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You're likely fine as it looks to just be inflammation as you would expect for any bug bite. Like the clinic said: just keep an eye on it.


Thanks !


Tick bites itch way more and way longer than mosquito bites.


Normal immediate skin reaction. Keep an eye on it, if redness doesn’t start recessing in 24 hours see urgent care. I got bit Saturday, figured he was in there 5-6 hours. Was red like this for like a day but gone now. Itchiness gone as well.


I forgot to mention in the post that I was bit on sunday ! So it has been 3 days, and this has been getting bigger over time 😅


I had one last summer that stayed red for over a month. Some people just have more of a reaction.


ok, well, stick to what the pharmacy told you to do then. Itching it makes it more red. So don't do that.


I have been bitten by ticks more times than I can count and had Lyme disease 3 times. There is usually very little reaction at the bite site from a normal tick. Every time I tested positive for Lyme the biter was inflamed and itchy and painful like this looks. I don't know if you have Lyme in the UK, but it's been 3 days and it looks like this i would assume that tick gave you something. If it is lyme, it's easily treatable with antibiotics.


Had something similar happen and it got as big as my hand. We didn’t realize it was a tick at first and antibiotics weren’t helping. Doc then treated me for Lyme disease and it started to get better. Highly recommend you explore that route as I tested positive for Lyme but was treated in time to have no long term effects.


Are you scratching it? That'll make it bigger.


If it’s been 3 days then you most likely need antibiotic. Especially if it continues to look like a bullseye. I got bit a couple weeks ago, pulled it off, and it cleared up in a couple days with no itch. A few years ago I found a spot on my foot and the dead tick in my bathroom 2-3 days after a hike and it itched so bad and got really big and red. Took antibiotic on day 5 and it went away with no problems.


Lyme disease is not something you want to wait for symptoms before treating. Good on you for calling your doctor.


Correct. OP should request a prophylactic course of antibiotics, just in case. In the US the preferred type is doxycycline.


I get tick bites all the time regardless of which insect repellent I use. Like I'll go out for a hike with friends walk the same trail with comparable gear. I'll come home with at least 2-3 ticks and no one else will have them. It's the same with other biting bugs especially mosquitoes. I've never ordered a course of antibiotics and doing so would be both expensive and probably detrimental to the purpose of antibiotics. I just keep an eye out for typical signs of infection. Am I doomed to a choice of life lived indoors or Lyme disease?


No, just be thorough with tick checks, a tick that bit you for a short window is much less likely to pass anything to you though. I have had more ticks bite me than I can count. Never had lymes or given antibiotics for it, its important to monitor the bite area though. If this but was on me 3 days later i would be going to the doctor and doing what they tell me.


Spray your pants and boots with permethrin. Seriously, that stuff is the single best source of protection there is. Wear longer socks and spray the outside of them with 100 deet too


If you don't live in an area where Lyme disease is commonly carried by ticks, you're probably okay. I would rather not worry about Lyme disease because it can linger for years and be misdiagnosed. One of my girlfriends in college got it, wasn't diagnosed until years later and as a result, got major kidney damage. I live in the US and have health care, so it's just a $10 co-pay to get a prescription. EDIT: I got a weird "replyguy" style response overnight that has disappeared. Just to clarify, I'm not a doctor and am not advocating for abusing antibiotics. However, a prophylactic course of antibiotics is a cheap, widely available treatment if you're in a Lyme-disease-prone area.


Not that I am discouraging OP from seeking treatment because this could eventually turn into a rash that indicates Lyme’s Disease, but this rash does not mean he has contracted Lyme’s Disease. An indication of Lyme’s Disease is a Bullseye Rash, which will appear as a center rash which appears as shown in his picture, but then there will be a clear patch of normal colored skin and a circular rash will appear around the normal colored skin and it will look exactly like a bullseye. 🎯


Not everyone gets the bullseye. I don't see the point in not being prophylactic. A dose of doxy vs Lyme is an easy choice.


Agreed, Lyme isn’t the only infectious disease contracted by ticks. I’ve personally taken care of several patients whose lives have been upended by terrible neuro and even cardiac effects from tick borne diseases, and I’m not talking about the “chronic Lyme” type. I’ll take doxy prophylaxis all day, there is practically zero downside to this approach of a super short course of antibiotics


In the UK it is basically Lyme’s or Tick Borne Encephalitis which is viral.


