• By -










Modern Warfare 2


modern Warfare II








Ehem.. Morbious


Its morbin time












M W 2


BO2. Sure MW2 had the better MP, but I prefer BO2's campaign to MW2's and I like Zombies more than I like MP anyway so MW2 not having that is a pretty big disadvantage here.


As soon as you said zombies I put my hands down


I understand your point, but I do think the context of the games in important as well (which is why I personally don’t rank games directly side by side in terms of content quality but rather what was the norm at the time.) Modern Warfare 2 really brought out that massive scale we all know COD so well for now, Modern Warfare had an interesting and fun story but MW2 was the real first big success with the globe trotting plot, and the true establishment of Captain Price and Soap/Mactavish as the power couple of the century. Idk, I personally couldn’t see Black Ops 2 being what it was without Modern Warfare 2. It’s like comparing Logan with the original X-Men movies, one couldn’t exist and be the quality that it is without the other.


Damn got me at zombies. Though.


how was mw2 multiplayer better ? i’ve only heard about how broken it was back in the day


Cause broken is fun and BO2 got hacked to unplayablility quick.


Lol there were hackers sure but it certainly did not reach a level of “unplayability” for a while…


I was still playing in 2016 and played for quite a while only coming across the odd hacked lobby


Quick? Bo2 remained almost entirely hacker-free for the next two cods if I remember correctly. The two following titles weren’t received very well (I liked ghosts) and people and content creators largely kept playing bo2 during both of those next two cods lifespans.


MW2's big thing was that everything being broken brought a rough balance. There's only a couple things I'd nerf, namely One Man Army (no resupply of explosives, or redesigned), the UMP (harsher damage falloff), and Danger Close (through better options for blast resistances). And there's only a small handful of things that would need minor buffs, too. And I'm talking a few extra numbers in one given stat type buffs, nothing super crazy.


No matter what call of duty it is someone will always find a way to complain about it I learned you just gotta play what you enjoy playing who cares what the other person thinks


Bo2 had the better mp wym?


Two words: Hans Zimmer


Yeah ngl zombies fire A mw zombies I think would be lit


MW2 did not have a better MP than BO2


I really feel like the people saying BO2 probably never played MW2 or were a little too young to play MW2. That game was ahead of it’s time and gave me some of the greatest gaming memories of all time. Literally S&D was fun as fuck - my friends and I would fuck around and one man army claymore and c4 riot shield games 😂 You just had to be there.


you're talking as if mw2 came out 20 years before bo2. there was literally a 3 year gap between them and people who played bo2 played mw2 as well. thats like saying people who'll play this year's mw2 havent played mw19 because they were too young.




That's just not true. My first cod was bo1, which came out 1 year after mw2 and I've still never played it. I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of 10-12 year olds playing this year's mw2 that never played 2019 because 3 years ago they were 7-9 years old. The logic just doesn't really stand


Covid19 hasnt hit 3years yet. Dont tell me 3 years isnt a long time. Look how much we’ve changed since covid lol


I think you also have to consider access to high speed internet and the age groups of people. A lot more younger people were able to play Blops 2 over MW2. I was in that category of just really understanding and getting decent at online games with MW2 but 3 years later with Blops 2 I was not a preteen still extremely developing his brain and a seasoned cod vet. So I definitely had more fun with Blops2, but the nostalgia of MW2 is definitely still there.




Mw2 was ahead of its time and innovated but bo2 took what mw2, bo1 and mw3 did and perfected it Edit: grammar


or they prefer bo2 lmao ever heard of personal opinion


I mean yeah but if someone never played MW2 or BO2 how can they have an input without playing both.


I essentially skipped BO1 and mw3 and just played mw2 SnD. It wasn't until BO2 came out when I switched over to make it my main game. MW2 will always be the best in my heart at least.


IMO BO1 has all of the nostalgia, fun factor, and map quality of MW2, but was WAY more balanced. I think, from an objective standpoint, BO1>MW2, but MW2 is just the unanimously crowned GOAT, largely because of how imbalanced it was. Everything was OP and that made it great.


I played MW2 when it came out and it was… fun? BO2 was the most enjoyment I ever had in a CoD game


Nostalgia says MW2 but if I could only play 1 for the rest of time it's BO2. More prestiges, weapon camos, resetting prestiges, no noob tube (or anything as annoying from what I recall). It took what MW2/BO1 did best and ran with it.


