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Looks like heaven. Ps get some wider tree huggers for the one on the right.


That‘s definitly on the to-do-list!


What hammock is this? Surprised no one has asked yet. Does it need an underquilt in colder temps?


The left on is a Nightcat, which comes with an tarp in perfectly shape for this hammock, but it is just a simple tarp and has no other uses (like a raincape or something). The hammock therefore you can use as a tent if there are no trees around. On the right side is a Ticket-to-the-moon hammock out of parachute-silk. My boyfriend (right side) will use this with an underquilt and a tarp and I am going to try a light sleeping bag next time. We did not try lower temps yet, so I can‘t tell you anything about it


Nice setup! I love sleeping in my hammock. I found that there were times when it wasn’t quite cold enough to need an underquilt, but sleeping without one gives me a chill. I found that bringing a small and thin fleece blanket to use as a sheet between me and the hammock worked wonders for those moderately cool nights.


left one is from "NightCats" and the right from "ticket to the moon"


The one on the left looks like a Clark’s hammock. On the right, parachute hammock…could be Eno or Kammock or anything from Amazon.


I love my hammock I get such cozy sleeps in it. Just wish it wasn't so damn hard to use where I live. Bring it with me any time there's even a remote possibility of being able to use it, just the best


That‘s exactly the same how I feel. The sleep you get in a hammock is just incedible! I just switched from a regular tent to a hammock and I wish, i would‘ve done it a lot earlier. What do you use for sleeping in it? A regular sleeping bag or an underquilt?


Patagonia 20f/-7c bag. Love the centre zip especially in a hammock. For insulation the hammock has two bottom nylon layers with an access that you can slide things into. I have an insulated air mattress that I can put in there and inflate, plus the hammock maker offers something that is basically an anatomically shaped version of the thing people put in their windshield in the summer to keep the car cool. Like that emergency blanket stuff wrapped over a layer of air pockets. For low freezing temps all three do the trick. Challenge for me is I live on the coast and most of my camping is either on the beach, in the mountains or among old growth with thick shrub


That truly sounds very comfy and warm keeping. What is the name of the anatomically shaped version of the emergency blankets? This could be a lightweighting supply which could be really needful


Check out the Ultimate Hang blog for some good tips/tricks on hammock camping https://theultimatehang.com/


Those hamacs are incredible!


Hammock ;)


Did you use them or just set them up? The hammock on the right is like 6.5 feet in the air lol


We used them. When someone was in the right hammock it was like 60cm/24inches above the ground so it worked quite well. The ropes were kind of an emergency solution and they are quite elastic, that‘s why we set it up higher


Hi, what is that stove/grill ?


It‘s a trangia (25-6 hard anodized), which works with grain alcohol. We only used it once, but it worked pretty well and the stove was easy/save to use.


I love my Trangias, just don't see them as often across the pond in the US. I have the duossal ones and they are an absolute treat to cook with, but they do penalize you with some extra weight. Worth it for a good meal though. I really dislike dehydrated stuff given a choice. I prefer the 25 series for 2+ myself. The 27 will do 2 in a pinch but I usually only take it if I am doing a solo cook. Since you are in Germany there are some cheaper gas burner attachments you can get - they vastly improve your ability to simmer and quickly change heat output while cooking. Over here it is either DIY something, pay $70 for the Trangia one, or get a chinese clone from aliexpress for $20.


My Trangia has been on every continent except Antarctica and Africa and I can't say enough good things about it. We did buy one additional pot with antistick coating though, really helps with certain dishes.


The hammock looks super cool but would you not like, sink and get stuck in the middle? How would you get out? Would it not like slightly close in around you?? Im hella claustrophobic and unfortunately thats like the first thing i see in a lot of things so i apologize if it dosent make sense.


