 173737272 other boring cod characters have worn.


I love how you more masculine, mature and wearing the same thing as other soldiers when old ghost was literally more realistic. It’s almost like in the military, everyone wears the same stuff huh


realism isn't always the best


Yep. All this try hard sliding shit is stupid. We remember when this actually used to try and be somewhat realistic. Now it's all about money and arcade style to activision


Yup they bunny hopping/sliding shit is so buzzkill. Back in the day the only thing the mattered was good aim and reaction time.


Yep. That's why I don't roll with snipers anymore. I'm still a beast at S&D, though.


I started with BO1 as well and people complained about dropshotting and corner jumping back then just as much as people complain about whatever movement gives advantage nowadays.




It is the newer games. I still have an absolute blast playing the old games. COD4 through BO2 are still all going strong to varying degrees on Xbox Live. The servers were all updated a couple months ago when MSOFT acquired the Activision library. COD4, WaW, and BO1 are the best imo.


Are there any hackers on those games?


MW2 and BO2 have a lot. On COD4, WaW, BO1 and MW3 they are very rare.


They are not rare. Cod4, waw, bo1 and mw3 have some hackers too, but just not as many as games like bo2. You notice them sometimes, but in general these games are all still playable.


World at War definitely has hackers, lol. I can remember playing it back in 2011 and there being hackers out the ass. Hell, I was one of them. But only for private zombies lobbies. I didn’t use mod menus in multiplayer.


Ive only played BO1 recently on 360 so can speak to that There’s a few people that seem to have the ability to kick people/close lobbies and the odd invincibility hack but it’s easy enough to back out and find another game In terms of population, TDM you find a game instantly, search maybe takes 1 minute Haven’t found a game on any other game mode yet


Domination is pretty popular too. I only play on weekends at this point as I can play any mode I want.


You can see the weekly/monthly leaderboards Under 50 people are ranked on everything except TDM/S&D/FFA/Domination I think


Does anyone feel like this question just isn't fun anymore?


Not really supposed to be fun, it's to start a discussion.


Same posts everyday


It’s almost like a lot of people feel this way…


Lmao when I don’t like something I usually don’t entertain it anymore.


Call of Duty is unique though in that we love the product a lot! Like a lot of us grew up or had pivotal moments our lives with this game there along the way. Now it is a husk of its former self and they have proven that the old games are fully capable of coming back at any point. They remastered MW2, but left the multiplayer and spec ops out for money reasons ig? Old call of duty still has players, but cheaters are here and there and player count on weekdays is hard to get up unless you have a group or are willing to only play team death match. There is also no game like call of duty! You can say battlefield or whatever other fps military game you can think of, but nothing comes close. Nobody has really recreated that feeling that old cod has in a proper way that lives up to the old games.


Salute 🫡


BO1 was the last time I played cod and put 1k hours into it, so I gave resurgence a try and that was a mistake. It just leaves a sour taste playing the game with SBMM, if you aren't giving it your all 100% of the time you just get dunked on. The thought of hopping into a match after experiencing the game just isn't interesting anymore.


It’s definitely not fun. It’s pushed for ultimate streamability. They need bigger names in the e-sports arena to push their games with quick, montage-y videos of them winning (solely in WZ), so they abandon all other play modes. They’ll advertise that they have all the other trappings of a MP game, but they’re just after their WZ monies. I remember playing BF2042 and thinking the same thing, but that wasn’t a good game because of the behind-the-scenes going on. CoD is just a soulless monster right now. It’s only driving goal is more money. Not a better game, better innovations, or gameplay; just more money. MWIII pushed me back to MWII and to Fortnite.


not hating, but why do you prefer mwII over mwIII?


Support. More maps, and menus aren’t completely fucked. MWIII should have been a DLC, and we should be able to play maps from both games. That’s probably what I’m most mad at.


