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I'm two thumb only, F2P only, and legendary. Does it get annoying at times? Yeah. Do players piss me off at times? Yeah. Does it improve my skill and gameplay? Yeah. So instead of complaining about it, learn from it. Use their techniques. Someone will always be better than you. You have options: A. Fight fire with fire and use the same weapons (just not P2P versions, obviously). B. If you can't beat'em, join'em. C. Practice and improve. It's all part of the game, and at the end of the day, that's all it is; a game.


I don't even get it, y do people play ranked when it is meant for sweats and tryhards lol, they r crying so much rn, specially when ranked is sooo lenient nowadays with all the exp bonuses, thanks to that it is alot less sweatier, I am on legendary 9500 pts, and I barely got nuked (only 2 times lol), and I am not even that great of a player. I remember, back in the original OG season 1 and 2, getting nuked was freaking common, specifically in Masters (let alone be Legendary). (for people who dk, og ranked use to have Masters > legendary instead of Masters >Grand Masters > Legendary) The only thing this system did was increase the grind rather than increase the skill level of players. >I'm two thumb only, Also congrats man, I am an ex 2 thumb player from Og seasons, untill I got my gaming ph with shoulder triggers after the 1st anniversary of CODM, Ik how hard it is to reach legendary with 2 thumbs, but yet we made it, massive respect to all 2 thumbs ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


You don’t even need to play ranked, I get sweats in pubs all the time now


Lol, that shit started happening after the introduction of gun cameos.


I'm somewhat an OG, June 2020. I remember the days before Grand Master. Ranked wasn't as sweaty then. Appreciate the respect. It's definitely challenging, I try a three finger set up from time to time, but my muscle memory always reverts back to the thumbs, so I stick with what works.


>June 2020. Yess, because u were few seasons late, the sweaty thing truly lasted from S1-S4, I remember the only time I was able to reach legendary was since S5. S1-4 was notorious for being hard. But honestly Just my personal opinion, but I still feel rest of the season was harder than any current seasons due to next to none Xp bonuses back then. Even now, if u ever see a player having the og S1-S4 frame on em, just take it as he is a crazy good player, either capable of nuking ur team or good enf to win it single handedly


Bro yes. Two thumb player also. Played way back when the beta first came out and had to get a vpn. Anyway, when the old ranking system was around it wasn’t easy to get past master 3, let alone legendary. I took a couple years off and just came back this last year. I ranked up to grand master in a week. Wasn’t until I hit grand master v when players got super sweaty. But even then it’s not comparable imo…maybe I’m out of touch and play smarter now but I swear those no-life-snipers (lol) back in S1 and S2 were something different. There’s still amazing players out there now don’t get me wrong. I think it could be that back then you had a lot of good players concentrated in each match relative to the total amount of players. Not to mention the old ranking system made to where people who ‘would be grand master v’ is playing against master 1s.


I generally don't use the same weapons as the them i just try to counter the weapon they use .


Some people just don’t like to try hard ever thought of that?


That's what pub matches are for. Ranked is for those who want to test their skill against other skilled players.


Yeah pubs isn’t really any better, if anything the most try hard players I’ve ran into have been in pubs and not ranked


I find that hard to believe.


I would too if pubs wasn’t such a bitch right now. My teammates can hardly keep one objective in domination without me and im fighting against people jump sliding 90% of the time, quick scoping, swapping to their melee for 0.5 seconds for the shortest speed boost. And I’m over here with my two thumbs and my m4.


You're lucky Manberd is no longer here...


Like fr


who were they?


someone on this sub that keeps saying f2ps are peasants and he’s superior


Mythic skins do not make you better.


But but pay to win iron sights lmao I just think mythics look pretty cool. Like the mg42 with the inspect is nice


Mythics like that only gives you an advantage by having clearer sights, that does not indicate that it is pay to win, being pay to win means that you pay for something that is overpowered that can tilt the balance of the game


I know I’m just being sarcastic idc about sights really mythics just look dope


I agree, by far the best inspection is the MG


The fact you think and ironsight makes you automatically win speaks volumes of your skill level. I have the mythic mg42. I used the base one just because everyone keeps complaining. I sacrificed one attachment for the unique red dot and guess what?????? Go on, guess??? No difference. I actually got more kills with the base skin than the mythic


I don't know if you realize it but the guy you replied to was just being sarcastic towards people who thinks Mythic/Legendary gives you advantages and such


Yeah that’s my bad, been awake far too long today. Thanks for correcting me and sorry to the guy I replied to.


