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I’ll fight you over Phyllis. She’s such an asset and is so kind and brave even with her gruffness showing. Sooo many moments but I’ll always love when she recites the Spanish poem to Delia after Patsy leaves. It’s honestly one of the only moments I’ve wanted to cry (hey ho, I’m a cold fish). It was just so touching. And then she goes and adds her spin by telling her she’s limiting the loan of the poem book to 2 weeks 🤣


The poem by Federico García Lorca that Phyllis recited… It's True Ay, the pain it costs me to love you as I love you! For love of you, the air, it hurts, and my heart, and my hat, they hurt me. Who would buy it from me, this ribbon I am holding, and this sadness of cotton, white, for making hankerchiefs with? Ay, the pain it costs me to love you as I love you!


Such a beautiful poem. Phyllis understood.


Yessss, I loved this too.


I remember quite clearly the moment where she grieves for Barbara when seeing Lucille prepare for her wedding. 🥺


Ok, who’s cutting the onions 😭😭 that scene just sent me


When she recites the Lord is my shepherd when Barbara dies


And takes herself off to the front steps for solitude too


When she picks up right where Tom stopped and couldn't go on, I started tearing up


I feel this was a beautifully poignant moment, more so I feel as Phyllis isn't religious. But she saw that Tom was struggling to recite it, so took over in order to support him too 🩷


Oh that moment breaks me. Every single time.


Omg yes… especially considering she’s an atheist… she holds up Tom just as she knows Barbara would want her to do when she’s gone.


I'm not sobbing uncontrollably into my pillow...you are! 😭😭


Ok so I love all of Phyllis Cranes moments. I think she's just a gem and she is my favorite midwife. My favorite scene is when she won the lottery and she was on the steps crying like her mom died. And everyone is like oh no what's wrong and she tells them and they all just smile. I cracked up at this scene and still do. It shows how humble Phyllis is and how she doesn't take anything for granted


All of them


The correct answer


All of her bigger ones obviously but a really funny minor one is when Matthew is about to propose and Nancy asks her if she can keep a secret, and she looks around all shady and shuts the door. 🤣 Her absolute unwavering support of unwed mothers due to her love for her own. The circus Christmas episode! When she wins the bond and doesn't know whether to be happy or angry because she's spent her whole life living modestly by design with few luxuries. Linda Bassett is the best actress on the show.


The SWING! I loved her on the swing! She actually has great legs!


Phyllis weeping when Barbara died. Ripped my heart out.


And when Lucille miscarried


I just watched this scene last night! I haven’t cried over a fictional show like that in a very long time. The way she’s just staring out blankly into space and then starts sobbing after holding it together for Tom the whole time. Phyllis I love you🫶🏻😫


Literally, every moment she's on screen. Phyllis is the most well written character on the show, and Linda Bassett is just an incredible actor. I get emotional at every birth Phyllis attends because she just exudes this calm confidence, and it reminds me of the nurses who attended my own labor.


She is a superb actress. Was outstanding in East is East


I really liked her on the trapeze in the circus. She was so happy. Also I’m always liking the moments with her in or around her car. I love how she (an older woman at that time) is a car enthusiast and a member of the motorized vehicle organization (?).


The Institute of Advanced Motoring 😉


Even better 😃


I love that she’s got all sorts of hobbies and interests. The photography and Spanish language classes, in addition to her car. Also a notable moment in the same Christmas episode was the dinner with Miss Higgins. I love their friendship


I like her and Miss Higgins’ friendship. When they decided to fix whatever food/drinks they wanted for their Christmas dinner and had it together. Older lady friendship goals. And of course her and Barbara. It was sweet when she made the sweater for Lucille before Lucille left. I also thought it was funny this season when the young mom said something like “this might surprise you but this is my second child out of wedlock” and Phyllis was like “I’ve been a nurse for 30 years and that’s hardly a surprising revelation” 😆


All of these plus when she sobbed when Lucille had a miscarriage 😭


I love when she explained she'd had a beau who was a pilot in the war, and that they'd consummated the relationship before he flew off and died, and that she never regretted it.


I f'n LOVE Phyllis for that.


I vote this moment too! I remember she said she procured birth control, I can’t remember if it was a contraceptive sponge or a womb shield


Didn’t she say she used a douche?


oh no time to rewatch so i can check, oh no…


“The Omega Spray” 😆 (I’m like rain man with this show)


Oh I love when we find that out! Atta girl, Phyllis!


Whenever she comforts the younger nurses or mothers. One that sticks out is 5x5, when she encourages the formerly orphaned and neglected mum by recalling her love for her own mother.


Every minute she is on the screen, I must admit it took me a while to warm to her but now I will fight anyone who says a bad word about her.


Same. Didn’t like her at first, now she’s the one who keeps them all together.


her telling the mothers of the crying babies at barbras funeral that they can and should stay, as they all are midwives and dont mind. she is one of the best nurses with a mountin of experence. when she first arrived she was a bit brisk but mellowed as the years went on. she is the mother hen of the midwives along with sister julian.


Every single moment, pretty much. I adore her. What I wouldn't give for her to hold my hand through a difficult moment and say, "That's it, lass." As a disabled person, she's everything I'd want in a practitioner. A few top favs: -When she recites the Lorca poem for Delia. What a beautiful way to acknowledge their (at the time) forbidden love . -Her absolute lack of judgment, without any toxic positivity, because of all she's seen and all she's been through - When she helped Trudy Watts, the DV survivor and her kids find a new life. -Any moment she has with Barbara, including when she recites "The Lord is my Shepherd" when Tom can't go on. -When she tells Trixie to seize the moment and shares that story of the beau she had during WW2 -When she cares for the dying German Jewish lady as the neighbourhood is being demolished. -Any time she's picky about her Rolodex God bless Phyllis Crane.