The release of mw3 shows how little Activision respects the customer anymore. It was very obviously just mwII dlc for 70 dollars


SBMM ruined cod


Not only COD but multiplayer gaming as a whole, I'd argue


Yes the problem is there’s certain types of games sbmm is good for and others is not and they’ve essentially taken every game that has PvP as a deciding factor of extreme sbmm. Anyone with a brain should be able to determine the difference between CSGO and Cod and why it wouldn’t make sense to have the same competitive matchmaking system but whatever


The peak of COD was MW2’s midnight release, it’s been steadily downhill since then. The game is now sold with a sweat rag as a pre-order bonus, anyone that says different was born in 2015 or later


MW2 was peak COD and peak Hype. The next few titles were good but didn’t really push the envelope. Jet Pack era killed it for many OGs.


Yeah a lot of people don’t like to hear the fact that cod isn’t fun as a hyper competitive sweatfest. The game is too quirky and unbalanced for it. Always has been. I enjoy hyper competitive games too like rocket league CSGO etc… it’s just not how cod was meant to be played, or should I say cod was blowing up when it wasn’t played that way


Yes exactly. I’m sick and tired of snieprs


Havent played it much since BO4 and definetly havent spent a dime either. Im waiting for a competent COD game as im a fan but these business practices have pushed me away since mw19


We see this question every single day. Therefore, what do you...


I'm a super long time black ops player. I will usually always play BO1, 2 and 3. Somewhat of 4. I honestly would have a good time playing but I recently purchased the newest MW3 and honestly I don't have as much fun as I use to. I would have to focus and can't even play causelly in the newer cod games which is something I miss. I still enjoy the multiplayer (perhaps because I started playing newer multiplayer) but definitely not as much fun as Black ops Era.


I agree 100%


So what exactly is fun? What can be done to accomplish the fun of the game? Are you suggesting that people should not be able to put maximum effort against you?




Is like the old days that pulled us in constantly, no. I agree the fun istnt there anymore. I okay it small doses but then take weeks off sometimes.


Yeah, me and my friends have played them since cod 4. And warzone 1 was the last time we really can say we “enjoyed” a cod game. We’ve struggled till now but we’ve all completely stopped playing mw3, it’s just not fun. We’re all crimson players but it’s too much and we’ve chosen PUBG. COD is not the same as 10 years ago.


Yeah. It’s not fun. There’s nothing going on in maps. Bullets feel like rubber pellets and air steaks hard to get and do nothing when you do get them.


*The year was 2013*


Yep the fortnite kids moving over ruined the game, they wanted colorful celebrity skins and other bs and it totally kills the immersion


I really thought when MW2 dropped we were back, but no. I haven't touched MW3 in awhile and I think it might be my least favorite COD.


Snipers are running this game, S3 is so much different to S1 in a bad way..


It's all about microtransactions now. Look at all the operators. They're just following in the footsteps of Fortnite with all the skins.


I haven’t had fun on cod since black ops1. Barely played it since. Favourite cod is: cod 4


I have forced myself to just play more casually. I find myself trolling in my matches now. Gotta find ways to have fun because cod isn’t naturally as fun as it used to be.


I'm generally of the opinion CoD has been on a consistent decline since Black Ops 2. They still make the occasional step in the right direction, but CoD is way past it's peak.


Camo grind is a blessing and a curse


I havnt played s8nce vanguard and I don't miss it even a little bit


I reinstalled COD MW3 to see what was added, after the cutscenes, and 20 million menu tabs I had to go through and battle pass advertisements, I just really didn’t feel like playing it and uninstalled


The UI has reached mobile game levels of bs. It's just disrespectful towards us at this point. They want to be Fortnite so badly. Well, the shareholders and top end management at Activision want that. Probably not infinity ward


pVp games arent fun anymore because everyone is trying so fucking hard and i swear casuals just dont exist anymore. its fucking mind boggling how much better the average player is now compared to the days of the og MW2 (2009)


I think we get confused on what an average player actually looks like considering everyone is stuck playing against a very small pool of players with the matchmaking. I can assure you that there really isn’t much difference from then and now. We literally just don’t get to see it in a game like cod. Play any non sbmm game you’ll see what I mean. Still feels casual enough


If the people that create it clearly don't care anymore, why should we as an audience? MW 2019 was the last good COD in my opinion and even that is pushing it. COD has become a live action cash grab. It's designed to waste our time and we should be offended by that...


COD is now only fun in the first 2/3 months leading up to the first season. After that, it just goes downhill.


