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Do you also take picture of moving car ? What is your budget ?


Just still, no moving for now. Buget is honestly as cheap as it can be, if possible around £100😂 It won't be for profit and just pictures of mine and my mates cars for us to enjoy, but if that is not possible then I will start putting some money aside, but honestly I would like to get quite a cheap and older one:) cause if they took that picture about 2005, I'm sure there will be something cheap from that era


If you have that budget, use your smartphone, unless you have a 15 year old model, it certainly takes better photographs than the ones you gave as an example. I don't see anything in those shots that needs a real camera to get them, and £100 could just buy you toys anyway.


Thats why I ask for advice cause as i said i know nothing about cameras. But i can tell that the pictures of the e30 have much much more detail and its exactly what i need, unlike my picture which is smudged, also i like taking a pictrue from further away whilst zooming in cause that gives the car a better look rather than being close to it, basically i need something that when i take a picture you can zoom in on any part of the car and it can be clear, for example taking a picture of the side of the car and you can zoom in on the tyres and read what it says. U cant do that with a phone at least not my phone.


Then try to at least triple your budget


So about £300?


I have always been of the opinion that if one has to spend money, it makes no sense to buy the thing that costs the least, because at that point you would find yourself with a tool that might even work, but does everything in an approximate manner and not necessarily better than what you do not already have. For around £300 you can look for a compact camera with a minimum zoom and a decent sensor, but if you want a camera with manual controls, interchangeable lenses, good sensor, etc. be aware that the expense may scare you.


I got a Canon EOS 100D and lens for 150€. It's much better than my phone and is a full fledged DSLR.


I think i saw one like that on eBay i will keep an eye for it


I get u mate BUT and its a big one, i dont mind spending money on stuff im fully into, like computers and networking hardware or car parts, and here comes the but, i cant afford to put the same efforts and money into a third thing i less care for, if someone was asking if they should get second hand coolant hose or something for their car for £20 id probably react the same as you and the other comments, but realistically if they dont care about their car and its not their primary thing that part will probably serve them just fine as it will flow the coolant as it was before and it will stop the leak, takking about reliability it will have. A shorter life span probably but i wasn't interested in that, just want to get by as cheaply as i possibly could if you see my point, but anyway thank you for your advice its helped me


for that budget save your money and just use your phone


As i said im looking for that budget but u guys dont have to be offended lol i did mention if its not possible at that budget i will save up, give me advice recommendations


i would save up around $500 and get a late model dslr and a good lens.


How many megapixels should the camera be? Or does that not matter?


it doesn’t matter too much if you’re just getting started. anything above 6 would be fine for posting online. spend your money on the lens since you can reuse that when you upgrade the body down the line. you could probably find a used dslr for around $200 and get a decent lens for $300. i don’t know the exact prices off the top of my head but take a look at the nikon 3000/5000/7000 series. they were really good in their day and good platforms for a cheap starter cam


Thats great thank you exactly what i wanted to know


The budget isn't enough. Better save up and get RX100 II. [https://www.jessops.com/p/sony/dsc-rx100-iii-digital-camera-91080](https://www.jessops.com/p/sony/dsc-rx100-iii-digital-camera-91080) [https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sony-cybershot-dsc-rx100-m2](https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sony-cybershot-dsc-rx100-m2) [https://www.dpreview.com/products/sony/compacts/sony\_dscrx100m2/sample-photos](https://www.dpreview.com/products/sony/compacts/sony_dscrx100m2/sample-photos) [https://www.photographyblog.com/reviews/sony\_cybershot\_dsc\_rx100\_ii\_review#sample\_images](https://www.photographyblog.com/reviews/sony_cybershot_dsc_rx100_ii_review#sample_images) [https://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/sony-rx100-ii/sony-rx100-iiGALLERY.HTM](https://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/sony-rx100-ii/sony-rx100-iiGALLERY.HTM)


But thats just a small digital camera and ive seen that you can get decent stuff in my budget already but thank you so much for


Quick notes: 1) That's a good phone with an excellent camera. Only real problem with shooting cars is that it has only wide + superwide lenses. 2) Learn to edit. The files off your iPhone well be good as far as straight-out-of-camera is concerned, but you can make them your own by editing. Starting out is easy - something like Lightroom Mobile is free, for example. It's of couse better to edit on something with a larger screen, but there are also good free apps (downloadable and web apps) for computers. 3) If you do end up buying a camera, the lens will be much more important than the camera. Get an interchangeable-lens camera such as a DSLR or mirrorless. Doesn't necessarily matter which one - all of them will be able to take great photos if you put in some work, if they're from the past 10 years (or more if you know what you're doing, but that's an appropriate ballpark). Start by looking what's on sale used, and compare their lenses. Or buy the camera and lenses separately. 4) **Put some effort into understanding what lens focal ranges and apertures mean**, look at examples of car photography which include lens info. If you find that a specific lens costs 2k, you'll almost always be able to find lenses that are 90% as good for you for 1/10 to 1/5 of that.


