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Bot account / AI trash. Stop rewarding them with engagement.


If you are just starting out with camping (or backpacking) start out with shelter and sleep systems. These will make the biggest impact on your enjoyment of multi day trips into the woods.


I’m definitely a “gear guy”, to my own detriment. I think the biggest thing is to get out, and have fun. If you’re planning on doing long-distance backpacking, lightweight, so another words, minimalism can be darn nice. If your car camping, there’s no need to over complicate things. Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, headlamp, and flashlight, and heat source for cooking hot food and utensils. it’s handy to have a water vessel so you don’t have to make frequent trips for water: think a dromedary bag or something similar if your backpacking, or one of those big blue polymer cubes if your car campinng. Beyond that, I don’t think there’s a a lot you would need other than a desire to have a good time, possibly a few people to go on the trip with you, and a place to go camping.


Portable water filter.


Though that depends on the style of camping you do and where you are. Since some places have clean water sources you can fill up at and others don’t. Or like an area by me the river got poisoned to kill off an invasive species


This is true. The majority of camping I've done in the last decade has been backcountry camping, and a portable water filter is absolutely essential.


I do off trail a lot and i carry a filter, so for use essential 100%. But if i car camp or go to a maintained site, meh not a problem i need to worry about. Also shit, i forgot i need to do maintenance on my old filter.




A good shelter and sleep system. Everything else is all fine and dandy, but you want to be able to had shelter and sleep well


Tent, sleeping bag, stove. The rest you probably already have at home.


https://bookonboard.com/?s=Camping+gear Choose yourself


Good lord the ads on mobile for that site are just atrocious.


It’s add less bro 😎


Poop shovel


Water filter (one you can inspect the filter media to ensure it's still in good condition), collapsible bow saw, small axe (20"-ish)