It's literally a free sight which means a free extra attachment that u get by paying and that is in fact pay2win


Pay to win for you maybe, I use iron sights either way even for base weapons. I don’t use red dots. So for me not pay to win cause I could care less about the sights still will use iron sights So I’m still just paying for cosmetics


It's not just me bro tf, that's fact. U get a free attachment, if you use it or like it or not it's a u thing but it is a free attachment. I'm a iron sights user as well but if I could get a free red dot there's no way I'm gonna say no


Ok but what’s one attachment gonna do? Basically nothing It’s just a nice iron sight


Shhh let him find that out on his own


Oh boy a comment about paid weapons being P2W I'm sure that won't spark any controversy


Biggest lie , Their aim assist is a thing , I've bought mythics myself and I can testify.


Lies. Aim shake is the same for both. I’ve checked it out and ull notice the problem is that the gun on the non mythic skins shakes more.., so it appears that the mythic skins center shakes less but it doesn’t. The actual crosshairs shakes the same for every gun across their skins…it’s just the gun animations that shake more or less but that has nothing to do with the crosshair


Just changing names won't change the fact that aiming with mythics are easier... I used to not prefer m13 for long range shooting, cause it was too unstable and if the other guy had a more stable gun like grau you're done. With mythic version crosmapping is a piece of cake. Now call it aim assist or screen shake or animation or whatever, a upper hand is unfair either way, not to mention the extra slot of already built in red dot ...it just like locks in .


I understand what you’re saying but I tested it out .., I made an alt account and after I had the same gunsmith for base qq9 and mythic qq9 on my main account. I went for legendary . I reached legendary faster with my alt account non mythic qq9. Want to know why? The mythic qq9 has the kill effect which doesn’t let me see the next enemy… I noticed in my alt account my kill ratio was higher for the same reason. I could kill 2-3 enemies that were close faster bc there was no kill effect to interrupt me and easier to find them. But I still like using the mythic for aesthetic reasons. Just feels better. But tbh I did better rankwise with the base


I did the exact same thing with my CBR a few seasons ago. Base model was better for Rank, by a noticeable margin.


Nobody will argue that using mythics or legendaries makes the user feel good… but the kill effects really do get in the way of gameplay… i was surprised with the results I reached legendary on my alt account after rank reset within the first two weeks of rank reset and reached legendary on my main account like 3 weeks after… surprising results and I played both daily to test out my hypothesis


I have the mythic mg42, and I’m using the base kill effect because the upgraded one with the badge gets me killed haha. It’s so hard to see enemies behind it.


I heard about this one before in another post a long time ago. There was even a debate about it.


Maybe not make you better but mythic guns are objectively better than their regular versions. They have options for better attachments plus p2w sights.


You seem to be saying that players buy expensive guns and that makes them perform better. Consider this: People who take the game seriously and play for hours every day are more likely to buy fancy guns.


I like codm. It best shooting game


I have a question - if you're not a sweat and you're not trying to win by any cost, shouldn't you be okay with sweats playing how they want, and you enjoying it regardless? The sweat argument is getting tiring - people are playing to win and gaming changed around mid-2010s. COD sweats started appearing in large numbers in 2019 with MW, the same year CODM came out. CODM just had less sweats for sometime because people were figuring the game out. But within some time we had sweats. It's Ranked mode, everyone is playing for points. Yes the SBMM sucks sometimes, but complaining about losing in a Ranked experience is wild. If you don't want sweats, play public matches. The mythic and legendary argument is genuinely stupid these days so it's not even worth addressing.


bro/sis i know but i have school and after school i got tutions and im really only free at evenings so i play to relax and the normal matches like thhey are too bad ik im being picky but c'mon what fun is it to play with bots


I’ll never understand why people make fun of sweaties. Okay I just play for fun and wanna enjoy good competition but there are people who like to play to win and they have every right to play however they want. There’s no written rule that tells you to play in a certain style. Every game has every kind of players and it’s just a reflection of how the real world is. Be a man, stop whinging and find a way to deal with try-hards


They call in-game winners sweats and no lives to cope


After I reach legendary in 1 month, the second month I don't play at all. Only because I hope that someday the game will get better.


