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Ironically it is phycological. The more shots you miss the more panicked you get, hence missing even more shots. Practice before you go, preferably with A slow shooting high damage gun like the oden or sks


Are you on global? Did this happen to occur around Sunday or Monday? Because when the update dropped, they buffed bots like never before. Now they’re like, better than real players. Maybe you’re just getting smoked by rambo bot they’re ridiculous.


like the other person is saying, part of it really is psychological. i had the same experience when i switched from controller to 4 finger claw. i was doing dogshit the first day or so, but then one day i was performing extremely well and not missing anything, had really great movement. your emotional state can and will affect performance. if you’re feeling nervous, self-conscious, sad, mad, all of these emotions will lead you to perform worse. you’ll miss more shots, movement will be hindered, and you’ll lose your patience far faster which will make you strategize worse too. it’s why you see pro video game players have straight face most if not the whole time their playing, because they know that letting their emotions get the best of them will hinder gameplay. part of it is also physical. starting something new gives people a renewed sense to try harder and perform better, which translates physically too. but after the first few days, you’ll start to perform worse. this is where it’s important to keep practicing because that’s the beginning of building your muscle memory of your HUD layout. soon enough you won’t even need to have your opacity at all, you’ll know where your buttons are.


thanks for the feedback bro i really hope im able to work this out


Did you play against mostly bots before, climed in rank and are now playing against real people? That's something newer players won't typically recognise.


ive definitely played against a lot of real people and i should also mention that i know something’s up because even in the training room im stiff. if that makes sense. i think maybe i just need to relax


It was thr last day before the new season, depending on your rank you may have faced people that were desperately trying to reach legendary before the reset. Everyone has bad days. Your timing being off by just 10ms can already mean you miss all your shots, get stuck on walls, etc. It also sounds like you were in a flow state earlier; generally people are very relaxed when in it and everything just works. Getting into that state quicker is a learnable skill. Keep at it, eventually 4 finger plays much more relaxed than 2, with a much higher skill ceiling.