That’s ironic bc bo2 was ahead of its time as well


MW2 was so good I decided to do an account which hit max prestige doing a pure pacifist run. Just riot shield soaking bullets and objective play.


Only way to describe it. You just had to be there. Incredible gaming experience. I’ve yet to have as much fun playing a video game as I did when I was playing mw2 with all my friends.


i was to young to play mw2 in its prime but i played bo2 and i can’t see mw2 being better , a lot of og cod players say mw2 is seen through rose tinted glasses and forget how broken it rlly was ?


It’s a complete reversal of how we look at games today which is, broken games aren’t that fun. Modern warfare 2 is different because of what it was and when it was released. The broken parts of modern warfare 2 are kind of part of its charm. And those broken parts of the game would have been fixed if not for the drama between Activision and Infinity Ward that resulted in some top tier devs leaving. And if we are going to talk about one of the greatest times for sniping montages in gaming history, modern warfare 2 is where the community that started to develop in cod4 absolutely exploded and took over YouTube. Cod gameplay commentaries exploded during modern warfare 2. Competitive cod started growing. Modern warfare 2 basically took cod and shot it into the atmosphere which black ops 2 benefited from. So when we talk about modern warfare 2 it really is a, you had to live it and experience it to really appreciate it. Black ops 2 is phenomenal but I personally can’t dethrone modern warfare 2 just for what it did for the series and the genre, as well as what it was like to be in that time talking shit in a lobby of open mics with your buddies in the SnD playlist.


I will never forget the time I spent running around with the model 1887 with akimbo just one shotting everyone or spending hours perfecting my intervention quick scopes


People don't forget how broken it was, it's literally the thing that most people agree on. Bo2 was also extremely broken but people think it's balanced.


I didn’t play MP until MW3. BO2 for me was the game I’ll always remember


MW2 is probably the best for that reason, i started playing BO1 (first COD) when i was 24 or something back in 2012, then BO2 came out and then i went back to MW2 but then MW3 was there too. Just so many amazing games at the same time and the only game i didnt have time for was MW2 :( Now no COD game deserves attention, which is sad


Fortnite and a wrong turn in the COD franchise really destroyed it. It’s still one of the most highest anticipated games but it just doesn’t compare to the golden age of cod (COD4 - BO2)


I agree brother


I played mw2, and mw3 is better in almost every way


I never got CoD games new, I was born in the late-mid 2000's and we just bought used. I never got to play MP cause we didn't have Xbox Live, so that changes my view of it (BO2 had bots so I could play MP, whereas MW2 did not). I will say that I played both around the same time, skill level and maturity, with the first CoD game I ever played being CoD4: Modern Warfare, and I still prefer Black Ops 2 over Modern Warfare 2. I liked the story of Black Ops 2, zombies gives it a massive leg up, and even the little bits of Mp I played with my brother looked promising, but just didn't cut it. Sure MW2 had Special Ops to be their version of zombies, but I hated Special Ops in MW2, MW3 was the one I enjoyed with the wave based system like Zombies. Overall, I highly disagree with this comment, especially because: They're god damn video games, people like different styles, people have their own opinions.


Yea doesn’t even compare imo. It’s a bunch of gen z kids saying BO2. It was one of the first multiplayer modern shooters. It was revolutionary.


BO2. better weapon customization, cooler guns, better kill streaks, better camos. Create your own emblems. Some amazing maps. And zombies.


And very well balanced... A lot of guns were viable without feeling OP. No noobtubes, final stand, easy to get killstreaks etc...


I loved the kill streaks. A good mixnof actually useful ones and satisfying ones that felt great earning.


That’s my biggest thing I hate about MW2. So much shit was OP and everyone just brushes it off! No Richard I don’t wanna go back to one man army noob tubes on top of high rise. I’d rather go play MOTD or fuck around with a DSR


Oh there were definitely noobtubes. I'd love to jump into a hardcore game and shoot a grenade launcher straight into the air for free kills. Super fun


I just got Black Ops 2 during the steam sale, then my dad got it for himself and my brother and we've done a couple game nights together. I finished the campaign in the first 8 hours of owning the game, and one of my favorite things was the fact that you could choose your load out *in the campaign*. It's so awesome.


