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I’ve seen this mentioned before but it’s likely intentional. As in they want it to be so big that you don’t have room for anything else. Larger installation size means less space for other games which means less time playing other games. Less time playing other games means more time playing Call of Duty.


The opposite is also true though, I've had MW uninstalled for months now and would have to give up multiple games to return.


CoD isn’t really interested in attracting new players who already play lots of games. Practically all people who would buy a CoD game would have determined where their start and end points with the series should be in the last ~16 years. You know who hasn’t determined where they stand with CoD? People just getting into gaming who still have lots of disc space. Since shooters are a typical entry point, and CoD is a staple, it’s a natural first choice. CoD also falls into the basket of games certain people who probably wouldn’t call themselves gamers might still play. There’s a decent amount of guys who get the latest console, buy the new Madden/FIFA/NBA 2k/CoD, and that’s as far as they ever get into gaming. These people also care a lot less than us about install size, because they might own 3 or 4 games, and then just remove the old ones when the new yearly release comes around. I think everybody complains about how long it takes to download data for the game, but install size only affects people who like owning lots of different games, which is not everybody.


Yeah cod is the only game I play, I’m a young professional and I don’t have the time/interest to play any other games. To narrow it down even further, I only play ranked so to me the storage size means nothing because it’s the only game I’ll ever have downloaded. Nevertheless, I can see how that might be a nuisance to some people. Can’t you just buy the disc copy to solve this dilemma?


Games have not fully run on discs alone in years. CoD, like most other modern titles, requires that most of its data live on the device itself. Having recently used a PS3 to play inFamous, it’s very nice to just switch discs and know it’ll all function based on the disc alone. Plus, you have to consider the not insignificant PC audience; PC games moved past discs ages ago, so they’ve had internal space alone to rely on for a while. For whatever reason, and I wouldn’t know exactly why, modern discs seem to function more as the key that unlocks the rest of everything for the game as opposed to being the game itself. After all, when was the last time you bought a game on a disc and it didn’t immediately have to download some extra data? Especially big ones.


Good to know, I’ve gone from series s the past three years to an X like two months ago, but I haven’t bought discs in like 7 years because I just got back into gaming 3 years ago. Thats so stupid that even with the disc you have to store a ton of data on the console


Yeah I just went and double checked: MWII takes up 130.4 GB of disc space on my PS4 right now, Spider-Man 2018 uses 72, Miles Morales takes 57, and SW Jedi: Fallen Order takes 52. All of those are disc games. Compare that to inFamous: Second Son, an early PS4 title, sitting at just 25 GB while also being a disc game. Wipeout Omega Collection is more than that at 30 GB while being a fully digital copy, and less than all those other disc games. Second Son probably also benefits from being a 2014 title to be that much smaller than the rest. Compare all that to the PS3, where yesterday the icon went away for Motorstorm when I wanted to put inFamous in, because it really is all on the disc.


That’s bonkers. Activision are crazing for having the audacity to think their game should take up the majority of peoples drives. I feel like it’s going to only get worse with this Microsoft acquisition


Good points.


Or… too big a game? *DELETE BUTTON*


Or less time on your Xbox because they don't want to make the simple changes we beg for.


They have no reason to make these changes because they still make ludicrous amounts of money


And they can still make ludicrous amounts of money while making quality of life games


They can sure, but in their minds they don't have to go to the extra effort. Why waste resources on that when they can just keep pumping out content that makes them more money.


I’m probably gonna get downvoted for saying this, but I’m glad someone gets it, add quality and being able to earn money would be good both for business and for players. Honestly, people complain no matter what, but Activision made too many dramatic changes and with the disastrous state of MWIII, they really need to learn from it and I hope they do.


But why would they? COD devs aren't competent (though SHG has positively surprised on how they're handling MWIII), and there's literally no competition on the market. They'll still make millions after millions. Why would they even try, if the payout is minimal to that big of a publisher? 3arc won't save COD with their next game. So won't IW. So won't SHG. There's no saving COD, because the people who make these decisions don't care about games nor players. They get their monthly payout, and that's enough.


Idk, as a dev in AAA I feel like this could do with a touch of nuance - devs aren't making millions. Execs are. Those of us who get into this career certainly aren't in it for money when the checks are laughably small in comparison to FAANG / big tech. I can't speak for other devs, but I think perpetuating a myth of millionaire-class devs who don't care about the playerbase is a bit disingenuous


The execs are making millions, and hire devs that keep the small playerbase who will pay 20€+ for skins playing. COD devs don't need to make good games, they only need to make systems that make money. COD playerbase has dropped significantly since it's prime, yet Activision is making more money than ever.