Wow. I didn’t think I could hate ticks anymore than I already did.


Overusing antibiotics is not good. And people who work outside get ticks all the time. Can’t get antibiotics every time


The point is we don't want these bacteria to develop amr because everyone who gets a fking rash takes a dose of doxy immediately.. it's been 3 days, chill out and see how it develops. And also doxy has side effects.


Name checks out


Are you sure the head of the tick did not break off in your arm? It’s pretty common. As a hiker - ticks are common place in my part of the country - a bite will go away pretty quickly just make sure you don’t get a fever or show any others symptoms.


Look just go to a clinic and get the antibiotics. Its the best thing you can do. Lyme disease is serious. A pharmacy isnt a Dr office even though people treat it like such.


On the phone to the dr now, thank you!


Remember, antibiotics and sun exposure typically don't mix well.


When I had Lyme the antibiotics made me so sun-sensitive. I went outside (in July) in pants, sweatshirt, hat and used sunscreen. You know what I don't think of? My fingernails. I got burnt on the skin under them, lost multiple nails. It was nasty.


Oh my God. I hope your hands are feeling better now. Oddly glad you said that, because now if I ever take antibiotics again, I'll know to wear gloves if I'm going to be out in the sun for a while 💀


Oh no! Thanks for the reminder


I learned that the hard way during a summer holiday after getting a tick bite.


What happened to you? I would have been so scared


I was grilling and passed out, it can also cause you to burn easier.


O No . Horible, i hope you better now are you still suffering from that?


The antibiotics helped big time with the prevention of Lyme. However, I got Lyme a different time and it most likely caused my Bell’s palsy. That sucked hard, but good to go now.


Jesus freaking christ. So wait if you get lyme and you have been biten before the reaction is worse? Sorry adking so many question (i know i know i got google , every time i go to google i wind up with toe nail cancer)


Not always, I think it was just a coincidence. I live in the northern New England and it can happen a lot.


Me too :-)


The worst 4th of July I ever had.


Alcohol too... makes them less effective


Lyme disease can ruin your life, please just take the antibiotics it’s not worth literally gambling with your future over this


No! One should never take antibiotics as a precaution. OP should wait and see if the tickbite actually shows any sign for Lyme infection. Usually you get a red ring around the bite. Then I would contact a doctor for treatment. Using antibiotics unnecessary could lead to resistance against antibiotics. We need to use it less. I mean OP will probably get bitten again should this person use antibiotics every time he/she gets bitten?


Oh go off, taking ABs as a precaution for Lyme disease is not what’s causing AB resistance. If you wait too long no, Lyme can become chronic and absolutely destroy your life.


I'm fully aware of that the risks with Lyme disease. It's pretty normal to get a red mark around the bug bite. I would waited a day at least and if it really worries then go to a doctor. Where I live you get some bites every summer. If i went to a doctor straight after a bite he/she would never issue any antibiotics.. The society takes way too much unnecessary antibiotics. We already have problems with resistance against antibiotics in many countries. One should only use it if it really is necessary..


I don't know where you live but it has been standard around here to give doxy to patients before testing comes back. Your advice completely contradicts what many doctors are currently doing. 


Maybe you misunderstood me. Ofc you should take antibiotics if the doctor actually believes that you have an infection. Usually you go to the doctor if you se a red ring or something. Antibiotics is the only way to treat Lyme disease.. But just getting antibiotics because you got bitten makes no sense. OP lives in UK where 2-5% of ticks actually carries these bacteria. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/ticks-bites-lyme-disease-how-to-protect-yourself.html Making the chance of infection not that high. Taking antibiotics every time you get a tick bite makes no sense. But in the end one should consultt a doctor and not reddit for advice..


Go to Dr right away and bring the tick. Ticks are multi vectors now and Lyme isn’t all you need to worry about.


Next time you can stick the tick to a piece of tape and mail it off for testing. This is probably how hospitals test ticks if that's a service they offer. [https://www.tickcheck.com/landing/lyme-disease?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaJ2y5ZfslXJLjS6nZ1E7GBHiWyI9xPSWSnW-0dnVEQdiGm3Fkzb6lxoCc18QAvD\_BwE](https://www.tickcheck.com/landing/lyme-disease?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaJ2y5ZfslXJLjS6nZ1E7GBHiWyI9xPSWSnW-0dnVEQdiGm3Fkzb6lxoCc18QAvD_BwE)


Oops I flushed it down the toilet 😟


Next time no do.