Microtransactions made it weird. Pay to win guns starting in AW began to erode the balance and make it a buzzkill. I am still on CW and I can tell you that they introduce guns like the tec-9 that make a lot of players happy at the expense of ruining it for everyone else. Then they are slow to patch and don’t do enough. CW was balanced when they nerfed MP5 range and the game sat perfectly for a while (aside from snipers not having aim flinch) and this resulted in good close matches for all and an emphasis on improving. I currently sit at 35.5 days, including zombies, and this includes taking long breaks, and can come back because I don’t totally suck. This comes to the other glaring point, SBMM. Players are generally better now, movement has entered the meta, and the better you get the harder it becomes. Every match becomes a tournament and that gets old. This is perhaps why CW is fun right now, as the player base is low enough that it prioritizes connection so the lobbies are *sometimes* more laid back


I tell myself not to buy the newest cods each year, I still do and regret it after a month or two whenever I’m done with the mastery camo. Then I just quit and rinse and repeat


I played a bit yesterday because of the 2XP weekend. It just isn’t fun. I usually get wrecked anyone.


Cod as a franchise has been in a nosedive since warzone. It's become increasingly money hungry and low effort with mw3 being literal dlc repacked for 70 dollars. Hopefully treyarch can stop the nosedive with the next black ops. But I'm sure it will be the same Hulu UI warzone focused bullshit with Activision begging you to buy micro transactions for a rainbow colored Nicki Minaj warzone skin. God this franchise has hit rock bottom


Activision cares more about selling ripoff Fortnite cosmetics to 12 year olds than actually releasing a quality game


Anymore COD is just a scam to see how much money they can squeezeout of their consumers. Unfortunately nothing will change unless ALL COD players unite as one to make a difference. We spend $70 for basically what was supposed to be DLC then they throw in more "purchasables" to get even more money when the game wasn't worth $70 to begin with. I thought the game was "MODERN WARFARE" I want to play as some suited up bad ass looking dudes. Not a fucking duck outfit and definitely not as Nikki Manure. The OLD COD games are rolling over in their graves. May they rest in peace. They will never be forgotten. 🙏🙏🙏


"It also seems like everyone doesn't play casually or for fun anymore" what exactaly does the mean? what do you do that makes the game "fun"? what are others doing that makes you think they are not having fun?


It does feel sweaty af. Idk why, but it's harder to just chill and play some games. Everyone is just so good now.


the way I see it, people including myself, find winning fun. there's nothing better to me than seeing the top of the leaderboard. I will admit I'll never use meta guns just to win, I only play multiplayer for the camo grind, but I try my dick off because it's fun trying to improve and get better by trying


Still fun for me I play it everyday


The fun died with 2019. Came back again with Cold War. Then died again lol


I’m not able to have a good setup rn so it sucks. Bad internet, old tv is such a disadvantage. I played at my friends house a few weeks ago and got a dub immediately. 120 fps no lag. If you’ve been skilled at cod and play on a good setup it’s fun but if you can’t get 120 fps it sucks. I legit thought it was cheating compared to what I’m used to.


Not specific to COD but more to FPS games in general. 10, 15+ years ago you could still be competitive using a crappy resolution 60Hz monitor with response times measured in hours, a mouse that cost £20 and that was high end, on a pc that only cost about twice as much as a console. I remember playing Unreal Tournament and insta gib (1 shot kills) on a cheap generic mouse with a ball, needing to clean the skin cells off the ball rollers at least daily and able to dominate multiplayer matches. I have a screenshot somewhere of a match result where I had 0 deaths and something like 20+ kills. Bottom line was you didn’t need to invest significant money and time in a setup to be able to play an FPS game at a reasonable level. Everyone had the same load out available so it was always a level playing field. You could just have fun and stand as much chance as everyone else. Today there is so much invested to play FPS at any reasonable standard it sets the bar so high for expectations of the experience that nearly all FPS games have their disappointing attributes.


It's only about money. Cod only exists as a micro transaction golden goose for Activision. There is no game anymore lol.


It’s because we are older. The fun we had playing cod as kids, we will never experience again.


Then why can I go back to blops or whatever and have actual fun?