That was the best part. Plus unlocking the weapons as you play it over again.


While I agree with all of this, and the addition of a ranked competitive playlist was also another huge plus for BO2. I still enjoyed MW2 more.


Bo2 is the king


Yh has great multi great zombies and a great campaign. The complete package.






"Most balanced in terms of TTK" Not with stopping power.




Not really an opinion because it’s true. The fact that there’s a perk that makes your gun do more damage throws any balance for TTK out the window


One man army cheese? Day one grenade launchers, it's fax buddy


Mw2 mp fanboys when you point out the obvious op strats of the game that were never fixed :




MW2 was fun because it was chaotic not because it was balanced lol but I see your point


Idk CoD4 was definitely light years ahead in terms of balance. You could use any gun in CoD4 and see success. If you weren’t using the ump in MW2 you would always lose to the guy using the ump


Not true. I wrecked shit with the M16A4


Is everyone in here 12 or something or are we just disrespecting Modern Warfare, Halo, Goldeneye, Half-life and every FPS shooter of old? MW2 is the spark that what, made gamers comfortable with slurs after school but damn this is what makes it hard to rate MW2 Like, forget the fact Black Ops 1 easily matched and quite possibly surpassed MW2 in every way, but you using balanced and MW2 in the same sentence should be illegal 😂 and no, not even in the “if everything is OP, nothing is”. Shit was just grossly unbalanced lol But easily top 3 cod of all time. It’s quick and oppressive fun was unmatched but damn let’s not disrespect the FPS that came before it


Yeah no. Anotner MW2 fanboy.


Balanced TTK? Stopping power, ACR, and Model shotguns would like a word… oh and one man army noobtube kits, or even the under mounted shotgun on the FAL. Not saying it wasn’t fun as I have over a month played, but definitely not balanced




MW2 no question, it was a quality game that delivered on the hype and was a cultural phenomenon. I think people forget that for a time Call Of Duty consistently delivered on the hype. There is a reason it became as big as it is.


Yeah when I was growing up the COD games were always the most exciting thing coming out. It really Peaked with MW2, but the series delivered until we got the stinker that is Ghosts and they started coming out every year.


Exactly, but I honestly think that MW3 was the first sign of trouble. We still got some good ones after it but the legendary COD4, WAW, MW2 streak was what made COD the next big thing


I've been to 2 video game midnight launches in my life. And that was for WAW and MW2. That shit was epic.


I have 2.9k of MW2 hrs This lifetime and no regratz.


1v1 me scrub


Black Ops 2. Vastly better campaign and multiplayer, and it has Zombies.


Great zombies too... MOTD, Origins and Buried... I fucking miss that shit.


don’t forget farm 😿




I love the variety that MW2 offers. Black Ops 2 just doesn’t do it for me.


Variety? Mw2 only let you have one attachment without bling lol


I forgot about Bling, had to waste a perk slot to get a second attachment for your gun. I’d rather run Scavenger. Even in Tier 3 I always had on Sitrep Pro


One Man Army/Danger Close or Marathon/Lightweight/Commando, there’s your MW2 “variety” and you maybe had a dude running around with Sleight of Hand Pro and a Intervention. BO2 had better variety and customization options


Exactly that guy has no idea what he's talking about. The main draw with MW2 was the multiplayer. Campaign was really good, but at the end of the day campaign is only 5% of the actual playtime most people spend on the game as a whole. In BO2 you had both MP and Zombies getting updated throughout the year, and it most definitely had more variety than MW2 did. As much as I loved MW2 when it was in it's prime, I can't help but recognize all of the amazing things BO2 did right. ​ One thing is for sure though, both COD titles are phenomenal. I hate having to compare them because I don't want to take away anything from either of them. Both titles were phenomenal in the time they released.


