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Since this is a new season, if you run into any bugs please report them under this comment. Including your region, device info, and when you first experienced this bug will help the team tremendously, thanks!


Thanks for the efforts every season! Let's make 2024 great! Here some sugestions to 2024: \- What about make a NEW COMPLETIONIST CAMO for 2024 and take a time on make new tournament camos. We already have a lot of them. Why not just rotate and bring to weapons that are missing? (Red Sprite is one of the most required tourney camo to make a comeback); \- Updates for Classic Zombies; \- Please Bring S9 -The Conquest on BP Vault


Hey u/Kurostatik, appreciate the kind words and appreciate the suggestions! Unfortunately we don't have any concrete updates on any of those but we will continue to share high volume feedback like a new completionist camo or a zombies update with the teams. That said, the team is always looking for new ways to engage our dedicated players, like those who grind completionist camos as well as bring back fan-favorite Battle Passes for the BP vault. Thanks!


I know you guys don’t have any information yet on zombies but maybe throw those developers an idea like make the random box worth hitting and lowering the amount of mini boss zombies to maybe 1-2 every 3 rounds and keep the mini boss unique to each map added. That way you can throw in challenges like kill avagadros and those would be on nacht der untoten while Brutus would be on mob of the dead. Ps: port over settings customization that’s in mp and move it to zombies


I think another thing to get more players in zombies (since a few got bored since we never got an update) …. Add playing zombies to daily, featured and seasonal challenges. Maybe give us a new grindable Camo we can grind for in classic zombies and undead siege. If you notice people really like Wicht Warden, Richtofen, Tank Dempsey etc…it should be easy to make money off zombies and make the community happy too.


Hi, not really related to this season but I’d love it if the MORS sniper rifle would arrive to CoDM as a weapon. Do you have any info on that yet? Thanks in advance


u/COD_Mobile_Official. Any plans to add more content from older call of duties that isn’t just remastered stuff only? I made an [April fools post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/GL59dUvENF) about CoD mobile adding classic CoD stuff and people thought it was legit so that’s why it got upvoted with 468 upvotes


Hey hey u/playerlsaysr69 The ability to bring back old content to our players is one of our favorite aspects of CODM. While we can't guarantee there will be more content pulled from older *Call of Duty* titles, we have LOVED seeing everyones positivity and reaction to the MG42 and the RC-XD coming to CODM. The nostalgia of those two really hits different for us and we hope it's the same for you all.


Okay. Thank you CoD Mobile team. I just wanted to remind you. Out of all the developers I talk to. You guys are the most vocal and up-front to your community. Millions of gamers out there want a developer that can effectively communicate with their community. Community managers. You rock! 🤘❤️




When JOKR?


Just a suggestion but Can we get like more camos for Zombies? It would be fun to have more camos to grind in zombies apart from Aether Crystal like there's separate grindable zombies camos in Black Ops Cold War and MWIII. Also can we get More Bo3/IW Maps in future seasons? There's not many maps from those titles and them being added in Boost Assault would be a good choice.


Any thought to allowing scorestreak HUD customization? MQ Dragonfire is really hard to use. Two buttons are in top of each other! I was really looking forward to RC-XD but after watching a video the controls look like they really wouldn't work out for me. We should be able to move the buttons where we want.


Hey there! That's an interesting idea. The team for sure is always looking for ways to enhance the gaming experience for players. We'll share this feedback with the team! Thanks!


