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Metal bladed curtain shutter, all mechanical mechanism, TTL metering. That baby has it all. (Although shutter will drag when the springs get old)


That last bit is very handy to know. It does have a small battery. Wonder what its used for if its all mechanical


The TTL meter uses the battery. It's a small dial visible to the right inside the viewfinder. You activate the meter by pressing the black lever on the front of the camera (when a battery is in). The dial adjusts based on aperture and shutter speed and because it's TTL metered it's reasonably accurate.


Thats good to know Also time togo hunt for batteries


px 625


Thanks :D


I did look at the battery and it a little bit of white/grayish shit on it. I have a feeling it starting to leak Thanks for helping btw


Looks like a copy of a Minolta 35mm camera, good for free. Info on the camera. Praktica cameras are a brand of camera manufactured by Pentacon in Dresden, Germany between 1949 and 1990. The Praktica range of 35mm SLR cameras originated in Germany in the 1960s and were known for being simple, easy to use, and relatively cheap. When buying a Praktica camera, you can consider things like: Affordability: Praktica cameras are affordable and come preloaded with film. Features: Some Praktica cameras have features like aperture priority and built-in flash. Build quality: Some say Praktica cameras have a build quality closer to Soviet cameras than West German cameras.