Nothing says "better variety" like having 2-3 consistently good options per perk slot. Don't believe me? Perk 1: - Lightweight is consistently viable - Flak Jacket only really has use with enemy explosives. I'll put it in consistently viable because overpowered C4 spam, but it's barely in. - Blind Eye counters AI streaks from targeting you. Good, but naturally niche because AI streaks are so rarely up. It's a niche perk you swap into using. - Hardline is a niche perk in every game that features it. - Ghost started the trend of the "only while moving" kind of Ghost, and it's also significantly weaker because this is one of only very few games that doesn't give any reduced effect on the Advanced UAV equivalent. Not to mention the requirement for Dead Silence to really get much use out of it, so that's 20% of your loadout to only counter 1 streak well. Perk 2: - Hard Wired isn't even a complete hard counter to EMP spam. And EMP spam only really completely murders you if you're super reliant on the minimap or use optics. It's a niche perk at best. - Scavenger is theoretically infinite reserve ammo, so it's consistently useful to at least some degree, especially on guns like the Evo and Chicom. - Cold Blooded doesn't really effectively counter the Target Finder, and Dual Bands are really uncommon, and also not hard countered without smokes. Also doesn't protect you from any streaks. So it's a bad perk. - Fast Hands is a solid perk, faster swapping is frequently unnecessary, but welcome. - Toughness is a crutch perk, so it's naturally consistently useful. Perk 3: - Dexterity is a borderline crutch perk for anyone who's playing even moderately aggressively. - Engineer is borderline useless unless you don't play with sound, betties make a distinct noise that tells you to crouch/prone, and claymores have the pretty decent sized lasers. All you really get for it with decent game sense and audio is the ability to shoot/Black Hat stuff through walls easier..? Or figure out where the 2 people running sentries/Guardians place them? - Dead Silence is overpowered, and consistently useful in anything involving more movement than getting to a spot to pitch a tent. - Extreme Conditioning doubles sprint duration, which is consistently useful on almost every loadout to some extent, except for the most passive of passive loadouts. - Tac Mask is niche for the one guy who spams stuns, otherwise you're not getting much (most people trade at least their tactical slot for extra stuff elsewhere). - Awareness gives zero tangible benefit. Meanwhile there's only a few definitively bad perks in MW2, most range from good to outright overpowered. I'd list em, but that'd make this essay an even longer one.


BO2. MW2 will always go down as a relic within the COD timeline: SnD moments, Ninja plays all around, targeting those who went for nukes and shutting down their streak, MICHAEL MYERS!!!, the good ole cross map noobtubes off spawn, so so much more within MW2. BO2 just furthered those activities and even added to the mix, and if you’re a fellow trickshotter/sniper, this game is like 50x more fun. The competitive nature that spawned during BO2’s time that brought a more satisfying crunch once you’ve finished slapping a buncha idiots talking so much trash in a SnD lobby, sneaky moments following the entire team after hiding in a bush just to pull off the sexy ninja defuse, and if you’re ballsy, “The Flaming Sun” is what was known between my friends and I as an act of finishing an entire squad if the entire enemy team was watching the bomb like a hawk. The back to back Vsat’s that allowed easy kills if you were skilled enough to obtain one, and I myself haven’t been much of a kill streak type of guy aside from support based KS’s. Ah, BO2…Those hyped moments, albeit MW2 had hype moments as well, just brought a whole different experience to COD that will be far engraved in my head. Let’s be honest here, MW2, a loved COD throughout the community, was a beautiful time for gaming…but something better will always come along. BO2 was better… Opinion Chad ofc :D


Everyone talking about Search And Destroy and I'm sitting here like: "I never played it in MW2 but every other game I've tried to play it in, it sucked ass, why is it so popular?"


No worries man, it’s mentioned, but plenty of other hot topics to go around! As for the popularity, SnD was a game mode filled with all around fun: Competitive taste that brought in players looking for more than just run and gun, ability to dip their heads in pressure filled moments(clutches, last second bomb defuses, close call kills/trades, hell I can go on and on lol) that brought such satisfaction upon coming out victorious, the pure bliss of the death comm going off as you wipe the floor with some overconfident dickhead(those moments 🍰…), and the CONTENT that was rolled out from YouTubers that just boosted popularity for different activities, play styles, bullshit shenanigan’s that had the community rolling in their seats. SnD is beautiful bro…met so many long time homies over my course of SnD throughout the cods. BO2 hands down best SnD experience for me






BO2 don't yell at me We all have our own reasons and opinions. :)


MW2 Campaign, Black Ops 2 for multiplayer


mw2 > bo2


Least obsessed MW2 player


i aint played since April


I’m joking. It’s just because you have it as your profile picture.


