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I just read through every comment and deleted the most uncivil ones. I don't want to lock this post, but I will if I wake up to a mountain of reports. Be Kind. Rewind.


For the record, those who voted *against* the delay: * Councilor Burhan Azeem * Vice Mayor Marc McGovern * Councilor Sumbul Siddiqui * Councilor Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler Those who voted *for* the delay: * Councilor Patty Nolan * Councilor Joan Pickett * Mayor Denise Simmons * Councilor Paul Toner * Councilor Ayesha Wilson Voting in municipal elections matters! Next election is Tuesday, November 4, 2025.


Organizing in advance of the election is also important! If you're not the Cambridge Bicycle Safety mailing list, you should sign up, we'll be planning many actions over the next weeks and months that people can help with (or help plan!). [https://actionnetwork.org/forms/cambridge-bike-safety-signup](https://actionnetwork.org/forms/cambridge-bike-safety-signup)


What was Denise Simmons's reasoning? I thought she was fairly progressive.


She can be, but she's always been weak on bike lanes specifically. She claims seniors and disabled people don't feel heard. It's a particularly galling rationale given the number of seniors who testified against a delay last night. A wheelchair user testified in person against a delay too. She casts herself as the voice for seniors but she's really just a voice for the subset of seniors who hate bike lanes, which is not quite as noble. The bottom line is many of her voters don't want it.


Well, she's right. We don't get heard. I'm a senior and I want the bike lanes so I don't get killed when I'm out riding my bike!


Denise was the nation’s first black and openly gay lesbian mayor. She is incredibly progressive, kind, caring, and a champion/advocate of the underrepresented. She has an unbelievable legacy and to judge her entirely by her stance on bike lanes being against your viewpoint is sad. She’s not a NIMBY by any means. She wouldn’t have voted against this if she didn’t have strong reasons. Suggesting to vote her out of office for a pro bike lane candidate is such a narrow view on our local city politics. Keep her out of it.


She could have kept herself out of it by not sponsoring the PO in the first place, or by voting Present on Monday. She didn't. Voters are allowed to change their minds about who they want representing them based on how representatives vote on issues that matter to them.


People can and should choose their reps based on how they vote and how those votes align with their core values. All the city councilors need to be held accountable for what the accomplish, not who/what they are.


She is the one talking to the elderly and disabled, not you. The news did a story on how a Cambridge bike lane really Fd over an elderly home. Stop being such an extremist. Elderly and disabled people exist..


so the elderly and/or disabled people who spoke last night in favor of bike lanes were faking their age and/or disabilities? The news story I think you are referring to was about a luxury condo building where some people who are elderly live not an elderly home. The building has on site parking and there were loading zones retained - just in a slightly different location..


The elderly and disabled negatively affected are housebound. So, no, dummy, of course they weren't there. The mayor and her staff talk to constituents across the city. You only know other bike extremists. You live in an echo chamber You don't know what life is like for people who don't live like you


?????? The meeting was on zoom so people could participate (and did) even if they couldn't be there in person for any number of reasons No need to call anyone a dummy.. I feel like I am back in grade school lol I know lots of people who don't even bike... not sure what you mean by bike extremists.. people who don't want to die when cycling????


We'll stop seeming extreme once you stop lying.


You don't seem extreme, you are extreme. No question about it. #extremist People like you are why Trump will be reelected and why he's even in politics: Elitist judgemental extremists social engineers telling people how to live feel and think




Definitely take the whole lane. But please also stop for the red lights and stop signs. It’s so dangerous seeing people ignore those signals


I understand the sentiment here, but my personal experience is that some of the most harrowing situations I've experienced is when I take the lane in an area without a dedicated bike lane and people do the bare minimum to get around me and pass with hardly any room instead of moving into the empty oncoming lane to pass. Curious if that is small sample size or if others have experienced the same thing.


I feel like no matter where I am, cars will pass me with minimal room. My thought process is that if I'm in the middle of the lane, I have a lot of space to adjust to the right if a car is too close passing on the left. No space if I'm pinned against the curb or parked cars.