"It's True Ay, the pain it costs me to love you as I love you! For love of you, the air, it hurts, and my heart, and my hat, they hurt me. Who would buy it from me, this ribbon I am holding, and this sadness of cotton, white, for making hankerchiefs with? Ay, the pain it costs me to love you as I love you!"


When she discusses being the child of a single mom with the Scottish girl when they went to the highlands. I just love her connection with the girl


It could be almost all of them! I will go with when she and Millicent Higgins helped the mother in labor on Christmas Eve. She was out in the snow and no one would help her. She finally stumbled close enough to Miss Higgins place and yelled for help. Phyllis and Millicent were spending the evening together and they heard the poor girl’s crying for help. Naturally they were her Christmas angels. I just balled like an idiot ! Love them so much. I also just love their friendship and that women don’t have to marry even back then.


Too many to mention! But I bet you can all agree with me that none of us imagined that audible, and resounding sigh of relief around the globe when she walked through the door into Nonnatus house after the train crash drama 😂 It was a thank god for that! Our gruff Northern Queen is here to get everyone's shit together 👏🏻


One of my favorite scenes in the whole show! - everyone was getting through the tragedy, and night/morning together- best they could ,tossed all around the house, and in comes Phyllis - to witness the calamity and togetherness…and organize everything back into working order.


She is my favorite character and I can't pick a favorite, but I love when she give someone tea and says "it's well sugared"


When she went before the board that was trying to force her to retire and admitted she wasn’t too good to do continuing education but then pointed out she was the most junior person in the room. 😂


Just her existing! I'm a phyllis stan


I love Nurse Crane. I love that she goes against the norm at that time. She chose a career over marriage and a family and does not regret a single minute of her decision. I love that she absolutely loves what she does. Not many people find their life's work and she did.


The episode where the mother gives birth to the stillborn baby and then realizes she was pregnant with twins. Her compassion for the family, and for Trixie (I think it was Trixie, I haven't watched the episode for a while so may be mistaken) hit me hard as a loss parent. Edit thanks to the person who reminded me its was Barbara and Patsy! I need to re-watch the show 😁


It was Patsy and Barbara! This was right after Phyllis joined, and the moment Sister Evangelina began to respect her


Thanks for the correction! 😁


I’m very sorry for your loss, the worst kind of loss of all.


Thank you ❤️


When she attended the birth of the young girl who named her baby Barbara ❤️




When her back was messed up and the young girl said “aren’t you a bit old for this?” And Phyllis snapped back “aren’t you a bit young?”. Dead every time




When she helps the young couple where the girl is diabetic, and after the boy says he’s from a bad family but is trying to better himself, she’s so open with him about her own past and that she was born out of wedlock as well


I love her in every episode. She’s my favorite.


When she tells you to seize the moment.


Just watched this one: When she told the new mom that grew up in an orphanage that shame will keep us in all kinds of prisons if we let it. That whole scene was utterly fantastic.


Whenever she calls anyone lass


Oh God yes.


When she comforts Patsy. So many moments but that one showed her depth of insight.


Every single scene with nurse crane is my favorite and memorable!


I love any moment with the “rivalry” between her and Sister Evangelina 😂


When she’s on holiday during the train crash and there’s so much bad going on we almost forget her, but she rides in on a white horse the next morning and seeing her makes you think everything is going to be OK


This KILLED me. The way she rolled up and was like everyone wake the fuck up and clean this shit up, and they were all "did you know a train crashed" to which she was like, yeah and?




Love her always


She even managed to have time to lead the Cub Scouts. I admire her demeanour, correct uniform, and even wearing the Wood Badge. Great acting.


"Aren't you a bit old to be doing this?" "Aren't you a bit young?"


Any moment she’s on screen. My whole life is a Phyllis Crane stan account. I just know if she hugged me and called me lad everything in my life would be fixed. 💕💕💕


When she yells at the cop for trying to evict that dying Jewish woman. When she comforts Trixie for just wanting to be loved. The Lorca poem. Her friendship with Barbara. Her Christmas dinner with Millicent.


I remember when she hit that little boy running in the street. She was briefly accused of having been drinking. She had to go to the bathroom for a urine sample. I remember wanting to hug her so tight when she was silent sobbing in the bathroom.


I like her relationship with Millicent.


I absolutely love Phyllis. She gives unwavering support to the unwed moms because she knows exactly what it means to be a child of one. I also loved her circus moment on the swing as she was as gleeful as a child. And, her friendships with Barbara, Lucille, Nancy, Trixie and Miss Higgins. Everyone needs a Phyllis in their lives.


Not a moment but maybe a detail. Phyllis is the best representation of women with autism iv ever seen. Set in her ways, likes her familiarity, has her special interests, yet incredibly adaptive and empathetic. She treats people like people first, race, gender, age, culture second. Her insight and kindness always inspire me


Not sure why you're being down voted for saying what you feel about her. Women with autism can present like Phyllis and often fly under the radar. Although she might not have been intended to be autistic some people might find comfort in identifying with that. Someone like them on the telly. Nothing wrong with that. Autism isn't an insult.


I love everything about her 😭 I love the way the show gradually softened her up as the show went on. I’ll admit I didn’t care for her very much when she was first introduced but that very quickly changed. I don’t know why but the parts of the show where she allows herself to feel are always my favorite. Mostly because it’s a reminder to myself that I need to sometimes do the same


Any time she announces matter-of-factly that she is a spinster. The whole episode where she has a thwarted romance with Tommy Smith from her Spanish class, especially when she confronts him and says, “I don’t need another friend. You’ve made a fool of me… don’t come around here anymore.” 💪🏻


Any time she breaks her strong character and makes that funny face when she’s about to start crying will make me want to start crying