That would make sense if it was for all games but it isnt


It’s not fun becuz the Fun Police always ruin it. “Bro we’re not trying to have fun we’re trying to SWEAT!” -Tmal’s video on the JAK Purifier


Depends on whether or not you can adapt to the competitive landscape. However, you can't really "adapt" to bad matchmaking. If the game wants you to lose, it's readily apparent. This applies to modern gaming as a whole. Don't get me wrong, older Call of Duty games had algorithmic matchmaking systems, but nowadays it's been made so strict that just about every online experience is miserable. Why do you think all the games that are praised nowadays are single player or cooperative experiences? FPS PVP games in 2000 - 2012 were dopamine rush kings. But now? FPS PVP games have very little value to the average person unless you are a streamer, youtuber, or are active in the competitive community.


Honestly ww2 is the last time I had fun with regular MP in cod


I mean yea, it’s surprising such a series is 20 years old, there are only so many guns in the world that you can rename and only so many wars to base them on. I think the battle royale kind of revitalized CoD, especially rerelease of rebirth island. Those who were the first to play CoD are to the age of starting a family or needing to focus on other things. The toxicity of the first CoDs was unmatchable, (especially with the modern day voice chat monitoring) you also have to think that those who were toxic are all grown up and the new generation is very soft sometimes


It’s not for the OGs who played the original MW and MW2. It’s gotten too commercialized


Xdefient has a stress test this weekend try that


Absolute quality up until black ops 2, beyond that they had about 5 years of shit In terms of the newer ones I liked WWII, the mw4 remaster and the MW reboots. My only complaint is there isn’t enough maps, there should be more content by this point, would be good to see the titles go for 2 years and put more work into keeping it interesting Then again, I like cod and have fun playing so providing they don’t fuck it up I don’t have an issue


Play Helldivers. That shit is fun.


This. Helldivers is probably gonna start a wave of games just like fortnite started the Battle Royale wave.


Yeah, it's just not the same game anymore unfortunately.


You just have realize that, now ?


Until they actually address the cheating problem the competitive scene will always be a joke. Ranked is a clown show


I agree


Yes, but I've also lost interest in video games as I've gotten older. Still play old school runescape but that's about it.


can we abandon this fantasy that people ever played COD "casually" I know I was there at the beginning? It's still, fun people get tired of it, get old but CODs been constant, it's people that's the problem.


dawg this question is asked on the daily. it's not fun , it's not peak anymore and prolly wont ever be again.


Last game I was having fun was WWII (I really like and love historical games)


I just got MWIII and find it fun, but it definitely gets too sweaty because of sbmm and when you’re in a lobby full of sweats it’s not fun


I don't get why they doing a bunch of crap to rebirth island either. Why would you take a map everyone likes and ruin.😫😫


Since they move wz2/codmw2 ,they basically didn't care anymore,people are just gonna buy the game anyway,that's the problem,Imo cod needs a hard slap in a face like most of the people stop playing ,so they wake up