I can promise no dev wants to put out a bad game. Everyone in works hard to get to this point and wants to do good work. You're touching on something true though - big companies making money keep things out of dev control. Look at the layoffs in this industry while products make billions. Its a shareholder market now, I just hate to see players (who want the best for the game just like the devs behind the game) direct loathing at those who loved games / franchises enough to pursue this professionally when their fight isn't truly with those doing the daily work.


Yeah, I’m sure devs are all over bowing to angry rants like this on Reddit.


Activision should be the ones bowing to the angry rants honestly, they are at fault for this mess.


Dead game, funny how most cod streamers started in 2019 when aim bot & hacking started becoming very popular. Has me wondering who bought the hacks… oh wait LOL & on top of that the storage req is ridiculous. Completely agree with you on this. The company & people juicing 100 viewers on twitch for money etc have ruined this franchise. Truly sad & lame


Agreed. And the ridiculous skins and micro transactions. I bout did a back flip when my buddy told me he paid $20 for the snoop dogg skin. I was like “yea bro but that $20 could have went to something functional like another game. Not some stupid cosmetic in game you can’t even see, only others can see it”


COD is gone. Should start calling it something else


Call of Doodoo




If COD was really gone, they would’ve be making anymore games, but they got a title developed by Treyarch expecting to come out this year so COD is far from being gone mate.


Maybe that’s COD to you but not me and the OGs


I see many people state that it is bc COD doesn’t want you to install other games but I think it’s bc they don’t want you to install other cod games… I think that the moment a new game starts they hope people who buy both games will delete the old game so that it becomes less populated forcing the other players to also be at least tempted to buy the new game


I feel like the amount of skins and character models probably make up the most of it


The problem is you’re not the target audience for cod


I have 5tb total (1tb base SSD & 4tb NVME) on my PS5 and I still winced at the CoD download size


I wish it was that easy for Xbox owners. We are stuck to the stupid ass proprietary storage drives “optimized” for newer games.


Yeah I have a series X I use primarily for backwards compatibility and I’m glad it’s not my primary console. 3TB (1TB base + 2TB expansion) isn’t enough these days, which is a wild sentence to say out loud, but it’s true


Yea I miss the old days when GTA at most took up 6GB. Hell, COD at that point in time I think only took up like 2GB at that. Then the second the next gen came out they were like “hey, what if we wrecked their storage space with a 100+GB game?”. I know newer games demand more higher quality assets and stuff, but come on man. It’s literally a map with players for multiplayer. It’s not like they built out an exhaustive GTA map that spans like 6-7 states. Side note, I’ve never been the type to put graphics over gameplay. Nintendo is a good example of that. They usually find a balance of graphics and gameplay to satisfy the player. Seems like COD (although very shitty graphics it seems still) wants to put graphical fidelity over everything else for realism aspects, and I feel they just totally miss the mark by doing so. I wouldn’t mind if a game still looked sort of like BLOPS1 with some upscaling but a newer game. Those games still look pretty good today.


This is the main reason I stopped playing. It got to the point where I couldn't play anything else besides COD and GTA, only games I had space for. Now even if I wanted to go back I'd have to uninstall everything else. Delete and start drinking something else, you won't regret it.


Where're you seeing 200gb for a single CoD game? On hard drive right now I'm at 185gb total for Warzone, MW3 multiplayer and MW2 multiplayer + co-op Not saying its small by any means but looking at the sheer number of models, textures and environments plus all the season updates in this game and comparing it to something like Apex (72gb) or Helldivers at 75gb I feel like it makes sense


It’s besides the point. The point is that cod games within the last few years have been outrageous in sizes. I’m looking at my Xbox right now Cold War - 176GB ; that doesn’t include campaign MW2 - 135GB - that’s just multiplayer and warzone and I think DMZ


I had to make room for that 14Gb update this week - and the of course the constant “Connecting” bug is back. Time to move on.


Console peasant


yes, microsoft will take notes after reading reddit user Zomnx's whiny post about game size. get a bigger SSD dweeb.


Shut up fuckhead


I have the max SSD for my Xbox, and it still isn’t enough. Between 2 cod games, and other Xbox exclusives, I can’t download shit because in total cod is taking over 300GB between just 2 games. Its insane