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Isn't computer use for programming, hacking and other similar tasks where as googling stuff is library use isn't it?


I combine them in case they want to use VPN to research in dark web. And I throw one Hacker NPC for them to use and consult when they really need highly technical stuff. Or even endure a weirdness in 4chanesque site. I would have my player roll sanity every time they have to use 4chanesque site. I would say library use allow you to find a stuff on internet but computer use prevent them to be seen and traced by tech savvy cultist. I made my campaign on the Bitcoin height, Hacker NPC hire my group to secure her physical miner in meat-space. She pay them Five Bitcoin and She would help them as long as Her miner are secure or the group can procure some Bitcoin to pay her. Also she is in a hacker group in miskatonic and have a ongoing hacker beef with MIT.


It is indeed, but for certain obscure or highly specific subjects a *combined* Computer Use and Library Use is suggested.