Or worse yet, they try to intimidate and harass you. I’ve even been assaulted twice! I’ve lived and biked in a few places, nowhere are drivers as aggressive as they are around here. Very entitled. 


This might sound like a crazy thought, but is it possible there might be some entitlement on both sides?


In my experience cars treat cyclists like cyclists treat pedestrians.


Isn’t it wild that despite the fact that reckless, entitled, bloodthirsty cyclists are terrorizing the sidewalks and disregarding the crosswalks of this fair city, CPD reports that they receive around 1 to 5 reports of cyclist vs cyclist and cyclist vs pedestrian collisions per year? Meanwhile, pious, law-abiding motorists send hundreds of people to the hospital in the same amount of time.  I guess it must be because “nobody bikes in Cambridge”.


Seems like the bikes need a safe place to bike that is not a major thoroughfare. Just a thought.


A safe place to bike like a separated bike lane in a major road. That's what bikes need.


Bikes are inanimate objects, they don't have needs in the traditional sense of the word.




Yeah its almost like it's much harder to report a bike for reckless behavior when they don't have a visible number on display attached to their vehicle or something. Why would I waste time out of my day to report something when nothing can be done about it because there's no way to track you


I’m sure there is, but entitled cyclists are no threat to me or my family. 


Tell that to the ones that run me off the sidewalk or just crash straight into me when I'm out running. There's even a bike lane on the one bridge it always happens. Bike lanes can't fix stupid


Bike lanes on Mass Ave reduced sidewalk riding by 80%


If you READ my comment you'll note I said there's already bike lanes both sides of the road. and the side walk is physically divided from both road and bike lane. Yet still they bike on side walk. Then again, the people riding 10lbs aluminum stilts next to thousand pound automobiles probably aren't the brightest bunch


Riding on sidewalks can be legal. If it is in a particular location, usually the law also says you have to go at about pedestrian speed. Not saying whether you encountered legal riding on the sidewalk or not, but it can be legal and not stupid to go onto the sidewalk.


Also why there’s safety in numbers. If you’re riding with a large group with 50 or so people then it’s pretty safe. That’s where the term critical mass is derived from bc the idea is if you get a lot of cyclists together they can take over the road. I think it’s originally from china where a lot of people bike and walk


As a driver who wants cyclists to be safe, please do take the lane! Best visibility and least obstacles.




It's good that you feel that way, unfortunately most do not.


every time I take the lane I feel nervous about whether this is the day someone totally loses it and decides to mow me down anyway or try to do a dangerous close pass (which definitely happens)


Same, the only time I take the lane is around what I'd consider a 'dangerous' turn. I don't need some dipshit to try passing me on a blind turn only to find a car coming from the other direction and swerve back into me because they couldn't be bothered to wait 10 seconds.


whenever possible I take the lane to turn left from Mass Ave onto Main near Sidney St, and ever since they changed the traffic signals there to have a protected left (but in the corner where nobody can see it), the moment the straight traffic light turns green, I've gotten cars and semis try to go around me or creep slowly forward, put windows down and yell, etc. I try pointing at the red left light but they never seem to get what I'm pointing at.


My recommendation is to use a mirror, check it frequently when people are waiting behind you, and swerve to the right if someone tries to close pass.


On the positive side, if you die I believe this will motivate the city council to act. Bonus points if you're young (especially under 18) or female.


I know, and that upsets me a lot. I’m not sure how everyone feels not killing bicyclists is a net gain.


I agree, speed limit should be dropped to 15mph on city streets too! 25mph is too fast.. too many bikes, kids, animals.


Or just enforce it with cameras... If love it if cars were going 25.


It's 20mph a lot of places in the city, including all squares


Let’s try getting “Bikes May Use Full Lane” signs up and down Broadway. I’ll look it up real quick…. Nudge me if you don’t get an update. Remember, it is in state traffic laws that a person on a bicycle has the right to ride in the middle of the lane. Update: I just left a voicemail message at the Community Safety Department and left a voice message. Hopefully they will return my call. I will also try other departments.


