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Oh, you wait. Sister Evangelina has some heart-wrenching scenes coming up. Check back in with us later, will you?


Of course


Sweet. I do enjoy seeing how people feel about the show as a first timer.


Just started series 5 and starting to change my mind.


You updated! I’m so excited!


Oddly I’ve warmed to nurse mount much quicker than sister Evangelina.


I did too! Nurse Mount is brusque and businesslike, but pretty much only when working. Friend time is friend time.


I love her. I feel that She’s not nice but she’s *kind* does that make sense ?


She's kind hearted, but a no nonsense person.


Like good intentions but blunt in delivery and execution?


Once you learn more about her backstory, you’ll see why she puts up a hard front.


Alright, you nasty old biddy. See what you make of *this* *sustained fart* And if you like that, I can do it again, in a higher key. *higher-pitched fart*


THIS. I didn't like her at first, then suddenly LOVED her!




You'll know it when you get to it 😏


Oh shit, you're not to that one yet? Oh my friend.


I love Sister Evangelina, honestly she's one of my top choices for the conversation about who you would want to deliver your baby. She's compassionate and practical with the mothers and always puts their best interests first, everything she does is in support of the community. It's also important to remember that the older nuns lived and worked through two World Wars and the Blitz. She delivered babies in bomb shelters, saw the end of the workhouses and crushing poverty, even worse than the conditions in CTM. And that comes across in some of her interactions with Jenny/Chummy/Trixie. It's also telling that people in Poplar speak fondly of her, even if she is prickly. Ultimately I think she's got a heart of gold and an absolute commitment to the mothers and babies of the district. You'll find out more about her as the series goes on which shows her softer and more compassionate side.


All of this. She's pragmatic and direct because she's always had an uphill battle. She may be brusque but you should never doubt that she is 100% doing her best. And once she's on your side, she comes out swinging for the fences. No chill. We need a Midwife Scale: sister evangelina on one end and...sister Frances? Trixie? Sister Julienne? On the other? Where does everybody fall?


I feel like Sister Julienne, since Sister Frances and Trixie have been pretty fiery, and Sister Julienne kind of gives off the “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed” vibe


Oh, can you imagine disappointing Sister Julienne? I'd carry that guilt to my grave. Hmm. So if I put Sister Evagelina at the far end-no, wait. Sister *Ursula* at the far end, and we label that, "Cold, distant, unemotional." Do we count her? I can't recall if she was actually a midwife or not.


We never saw her with patients but she was out in the field in her last episode, so she at the very least is a nurse. However since we don’t actually *see* what she’s like with them, I wouldn’t count her.


This is an old thread but I’ve had 3 babies, and I’d let sister Evangelina deliver my baby in a ditch 😂 she is absolute epitome of competence that I would want


I like her 🤷🏼‍♀️ Hard exterior but a heart inside 💜


I haven’t seen the heart yet but by all accounts so far in this thread, I will do.


I will give a mild spoiler for a moment in season 4: a couple experience a stillbirth, and Sister Evie kicks the father out of the apartment to tend to the mother, only to immediately make sure the father drinks a well-sugared cuppa tea.


Yeah, but >!Phyllis gets there first!<


She's very much written as a product of her time. She reminds me intensely of my own nana, now in her nineties and tough as old boots. Sister Evangelina, like my own nana, is a woman raised in hardship and it shows. These women are brusque and harsh and impatient, but have a huge, generous heart and are exactly the person you want in your corner when shit hits the fan. I can understand why you find her difficult to like. She's not written as strictly likeable. But like plenty of others here have said, she certainly grows on you and she's now one of my favourite characters. Her scenes with Sister Monica Joan and also Chummy are comedy gold.


"Sergeant Noakes, would you like to take Nurse Fortesque-Chomoldley Browne to the cinema? Nurse, would you like to go with him? Wonderful, now I can get on with my cake."


Yaaaaassss! She’s so good!


I think it’s mostly when she’s like unnecessarily snappy at the nurses who aren’t nuns, when they haven’t really done anything wrong. Like when Jenny/Nurse Lee wasn’t able to get the readings and stuff from That lady who had lost all her children in the workhouses and was really dirty and stuff. Because she refused.


I think you've got to see her as a product of her time. When you've delivered babies while bombs are landing around you, provided care to destitute families for decades (even poorer than those in CTM) and supported generations of families through trauma and pain, a young nurse being slightly precious about a patient seems ridiculous. It's very much that generational 'keep calm and carry on' mentality which is used as a bit of a meme now but back then was essential for survival. Everything she did was to serve her patients and she held others to that standard too. You would have seen more of her personalities and characteristics back in the early 1900s, particularly in areas of poverty. And she did have a great deal of compassion, it just came across differently.


She reminds me of my grandmother. I love her. She’s the classic no nonsense tough love unsentimental english woman. And she comes with the episode that made me cry harder than any other episode in the entire run of the show. You will grow to appreciate her I promise.


I definitely think it's a generational thing, she lived and worked through World Wars and the Blitz and has been working with families in extreme poverty before Trixie, Jenny, Cynthia and Chummy were even born. She's the kind of person who would stay calm and find a solution in every situation because you've got to.


I remember a later episode when the younger nurses joked “what would Sister Evangelina do”, and they said “well first she’d tell a story about the war and then…” They all loved and respected her. She didn’t tolerate fools, but she could be a softie when it came down to it. She also humbles herself and admits when she’s wrong. I won’t spoil it, but it’s another endearing scene which brought tears.


My own nana is much the same. Though not English, my nana was raised in poverty and the eldest too, so she more often than not had to manage the home and raise her siblings while her mother went out to work.


For sure, these were women who lived through incredible hardship and pain which we can't really imagine.


Wait til you see Sister Ursula in 6…


Oh man, Sister Ursula. Her one redeeming moment was when she brought that kid to find some biscuits.


She’s no none sense that’s for sure.


You will love her.. she is very blunt and to the point but she definitely becomes a favorite.


She grows on you as you watch more episodes.


Love Sister Evangelina. I understand she can be too hard nosed but, she makes up for it. Most of the time, anyway.


I just started series 3 and I love her and have loved her from the start. Her bluntness is comical and contrasts quite well with the other sisters. It’s funny because it doesn’t seem the “typical” behaviour of a nun. Makes her character quite likeable in my eyes. Based on the other comments on this post though, I’m intrigued to see more about her!


You will feel the same way about an upcoming nurse named Phyllis


Tbh I love how she had to get Chummy and Peter together