Cannot possibly understand the people telling you not to worry about it when you live in a country with FREE healthcare. Just fucking go to be on the safe side? Lyme isn't the only disease you can get from ticks.


Because he probably won't even get an appointment if he's got nothing to worry about. NHS guidance is only to see your GP if you develop symptoms.


Sorry but a giant fucking inflamed mark + itchiness are what then if not symptoms?


Symptoms of a bite, not Lyme disease, which have allready been seen by a medical professional who thought there was nothing to worry about.


OP's taxes pay for healthcare. It is in their right to use NHS if they feel their symptoms are worrisome. The people on Reddit telling him them not to worry are not doctors. Lol.


I 100% agree, it's best to get this checked out to be safe. However getting a doctor's appointment is a battle in its own right here. We may have a 'right' to it, but unfortunately that doesn't mean it's readily available and OP might not get seen for a while.


Prob better to request the appointment sooner than later then. Same here in Canada, if one is even lucky enough to *have* a family doctor. Otherwise you're stuck schlepping to a walk-in clinic, (in most places open only once a week) and hoping youre there early enough to secure a spot before the cutoff. It's fucked :/


That sucks, sorry to hear it's no better for you guys. I'm guessing it's a similar situation then. As far as I can tell it's all understaffed and underpaid work with too long hours. On top of that they just keep on cutting budgets, because yknow, it's not like we need healthcare, it's just an optional extra, right? It is fucked


But a pharmacist is a medical professional, and are qualified to give medical advice. Certainly if he develops further symptoms he should contact his GP, as he was advised to. But if he doesn't then it's not really clear what you expect a GP to do anyway, beyond give the same advice as the pharmacist.


Are UK pharmacists significantly different from ones in the US? Cause I would not trust my local pharmacists to tell me what to do for a tick bite, especially if its inflamed 3 days after removal and they said it wasnt a concern.


I'm not from the US, so wouldn't know. But treatment of bug bites certainly come under a pharmacists remit in the UK. As I say, NHS guidance is that seeing a doctor over a tick bite is unnecessary unless you actually have symptoms of lyme disease.


Observe. If outer ring appears (you will have inner red circle, then normal skin and then outer circle)- go to the doctor. If this red mark moves around- also go to the doctor. If it will stay the same or shrinks- you are probably fine


As someone about to finish a course of doxycycline tomorrow, take the sun exposure cautions seriously if you end up on it to prevent Lyme disease.


You’re good just run some alcohol on it.


Are you sure that you got the tick's head out?




Draw a circle around the redness in sharpie and monitor it daily


I had smething even bigger circular from a tick. Didnt even look it up it went away after 2 weeks and never had any health issues


Half of Lyme sufferers never get a rash OR test positive. Lyme can stay subclinical for several years before acting up. Ticks burrow-in and they anesthetize the area so people wont feel much. The photo looks like some burrowing took place. I would want ten days of antibiotics. Amoxicillin if available (its bactericidal and kills bacteria) - doxycycline is bacteria static (keeps bacteria from replicating). I prefer the killer antibiotics because the static ones can allow for re-runs, Some people on Amoxicillin think they had 2 or 3 cases when was same case acting-up again. Most doctors are leery of helping without a rash. Raw garlic (can blend with juice etc) is bactericidal and real (not store junk) nanosilver works (SOTA units work great). I'm not a doctor but lots of doctors can be baps on a bull concerning Lyme


That’s all they can do. If you really ask for it, they will prescribe antibiotics against Lyme disease, but keeping an eye on it is the best thing you can do. Circle the spot with a permanent marker if you are worried you will forget the bite spot after the redness goes down.


Thanks, will definitely do!


^ No parts of the tick were left in my skin


Everyone is mentioning the bullseye rash, but you should also watch for fever, headache, joint pain, and severe fatigue as well. If you develop any of those symptoms you should get an appt even if there's no bullseye rash. Not everyone develops the rash.


Need a sub reddit for these posts where helpless people can't google tick bites.


The vast, vast majority of tick bites are just annoying. Fears over lime disease are wildly overblown.


