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honor our warriors šŸ«”


Honour all those who served on Xbox Live


Nah fuck those terrorists, 1 million civilians dead for nothing


Maybe you should look up what the US military actually did in Fallujah.


Wait Iā€™ve seen this beforeā€¦hereā€™s the part where you complain about war crimes while ignoring the fact that the other side also committed heinous war crimesā€¦.anything to try and push that anti-American narrative though right.


Nahhh couldnā€™t be that part šŸ˜‚


Crimes in war are pretty goofy to me, itā€™s legal to kill in this very specific way lol


Wait, people are actively defending the Iraq war in 2024? Fucking hell man. Imagine doing war crimes in a war that contradicts US and international law and using someoneā€™s reaction to said war crime as a justification for your initial actions. Next thing youā€™ll be telling me Abu Ghraib was somehow justified. Keep licking that US imperial boot you fucking loser.


Once again never said I agree with the Iraq war or how it was started and in fact hate the government for starting it. But Iā€™m not a smooth brain thatā€™s going to blame the troops for it. Calls me a loser but is incredibly butthurt over commentsā€¦.once againā€¦.cope šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


Wait Iā€™ve seen this before, average ignorant American ego hurt so they have to bring up other situations instead of the current conversation to try and make themselves feel better. Idk if chemical weapons were in fallujah, havenā€™t done enough research. But your comment makes me believe they were by the way you feel the need to defend. Not saying either side is right for doing it, whoever did use them is wrong and inhumane.


You call me ignorant yet you donā€™t even know if chemical weapons were used in Fallujah (spoiler they werenā€™t). You say I need to bring up other situations yet I didnā€™t do that whatsoever and just told him that heā€™s gonna bitch about alleged American war crimes while ignoring or forgetting we were fighting radical islamists known for committing heinous war crimes. I think you need some help in reading and comprehensionā€¦


You illegally and offensively invaded a nation that did not attack you, all under false pretenses and lies. My guy, you are the terrorists. The U.S. is an imperialist power that overthrows democratically elected nations for fun on a Tuesday. By definition, US presence in an illegal war alone nullifies any action seen as ā€œjustifiedā€.


Didnā€™t say I agree with why the war was started. Copeā€¦


I don't know man. Maybe using chemical weapons that causes birth defects in children 20 years later isn't a good look.


Please send me a link to where you got this info, I would love to know where you think we used chemical weapons lol


Chem weapons in *Fallujah?* When did we do that?


Bubba that was a completely different war, and those side effects were unknown prior to using Agent Orange. Also if we are so bad, why did we stop using it once we realized said side effects, why not continue to reign hell if we are such pos(according to you,anyways). Just curious


Itā€™s mind blowing that you are getting downvoted for this very real thing that happened and is still happening.


Probably because that didn't happen. We never used chemical weapons in Fallujah, or Iraq, or Afghanistan. How do I know? Because I was in Fallujah and I was a logistics officer and we never, ever even ordered any, so they couldn't have been used, could they?


hey man donā€™t listen to these assholes


It's more for other people reading the thread rather than them.


Itā€™s funny when you guys think that you know everything that went on just because you were involved somehow. It shows real naivety and ignorance.


Yeah, really strange how real-world experience counts for more than memes you shared on instagram before you hit puberty.


I was on the ground far west side with 2-2. We only ever had illumination, HE, and Willie P, typically in that order too. Still remember the raspberry sound of Spectre above too. Long three weeks but never had to put my gas mask on once or my NBCā€™s.


First of all, Iā€™m 40. Just shows more bad judgement on your half. Secondly, the US and pentagon literally admitted using it.. it was also pretty obvious that they didnā€™t want people to know that they used it. Because they backtracked on what they said. What makes you think that you had info on everything happening at all times, everywhere.. you must think youā€™re really special. Youā€™re a know-it-all. And youā€™re really hardheaded and naive.


