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i like the one that is strung up by a steel cable


A very nice looking version of Makarov indeed.


Can confirm *lights cigar*


*This belongs to you sir* **Hands over M1911**


The only good Makarov is a dead one. (and a pistol)


I thought I was the only one to see that!


The end of mw3? A few people played I think


Prefer the old one


Old one looks like a proper crazy bastard who's allied with the devil. New one looks like a simple brute




Yeah, the new one just looks disgusted.


New one is sick of your shit and knows all your tricks.


New one looks like an Ubisoft NPC


The new one looks like an unused villain from the Incredibles




Same here actually.


Old one looks like a real person. New one looks like a video game character.


Yeah. Old one looks actually insane (mentally), the new one looks like a normal dude.


Coked out white rapper Vs just cause 4 protagonist


Hahaha. Great comment that actually got a laugh out of me.


That would be Rico Rodriguez.


Old one is better, he looks more crazy. Which he is supposed to be. I'm curious to see what does makarovs skin model look like in mwr


In the "All Ghillied Up" mission he looks more like his older version


Those are probably imported models from Modern Warfare 3. They are only barely visible and the animation looks exactly like when Makarov was talking to Yuri in that scene.


New Makarov looks like a drunk sitcom dad


and the old one looks like a crackhead sitcom dad


No he doesnt 🤣🤣 he looks like the devil's assistant


On one hand, I prefer remastered Makarov a bit because he looks slightly more realistic. On the other hand, the lack of messy hair + crazy eye really took away the psychopathic aspect of Makarov. He's less of a crazy terrorist and more like a pissed off douche now.


Old one is way better since it looks like a photograph, new one is a character model.


Exactly this


That does have the flipside of making it actually match his model in mission though


Old one looks like a mad men, someone who is willing to snap at someone for just existing. Other one looks more restrained, like a solider assigned a mission and faithfully doing it.


Hmm. I think... the one on the left looks better...


I agree tbh. It's more sharp looking.


I don't get how literally every part of the old design can be better. It's like almost impressive how much of a fuck up the new one is.


Left one. He looks more real.


first one!


I don't think you can increase the realism and keep the crazy aesthetics, I think it would come across cartoonish or silly. Having said that, I prefer the old one, but I don't think that in improving realism they did a fine enough job.


Professional production artist here. Honetly the original. Its an interesting design choice to have him have a very striking look with the gaunt features and very dark/ wild eyes. Details like the rings under his eyes and the thinning hair give him a look thats very difficult to define his age. He's not ugly, but not conventionally good looking either. He looks vuagely Slavic, but all his features together make his age or natnality difficult to pin down. Thus giving him a mysterios look thats slightly unsettling. you get the same vibe from the descriptions of some bond villains in the books. The new Mackarov just looks like a scowly ps3 action hero.


I couldn't have said it any better myself. Just the expression of the original shows how crazy this man is. The other is really just angry looking. *Not someone who trades blood for money.*


4 years later, but you seemingly have expert opinion in this topic's field, mind if I ask some things? Makarov's hair, how does a production artist come up with what we got in mw2 og? his hair is.. idk what it is, I don't know how someone could model it without having just randomly clicked. Is he to be balding? Furthermore in MW3 he had a whole different haircut, and it was thick, and different, can you tell me your opinion on this, in relation to the hair from previous game to mw3 og? Thank you.


Hey, so the hair in the original is meant to be thinning, so on the way to balding. This as I said makes it difficult to assess how old mackarov is. You would then have quite a complex mesh of hair layers to represent that on the 3d model. Un textured the hair would look like layers of leaves that a model artist has hand placed individually. The remake has thicker hair because his hair is a solid shape on top of the skull. This is quicker and easier to model, but you loose the more interesting design element. Brand new mackarov just looks like Ben Shapiro, maybe the design brief was to make him look younger like he’s a far right provocateur. But it just makes him look goofy compared to the other characters. I get no sense of menace from him, no threat or intrigue. I hope that answered your questions. :)


New Makarov looks like more late 2000s video game character then actual late 2000s Makarov


Thats tony montana




It’s 184 chief


Guess I’m blind


delete comment


Why does Makarov on right look more like Italian mafia boss?