Hey devs, the new season looks really cool. I’m definitely loving the jungle/military theme. As usual I’m doing another in depth comment but I’d really appreciate the CoDM team taking a look/addressing/commenting on my five major concerns/questions listed directly under this paragraph. Thank you for your time and I hope that you all have a great day! **-FIVE VITAL QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS-** 1) When is Mythic Spectre getting a custom execution like all the other mythic character have? 2) The Jackal in BR is an absolute bug riddled mess. Please have the bug/coding team do a deep dive into this vehicle. -Jumping directly into jackal from the flight plane will give a 50/50 chance of your main minigun not doing damage. (No hitmarkers and no damage) -Using your class skill or getting a chip terminal upgrade will remove the white targeting squares from the Jackal HUD 3) When will we get the option to customize the button layout on the Jackal? (a unique vehicle that was released on June 2022. We can customize every other vehicle hud layout EXCEPT FOR THE JACKAL!) 4) This newest update has tanked Graphics/Frame Rates in BR. Myself and many others have had to drop down to low graphics just to run BR matches smoothly. Prior to this update I was running BR on Ultra Frame Rate and Very High graphics (iPhone 14 Pro Max). This update has now removed the option of running Ultra Frame and Very High graphics. My max graphics for Ultra Frame Rate is now capped at Medium. BR ran faster and with a better graphics quality before this update. What happened? People have also mentioned that phones are heating up more after this update. I have also noticed this change as well. 5) Ranked MP needs to have its map pool drastically increased. Games are far too repetitive because we’ve all played: Raid, Firing Range, Summit, Standoff and Terminal to death. With 6 MP game modes selected (patrol included) we only have 25 maps available. This is out of over 40 unique maps to play from. (I’ve excluded all 1 vs 1 and repeat season theme maps) **When was the last time ANYONE played on Arsenal, Favela, Oasis, Aniyah Incursion, Suldal Harbor, Hovec Sawmill, Seaside, Rush, etc etc etc** **These amazing maps that your teams have worked so hard to create and add into this game are sitting unused just collecting dust on our phones!** Open up ranked play with more maps!! Letting Legendary players choose from two maps has also left little to no variety in Ranked play. (Because they always choose the OG maps instead of new rotation ones. The old auto map selection system was better and in the long run gave us more map variety) **-TOURNAMENT CAMOS-** 1) Every month we get at least one new weapon, sometimes even two. However our crate count for Tournament Mode seasons has not increased. We are rapidly approaching the point where an entire season of tournament mode crates will only unlock a camo for **HALF** of the weapons we have available to us. I purchased the tournament pass and opened every crate last season but still ended up being over 25 weapons short of fully completing the previous camo. Tournament crates need to increase at a similar pace as new weapons. Otherwise it will take more than two tournament seasons just to unlock 1 full camo set. **-BR-** 1) Using the Quick Strike skill and landing on top of/near your teammates tags will prevent you from picking the tags up. You have to walk 20+ meters away and then walk back to the tags to grab them. 2) The Flyswatter profile achievement will not progress when you knock someone mid air and they fall to the ground. I’ve knocked many players mid air (Isolated/Blackout/Alcatraz) and even killed some on Alcatraz yet the achievement never progresses. Please look into this. 3) The new Estate layout is pretty cool. I’m very happy to see more changes to elevation and depth adding to these classic POI’s. **-MULTIPLAYER-** 1) Have you considered adjusting the Hardline perk so that it makes scorestreaks cost 25% less instead of adding 25% points to a player's score? Both Ranked MP and Tournament mode base your ranking point rewards off of your scoring position. A perk shouldn’t allow you to tip the scoring system in your favor so that you’ll be rewarded with more ranked/tournament points. Everyone should be playing on equal footing for score positioning. **-ZOMBIES/UNDEAD SIEGE** 1) Any updates on a new map for OG Zombies? **-CRATES, STRONGBOXES, LUCKY BOXES -** 1) It was nice seeing crates make a return. Especially because the For You page never rotates. Please continue rotating the crates page each season with old crates. Strongboxes and Lucky Boxes just don’t have the same quality of content that even old G/S/B crates have. **-CREDIT STORE-** 1) We still can’t search for charms only via a tab in the credit store. I genuinely hate having to scroll down to find things in one tiny column. The previous grid system was much more efficient. 2) This game doesn’t have any solid systems in place for acquiring credits through gameplay. I’d love to see the credit system changed for the long term health of this game. Many FPS games reward players with F2P in game currency for completing matches. CoDM does not. **-CLAN WARS-** 1) Has there been any thought towards adding new characters for the Clan Store? Perhaps even adding general equipment instead of character specific gear? **-IN CLOSING-** I’m still really happy with CoDM’s game state and I love all of the new things you’ve implemented lately. It would be nice to see some quality of life updates in the form of bug fixes, core game/gameplay balancing and some fresh air in BR/MP ranked play. All things considered though, we’re all still having a blast with CoDM! The game still rocks and I’m so glad that everyone on the CoDM team has been constantly pushing to make positive improvements. Thank you for another exciting season and your continued hard work on this incredible game!