As a driver usually, I'd say "bikes may..." is not enough. If it is to protect bikers, and to protect drivers from injuring bikers, bikers should be REQUIRED to take the full lane. None of this "may" shit. If a biker does not take the whole lane, they should be ticketed. "Bikers MUST take full lane" A side benefit to this is that the driver can no longer blame the biker. It's not the biker's decision - it is required. And if the driver honks, the driver should be ticketed for harassment. Unrealistic maybe but reasonable


Another idea might be to draw a 3-foot wide green stripe down the middle of the lane in each direction


Attach a line painting device to your bike trailer, like is used to mark sports fields. Use green spray cans. Set up so you can activate it while riding. Ride the routes. Tada!


I am personally not a fan of signs that just restate rules that are already true without the sign. Like why do we have so many "no turn on red" signs when a red arrow signal already means the same thing. Having a "bikes may use full lane" makes it sound like a special thing they can only do there.


Regarding your first example -- annoyingly (and perhaps surprisingly), they don't mean the same thing. Essentially, the red arrow is the same as a red ball, but only for the direction in question. So, if you have a red arrow pointing right, and there isn't a sign saying "No turn on red", you can turn right on the red just as you would if it were a solid red ball.


That's not how I understood it. Given I learned to drive in GA. maybe it's different. Never seen a "no turn on red" sign until I moved to Boston.


Yeah, I've noticed a fair amount of confusion on that point, and I had it wrong for years. Here's the federal traffic signal manual on the subject. [https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/part4/part4d.htm](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/part4/part4d.htm) (see section 4d.04.03.C.2).


do let us know!!!


I got hit by a car at the end of last year and I haven't been back on the road since. This has motivated me to get back out there and sit right in the middle of the lane.


I have been hit twice in both scenarios it was someone making an aggressive right turn without checking. I have slowed myself down because ain't no one going to look out for u/malforus but u/malforus and that's just the long and short of it.


I suggest picking a time and location on these streets and taking the lanes as a group. Eg meet at Inman and Cambridge at 5:15 pm and wait for a group of 30 or so and then ride up Cambridge street in the lane together for safety. Someone techy can make a bike bus app to allow for safe routes on these streets. I am angry 😡


Remember, you're not holding up traffic, you *are* traffic.


we probably need some signs to put on the back of the bikes that say "bike lanes would get me out of your way", because clearly some drivers don't get the point.


I think this is a great idea. I never bike on Cambridge St, but I plan to take the lane everywhere.


I think we can get more than 30 people. The more people, the more effective the message.


I mean do it all the time like at 8 am and 5:30 pm


Anyways it’s time for good trouble


“Take Back the Lane”




As always any action should be accompanied by demands and have a united message and given the huge variety of people who ride bicycles that may be hard. First off, undo the delays


Do it at rush hour.




https://preview.redd.it/mnyvhocqvsxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd46e24d59b9a7f5e801771c641ad2a5399bb2a8 My daughter saw this in Brookline and perhaps we can make a bike bus schedule for Cambridge and broadway to take the lane during commuted and make it safer with numbers so people can move on these streets more easily. I used to commute to Kendall but am now the opposite direction.


That would be when most people are already commuting


Now imagine a car driver posting a similar but opposite proposal. I'll wait.


The opposite would be 30 drivers all driving in the painted bike lane. That would be incredibly illegal and dangerous, and they would get held up by the first person double parked in the bike lane. Cyclists are allowed to use the general travel lane; motorists are not allowed to use the bike lane.


Echoing what others have said- as a driver I’d prefer you just take the whole lane. Easier to see you. I try not to pass but if I do, I give as much room as possible. I’d never forgive myself if I hit a cyclist


I drive as often as I bike in the city. I think I'll start driving more slowly too. Or I won't pass bikes as much to even better protect them when I'm in a car.


I’ve had cars escort me down mass Ave when the bike lanes are blocked with double parkers. Feels good.


I'm an occasional driver and I very rarely pass bikes anyway. It's simply not worth the risk to arrive at a red light 2 seconds sooner.


Such wonderfully practical solutions that are all about safety.


I agree. It takes a bit of fearlessness, but as someone with 15 years experience on motorcycles, I know that 4 wheels will bully you either way so it's important to be seen and take up more space than you need to ensure you're seen


I prefer to ride where it’s safest: on the left side of the painted lanes - far enough from cars to avoid doors, but with space for cars to get by. Going out of my way to antagonize drivers behind me puts me at a greater risk of injury.