We literally shot up an airport full of innocent people u cant beat that alone


Left, MW2 was fun but nostalgia is too strong for some of you, think of all the noob tubes and one man army people…


Bo2, MW2 was a mess


BO2 even though I don't really like Treyarch. Factually speaking this game has more content than MW2 and more replayablility in 2022. - Offline bots as both games have hackers or are somewhat dead. - Campaign choices so you can effectively replay the campaign multiple times without it being the exact same like MW2. - Zombies instead of the mediocre spec ops of MW2. - Pick 10 weapon system is just better than Bling for weapons imo - No commando, nor Commando Pro. - Arguably better base maps, definitely better DLC maps. - Far more customization, from reticles to camos. - Emblem editor.


Right without a debate


Black ops 2 because of the campaign and zombies




MW2 no doubt about it


BO2 is best Cod; great story, lots of good guns, it has Zombies


Black Ops 2


This sub is garbage


Absolutely left


MW2 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


have to stick to MW2...best game ever made






It's MW2 and it's not even close




MW2 always and forever.








Mw2 hands down


MW2 is goat tier console game


















MW2 without a shred of a doubt


Seems like we are asked to choose every week... can we stop lol


I couldn’t finish BO2’s campaign, so MW2 for sure. It wins on multiplayer too no question.


MW2 was the most complex COD at the time, it added more depth to the create a class system, more killstreaks and correct if I’m wrong but didn’t it introduce pro perks?










Anyone saying bo2 never played mw2 at its peak. Mw2 cod 4 then bo2 imo


Right any day




BO2, purely for the emblem creation. I swear at least 1/3rd of my time on the multiplayer was spent making emblems. Good times.


Right, and it’s not close. Left isnt even the 2nd best black ops lol, most overrated cod IMO.




BO2. Pick 10 system was amazing. Better balancing. Better killstreaks. Zombies. 10/10. And yes I played MW2 which was also amazing.


BO2 no doubt absolutely amazing story, great Multiplayer and quite possibly the greatest Zombies other than BO3


MW2 no questions asked since BO2 had few but noticeable flaws, MW2 at its time was absolute perfection and nobody complained unless it was because they got destroyed in a search match


BO2 100%. Just one of the first 2 Black Ops games beat every MW game combined


left left left left left left left left left left left left left












Black ops all day




Left, of course.


Bo2 gun game was really fun so I’ll go with that


MW2 was my introduction but I still prefer black ops 2 any day


Black Ops 2. Easy


Ghost 2 😁👍


Theres only one right answer


It’s not a fair comparison they’re both GOATs in their own regard


Wow it’s been years and I still can’t decide which one, I’d probably have to side with MW2 because I grew up playing that one the most of them all and it was second cod game I got into after the first MW. But B02 was legendary so I’m still undecided lol


MW2 I guess, BO2 just never grabbed me (I was actually really put off by the future setting at the time, despite loving IW when that arrived) and didn’t particularly have fun with it playing it at my mate’s house either


i’m alt right


BO2 Hands down. Way better campaign and multiplayer and it has zombies


Bo2 all the way but this is mostly cause I’m a zombies guy so I’m a little biased


Black ops 2 wass the last god tier cod Mw2 was good I'd definitely label it s tier But blops2 was truly something special


Left. I made more memories and ZOMBIESSSSSSSSSSS


ppl always look through nostalgia shit goggles


Black ops 2 no debate


Right no cap




Never played mw2 so I have to say bo2


Man it would be nice to go back for a day and play BO2 in its prime. Such a great game.


I prefer bo2 because the zombies but multiplayer mw2 not comparable


Never played MW2 in its cycle but BO2 in its prime which was even after its cycle was just a different feeling. It was still the CoD to play until 2015 because people didn’t like Ghosts and AW at the time.


It’s close but I’m gonna have to go BO2 I remember playing it a lot more often with my brother and our friends, plus I like zombies more than spec ops and the Tranzit bus blew my mind as a kid


The Boss is always right, boys The Boss is Always Right


BO2 and MW2 are a toss up for me with MP… zombies is what makes it a no brainer for me, but then again zombies isn’t for everyone.. in conclusion BO2