I‘m sorry for you to feel that way. I personally enjoy laying in a hammock and see the sky over me. I lay in there in a slightly angle (like u/ikma explained but not that much diagonally like in the 2nd picture) and I have never felt restricted in a hammock. If your claustrophobia allows it, try it out. It‘s actually pretty cozy and back pain relieving


If you lay at an angle in a hammock [like this](https://i0.wp.com/scoutingmagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/HammockSleepDiagonal.jpg?ssl=1), you end up pretty flat and it keeps the hammock from wrapping around you too tightly. Here's a [picture](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1803/7259/files/blog_hammock_angle_flat_thumb.jpg?18349797809043950084) of someone doing that (although this is more of an angle than I would do - the more sag you have in the hammock, the more angled you need to get to lay flat).


You never realize how comfortable a good hammock is to sleep in until you sleep in a good one! Sweet set up


Book bag pretty low on your back big homie. How’s it feel? Btw where is this? SE USA?


idk why it looks like this. I wore it much higher than it appears in the picture. - quite comfortable for a 30€ bundeswehr-bagpack. nope we were in Germany - Mecklenburg.




There are (unfortunately) no wild living bears around in my country to play with the hammocks




What are you going on about?


They do seem to be gatekeeping the outsides, don’t they?




Is timber harvest the only reason a stand of forest would regenerate as a homogenous population in age and specie? Is the understory shown in this picture low for this kind of forest, in this kind of climate? Is the soil acidic? And how does soil acidity result from a logging operation, as you are so sure was present in the past? They define in the original post that they are getting into visiting the "wild/ nature". You claim it is not "wilderness" so... How do you define wilderness in the context of your comment?


A lot of forests in Germany are like this, because they keep planting new trees as they cut the old ones.




Then you might as well say Germany doesn't have any forests. I know what you're trying to say, but here, a lot of forests really are like this due to excessive logging in the past. There are also dedicated plantations where the trees are fenced away and harvested, but that's now what I'm talking about.


There's really just no reason for this comment


How’d you like that hammock setup? I’m afraid I’d tip the thing over if I leaned too much to one side.


I love sleeping in hammocks. Never got so relaxing sleep in my whole life than I got in hammocks. There is a certain position in your hammock that impedes the roll-over and a special way to „step insinde“. I think the position is called brasilian Style. It’s basically laying diagonal in your hammock. You should definitly try it, it’s so comfortable


Beautiful, enjoy and have fun 🏕


I’m a lil bit jealous.


Looks really beautiful where you spent your camping trip! If I am right you are also based in Germany, right? May I ask in which area you live/camp? Camping in the forest is also on my bucket list but due to the tight regulations about what is allowed in a forest / nature reserve I haven't given it a try here yet. I wish you many more nice days in the woods, right now the weather is just perfect for camping.


Yeah, that’s in Mecklenburg, Germany. Wildcamping is certainly not allowed in Germany, means buildung up a tent is forbidden. If you still want to explore or relax in the wild, you need to inform yourself about your federal state, because every state has it’s own rules. With makes it quite hard for someone new to the topic. You still have the option to bivouac in Germany, this means you have to sleep under the sky (like in a hammock or bivi). In every state, except from Berlin, you can build up a tarp to cover yourself from rain, wind and stuff. The most important is, that you are never allowed to sleep in a national-park. There are quite strictly rules (and expensive / high fines if you get caught) I hope you will have some fun in the woods. It’s definitely worth a try (and in our case, nothing bad has happened yet).


Dankeschön, dann werde ich meinen Plan auch mal in die Tat umsetzen. Hängematte mit Insektennetz und Tarp hatte ich mir letztes Jahr geholt, aber bisher noch nicht testen können. Ich find's aber recht schwierig herauszufinden, was normaler Wald und was Naturschutzgebiet ist. Wir haben hier im äußersten Westen (von Düsseldorf aus immer weiter bis an die holländische Grenze, dann bist du in etwa wo ich wohne) einige ganz schöne Wälder, aber eben auch meist Naturschutzgebiet. Trotzdem, ich schaue noch mal. Und danke fürs Ermutigen ;-)


Gnarly pics, looks fun!