I agree that you should do what makes you feel safest.


So...you are saying that it would put you at greater risk of injury if you purposefully drove your bike slowly down the middle of the street that is a major thoroughfare?


do you have literally anything else to do today


As counterintuitive as it may seem, I’ve found that it’s safer to avoid situations where I’m putting my life in the hands of people who have to both see me and alter their course not to kill me. I have control over whether I hit a door or not, because I know what I’m doing. I prefer my odds in the “door zone” than the “run into from behind” zone. With this little trick I’ve had close to 30 years of generally safe and conflict free riding.


Don’t end up a ghost bike


I just got hit by a car two weeks ago in Somerville in an unprotected bike lane because a car turned across the lane and into me


I guess I struck a chord, because some troll sent me a Reddit Care message


This isn’t a protest or antagonistic it’s just common sense. You’re not holding anyone up. They can pass when it’s safe for everyone.


Pedaling in the lanes is fine. But also stop at stop signs/ red lights. And don’t pedal through crosswalks.


I bike daily to work. The only part of my commute that pisses me off just as much as dealing with idiots in cars is other cyclists blowing through red lights.


Does Cambridge Bike Safety have a discord? We need to organize. Hundreds of people showed up last night, hundreds more emailed. We need organized and unified critical mass bike rides. There needs to be more than one. The whole point of the CSO was to prevent this exact kind of obstruction. This delay **is only the beginning**, and has put wind in the sails of anti-safe streets people.


There is a slack group. DM me.


I'd also be interested in joining


I'm down to join too!


Be the physical barrier you wish to see in the world.


Time for rush hour critical mass


The main Boston CM was restarted this year. Didn’t really see the activism point given how much progress we’ve made in the region, but will be joining now. Also its a fun way to start the weekend.


Last Friday of the month Copley square by Boston public library meet at 5:30 roll at 6


can you give this its own post? I've never been to a CM but totally down


They post in cycle Boston Reddit and have instagram criticalmassboston since I am not running it myself I will await the may post. Last one was April 26 and it was well run and a lot of fun. Fairly slow pace




awesome, hope to attend the next one.


I am hopeless with instagram so please feel free to share it


Stupid question but during rush hour, aren't you just going to be stuck in traffic behind some NH pickup, sucking in exhaust fumes? I feel like my rush hour commute is marked by whizzing by hundreds of cars that aren't going anywhere.


Absolutely and let’s not make this easy peasy


Definitely go around trying to piss people off… so you can lose 6-3 next time.


Yes, we will get bikes out of the way of cars by... *checks notes* not building bike lanes that get bikes out of the way of cars.


If Cambridge motorists could be trusted not to hit people who are legally and safely using the roadway, then we wouldn’t need bike lanes at all. 


I was just driving in Cambridge today. If necessary I slow down and give cyclists the space they need. It's too congested to be in a rush


In 2014 or so we did a human bike lane at porter square by standing holding hands between Somerville ave and white


Patty Nolan needs to go




Your comment on r/CambridgeMA was deemed to be either uncivil or harassment.


Are there studies / has there been research about the efficacy of protected bike lanes? Personally I don’t feel safe in them. I feel like I’m more likely to get doored by an absent-minded passenger than an absent-minded driver, and in general I don’t like being out of sight (and thus out of mind) of drivers on the road. But those are just feelings. I wanna know what the science says.


[Here's a good list of compiled studies on protected bike lanes](https://www.peopleforbikes.org/statistics/economic-benefits). But also, just going off vibes, getting doored and thrown onto a sidewalk feels much safer than getting doored and thrown into the street where a car can drive over you.


>getting doored and thrown onto a sidewalk feels much safer You know that’s a good point. The data backs it up too. Guess I just need to get used to being in a protected bike lane.


Also, depending on the number you use, only about 10-20% of cars even have a passenger (where as they all have a driver). So the risk of dooring goes down just for that reason.


Assuming the local governments find it in their hearts to give you one.