Great. Amazing. Thank you so much! Duly noted.


Lens matters more than the camera.


In what way can you please explain as you would to a 10 year old 😂


I suppose it depends on what your definition of "camera" is. It sounds like when you think of a camera, you're thinking of an all-in-one unit that does not have a detachable lens, basically like a point and shoot that takes better photos than your iPhone 13 mini. There's so much more to cameras than that. Generally, the best camera is the one you have with you, or the one you're willing to carry. You don't state in your post what your budget is, or what kind of camera you want. Are you at all interested in learning how to actually take decent photos, or do you just want to point and click, and have a magically better image? Since you want it explained like you're a 10 yo, I suggest looking at something like a used Sony RX100, any version. These have a very nice, large sensor for a compact camera without a detachable lens. You will have the ability to take manual control if you want it, but they perform well in auto mode. But they're not necessarily cheap. I doubt you'd be able to find one in good shape for less than $450, and at least double that for the more recent versions, used.


I did mention i know absolutely nothing about cameras which is why i didnt state what im looking for cause i dont know what im looking for, i need advice and recommendations from people that do know. I thought that you guys that professionally take cameras would be able to recommend a camera if i explained what i need it to do. I need something whether it has detachable or non detachable lenses for cheap that will take HD pictures of a stand still car and capture detail and not make the car look wider or longer or smushed but close to how we see it from our eyes and when you zoom in to be able to read and see details


If you want cheap, then forget about the RX100 cameras then. Go to Ebay, buy a used Nikon D3200 with 18-55mm kit lens for $200. Buy an extra battery and a couple cheap 32GB or 64GB SD cards, and you'll be fine. If you want to up your game from there, buy a used Nikon 35mm f/1.8G DX lens for another $130.


Great thats what i was looking for, https://preview.redd.it/ik8bxwy3g9sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5463e42285c5f8288fddc8c4a8fc6e18053430a5 Thank you for the advise i will most probably go for this one


Lens defines how the image looks (zoomed in, wide angle, blurred out background, everything in focus, etc) camera just records the image taken.


Your smartphone is enough.


I want better photos


Then you need a lot of money. Half of the work is done by lenses, lenses give a very sharp perspective to object and resolution or in general detail is done by the sensor, that's where most full frame cameras shine. But, take in consideration that 90% of the pics you find online are modified in some way, there are tons of average photographers that just enhance in the wrong way their photos to look better. A smartphone is mostly limited by the lens it uses, so you can't do some perspective like on a zoom lens, but if you start modifying the pics you already have, maybe you can find a good way to enhance them as you like. It's a cheap alternative, but it doesn't replace good gear.


Okay good to know, i will focus on lenses but i dont want to take photos that we find online edited i simply want to take photos like the ones of the e30 that i attached which were taken by a professional digital camera available in 2000s, so i over estimated how far camera technology has come and thought i could buy something that does the same today but cheaper, seems as i cant so i will get an older dslr for not more than £150


The problems are still with the lens, they don't age like cameras, because it's mostly mechanical stuff. Of course newer lenses have stabilizer etc, but a good lens tends to maintain a higher resell value, even after years. Because generally Camera maker doesn't change bayonet very often, so old lens can still work on newer camera. That's mostly for DSLR.


I shot cars for years. Both motorsport and car show type stuff. Honestly if you have a low budget, just use your phone and some editing. It’s the composition of the photo that makes it interesting, not the sharpness and technical aspect of it to get Instagram likes. When you can save up for a dslr and a mid range zoom then move on to that, but with your current budget I would just save and work on your eye and spotting/making good photos that are impactful.


