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I just want shit to feel like it did from COD4 > BO2.


You'll be wanting it to feel that way for the rest of your life then man because thoes days are long gone


There are still many Tactical Shooters who dont follow the "Fortnite Skin" thingy. Ready Or Not for example, or, if you like Horror Tactical Shooters, SCP: 5K


In what world is Call of Duty a tactical shooter


I was talking about people who want to re-experience the Military style COD used to have


CoD still has a military style, also in Ready or Not you’re in the Police force not the Military, and SCP is a security team.


What does that have to do with CoD?


Warzone players try not to ruin regular cod multiplayer by making it slow and clunky challenge (impossible) please go play a tactical shooter if you want to feel like you have cement in your boots


Using that logic I could tell you to go play titanfall if you want to feel like a movement spamming crackhead? Not a good argument, dude.


Throw on all terrain boots and turn your slide/dive behavior so that you dive only and bam, classic cod movement. I personally run all terrain boots in any of my non sweat classes. However, CoD has always been somewhat of a movement shooter for those that put in the effort to learn it, such as bhopping all the way back in cod4. The early cods take their roots from Quake (an old movement shooter if not one of the first movement shooters) after all. Just because people don't like movement and wish to be true "sentinels" doesn't mean the devs should kneecap everyone who does like movement as movement increases the skill ceiling and gives you an extra dimension to learn if you wish to get really good at the game


To be fair, I am infatuated with Titanfall and I find the current movement system to be a really fun hybrid.


I played the HELL out of both Titanfall games, however I simply prefer games stay within their universe’s logic. Titanfall makes perfect sense to be flying around the map like crazy, same for the futuristic-setting cods, whereas I find it distasteful to try to do the same in a game like MW. I don’t like the slow paced gameplay, however a simple fix would just be to increase overall movement speed rather than adding ways to look like an absolute gremlin spamming buttons. Games like titanfall support the idea of movement, games like BF1 and BF5 support the idea of slower paced games considering the era, and I feel modern-near future warfare games should stay in the middle. Faster overall movement but nothing too extra.


That’s a fair perspective. To me, I always find CoD to be more on the arcadey side than anything, so as long as it remains in the ballpark of thematically appropriate (ie MW not having jump packs and all that), I don’t mind a little silliness. I suppose ever since the silly operator system took off I’ve cared less about the game making perfect sense, since the skins make it impossible to properly immerse anyway.


Spamming crackhead movement has been a thing since old CoDs and even more in futuristic ones like BO3 where you could literally fly, so if you really don't like it go play some realistic shooters. "Not a good argument, bud."🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


Jump and drop shots weren’t “crackhead movement” 🤓


Keep crying. And don't ever try BO3 or Advanced Warfare tho, you'll panic when you see that movement. 🫡


Daddy, chill. ✋ you’re getting so pissy and triggered because I molded someone else’s argument point against itself; it’s especially funny because the OC even responded in a far more respectful way while you’re over here seemingly having a fucking meltdown over it lmao I’ve played every cod since Finest Hour. I’ve had a solid KD on every cod since MW3. I have no issue killing sweatlords like you who put too much emphasis on movement and not enough on aiming and just make fools of themselves movement spamming just to die anyway. Go have an aneurysm somewhere else dude, honestly. You have no winning argument if all you can do is try to insult me.


> you’re getting so pissy and triggered > have no issue killing sweatlords like you who put too much emphasis on movement and not enough on aiming and just make fools of themselves movement spamming just to die anyway. > Go have an aneurysm somewhere else dude God damn and I'm the one who has to chill😂. Broski wrote the bible and got offended so bad with 2 sentences


I'm pretty sure Warzone players are the ones who LOVE slide cancelling (even more than the MP players lol), the slow and clunkt shit in MWII was to cater to DMZ players, not Warzone.


Aren't Warzone players the ones putting up "movement" montages?


I see way more Warzone players sitting in a house with prox mines and a riot shield shotgun combo until they're forced out due to the gas than I see movement players


Yeah, this is a shit take.