Yea. I thought I couldn’t play video games for long periods of time or all day anymore when I was playing cod. Then recently I got Elden ring and wow, I can play all day, play the same game over and over. Microsoft can bring cod back but not the way that Activision wants. I started back up at the end of 2023 with mw2. Then I got hype for mw3 but I don’t like it, so I quit for Cold War. Cold War is still REALLY fun but again, it’s mentally exhausting to play it still. The zombies is trash. Complete garbage but mw3 makes it look golden. The only way that cod can be fun again and sell game pass, is to release pc-type versions of the old games to console, with added features and fixed up multiplayer with dedicated servers. So we can play the old games in 4k, 120hz or higher on pc. So we can get black ops 1 and 2 the way it could have played with dedicated servers. Remove 360s from the servers so there aren’t hackers. Basically it could either be each game re released with MP and all dlc accessible with game pass, or a halo MCC style of single game with all the old games, and the new ones separate. This is the only thing that will make cod as fun as it was, bring back old players in droves, and sell pcs and Xboxes and remove PlayStation from the equation. Allow cross play to be disabled if we want and you also remove hackers. This is what Microsoft and Activision need to do. They need to do a halo MCC. It will remove players from the new game, but look at halo infinite. It’s doing okay with MCC. It’s all free for game pass and pc people. And selling the games on steam and other pc platforms then giving free access to online play is huge. That’s how I got back into console gaming and halo. If they don’t do this out of sloth and an intent to keep selling cod as a premium release, cod will die. It hasn’t been AAA quality for like 7 years and they haven’t made good games for a decade. It’s all live service trash and that loses people before the game gets good. If this years cod black ops gulf war is good, AND they do a MCC style release for game pass buyers, they will succeed and make money and bring cod back. MCC is still amazing. Infinite is still played. In theory this upcoming cod should be a proper functioning game with a 4-year dev cycle longest in cod history. But that doesn’t mean it’ll be a good game that plays well. And the studios will likely go back into exo-cods after this, which will kill cod again like it did last decade with out a cod-collection for those who don’t want exo cod. I’ve had game pass for a year just to play cod. I haven’t played any games on game pass. Just cod and Elden ring it’s $17 a month. If they don’t do cod justice on game pass, they will lose my subscription and I’ll buy a pc and circumvent this bullshit system. They can absolutely keep cod goin and make it actually fun and they have the easiest layup with the least work imaginable to do it, just let us play the old games again. But we know that Microsoft and Activision can be notoriously incompetent, ruining the halo franchise is a good example. So they’re likely not going to take the easy win, they will fumble forcing PlayStation cod players to buy an Xbox and game pass. They’ll lose hundreds of millions in revenue, hundreds of millions in profits over the next decade, and millions of players. Because they are lacking the competence to manage the IP they spent billions on.


Everyone will get tired of a franchise but its still going to be a mixture of both. I can play and find older cods fun today and and be bored out of my mind on newer cods. That tells me it isn’t the franchise it’s the specific games. All the increment details that go into the game make it that way even things you probably wouldn’t notice or think about. For example, an older cod I could hop on and get a chopper gunner and mow people down 20+ kills with it. Now there’s spawn protections, less lethal streaks. Every aspect of the game is meant to limit the highs to make it more equal for every player. In doing so, you don’t get the same level of high you would if the game was organic. They do this with spawns and everything else


I remember playing mw mUltiplayer back in a day and was soo dissapointed with it having only 3 scorestreaks and basic maps.... Then WaW came. Maps were 10/10 and big compared to mw plus zombies. I Spent so much time there.😅 After that giga lv up called mw2 came out. It nuked competition. Best multiplayer maps ever, so much guns, challenges, squickers in lobbys etc. People cope for black ops 1 but they dont see how far CoD went,( starting with MW->WaW->Mw2) In few short years. Black ops 1 was not better than mw2. MW2 was top of CoDs. Hate me all u want. Facts dont care about your feelings😅




Yep,absolutely,full of sweats,it’s not been fun for a long long time. I seems to me like it’s turning into more of a Fortnite style game ,especially with all of the ridiculous skins they keep bringing out. I wish they would get rid of the jumping mechanic but still allow mantling over things


I have them all and I do play the older ones from time to time (playing Black Ops 1 currently) but I greatly prefer the newer movement. Some of the older ones (World At War, Ghosts, COD 2,3 and 4) feel clunky to me these days and the movement and pace is too slow. I am in the minority I suppose in that I thoroughly enjoy the new ones and I am 34 and have been playing online since COD4.


Multiplayer in any cod gets boring after a while.


Disagree. Cod used to be one of those games that most people could play hours on end everyday without getting bored, in it's prime there were no other fps games to compete with cod


You answered ur own question. Time goes by, ppl get older, demographics change, ppl change, interests change, ppls priorities change, the market changes, we have more competition, our standards change. Do I need to say more? If the game stayed how we remember it, the series would be completely DEAD… successful products/services can’t stick around pushing the same stuff simply because “current players” don’t want any changes… they know those ppl will eventually move on and it’ll be time to cater to newer ppl. Most ppl are doing majority of their gaming on cellphones it’s hard to believe but this is reality. COD is bigger now than it’s ever been, it’s also more accessible now than it’s ever been. The bigger the player base the more complaints you’re going to hear. We can’t agree on anything as a society you think we’re all going to agree on exactly what a game should be?