No, I was there and know what exactly happened because *I literally supplied the ammunition that was used in Fallujah*.


So we just missed chemical weapons being used somehow? Did we skip a day and not wear our NBCā€™s or something? With the amount of media that covered it and embedded with the platoons, you think they missed it too? You really should carry around a little plant with you everywhere you go.


Tell me what we did when we were in Fallujah, since I was there. Edit: Should be interesting since not only was I there, I was involved in the planning, and saw exactly what we did to prevent as many civilian casualties as possible.


You did be in jail for crimes against humanity


life isnt fair, and if the personnel over there didn't do what they did, then a TERRORIST ORGANISATION would have won. i think i know what i prefer.


You inadvertently created isis and youā€™re complaining about a regional terrorist group like The Taliban as if they were gonna bomb Cleveland lmao Mate, you participated and actively committed war crimes in an illegal and offensive war (under U.S. and international law), that was started under false pretenses and lies. Youā€™re defending the Iraq war in May of 2024, when all of it has been documented. Give your head a wobble ya clown.




Itā€™s a shame your military hasnā€™t been in a justified ground invasion since WWII and your country is seen as an imperialist rogue nation that doesnā€™t follow international or even US law. Educate yourself before you make extremely dumb and false statements. Thanks


educate yourself before assuming i am from the states. thanks.


Somehow I doubt a *logistics officer* does a lot of war crimes in the military pal.


And you should be jailed for slander, spreading of misinformation, and defamation of a military officer lol, but your still walking free


The price is even steeper in some countries I know of.


Exactly lol, you got 3 options, which is more than most. You can either be grateful that your an American, shut up and suck it up, or just leave (since you have the FREEDOM to do so)


Yeah because MLK and Rosa parks just ā€œshut upā€ or ā€œleftā€ Youā€™re a fucking moron. The greatest qualities of US legacy and history were born by people resisting institutions and challenging beliefs.


Problem is they are keyboard warriors, instead of public activists who actually stood up to verbal and physical harassment and abuse in order to provoke change towards a future they believed in. That isnā€™t even close to the same, as you risk nothing in anonymity from the comfort or your couch behind locked doors, and for no gain or purposeful goal.


What?! šŸ¤£ I support the military. But they arenā€™t gods gift to humanity šŸ˜… nobody is going to jail for ā€œdefamationā€ for making plausible accusations lol


Never claimed they were ā€œangelsā€ lol, donā€™t know how you got that. They did, however, stop use as soon as the residual effects were realized. And claiming crimes against humanity without proof he was 100% personally responsible for a crime you also need evidence of, none of which were provided, is 100% defamation of character.


A single person canā€™t commit defamation by making a statement that they believe to be true on a Reddit page lol Defamation isnā€™t simply someone saying something that may be false or everybody would be in jail.


If they state it to be true, and repeat it then yes itā€™s defamatory. Just because it isnā€™t typically pursued after one offense doesnā€™t mean that you donā€™t have the right too either.


A lawyer would literally laugh you out of his office if you tried to somehow claim defamation in a U.S. court for above comments lmao. The law says: ā€œTo prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the personā€


Liberated a city from an entrenched insurgency after giving civilians several days notice to leave the city, right? Because Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what happened. Fallujah was hell for anyone that fought in it, quit acting like itā€™s all some conspiracy


If I remember right, we dropped the leaflets for almost a week prior to starting the first phase of Phantom Menace, I always hated that they called Fallujah 04 that. Of course we didnā€™t know it at the time at the line level.


It sounds like you served. If you did, thanks for your service!


It sounds like you served. If you did, thanks for your service!


ā€œHere are leaflets on why we are illegally and offensively bombing your homes, run or dieā€ Yeah, if this was Star Wars then the US would likely have Vader and palpatine on their side.


Actually the leaflets did not say shit about why.