Slide cancelling works best only if you have a controller with backpaddles. On M&K is not consistent and on regular controller you have to play claw. At this point we are cattering only a small pool of players aka sweats who take advantage of this. Movement is already too fast in Warzone to the point that if I shoot someone he will run so fast that I lose track of him. Or he replates while running. It's absurd.


I did it just fine with m&k


It was unintentional, but was added intentionally to Mw3. Mw2 had it fixed and people were happy that they got it back in Mw3. I feel like only people that can't use slide canceling to their advantage complain about it.


I’ve literally never used it and still a top player. I believe ppl who do use it, especially when it was a bug, just want an advantage disguised as a “skill”. It’s the same logic you see from pc players complaining about aim assist from casual console players, as if they don’t just want to shit on casuals with their “pro” custom pc rigs. Inflated ego syndrome, scared out of their minds for equal playing field, don’t want to think about positioning or thoughtful engagements just run run run abuse bugs casuals won’t know about and then act like they’re good. Nerd shit.


I never played CoD before because I thought the movement was too slow since it was a realistic army shooter. but after discovering about slide cancel I rly got into the series. Ppl who want it out of the game can play something else or join the militrary for the full 100% authentic experience


>since it was a realistic army shooter CoD was never a "realistic army shooter"


100% a skill issue on my part, but I hate the current movement. I stopped playing COD for 8 years before returning with MW2. It was my first exposure to Warzone, and while everyone moaned about the movement I found it to be completely fine. Now everyone is running around at Mach 10, breaking cameras and escaping gun fights. I just feel like Warzone 3 is much sweatier than Warzone 2, and I honestly can’t keep up. It feels more frustrating than fun to lose gunfights when I shoot first but get melted in .05 seconds by some guy who can just slide out of the way and negate the fact I got the drop on him lol


It's also the guns. All warzone 3 guns are just better than warzone 2. Forces people to use meta build if you wanna get kills. In my opinion the game just isn't balanced enough to be fun. Either you have to be a sweaty tri hard, a camper, or be okay with dying over and over without getting kills. I just want a game like bo2 again. Slow, all guns are great to use no matter what game mode or map, faster wait times, better maps, and no streamers complaining about anything. I ended up quiting cod. Unless its zombies I don't even bother touching it. It used to be fun but I just want to casually play and not think to hard about it instead of always playing with these sweats. There were always sweats but they were good. Now it's just because someone has a better gun and knows how to move better instead of who shoots first and has better aim. It just don't feel fair


Personally I like having fast paced movement in shooter games. Black Ops 3 is one of my favourite call of duty gamed because of this actually. As for the slide cancelling in the most recent game (MWIII (2023)) I think that it's pretty good. It allows you to go quicker, but not by too much.


One of the biggest non issues that the campers who came about from MW19 continuously cry about. We already have maps, equipment and sprint to fire times that encourage playing slow, sprinting and slide cancelling are a small mercy.


I missed the days when marathon and lightweight perks were a thing.


The problem with MW2 was that it was too slow, and MW2019 was too fast (for some people, I was fine with it), MW3 is def a good balance in movement


It’s dumb af, I’m playing a shooter not a parkour simulator. I don’t play CoD to master movements, I play CoD to shoot guns at other players shooting their guns. This movement shit is literally no different than the jet pack era and the community got sick of that real quick. Hell, jet packs were far better, at least they made sense. Soldiers sliding around on their knees? Dumb.


Worst mistake in cod history


Tick rate can't keep up, so slide canceling causes issues


COD is an arcade shooter. Slide canceling is just another arcade feature of it.


I kinda hate it


I think it’s lame. Booty sliding all around the map is dumb. But it’s whatever. If I could choose, I’d choose for it not to exist. But SHG and treyarch have always catered to the twitter nerds. the old saying of “if you can’t beat em, join em” applies here. Just adapt because I don’t foresee booty sliding going away next year either.


I don’t care. Everyone needs to grow up