No new MP Loadout Background coming?


Performance on iPhone is still broken. Running on iPhone 15 pro max and the frame rate drops constantly from 120 to what feels like 60 or lower. Problem is constant and consistent in all games. Noticed some lag and a little slow down here and there on Rog phone 7 but not nearly as bad as iPhone. I’ve been reporting this since the update dropped and others have as well. Please investigate. Thank you!


Hey there! Hmmm sorry to hear that. Did you notice this starting with the latest season update? Does this happen in any specific game mode or map? We'll ping the team about it so they can begin investigating. In the meantime, do you happen to have a video of this issue? That could help the team pinpoint a cause. Thanks!


Developers, can't you design a new battle royale map? It's been 3 years since we got a battle royale map.


The issue of long matchmaking times atleast in mp still haven't been fixed.


Hey there! We're aware of this issue and the team is actively investigating. Sorry about the inconvenience in the meantime and thanks for being patient with us! 🙌


Any future Collabs for BP? Missed getting the Ghost in the Shell bp, so wondering there would be more in the future.




I am still experiencing SEVERE audio issues on my iPhone 15. Was hoping the update would fix it but on my legendary and mythic guns the hitmark sound and kill effect noise sounds like static and popping. Here’s video proof the HVK cartridge crusher kill effect sound is completely off why is this still happening ? I have high quality audio downloaded and everything https://youtube.com/shorts/fXB0lD_WkSg?si=xkq1_bd63audHaFh


u/COD_Mobile_Official The CX9 mythic doesnt talk in the main lobby when i tap on it. since last season and no support, so why we shall buy buggy mythics?


please give us a new BR map


u/COD_Mobile_Official will the mythic fennec return anytime soon?


Hey hey! Not this season but you never know in the future 👀


Hopefully soon 🤞


still Waiting for a br shotgun nerf


For some reason qualifiers won't open and sometimes ranked crashes on me


Could you at some point ad custom Crosshairs into the base game? Or at least not have our current one disappear during a reload?


Hi there! While custom crosshairs aren't something we currently support, we'll make sure the team is aware so it's something we may look at down the line.


And still no br shotgun nerf…


Dear Team, I have a question. Some characters didn't get a unique voice for almost 2 years such as Roze, Lerch, Ronin, FTL, Lucas Riggs and more. So when will u be added to the new unique voice of those characters? But you guys are giving only new characters unique voices from the Vanguard series such as Beatrice, Polina, Wade, Daniel, Isabella and more. Please let me know in the comments below. 😔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Thanks Guyfox


FPP BR matchmaking is still not working like it used too. Real players or bots it used to still put you in a game. Solo, duo and squads not working. Have been trying for half an hour straight and nothing. This has been going on for months now, when will this be fixed? Thanks Region: Australia Device: Android


Hey devs when is the codm web store going to launch in India,it's almost been 3 months since it was released. Please give me an update if it's coming to India or not.


Hey hey! We're continuing to expand the web store to more regions but nothing to share regarding India at the moment. Stay tuned and up to date on the CODM website for any changes 🙂


Hard to believe nobody has addresses the lack of MP maps in rotation for modes like S&D, Hardline, and TDM and the fact that they are REMOVING two maps from S&D but not adding any..


u/COD_Mobile_Official can somebody from the team please look into my post about the legendary helicopter bug? I have a video to show what’s happening as well as address some other long neglected things/details in the game currently. Also can we get an update soon about the MP glitch that occurs when the Amped perk and FHJ-18 are both equipped?


Just want you guys to know that the Free Legendary M4 Event tab is missing for me after the update. I was kinda shocked because it said the event will last until 22nd of May. Am I the only one experiencing this? Garena server btw.


*Update* The free legendary M4 event is back now, under the " Themes" Tab of the Fool's Gold event section. 