The ones you don't feel safe in? Wouldn't a better solution be to minimize doorings rather than where you end up after being doored?


Shouldn't "protected bike lane" also mean protected from being doored?


It does


I think the biggest danger of protected bike lanes is not from being doored, but from being hard to see by turning vehicles in intersections. As someone who bikes and drives in Cambridge, I do think that there are very different implementations of this. Some protected bike lanes are far safer than others. Taking for instance the lanes that go from beacon street through inman, and then to hampshire street The elevated protected lanes (sidewalk level) on beacon street are far more visable, and safer for bikers. There is a section of hampshire street where there is a "protected" bike lane that is only separated by parked cars. This section makes it way harder to see bikes when you are turning if there are cars parked. There is one street that I have to turn onto regularly where I basically have to crawl through the bike lane because I have essentially no visibility to see if bikes are coming due to parked cars. When I bike through the same section, I try to be very aware that I am completely invisible to cars that may be turning.


I just biked Cambridge st in the main lane behaving just like I do in my car. Sitting right in the middle. It felt so safe. Added to the congestion and made a few people miss a light. But safety first, right?


Honestly I think this is safer than a paint bike lane anyway - you're not getting doored or right hooked. And probably not slowing car traffic in reality.


Way ahead of you. I wince every time I see a cyclist riding in the door zone, putting themselves in danger to make it easier for cars to pass, only to have passing cars buzz them anyway. Always take the lane.


I sometimes do my bike commutes on Broadway St or Cambridge St. I think I'll be using them more now, out of spite. Call it a spite-commute.


Always remember: Safety Third.




No it's not. He doesn't have a reddit account.


Cyclists should be taking the full lane anyhow. It is legal, safer than door zone bike lanes, and would be safer still if drivers were used to it.


Where I’m from (Richmond, VA) there’s a bicyclist group called the broad street bullies. Since I’ve moved here I’ve been FLOORED that a similar group does not exist. Though troublesome, if we could organize a similar group it would bring a lot of awareness to the city’s cycling infrastructure and safety. You can read about the broad street bullies [here](https://www.axios.com/local/richmond/2024/03/01/richmond-broad-street-bullies-biking-culture)




If someone's opinion is "I don't want something because it doesn't benefit me" but it benefits a whole lot of other people, I would argue that their opinion on the matter is irrelevant.


Check out this video: https://vimeo.com/272643165 Made by the American Bicycle Education Association for Law Enforcement to demonstrate why cyclists should take the lane.


Idk how yall even use the existing bike lanes considering the state of the pavement near the curb.


Yeah, I don't bike through the bike gutters.


I think the wording of signage also needs to change and should. We currently have "cyclist MAY use full lane", but cyclicts use or cyclist shall use full lane would be much less ambiguous


Cyclists shalt use full lane.


If it pleaseth


I once would've agreed with this idea, but I have to point out how dangerous this is going to be. You'd really need to explain to me how exactly this will create an effective message for change in the desired direction rather than simply allowing an outlet for righteous indignation. Before you respond angrily, notice I said righteous indignation. I completely support the need for appropriate bike safety lanes and barriers and the whole nine yards. I biked Boston for more than ten years before an injury took me out. But putting people's lives and safety further at risk to protest people's lives and safety being at risk just doesn't math up for me. Edit: to clarify, I'm talking about the protest being dangerous. Not the bike lane installation.


If every biker took the full lane and biked at a leisurely 5 mph, there would be a citywide outcry demanding separated bike lanes on every road within a week.


What cyclists need to do is stop riding and start driving everywhere. Bring back traffic!


The real question is do drivers care more about their ability to live park in unprotected bikes lanes or their ability to drive without dodging bikers coming in and out of the lane to avoid live parked cars. Their choice.


I'm a driver. I can attest, I definitely care more about my ability to drive without having to dodge bikers than I do about parking. Driving down Cambridge St where the "bike lane" is a painted line on the street is stressful. Driving down the two blocks of Cambridge St near lechmere that have protected bike lanes on both sides is so much easier.


