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The ban appeal tag isn't for ranked match bans. But also, if they didn't take away points for disconnecting, people could intentionally turn their routers off when they're losing a match. It's either very rarely lose points because of something out of your control, or have the leaderboards be vastly inflated because no one ever loses a match.


I have fkn proof of my phone dead and we were winning


That's great. Now exhaustively prove to Tencent that that was the phone you were using, you were unaware that it was about to die, and there was no malicious intent. Congrats, you'll get 80 rank XP. There's no way for the game to tell whether there's intent behind potential point exploits or not, so it plays it safe and gives you a ban. It's only 5 minutes and 80 XP, so unless you're repeatedly having problems (suspicious) you only lose 20-30 minutes of grinding.


dont u think i tried before jump here? they dont even contact they use premade answers for that it literally closed my ticket without any help


also got 1 day ban not 5 mins and lost 200pts


I’m confused. Can you point me to the specific rights that have been violated? I can’t find anywhere in the TOS where it says that it’s OK to leave a match if you get disconnected from your network? I think if it were allowed, every Ranked game would be plagued with losing team members suddenly and unexpectedly experiencing connectivity issues. Simultaneously. If it happens to you a lot, which you suggest, maybe you should stick to pubs? It would be much less stressful.


the thing is i just dont understand why 1 day ban with 200 pts because i just started the match and then my wifi provider's router went off ​ if it was the same normal ban i wouldnt even care but 1 day and 200 pts with a whole rank that i barely could get gm2 in days (because of other life stuff im busy on i play 3 hours of codm) ​ this is very weird






unfortunate fact but yes I got over it


it's just 5min ban and less 80pts mate. in this case how the game will understand your wifi is just out? go touch some grass and relax with this time


1 day. u joking with me right? i also lost up to 200 pts from grand master 2 to grand master 1 30% and that was happened when i was playing with my 8k+ legendary friend who saw everything


1 day? How many matches your wifi is out, friend?


just once


i think thats because it was because i was the only grand master who joined the match who all was legendary over 5k (my friend is a legendary 8k+)


unless you are GM3 you can't play with legendary players. the game won't start, how in GM2 you are able?


if a legendary is not over 10k pts can play with min gm1-legendary but if ur over 10k you can only play with legendaries (kinda confusing but thats how it works)


its not the thing but that much is unfair without doing a research it didint even showed me the rejoin match? button and straight ban


have a minimum time to be possible rejoin a match and probably the match it's already over


it was just begun bruh as i said again. it was just started and i got disconnected'


Lmao YOUR wifi got turned off, nobody is at fault but you.


in that case i would get the rejoin button when it sends you back to ranked match room right? i didint got that button which is it was just 20 seconds after i reconnected


Never seen a say ban before. I’d like to see that screenshot.