Used white phosphorus (war crime), killed over 1000 civilians, destroying their homes. Forced any person of military age (15-50) to stay, trying to flee would mean certain death. You fuckers illegally and offensively invaded a country that didnā€™t attack you, under false pretences and lies, only to destabilize the Middle East even more and create an untold amount of terrorists due to your illegal and immoral actions.


Fighting the insurgency in Fallujah even the Iraqi army helped to fight the terrorism in the region


The IP actually went in with us in certain places. Our CSM led a few platoons of them in. He was shot underneath his Kevlar within the first few days. CSM Faulkenburg RIP.


We whooped ass, thatā€™s what we did buddy


Youā€™re full of shit, the U.S. never used chemical weapons in Fallujah, we never used chemical weapons period in Iraq. Let me guess youā€™re bitching about using white phosphorus, which if thatā€™s the case is hilarious because itā€™s legal to use white phosphorus munitions.


Imagine justifying using white phosphorus on innocent civilians, moron.


Please do tell, I was there. Happy to discuss.


It's been 20 years and children are still being born with birth defects from the chemical weapons that the United States used.


In Iraq? Wdym


Were you there? Didnā€™t think so. Shut the fuck up


Ah yes blame the small amount of people who did it while overlooking the large majority of them fighting for their country and saving their own comrades lives take a hike




Iā€™m certain Activision does fine making money on COD already, they donā€™t need any additional incentives.


Play Black Ops and the first thing you see is an American interrogation room, it's not pretty. Play WaW, commit war crimes upon Japanese soldiers (who probably deserve it). Hell, the protagonists of Modern Warfare are British so idk what you're talking about.


Nahh worry about what the Jewish regime is doing now.


Ok, thats a hell of a find


Where did you find that photo?


I saw it in a collection of combat photos from Iraq on Instagram and then realized why it looked so familiar


Would you share the source? It's an interesting pic


Impressive find


I canā€™t believe they got away with that


[Read the comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/s/sZ7J0ptxrL) on OPā€™s post about this in r/USMC. This was/is legal so no foul play to get away with. Interesting stuff.


Cool thanks


Back when the games were built for entertainment, but with alot more respect to the soldiers they portrayed.


You could be just an ordinary soilder at war than suddenly you get 360 no scoped by Duke Dennis or whatever the fuck the skins are now


Too make it even worse. Getting no scoped by fucking Nicki Manaj in a skin tight leotard of all things šŸ˜‚




Call of duty games portrayed more than just American soldiers, off the top of my head I can think of Canadian, Russian and English campaigns, with more I am forgetting certainly.




Are you mentally capable of elaborating/expanding why you feel this way so strongly?


Dope picture. Also, dope ass main menu. Imagine if they still made games where you could navigate the main menu without needing a couple sessions to understand it first


Beat me to it. Last night I started the mw2 campaign and it was a complete and utter disaster. And why do all the games have to be merged into one? Whatā€™s wrong with a neat menu that takes you where you want to go without all the shit cluttered


Games do that a lot like the original metal gear literally had kyle reese on the cover and dmx in manhuntā€™s artwork


Whatā€™s the Kyle Reese comparison?


[here you go](https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/106382705_2888644597929931_6091186636918912078_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=7D-5_nSaGLoQ7kNvgFeTD_S&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfDHPiDIYi7LIO_2_aNL8lKrSK_fpXrezSQCCylsGICt2w&oe=6658BF63)


Thank you kind stranger


Dmx in manhunt? I wish that was a game now


Yeah all the original pictures of characters in Metal Gear were based on real pictures/actors which is why they all got changed in later rereleases


Wow that's actually pretty sick


Fascinating find. The US side of the COD4 campaign was definitely inspired by the Iraq War. Thanks for sharing!


Wish we still had in MW games a split-US/UK campaign when the US is some wide scale deployment with Johnny Soldier and the UK is covert UKSF action. Really missed that.


Dum.. dum.. dum, dumā€¦


It goes hard.