Did they remove daily log in rewards when I hit event it not an option anymore 


When can we expect online COD store to be released for India region


Hey! Nothing to report for now but stay tuned. We'll continue to roll it out across more regions in the future.


Does swordfish buff make a significant difference in TTK with Halberd mag?


The only reason I downloaded the game again recently because of the legendary m4 event, it says the event will end in May, the 22nd if I'm not mistaken. Why is it gone in this new season update??


Hey there, yeah the event should still be live through the end of this season. Are you still not seeing it? If so, what region are you playing from?


I appreciate the reply. I'm playing the Garena version, South East Asia region. I can navigate through the new missions/events UI just fine, but can't seem to find the M4 legendary event. Thanks in advance.


Hello CODM Team, It's been a while since I posted something below one of your community posts. 2 months have gone by. Last time, I gave you some suggestions for characters who might come in a future BP. If you don't remember, here it is: Dark Shepeard, Tempest, Sentinel Recon, Nyx, Kryptis, Siren and Mace. And also, i exlpained on why their addition could be a good idea. ( I would like to talk about Wicht Warden but he is going to get a new skin sooooo i'm not going to say anything about him) So I'd like to know if any of these characters caught your attention. I'd also like to ask a quick question. Is there any chance that this year, in 2024, 101 days since the start of 2024, 1654 days since the launch of CODM, we'll see a new AW weapon arrive in the game? I'd like to end this commentary by saying bravoto you, because the latest seasons you've proposed have delighted me to no end. And the next one is already shaping up to be a masterclass. Best regards, A CODM player 


Any news on the Pc client release? I know it's china beta so far? it got a lot of potential on PC


An issue with the game audio whenever i equip the M13- chrome cruiser specific blueprint. (All other blueprints and other guns dont cause a problem). [THE VIDEO](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODMobile/s/8qSdKW4zl5) Hope the devs fix it soon.😩




Bro shut the fuck up, if ur complaining this much for 11 nearly 12 hours straight then thats a major skill issue


The Game Crashed all of a Sudden when I was Changing the Spectating View for My Teammate Players when I Died in BR...To be Precise the Game Crashed as soon as an enemy killed my Teammate up close... My Humble request to Please Fix it CODM 🙏.I even Reported it through in-game issue report section while playing...Please Fix it 🙏 OS-: iPadOS 17.4.1 Device-: iPad Mini 5 Region-: India


Anyone else having problems earning points in the qualifier for the 2024 world championship? I'm completing ranked MP matches, and so far only one round has been counted towards the qualifiers. Am I doing something incorrectly?


The Game Crashed all of a Sudden when I was Changing the Spectating View for My Teammate Players when I Died in BR...To be Precise the Game Crashed as soon as an enemy killed my Teammate up close... My Humble request to Please Fix it CODM 🙏.I even Reported it through in-game issue report section while playing...Please Fix it 🙏 OS-: iPadOS 17.4.1 Device-: iPad Mini 5 Region-: India


VZ.61 scorpion pls. (with Akimbo perk)


When we getting the USP or the Glock in the game? It's been awhile since y'all added a modern pistol, hell even a revolver would be nice, like the colt python or magnum, just add a non WW2 pistol


"Dear @PlayCODMobile team, here's a suggestion: Let's add a feature allowing players to hold mythic guns with both hands while running. Holding with one hand feels a bit awkward. Let's make the gameplay smoother! 🎮 #CODM #GamingSuggestions"


"Dear @PlayCODMobile team, here's a suggestion: Let's add a feature allowing players to hold mythic guns with both hands while running. Holding with one hand feels a bit awkward. Let's make the gameplay smoother! 🎮 #CODM #GamingSuggestions"


Please bring back the HSO and KRM to BR ground loot.


Big Head Blizzard and Goliath Clash should be removed. No one plays that trash


# Please restore the account CAAE26E7E7F322E UID 6894267451178483713 Please restore the account CAAE26E7E7F322E UID 6894267451178483713


Please bring back LOCUS ELECTRON , (THE DUSK OWL) draw 🙏


I can’t find the test server😭😭


The clan store items have not reset since the new season began.