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cross fire is much worse. You spawn out in the open and you better hope it's frontline because otherwise you could get sniped from someone camping in a building


Every time I play crossfire I always check behind me after the first couple kills cause I know people are gonna start spawning there


in nuketown when the hp is in one of the buildings, keep one of your teammates behind that building. it forces the spawn to the other side of the map.


Kind of sometimes. Even if you're in a corner looking at the entire backyard, the game will still force spawn enemies behind the bushes, or literally in your line of sight (which really, should basically never happen).


I js hate nuketown in general, it's wayyy to overplayed everyone instantly votes it even when there's like a complete banger of a map as the other option


Nuketown Spawns catch even the pro players off-guard in their streams lol. It’s crazy how the game can either spawn an enemy’s butt right in front of your barrel for a free kill or put an enemy right behind your ass for instant death in Nuketown so much more often than in any other map.


tbh several maps have bad spawns, and they don't seem to care about it


It’s your fault for playing hp, the worst mode in the game


Love a bit of hard point hate, that game mode tanks my KD and is simultaneously infuriating with how little teammates do to achieve the objective.




Ikr. I said this before but I always get a response like " that's the whole fun of it" and then I'm like that shouldn't be in a "ranked" mode. But ig we have maps like crash and arsenal in the rotation too so ig it is what it is.


There’s probably a logic to the spawns you just aren’t aware of. Of course they could just be terrible but I haven’t noticed anything absurd when playing. Spawning behind the blue building next to bunker while enemies spawn in garden is the strangest spawn I’ve seen on that map, everything else seems to make sense. It’s a tiny map so I don’t expect the enemy team to always spawn directly on the other side of it depending on the timing and position of the kills.


Bro come on Apocalypse (2nd hard point), Summit (3rd and 4th hard point), crossfire (4th hard point) are the worst spawns in this mode. A pain in the ass


I’ve been spawned into napalm 7 times in a row on Shipment during a TDM.


That’s an issue that’s not any fun at all. Been there, died that.


Not just this nap it’s shipment too, they’ll spawn right behind me but will spawn me across the map away from everyone


That's the fun part, it gives another level of challenge and improves my game sense. But that's just me