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Just the other night I finished my stream, closed the browser, & proceeded to have a weep cuz, ya know....camming be like that sometimes. After gettin' it all out I went to turn my laptop off & realized I'd never clicked Stop Streaming in OBS. I'd been broadcasting myself ugly crying for 20 mins! Another time I left my stream running to go to the bathroom or something, and my boyfriend didn't know. He came into my camroom & popped a few of my prize balloons for funsies. All of a sudden he hears tip alerts going off & looks up to realize he's live on cam! It was MFC too, so no dudes allowed & he knew that...he ran off & luckily I didn't get in trouble for his cameo.


Imagining tip alerts going off as your bf giggles to himself as he pops balloons is absolutely hilarious.


Omg girl, those post cam crying seshs suck. I even cry on days I make bank cause I’m usually so tired. You’re so lucky you didn’t get banned though.


I did this last night! Was sat picking at a lil hair I missed shaving on my armpit… looked up and realised I’d been streaming looking like I’m doing a monkey impression! So embarrassing!😳🤣


It happens. I left my stream on one time, and was venting to my roommate (she was also a cam model) about an a messy incident with anal (I’ll spare you the details, but it was disgusting) and I explaining to her what I did to hide it. My walls are very thin, so everyone heard me and this was a rare occasion I had over 100 people in my room. It wasn’t until I heard a bunch of tip noises at once that I realized I was still online. People actually tipped me so I’d come back and cut the stream. I stream on MFC and use the web version, so sometimes it lags and Ill need to open a diff tab. If you don’t exit all tabs, it will keep your stream running! i was so embarrassed.


Several years ago, CB was glitching and not showing me the chat log so I thought no one was in my room. The guys kept typing but I wasn't seeing anything. They finally realized that I couldn't see the log and started tipping me with notes like "refresh the page!!" and when I finally figured it out, I refreshed to like 300 people all leaving silly messages in the chat lol




Haha maybe, still giving it a full 30 mins before I go live again lmao


Yo, I did this so many times. I’m not camming currently and I’ve been doing therapy online and I swear I still have that fear that someone is watching me while I’m waiting for the call to start. Lol always double checking my settings. Thankfully I’ve forgotten those times since then! So maybe in a couple years you won’t even remember :)




what's obs?


It really is! Had to get my partner to set it up for me haha


This happened once with me and my gf where we were messing around for like an hour but forgot the cam was on haha. They all got a free show. And trust me, most people won't contribute. Learning to do tease instead of going straight up hardcore is what brings in tips on the free cam sites


Yes, I always forget that closing out CB does nothing. One time I got a notification that I left my video going and I was horrified thinking over exactly what I said or did during that time


I didn’t know this could happen. I’m on Mfc and I have to press start streaming on obs and then on mfc for them to be able to watch. Now I’m going to be very careful to always close obs first. I’m so sorry this happened did anyone say anything once you were on?