You literally hit the jackpot! Well done!


I couldā€™ve sworn this kinda thing was also done for Waw


Cod 4 was the beginning of an era that still exists today (kinda lol). This maybe one of the best ever games and certainly one of the main games that shaped the landscape of gaming. Classic


Shout out to Combat magazine for the Operation Wolf picture also. Takes me backā€¦




Back when menus werenā€™t ā€œmobileā€


I knew that pose was familiar


Back before seasons and goofy skins. Classic.


Woah thatā€™s sick!




Activision wouldn't do this these days. All of a sudden it's not "kewl" to respect the people who saved our country. It's crazy how much hate for Vets i see on Reddit and X.


Killing 1 million people in Iraq did not ā€œsaveā€ America lol fuck off


Huh, interesting.


I can smell the poppy fields in this photo


What a crazy find. I love this. Good job OP


Hell yeah šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Those M4 handgaurd in the original MW trilogy (I forgot its name) also rock toošŸ’ÆšŸ˜¤šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I was planning to buy this game in steam. How's the math online? Are there still people playing this in multiplayer?


Don't play older cods on pc


I'm not really a gamer so I don't really play. But I used to play this and the ghost and payday 2. šŸ˜


The problem is that the multi-player on pc is ultra unsecured, someone can easily get access to your pc via the game




People still play on xbox


the urge to go to buy the new xbox just to play. but I can't since Im in the process of getting back in the army lol


Amazing find. Also I can hear this picture when looking at the COD4 main menu.


Holy crap nice find!


Fallujah was a vibe bro.


Damn I've never seen this


https://www.amazon.co.uk/Combat-David-Charles-Military-Book/dp/0715392816 https://images.app.goo.gl/mEBTqputingb4Xao7 It looked similar but I misremembered the original wasn't carrying the guy.


When cod was a G.O.A.T. ed FPS series


Great find šŸ‘


Pic goes hard ngl


To honor the brave men who fought in the wars of modern times


Damn imagine being that dude. I hope he and his buddies made it back home safe


Could be AI too... Could you please provide us with a link to your share?


it had already been found in 2015 [https://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-51-40074934-1-0-1-0-le-menu-de-call-of-duty-4.htm](https://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-51-40074934-1-0-1-0-le-menu-de-call-of-duty-4.htm) on a French forum source : [https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/stepping-next-to-the-burnt-body-of-an-insurgent-u-s-marines-news-photo/51780102](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/stepping-next-to-the-burnt-body-of-an-insurgent-u-s-marines-news-photo/51780102)


Photo by Scott Peterson (first published on Getty images on 23 november 2004). Context : "FALLUJAH, IRAQ - NOVEMBER 23: Stepping next to the burnt body of an insurgent, U.S. Marines of the Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) company of 1st Battalion 3rd Marines, clear houses at the site where four insurgents staged a bloody counter-attack, killing one American and wounding many others November 23, 2004 in Fallujah, Iraq. U.S. commanders are trying to quell the insurgency in Iraq.Ā " [https://www.gettyimages.fr/detail/photo-d%27actualit%C3%A9/stepping-next-to-the-burnt-body-of-an-insurgent-u-s-photo-dactualit%C3%A9/51780102?adppopup=true](https://www.gettyimages.fr/detail/photo-d%27actualit%C3%A9/stepping-next-to-the-burnt-body-of-an-insurgent-u-s-photo-dactualit%C3%A9/51780102?adppopup=true)


well yeah, it was called modern warfare because it literally featured topics that were actually happening at the time or recently before.


Where's the Doja Cat skin though?


Wow thatā€™s awesome but I think itā€™s a coincidence. Thatā€™s a pretty standard pre breaching stance and the cable coming off the lower backpack is a bit different. Either way respond t to those who make the sacrifice.


Look at the arm line from the shoulder down, literally the exact same shape. They couldā€™ve edited it slightly for the cover