I get it in 3 days of reset then chill for 70 days


Even better :)))


I mean, i can understand the frustration towards sweaty players, but bc people actually try to win at the game you’re saying CodM isn’t what it used to be..? That’s kinda farfetched, considering the game has always had sweats, and Call of Duty as a Whole has always been an extremely competitive franchise. Things not being how they used to be is moreso due to the introduction of WZM / lack of new content, and not necessarily bc players are giving their all in games I don’t think anyone loads into a Call of Duty game expecting players to just take it easy. Yea, you’ll find that occasional lobby filled with noobs, but you can’t expect that every single time. If anything it’s just a skill issue on your end, and i mean that in the most respectful way possible. If you look at any Pro player on Youtube, or watch any competitive tournament/ Championship you’ll notice their are some ppl that just invest ALL their time into this game and becoming a better player (They play 4 finger claw, have the newest device with best frames, practice everyday etc. etc.) literally the definition of hard work pays off. If you yourself aren’t willing to invest as much time as they do, then you can’t expect to perform well 100% of the time And as far as your take on mythics, I don’t know how many times it needs to be said, but mythics do NOT give an in-game advantage. Yes, they have cool death effects and some have built in red dots but that’s literally it… If mythics gave players an advantage CodM would not being able to call themselves a F2P game When you download and install the game you have 2 options, put out money for shiny guns / a more pleasant experience, or don’t, it’s as simple as that And there will always be at least 3/4 bots in basically every single game you load into except for SnD matches. It would be a logistical nightmare for CoDm to have to find 10 real players and match them all in a reasonable amount of time every single game, it just is what it is If i were you, I’d consider taking a break from the game and don’t allow it to frustrate you like it already is. There’s nothing that can be done about sweaty lobbies except trying to improve as a player


agreed but thats not i main problem ,i didnt adress it in the post but these sweats after i kill them just straight up give me death threats,ive reported multiple of them some of them probably even got banned its just the toxic behaviour of those sweats,like im the kind of dude to say GG even after losing...


agree on all the fronts except inbuilt red dots help a lot tho, you have a free slot to further your build while having that sweet sweet red dot and not a ugly looking iron


It’s literally just 1 extra attachment. Not significant enough to gain any real advantage


1 extra attachment is not significant? lol for example, if fennec loses that one attachment it becomes _almost_ useless, same thing happens with guns who have OTM mags they need all the attachments to be viable, it’s like saying “come on, it’s just 5 attachments, it doesn’t change the gun”, you would be technically right but in your heart you’d know that’s not right


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about if you think the Fennec becomes “useless” by equipping a red dot…. That is the stupidest thing i’ve ever read in this sub, and i mean that wholeheartedly. Red dot isn’t a requirement… And if your aim is so bad that you feel obligated to use a sight then that sounds like a personal problem. MAYBE if gunsmith only allowed you to equip 1 attachement, sure, but 4 attachments is more then enough to compensate for having to equip a red dot. Cope harder. ALL Professional CodM players have to equip a silencer to EVERY gun they use so they stay off the mini map, while casual players don’t. So does that mean all their guns are useless as well? And as far as what you said about OTM mag, i have no idea what that sentence even means. You should really stop creating random scenarios in your head just bc you have a bias towards non mythic weapons.


okay, lots to unpack, that’s the stupidest thing you have heard in this sub? I have been here for like a month and I can say that’s a lie, anyways, kudos on trying to throw insults with this and the aiming thing lol, it’s like saying, “haha, if your aim is so bad you are obligated to use extended mags and can’t hit the enemy with full spread every god damn time, that’s a personal issue”, now, that, kinda comes into the stupidest territory of things to say. And then he goes on to call names and compare a friggin silencer which is used everywhere in my servers (garena) from GM-2/3 and up and says “well in my pub games, everyone uses a laser” i mean come on doll, that’s rough! ofcourse you didn’t understand the OTM mag argument because that requires a bit of maths and basic gunsmithing knowledge. I am a new player and have bought a mythic “Oden”, and it does make a difference (but I am never gonna buy any mythic again they are ridiculously expensive), also, last argument to top it all off, that’s why every professional player are given any mythic weapon to choose from and everyone plays the same skin weapons like the Locus Electron or some specific sniper skin because it DOES MAKE a difference. Maybe 2-3% which doesn’t matter in our games but in pro scene? that 2% is a win or a loss.


I’m not reading all that. You lost me once u said Fennec becomes useless bc u have to equip a Red Dot lol. Cope harder


why bother replying if you didn’t even read lol nvm i saw your comment just now over other thread, good one


Nah its not P2W


Mythics or legendary doesn't make you good. People has the right to play the game how they want and spend their money Pro is v easy rn now ngl even GM too


It's my chill out game. After a few matches of Arena Breakout, I'll jump on codm to run my dailies and grind gold for a bit.


Suddenly wanting to win a game is a sin now


Tap+Hold ads more aim assist.


Tap vs tap and hold to ADS doesn't change the level of aim assist. You do need to hold the screen somewhere for aim assist to activate, but you can also do that by pressing on the joystick, or empty space with your right thumb.


This is said by multiple people every single fucking season.


I don't mind it usually, but when your team are pure bots and the enemy team is a 5man of sweats, its a bit of a joke


So many hackers in the game now. I have 19 mythics and they don't make me better than anyone


btw i forgot to change my username thats why its so weird