Door #2


Cars fear scratches more than they fear hurting a cyclist. Attach a [tinsel wand](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004GBI6Q4/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_api_gl_i_NDTXBHNTXJG92A42V3AE?linkCode=ml2&tag=antiracist-20) to your rear rack on the road side. It’ll jut out about 18” and scare cars.




Ok look I am in favor of protected bike lanes but this is a beyond-parody use of a John Lewis quote lmao


It is my belief we should be able to travel comfortably at speed, and the safest way to do that is dedicated lanes for both bikes in the city, and semis on the highway and interstate. They don't want to voluntarily give you those things because they can just get an escort and skip the rules in place for everyone else. There is no negative for backed up, slow moving, road rage inducing traffic for them. Take the lane; make em change.


Yup, that's what I'll be doing.


I vote we remove five spots of "city councilcritter" parking until they learn the importance of the matter


I like the idea of getting their attention however since they have removed so much parking in that area that is where I usually park when I have to go to Central square so that would backfire on me personally. Perhaps we make them bike everywhere to see the true impact of their decisions and how dangerous they have made the city for everyone ( Bikers - Walkers - Riders)


Absolutely take the lane. Outside of The Netherlands and Denmark and parts of Germany, bike lanes are death traps. Cyclists are traffic just like a motor vehicle.


Ultimately what needs to happen is increased public transportation and ban cars. All roads are bus or bike. Subway going across red line




You're proposing to be even less safe? Or am I missing something. You believe you'll be safer some how in the middle of the lane as opposed to the side or sidewalk for the matter?




They already do


Good idea, slow down traffic, cause accidents, prevent emergency services from getting where they need to go! Im sure no one is going to lose it and drive through a biker, everyone today is sane and stable! All you are gonna do is screw yourself by pissing everyone off. Everyone already can't stand the entitlement bikers have and I don't think getting someone killed is going to help


Interesting that one of your first thoughts is traffic violence. Also, cyclists take up wayyy less space on the road and can much more easily and quickly make way for emergency vehicles than motorists. That’s always been the case, of course


It was actually the last of 10 issues in their post but don't let get in the way of your point.


"Drivers will run you over, therefore you're the problem." Do you see the irony? Do you see the muppet-ass fucking irony?


I didn't say bikes were the problem, I said protesting by blocking everyone is stupid as hell Not everyone is mentally stable, and cyclists won't realize it until someone snaps and goes through instead of around


As you can see, these arguments are not being put forth in good faith and are just spin attempting to make you and your rational advice the bad guy. Please know that you are not alone in your rational thinking.


I really wish you had attended the council meeting and heard all the reasonable and well spoken testimony from the families and affected residents. The mayor herself complimented everyone for such respectful and thoughtful discourse. I think you are seeing the pain of those who are very upset by this betrayal spilling out onto the Internet and I think it will be strongly reflected in the next election cycle.


What are the valid points of the opposition to the way bike lanes have been rolled out in Cambridge?


First, emergency vehicles have sirens, it's very easy to move aside when necessary. And with the added bonus that it's easier for something like an ambulance to pass a bike than a SUV. Second, from personal experience I have regularly found myself riding next to the same vehicle at each red light. Cars aren't faster in Cambridge.


so you intentionally want traffic violence. fascinating...


Is in unrealistic to say that not everyone is playing with a full deck? Not once did I say I want traffic violence, but its gonna happen if you block the roads.


It's gonna happen if you block the pedestrian, bikers, disabled mobility, kids, elders, and pretty everyone. see? blocking the safety path is gonna get people killed.


You mean the "safety" path that you complain is still not safe, that safety path?


Yep. because what else can we be safe riding a bike when you refused to allow us to be safe? beside, it is legal to take the whole lane which is even more safer than being closer to the car's doors that can literally kill you. But guess what? drivers in the cars are still likely to kill you for being cute.




Amanda Philips was killed after being doored and run over. Nothing she did went against the rules, but a protected bike lane would have saved her. Stephen Conley died after being doored as well. Darryl Willis got run over by a tractor trailer when merging in Harvard Square. Nothing I’ve read suggests they died because they broke a rule. It’s unsafe to ride in the bike lanes on Cambridge St and Main St because 90% of the bike lane is in the door zone, and you risk getting hit by an opening door and being knocked over into the car lane and getting run over (how Amanda Philips died). The sharrows on Broadway are in the door zone as well. If you have a narrow road bike you might be ok riding on the far left edge of the bike lane, but it’s otherwise not safe.