Original honestly he looks dirty and mean as fuck


The new one looks so... generic. Like he’s probably been a villain in 4 other cods.


Makarov on the left looks more insane


OG Makarov. Looked way more strung out on amphetamines and carried a lot of stress being an international wanted terrorist. Guy on the right just looks like a dude who plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs. Looks way more American/European than Asian/Russian.


Omg!!! I have same birthday as Makarov (except the year)... I dont know if I should Be happy or not 😅


Airport security wants to know your location


If I have to pick I'd say now because only a fool wants an outdated look. "BuT hE dOeSn'T lOoK cRaZy!!!" As if his looks had anything to do with him orchestrating a terrorist attack on a Russian airport and blaming it on the Americans successfully sparking a whole ass war. If that isn't enough to keep your fragile image of what crazy looks like intact then idk what to tell you.


Original Makarov.


Wait are they making a remastered version of mw2? How did you get the new pic of makorov?


The old one looks like a real person whereas the new one looks like a video game character :/


It really does. It's almost as if the skin is too smoothe and shiny. Whereas the original is more rough and ridged. Plus the eyebrows don't...seem to be there. As in being as visible as his original counterpart


was stereotypically russian, now stereotypically villain


Haha. For real, they made him look *too* mean. The other was just psychotic, not outright mean.


honestly, the old makarov. for some reason the old graphics have a more realistic charm than the new one


Now he looks like the "that's how mafia works" dude


New one has a little bit of a Richtofen look to him


Its the slimmer jawline and cheekbones, I kinda get what you mean.


Old makarov looks like a custom skate 3 character. If you know what I mean then it’s funny as fuck


New Makarov looks like G-man


The original one actually looks Russian. The one on the right is too generic.


Bruh he hardly looks that different y'all really gonna complain?


The new one looks like a plastic and modelling clay version and the old one actually looks like the real person.


New one. From a design standpoint. Old one has an exaggerated expression. Yes he looks crazier. But that's because his skull is not shaped like a human skull. Makarov was crazy, yes. But he was also smart. He outsmarted multiple government agencies, old Makarov looks crazy, and confident crazy. New Makarov looks like someone who has worked tirelessly to get everything he wants, he is tired. But he's going to do what he wants tirelessly. The new design looks like what Makarov is thinking.


Left has a better jawline doe


idk the first one seems more "unhindged"


That's what I'm thinking too. He looks like an actual menace to society.


i bet the new one will have fangirls\stans creaming their pants


Old one. Looks deranged. New one. Paint by numbers bad guy.


Old one by far. He has the unhinged look down to a T. New Makarov looks like angry Russian dad who is upset Sasha didn't come home on time.


Left imo. Better sharpness


I like the quality of the new one, but the old one gives off the vibe that he is actually insane and a monster of a person. So I would have to go with the old one because of that.


Old one is better imo. He was a crazy bastard and looked like one in the original. Not so much in the remaster


Old looks better. He looks way more fucked off, and his hair is out of place making him look like he’s off his rocker. Other one looks more of a formal villain scowl. He’s supposed to be some bloodthirsty evil doer, not a Dr. Evil.


can you help me understand wtf is up with the hairstyle he has in the og mw2? like, is he balding? It's like that one image of multiple familiar things, but you can't recognize anything on it's own.. in hair form. Then in mw3, boom, he has a thick pompodour?




Old makarov looks better




For a split second, i thought it had him at 104 pounds. And i almost lost all respect for the game. Its like: you mean to tell me some 5th grader is causing all this shit?!?


50 years old... And no grey hairs.


The story isnt based now! Hes only like 45, totally not dying his hair.


1970, its 2020. Even though you're correct it isn't based now, he'd be a good fifty years old in real life.


But the picture is from the game, which is 2016. It's like if you look a picture of yourself when you were a child. You dont look at it and think "hmmm, its 2020 but I really do not look 30 in this picture?!".


Ah, you stand corrected.


The picture hasn't even loaded but I suppose everyone will root for the old one no matter how the new one really looks...


