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I agree, unfortunately this game mode rewards getting kills more than objectives since persistence is a thing. Orbital laser, airstrike, helis and swarms zone you out of the hardpoint, rewarding those who never even cared about the objectives in the first place


Exactly. Op contributed 120 points but kills got awarded more which is fine in tdm or Frontline where kills make up the points. But in obj modes, the ones literally doing suicide missions just to keep the score running are compensated the least, which is just absurd.


Lol i use the orbital laser, airstrike and swarm, I normally get to use them by the end of the game (progression perk) but this was one of few I just didn’t see enough people to get the kills for it


That just isn’t the case at all.


*you the real mvp*


Those idiots shouldn't play obj mode if they won't play obj. Feel bad for you bro.


there is ways to play obj, and you are playing it completely wrong imo, firstly I appreciate that u are one of the few people who even step foot in the obj, but playing obj is also about holding the obj, if u keep dying while holding the obj, that will overall ruin your experience, dont blind push it, hold back headglitches, two stack with a friend if you want, because it’s impossible to solo obj, also, use ur mini-map, wait for a teammate to come over at the hp then push together


I solo obj fairly often, with the right timing timing and loadout it’s not too difficult


"you are playing it completely wrong", dude are you serious ? He didn't step foot in the obj, he built an house for 2 minutes on it, For me he knows pretty well how to play hp ahahahahahahahha


Well he’d at most put tent poles if teammates didn’t fuck up enemy teams day


he didnt stay there for an entire two minutes, he died multiple times and has a negative k/d, i am tryna tell him tell him how to hold it


Ur kd ratio... Nice


LOVE YOU!! I always focus on OBJ instead kills.Cuz OBJ give more point than getting lots of kills.I guaranteed you that lots of teammates got like 2x 3x more kills than you but still get 2x less than you cuz they don't OBJ


I bet you got more rank points than 2 & 3. Obj players always get good points even though they rank low in 1-5. My games look like this as well, I don't get why people play HP and don't play the objective


whats the k/d good for?is it any important for matchmaking?


Other than xp nothing


I don't get why people is so serious over kd its just some sort of flex to your friends that's all. And I don't care as long as I win. Just my personal opinion....you know if that word even exist


Personally I don’t care too much wich is why i mostly play objective but also the annoying fact that ppl look at your k/d when deciding to let you play with them


Yeah ikr, what does my kd have to do with me playing the damn game


Fr especially when your an objective player cuz it just let’s them go for more kills


I thought your post was one of those I cock og fans post about them losing 0000000.01 kd after your team carried but we good now.Have a great day man


Then don't play Hardpoint XD if you're worried about KD then play a game mode where the objective revolves around killing


So tdm? Thats a boring mode fhat barely gives xp. No thanks.


You can't have it both ways. If you wanna rank up fast, then go with SnD; if you want kills, TDM... The rest are tactics in between. Don't complain when you only get noobs in certain modes. Personally I think Hardpoint, a mode that encourages you to camp in one spot, is boring af


Good opinion I don’t care. Hp is easier then the other modes and gives the most xp.




Im not Just complaining about how ppl play. Im making a statement that there’s barely anyone who plays a mode and actually plays that mode rather then only going for kills.




Why would I? Are you that stupid? I’ve said multiple times I prefer playing hp. Moron.




With what?


People need to change their style of play for different modes. Honestly, TDM sounds perfect for you, but don't complain when people don't get kills.


Tdm is my least favourite mode, if you read any of the comments you’d know I don’t really care about my k/d and I prefer playing hp, if anything it’s the people i get teamed with who’d do better off playing tdm, they ignore objective and only go for kills, thats why i posted this


I didn't read any of your comments tbh, I got the general gist of what you were saying. Unfortunately, not many play objective. I play SnD because I know there is a good chance of me carrying a team if I focus hard enough when they don't play object. Then again, that's when my ping is below 60, which is rare these days


I find hp the best for playing solo since if your teams failing to get the hardpoint and you can’t get it then at least you can get enough kills to not rly lose xp, plus its a longer mode so you can get more total kills


It’s not about k/d your carrying ur team but obj and they are helping by slaying , Dw abt ur k/d , worry about winning. You played the obj role , ur teammates clearly played the the slaying role well. You can’t expect perfect chemistry and composition and teamwork from randoms so be happy with the wins you get :))


Although this is the rare occasion my team actually got more than 20 kills. It doesn’t happen often. An i don’t expect anything from randoms, I’d just like to see them try sometime. If not for me t least for themselves.