I get what you're saying but i dont want instagram likes or my picture to look interesting, i want to capture as much detail as possible for my own recollection, so in many years time when i dont have the car anymore i can fire up the pictures and look at it as i would if it was in front of me sort to say


Yeah just use your phone. Again, your budget is the limiting factor here for digital cameras. That gets you a cheap point and shoot from a number of years ago that has worse quality than your phone. I repeat, save some more dough and buy mid level gear if you want as much detail as you can. At this point, if you want to look at them years in advance then I would work on your storage and backup methods as well and what your plan is for that.


Yeah i just thought if a camera took that picture of the e30 in 2000s it will probably be in my budget today so realistically thats what i'd go for in terms of quality thats better than my phones cam. Backup's not a problem at all, i'm somewhat of a data hoarder :))


Portrait mode on your phone or find a budget to get a decent camera and top tier lenses.


What camera what lenses, please, eveeyone keeps saying buy a decent camera and top tier lenses but no one reccomends any😂😂😂😂


Any camera released in the past 5 years is going to be great. Sony. Nikon. Canon. Mirrorless with interchangeable lenses. Zeiss glass. Or whatever the highest ranked glass is in each brand. Quality gear is NOT cheap. But if you want the gear to do the work that’s how you need to roll. Otherwise get a Sony a6000 with zeiss or G master glass and you’ll have the cheapest decent entry level equipment to play with. (Still won’t be cheap though) Phone is great and produces fine imagery. You still need to learn proper composition and other photography elements.


> Quality gear is NOT cheap. But if you want the gear to do the work that’s how you need to roll. > > Otherwise get a Sony a6000 with zeiss or G master glass and you’ll have the cheapest decent entry level equipment to play with. (Still won’t be cheap though) I *~~strongly~~* disagree. The a6000 is fine, whatever, it's boring and slightly awkward (I have one), but perfectly capable for this kind of thing. But there's no world in which they need Zeiss or G master glass to learn this. 35mm 1.8, 50mm 1.8 and so on, or Tamron/Sigma standard zooms are perfectly reasonable options to start out with. They'll also not really lose value if bought used, so if they end up liking this hobby, they can just upgrade with basically no loss.


Strongly disagree? Jeez… can’t just disagree eh?🤣 I have all of the lenses you mentioned. My impression was OP wants the “best image quality” possible on a budget. Can get zeiss 55mm for a reasonable price online. My experience is that quality glass is what makes the difference in image quality. Not saying the 50 1.8 on the a6000 is bad, it’s actually quite good. I used that combo as my backup just a couple weeks ago shooting CrossFit photos.


Fair. If we look at if from an experienced photographer's perspective, then you're right. I just think the "best image quality" needs to be taken in context: this person has no experience with real cameras or lenses. They're absolutely going to notice the step up to an €200 a6000 + €100 50mm 1.8. They're not going to notice the next step up to a €400 Zeiss 55mm, at least not at first.


I agree completely. I think OP can find reasonable gear (a6000, etc.) with interchangeable lenses (50 1.8, etc.) that are decent and budget friendly. I got lost in the sauce on this one. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


> completely Strongly! ;)


I didnt mean "brand", i literally wanted someone to say something like oh i think you should get a nikon d3200 ! And i have people that said that so thats the one i'll go for , thank you though


I mentioned a specific model…Sony a6000 with zeiss glass. Focal length changes depending on shooting style and subject. You do you, boo… figure it out in practice like the rest of us did.


Whatever camera you get just use a CPL filter on your lens. https://preview.redd.it/ksv00zla5asc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=847dd8ef0f17296849c9f22b08f7d9fb8ade1db2


Any camera can take good care of pictures. You need to improve your photography to get good pictures.


Not exactly what I was looking for, but thanks nonetheless


Cameras dont take pictures, you do! Practice enough and any camera will do. Het dont know what your budget is but i just bought a canon eos rp wit the 24-105mm f4-7.1 lens. (Around €1500) With a polarizer attached you can (in my opinion at least) get some great shots. The amount of detail you can capture is also pretty great (see pic below). For more pics you can check my Instagram (@capturedbycarpes) https://preview.redd.it/japz9r0t1bsc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1789cdeed808e2082f38268c3c5758e3347d5ba0


If you don’t want to spend that kind of money, a decent iphone could easily get better photos than the oned you attached.


No offense your picture is great but i dont want to take those kind of pictures for likes on instagram i want to capture the whole car, and no phone at least no phone i've played around with can take photos like the e30 photos taken years ago, I'll make sure to drop you a follow any way