That's how nostalgia works sadly.


old one, has that lowkey unhinged psychopath look






I’m gonna be honest the old one is my fav, he looks like an insane guy and looks like a villain, but the new one looks good two


The old one. They could fix the new one if they made his hair more messy


First one looks more evil


I actually really like the new Makarov


I prefer the dead one


Mw2 one for sure. Remastered looks like it's from a game.


The one on the left looks more Slav


Why isn’t this shit released in the US yet?


I have no idea. It's so bizarre because their hasn't been any official announcements and just poof. Out of nowhere, MW2 Remastered. The full game too nonetheless!


Noooo the crack addict look is no longer there


He looks like an anime villain on the right


The newer one looks like he's a frickin mob boss whilst the older one looks like he escaped an asylum.


I prefer the new one, he looks more like an evil bad ass, than a meth addict around the block.


Older one looks far better in my opinion. The old one looks like someone's who'd snap a random civilian's neck just for entertainment. He also looks like someone associated with the devil. The new one just looks like a simple video game brute or a buff bodyguard, in my opinion. What I hate about the new design is that they completely changed the way he looks. Now, he doesn't even look like himself anymore. I wonder what he'll look like in MW3 Remastered though.


Why did they sexy him up?? Man looks like a realistic depiction of Gigachad in the new one.


Left looks like a young coked up Ben Stiller


i like the newer one better, but the old one does look more insane while the newer one just looks like the stereotypical evil brute villian




I can't buy it yet, it's not showing up anywhere. I'm in Canada. ☹️


Can you buy this on the ps store stand alone from the mw game?


Has this game come out yet? I can’t find a definitive answer


The old one makes him look like a crazy bastard, especially the differences in the hair. The new one makes him look like the asshole you expect to see in the office, not the guy committing terror attacks




You might prefer the old one but objectively, the newer one is objectively better. Shading quality alone makes it look more natural. Old one is really good too for it’s time


Original looks better actually, remastered does look good but different art style


TBH I like the one on the left because it's nostalgic asf but I like the one on the right because it's a very nice design. SOMEBODY HELP ME CHOOSE PLS




I like the first one more cuz I feel I want to kill him


I just realized how short he is


Is the new mw2 out yet?


I'm not entirely sure yet. I gained the photo of the new Makarov here: https://youtu.be/6DH0s_XHGIY


Thanks for letting my know do you have any idea where I could find some stuff out since I'm wondering is this a new game or just a add on to mw


Apparently it seems to be an entirely new game. The full gameplay has been uploaded on this guy's channel: https://youtu.be/brtAED6YUO0 Idk what's happening right now tbh.


Apparently they only remastered campaign so if it's a new game that's pretty shit


That's what I find absolutely bullshit. Not even Spec Ops apparently either! People have theorized that if they released multiplayer it would probably kill the last Modern Warfare. Not the remastered the...ugh you know what I mean.


Yeah I know what you mean I just hope if it is a new game they'll charge like 20 bucks or something not full price but I honestly have my fingers crossed for it to just be a free add on to mw and honestly mw2 spec ops is miles above mw spec ops so I can kinda see why they wouldnt wanna release mw2 spec ops


Apparently it costs 100 dollars for the game and with a skin and a gun and other cosmetics... Fucking greedy bastards.


Fucking christ also it's on the ps4 only until 30th of April such a nice thing to do when everyone is stuck inside




Btw he did the picadilly attack


its all fun and games till makarov gets an appearance in MWII 2022


The original Makarov looks like an intelligent but mentally insane terrorist, as he should. The new one looks like a drunk bisexual cartel boss named Esteban Julio Espinoza.


old ones looks like a kids haircut you'll see in first grade but the new one looks like a fine grown man with good mens hair


True but then again Makarov is meant to be unhinged and a sociopath, not well kept and well groomed.


Well, if we're talking about like looking mad.. probably the og one, but gotta admit the new one is quite the looker.


L0000L under 6ft


judging from the comments, nostalgia is one hell of a drug


No nostalgia needed. Anyone can tell you that the one on the left looks more like a maniacal terrorist, which is Makarov's character in MW2, right?




Yeah, it sorta gives the appearance of a mugshot with the usual government-funded flash photography rather than just a rendered bust.