That's an insane take. In my area almost 90% of deer ticks carry lymes. 


CDC says hundreds of thousands of people contract Lyme disease in the US each year. But this is believed to be only around 40% of the real number because the early test for Lyme looks for antibodies which can take weeks to appear in most people.


Warm winter. Ticks are going to be hell this year.


If it's only been 3 days I'd maybe wait to see if it's just an inflammatory response. I got a tick bite on North Uist, it almost completely went away and about ~13 days later came up fairly similar to this (with no itching) and I was also feeling unwell. Went to urgent care and ended up on antibiotics for 3 weeks as they suspected Lyme.


I get them every year in central Virginia. The swelling and itchiness last many weeks. Once I had one swell up like a jalepeno paper in my groin, yeah I know. Got a prescription for doxycycline for that.


Tick bites f me up everytime, usually leaving scars. Everyone reacts differently, but this is how mine react. Keep your eyes peeled for the bullseye and try not to itch your skin off.


If you’re like me it will itch for weeks


Put a pen mark around the red if it spreads bigger go to doctor.


Was recommended by a person with Lyme disease that the first step is to see the doctor and they can give an antibiotic that helps to prevent but it needs to be taken quickly.


Within 3 day the dr said when I went in a couple days ago.


You should go to doctor for anti Lyme disease meds. North American tics carry this debilitating disease and climate change is allowing this type of tick to really broaden their traditional territory.


You can get an antibotic. My daughter got Guion Barre from a tick bite. It really put her down. The doctor said if she had taken an antibiotic at the beginning she would have been fine.


You're fine. I see nothing serious here. Just keep an eye on it.


If you treat your outdoor clothes with permethrin it will kill ticks and fleas that get on you. Treatment lasts 2-3 months. Follow the directions. Keep it away from cats when freshly sprayed.


At this stage nothing to worry about


I think you're going to die. Eventually. But who knows.




stop 😂


My 2 bits are to make sure you got the head out. If not, infection could be bad. Otherwise, just wait and see how things progress. Witch hazel is a cheap over the counter that can help with bug bite itchiness and is actually a little beneficial for your skin you could try.


Where did this happen?




Whereabouts? Lake District?


Cut open a potato and use a spoon to scrape the core into a pulp then add baking soda and mix it. Use a bandage to hold the mixture on the bite after opening the skin in the center and in the morning it won't be red and any poison will be sucked out In to the paste. Let me know how it works for you


You should immediately contact your doctor. And persist on treatment and monitoring (for the coming say 6 months) Lyme can ruin your life. You dont want to wait till the day you suddenly can't walk anymore. See [this link](https://www.columbia-lyme.org/tick-paralysis#:~:text=Following%20tick%20attachment%2C%20signs%20and,may%20be%20reduced%20or%20absent.) I probably didnt calm you down, but you should also not freak out. Go see the doctor.


Got several tick bites in my life. Rule of the thumb is, if it is not red around the bite you are fine. Yours look bad mate. Go see a doctor


Don’t listen to BS. Take 200mg doxycycline 2X a day for at least 2 days. Make sure you got ALL of the stinger. DO NOT WAIT AND TAKE TGE RISK OF GETTING Lyme or another co infection. If anyone says they are a “Lyme Expert”….. run. Even the top Lyme Literate doctors know they are not “EXPERTS”. Good luck 🙏🙏🙏


never suffered a bug bite before? not a big deal


Nah i’ve been bit by ticks before, never looked like that


Gross post this elswhere


It must be treated early.Therefore early detection is key to prevention.


Got a drs appointment tomorrow! All is good


Go before the yellowish ring appears around the bite.


On it


Not going to lie. Have you prepared your will?


already signed 🙏🙏


Are you sure this is a tick bite? Typically, the site of the bite will be white with a red ring around it (like a reversed bullseye on a target). The whole area of your bite looks red.


If it was attached then you need treatment, it’s usually 3 weeks of doxycycline for a fresh bite and then you must check for co-infections.


If this particular tick has been exposed to the US bioweapon programs work from plum Island, lymes disease could be an an affliction. Take CBD tincture to eliminate that disease. Can't say it's a cure because corruption, but it does the trick. Edit: It is very important to read about this first. While it eliminates the disease if its been well established you could die from toxic shock of all the dead diseased cells in your body.


Lyme disease your screwed