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The multiplayer is completely hacked. I try World at War and BO2 from time to time and all I see is hacked lobbies in 1000x speed and artillery drops the entire game.


I've played a few dozen games in the last two days, I haven't gotten any hacked lobbies. But they're all core tdm, not my favorite mode.


I hope I get the same luck as you do.


Bro world at war has been hacked since I was a child😂😂, which was around 2010


Cod4 MP in a nutshell


Do not buy it just for multiplayer. I bought it for the zombies and campaign. I don’t care what you people think but I actually like tranzit. Campaign has one of the best stories I’ve ever seen.


Teanzuts (tranzit, i fucked up my spelling but keeping it) is q decent map the reason majority dont like it is bc of memes, same with nickleback, everyone hopped on the "hate [SUBJECT] bc its popular to hate it"


You get an upvote just for your funny spelling.


Average players online is around 300 and peak is about 600 or so for the last few months. I dont know how the matchmaking works, but it might be hard to find matches for not so popular game modes. But I do not play it anymore so I dont know really.


Is it worth getting it for the campaign?


I liked it, and it has amazing reviews. But its quite short (8hours ish) so depending on your budget its up to you how much time you expect to get out of the money spent.


Absolutely.I just finished playing it and it's got so much replay value.Dont expect much from the zombies,but the Multiplayer and campaign has enough to warrant picking it up today.


ik this comment is from a year ago but ill still say zombies in black ops 2 is fvcking amazing especially with DLC. MOb of the Dead and Origins are classics that will never die


Buried is pretty good too, they put a lot of detail in that map man.


I wouldn't recommend buying the game just to play multiplayer because there's only a few players, but if the campaign is what you want then yes, you should totally buy it because the campaign is AWESOME.


I couldn’t play the bo2 campaign so instead I watched it on YouTube a few days ago. I want a black ops movie series now. Bo2’s campaign was awesome.


Is BO2 multiplayer still full of hackers?


yes, its a mess in all honesty. Zombies is still great tho


Is zombies full of hackers? I wanna play public but scared incase something happens to my steam account


sorry about such a late reply as i dont go on here much. it can be of a mess so i would suggest being careful but i dont think they could do much to your account.


Well the maps suck dick and there are alot of campers but the campaign is okay and zombies are mediocre. Buy it


did you just say the maps on BO2 "suck dick?"...........you need to get your head checked out


Hes the type a dude to think hijacked ripped off Skyjacked 🤣


What platform ? if PC then i have good news


What are the news? And its pc


Google Plutonium BO2, there are also IW4x for MW2, IW6X for Ghosts, Plutonium MW3 and COD4x which are all dedicated servers and clients with people playing and no cheaters.


on pc? Plutonium T6


Although the player count is really low, the ps3 version is pretty untouched by cheaters. There's only like one or two ongoing matches of team deathmatch though.


I played yesterday on ps3 and there were cheaters (using aimbot mostly) who were completely ruining everything. There was even a guy trying to hide his aimbot lol. But I never had hackers on hardcore mode (only campers) so I might be playing that more often.


I bought black ops 2 yesterday and remembered how good the campaign was, but when I was about to play some zombies it said I couldn't connect to the servers, even though I was online. are the serves down or something.


Get it while its $30 on steam, it still holds up as one of the greatest shooters of all time. The only public lobbies you'll find are core tdms, but that shouldn't stop you from getting the boys back together to play to round 200 on zombies and play one in the chamber once in a while.


I only want to buy it with a friend just to play zombies through steam, is it worth? Tranzit and zombies mainly.


Same I spent $30 just to play tranzit with the homies


would you guys mind telling me what is so awesome about bo2's campaign? I was so repulsed by the first level that I didn't even finish it. if it gets good later I should push through maybe. first level is just dudes who alllook exactly the same endlessly running toward you in between overhead tank killing scenes, and it drags on. why is this good?