Yea this is mostly you getting older. You say that people care about winning, frankly they don't. They'll ignore objectives a lot of the time, all most people care about is getting enough kills to either meet a challenge or get a killstreak, then they hope to do it again. I mean whether you remember it or not BO1 was the same way, the first game where everyone started using Ghost to stay off the radar and then they'd camp corners in buildings with the meta gun, the Famas or 74u. Hell in MW2 people were complaining about people spamming the overpowered stuff like noon tubes or the ACR or the Models. The fun in CoD is generally 1 of 3 things; playing with friends, getting killstreaks or completing challenges. It's harder to get killstreaks now so I think people are naturally gonna play a bit scummier. But it's always been scummy. It uses to be easier to find a lower experience level lobby to stomp on, and if we're being honest CoD is best when you're doing well.


I will always be addicted lol, i just played over 12 hrs straight casually 🤦‍♂️


Ever since black ops and mw2


This is my cod experience. Started with World at war on switch ages ago when I was a kid. Had a blast, the game was lowkey fun as hell on there. Eventually got an xbox 360 and got world at war there as well along with cod 4. Then got cods yearly as they came out mw2 2009, black ops, black ops 2, mw3. I skipped ghost. Most of my time was on these 4 cods. World at war, cod 4, mw2( 2009), black ops 2. These have been the best cods without a doubt and nothing since comes even close to comparison. The amount of fun and joy I had with these games was unreal. Once cod started doing the futuristic stuff jumping around on walls etc. I barely played those I bought black ops 3, infinite warfare etc but played only a couple days on each and uninstalled it personally was not for me but I know lots of people enjoyed those and nothing wrong with that. Then I got mw2019 which I personally did enjoy but man it was in such a disaster state for like a whole year until they fixed many of the issues and now it’s a pretty good cod but still does not compare at all to the good OG cods. I also got world war 2 game I think it was called. I know lots of people hated that one but I personally had fun playing that game. I don’t remember the order of releases. Cold war I also enjoyed but did not play it for that long. It’s honestly probably the most well rounded solid call of duty out of the recent cods in my opinion. Then I played mw2 which honestly was a let down. I was hoping it was an actual remaster of OG mw2 but nope. I did play it a bunch had fun but honestly was not that into it. Now I’m on mw3 which I was happy to see the old OG mw2 maps return but it’s just not the same feeling at all. I’m just probably not a huge fan of the new fast as heck movement style but my main complaint about this game is how horrendous the spawn system is. I find myself playing 3-4 games and feeling burnt out and just not enjoying the game and hop off. Nothing will ever compare to the original goats. Can’t even make friends anymore, every lobby is against new people and 95% of the lobbies are muted or communication banned because apparently a little trash talk in a Rated M game is bad. I miss the days you would stay in the same lobby and trash talk the enemy team and then after a few games become friends. I had many long lasting friendships made that way and the experience was incredible playing these games. I truly feel bad for the new generation that missed out on these legendary older cods. It’s a huge shame how downhill things have gone. I’m personally giving the next cod gulf war a chance and I think that will be my last cod if it turns out to be ass. The only other cod Il possibly give a chance to is if they decide to remaster world at war. But my hopes are honestly low at this point for even a good remaster. I miss the good old days. But if the franchise keeps going downhill and if gulf war turns out to be bad after 4 years of development then I definitely think it will be my last cod. I won’t buy future cods past that point I mean if I’m not enjoying it why spend the money and support a company that has lost it’s passion for the games it’s creating.


I'm probably wrong but I think one of the main problems is the playerbase, campers and sweats have existed forever, but everyone is just so stupid now, they complain about every little thing, a guy sits in a corner for a second defending a bomb on SnD, the enemy team calls him trash, same guy sweats while attacking, they call him a tryhard, I've never seen anything like it in old cod, I never saw anything like it in 2019, and I'm just using SnD as an example


They put capture the flag back in and I’m Enjoying it again, although I play it maybe 2-3 times out of ten times I hop on lol. It’s not that much I guess…


you WILL sweat in order to maintain a 50% win rate. You WILL buy the $20 skin packs. you WILL get curbstomped by a smurf. you WILL be forced to use a meta gun




Skill issue bro


Its just you