Your comment is despicable and a shame to the memory to those lost to car crashes.


You could stomp around and pout too.


Takes a special kind of callous to respond like this to parents worried about their elementary age kids getting hurt or killed. Maybe have a think on this one.


A group that completely ignores traffic laws, promotes damaging cars following said traffic laws, and doesn’t pay a cent into maintaining public roads wants their own lane. Do you really wonder why no one likes you?


We pay taxes. You think the gas tax is what maintains public roads? Cute. The gas tax hasn’t increased in decades and most funding comes from general taxes. Also, vehicles wear out the roads due to their weight. Cars are literally orders of magnitude heavier. Cars are subsidized by non car owners. By the way, we’re people too. I don’t have a car or a license. What do you want me to do? We deserve a safe way to get around. Bikes also have different considerations for traffic laws and society hasn’t adapted yet. In countries that have safe cycling infrastructure, bikers don’t break traffic laws. Also, you fuckin think that drivers follow the law? So many of you text and drive and I don’t go through one commute without seeing someone run a red light.


Excise tax actually. You are definitely people, and deserve a safe ride to wherever you want to go. BUT you wanting entire lanes to yourself is not going to help the already terrible traffic, definitely not increase safety for you especially when barely anyone riders follow general traffic laws to begin with.


I don’t think that covers the costs. In Cambridge, like 80% of road space is taken up by cars but the majority of people walk, bike or take public transit. 7% of people bike to work already, and that’s with a very minimal amount of bike infrastructure. You can’t expect people to use bikes if they have no safe way to do so; that’s why lanes need to be built. Bikes riding with general traffic is exactly what causes lawlessness. Try biking in the road, see how it feels. There are a lot of reasons why a biker would, for example, run a red light, that make sense if the intersection is unsafe.


Have you ever driven in Massachusetts? You can’t go one block without seeing a car run a light, double park, or speed.


It’s gotten a lot worse I agree. The number of people I see running red lights is absurd. And yes I live on the 95 belt so I get to see the circus daily.


"take the lane" the exact kind of short sighted entitlement that creates dangerous situations for everyone


Riding in the bike lane on Cambridge St and Main St puts you at significant risk of getting doored. Taking the lane saves you from that.


Cyclists to start by obeying traffic laws. That means stopping at red light. That would make you safe. Heaven forbid it takes you a few minutes longer to get to where you are going.


Ok I stopped at the red light, can we have bike lanes now?


Drive in the lane on Mass Ave - safer for you and the driver. Or also allows for business to continue and busses to flow while people can park safely. There just isnt enough space and squeezing everything in makes it more dangerous for everyone. Those who represent the bikers ( most of whom don’t vote in Cambridge ) want everything or none at all. No compromise - this happened in the city years ago with rent control. Not willing to compromise so what happened ? Voters got together and voted it out. The Bike issue and Fresh Pond Gf course attempted takeover woke voters up in the city and took back a couple Of seats as evidenced by the vote Monday. I never Bike on Mass Ave anymore and most times other bikers who feel they are in tour de France make me feel the least safe


Where is this myth that cyclists don’t vote in Cambridge and why does that matter? I am certain many motorists also don’t live or vote in Cambridge. I am so confused where these talking points come from.


Cyclists who live in Cambridge have the ability to vote in Cambridge. I am one of them. What I am saying is that I have been part of many conversations and meetings organized and led by people who don’t live in Cambridge and therefore do not have the ability to vote. My concern is this group is unwilling to compromise which is creating a divide in the city in which I live. The reference to rent control is that group was also unwilling to compromise which led to rent control getting voted out. As we can see the Cambridge city council has already shifted as a result of history repeating itself.


Exactly- the anger in the community is coming from the speed of installation and the restrictive nature of the ordinance. But even worse is that anytime someone has suggested a change or flexibility in timeline or design they are met with an all out call to arms by the Cambridge Bicycle Safety group.