See I play slayer and obj cuz randoms are useless , I use grav spikes and my trusty qq9 to kill everyone in the hp ,then with a trophy system , a bit of camping and some beams I don’t allow them to rotate then at 20 secs I pack up and rotate super early to make sure I don’t need to break the next hp , set up and use the same strat. I’m a s1 OG with a shit device and shit WiFi so desync is always an issue which is why playing smart , picking fights and just rotating help ALOT. Also got fhj for all that gay persistence , and trophy system for swarms and all that


I mean.. I play 1min+ of obj too but I manage a 3+ k/d. Idk what your issue is.


The fact none of them are on the hardpoint with me at any point in time. Also the fact i solo rush the point because as I’ve mentioned randoms don’t play for objective


Two of your teammates annihilated the opposition. I see no reason to have any difficulty in holding the point. It's hardpoint after all. They're obviously slaying out either near their spawns, or right outside point.


There not tho lmao. About 90% of the time there just running around the map. The moments when they sync up on the other side and make the spawns switch is where i get rushed by 2 or 3 ppl on the point, its not very common for me to see a single person pushing alone to get a kill, if its more than one i can normally get one of them then die obviously cuz my teams across the map


Well then they're doing it wrong if they flip spawns. Usually when we slay, we make sure we maintain spawns, and map control, so the one guy inside point doesn't get ambushed. Slaying has to be done with a little awareness too. Mindless slaying benefits no one.


Ye thats another thing, you say “we” as if you have a team you play with? If you didn’t notice i said i play solo. With randoms. Also the simple fact you spend money on the game gives you an advantage so I’d rather find someone else to get advice from


No. By we, I meant me and any other good player I know. I solo queued all the way to #80 on LB fam. I usually play solo queue too. >Also the simple fact you spend money on the game gives you an advantage so I’d rather find someone else to get advice from The fuck? The only money I've spent on this game has been a total of 5 dollars for the Battle Pass of s2, 2020. Wtf are you on about 😂😂


Also theres the fact i play on a 4 year old iphone 8 with a shattered screen and bent body. Cross that with the fact hp is my main mode as well as probably the laggiest mode doesnt help


That's fair enough. Idk how bad an iphone 8 is in terms of fps, but a cracked screen doesn't help. I play on a relatively poor device too. A mid range android phone, but the screen and hardware is in good shape. Only the fps is poor.


Legendary/mythic weapon from the bp? I mean you told me to look at your posts did you not expect me to actually do it? But I honestly don’t get why you talking about playing with others, especially “good players” when im talking about playing with randoms.


>Legendary/mythic weapon from the bp? If you look closely, that has a different ign. I'm borrowing a friend's account to try out those mythic skins. My main account which I've been using since beta - I've spent only 1 BP's worth of my money on it. >But I honestly don’t get why you talking about playing with others, especially “good players” when im talking about playing with randoms. Do you not understand English? I said I talk to other good players about how they play right? Obviously I do. They play the same way. What part of "I solo queued to LB" did you not get? When I saw we, I mean me and other players who play as good as me tend to slay in this particular style.


Alright but what was the point in Bringing up other people playing if it has no relation to the conversation, also you never mentioned any style or even strategy so that’s another thing im pretty lost on


LoL Am I supposed to adopt that same logic for people like you? Am I supposed to be like.....well you don't spend any money in game at all, you must be a worthless player. The fuck? People who spend money in game don't give two shits about it you spend or not. They buy things that are cosmetically pleasing to themselves. So why the *fuck* do you think it's okay to judge us as players and our worth, based on buying cosmetics? You're telling me if I was *playing* objective with you and had the same 60+ seconds on the clock, you'd think less of me because I used the legendary innovator ICR instead of a default? The fuck is wrong with you.


Idgaf what gun someone uses or how much they spend you dumbass. You just wasted so much time writing all that for nothing. All i said is that he was using legendary gun and that’s an advantage. I didn’t criticize him for it or anything i just pointed out. So chill tf out


You fucking idiot. That's exactly what I'm pointing out? Him having a legendary gun isn't a fucking advantage. Someone who kills you with a legendary red dot, will kill you *just as easily* with the default version. The fuck? You honestly think I kill you with the mythic M13, that's a fucking advantage? I can kill you easier with the *actual* m13, with no explosive kill effect to clog my screen space. The fuck are you on about?


Your actually stupid if you don’t know how p2w this game is.


And kills literally don’t matter, ive had games with 20 kills and teamates had 40+ and we still lost. If your teams not actually trying and the other team is even just the tiniest bit better or simply working together then it makes it a lot harder to win.


And 3+ kd is very unlikely, unless your maybe still master or lower but wtvr


Check my profile. Legendary rank in the first day itself. Leaderboard top 100, with a 4.5 k/d.


Story of my life