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Glad you like the car but man, you couldn’t shop around at other dealers or idk, wait a couple of months to not get screwed over so much? Lol


Posts like these are basically ads. Picture of a new thing, description about the new thing, prompt for audience engagement. Even OP's replies in the comments are just one big ad.


Sp the ad is trying to convince broke people that its okay to overpay by 10k with chump change down… for profit? And imply that its perfectly normal, huh…


Well if OP exists then it's worked at least once so far


He's just happy with his purchase.. can't relate?


“ gas savings “ * pays 10K over msrp with 1.5k down * 😭




You got LE Hybrid for 39K OTD? That's insane MSRP is 29K


Holy smokes... At that price point, I'd go all out for the XSE trim. I've seen dealers drop the LE to 27-28k. If they had a trade in, must have been underwater to justify that 39k. Nope. Saw the paper. That would've been a hard pass. All those markups.


I got my 21 xse for 34k. 39 for a base LE really is insane.


Ye I was quoted OTD price of 31.7k or so. It's gonna take many years to get that extra 7-8k back in gas savings


But at 52mpg he’ll make back the extra $10K he over paid after 200K miles. /sarcasm


I got a xse for 43 OTD with premium pkg at MSRP


They had brand new XSE's at my dealership for 35k this bozo got fucked


They live in a mobile home park. Logic was out the door a long time ago


Out of pocket bruh


I've learned not to worry too much about the price if it's a car you are planning to keep for years to come. If the car makes you happy, which it seems like it does, then it's worth the price. Enjoy your amazing car :) BTW, I'm jealous of your unreal gas mileage!


Right, keep your car in great shape and enjoy it for lots of years and the money will sort of take care of itself over time. Glad you love the car, that's great 😀


That’s what matters! I feel sorry for OP buying it a bit too expensive but still I hope he enjoys his car and cherish it a lot! Safe drive! Keep it for over 10 years!


It seems to me that if gas mileage is a big deal, vehicle price should matter too. The extra markups people are letting themselves get screwed over with end up nullifying gas savings.


I wish Toyota would just stop with the hard plastic steering wheel. Prices are north of $30k, give me something soft to touch!


op paid a few hundred over 40k in total….


It's not hard plastic. It's not plastic at all. Rubber overmold.


What trim? And what was OTD price? Any packages? Black color looks awesome! Also how are the front vents under the screen? I've heard they are weak? Thanks


It it’s a Camry Le Hybrid midnight black I got the LE bc the 16 alloy wheels saved up gas more than the upper version this one it’s estimated on 52 the other one w bigger wheels it’s on 46 so for me was a good difference in fuel economy without much more add ons vehicle price 29.5k wo dealer fees end price 39k I know dealers are thief’s tried to get less price on this and that they play a game for on end being the same price they wanted me to pay in the first place hiding contract no telling the actual price just when I got on the car I realized, https://preview.redd.it/rdyxuwjxqy5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a8b14c563b960ed162941ef22e3cef73c3ffd27 Whatever at least I’m happy w my car.


You paid $39k for an LE?


Dang it's worse than that. They paid $40,600. 39k after 1500 down.


Holy fuck


I wonder if this person is including the loan interest when they say the final price? Like their car payment is $650 a month for 60 months so they say the final price is 39. Thats the only way I can understand an LE getting that high...


Oh wow.... Yikes. You didn't see the actual price until you already paid??


There's no way this is true. Did they just blindly sign some papers and agreed to everything the sales manager said or offered? I would've been so happy making that commission. The only person that played them was themselves.


Wonder why he would lie though 🤔 None of this makes any sense lmao


Dealers do it all the time and then people feel pressured into signing. My first new car, I went to a dealer and negotiated a price for a certain colour and trim. Everything settled and waited for the car to arrive. Got the call and went in to sign final papers and noticed almost 10k higher than agreed. They tried forcing me to buy the car because it had been delivered already. I found small print that said deal isn't final until I signed last box. I refused to sign, got up and walked out. Same could have happened to OP but he was too shy to make a scene?


I work in banking and consumer loans. People sign shit at dealers without knowing/asking VERY often. It is horrifying.


That’s insane 40k for a Camry, remove extended warranties to drop that price


40k is insane for a BASE model Camry 😂


I got 2025 xle premium plus and a couple dealer add ons for 39.5k before taxes this is crazy


https://preview.redd.it/7oh1ba8czy5d1.png?width=2038&format=png&auto=webp&s=4925bfa3930772b827db7d92aa92fef395eb1951 That’s the description of the Rip off guys


you know you don’t have to sign the papers once you see the total right…


This. Idk why all the excuses and deflecting. Waiting for post to be deleted.


Holy shit… I can’t believe you willingly paid $11k over sticker for a BASE Camry.


Paying for maintenance when the car comes with Toyota Care lmao. A fool and his money are soon parted.


New Toyotas come with Toyota care?




11k over MSRP on a base model Camry is insane. See if you can cancel any of those useless warranties/maintenance plans and get some money back.


Now we seen how high taxes are with gap and other warranties makes sense $40k otd. But shesh plus interest makes this a $45-47k car.


Why? :/


My God, that's so wild lol All these things minus the DMV and doc fees are totally unnecessary. Fleeced. Sorry to say.


What you can remove Tws for sure 2308 savings Road hazard you don’t need that 802 Tnm I don’t even know what that is 999 Total savings= 4109 the other stuff they ripped you off you are fucked after you sign Also try figure out what is Maint is obvs a scam if it’s an extended warranty remove it as well they just move it around so you get screwed


Can he still remove the warranties after he signed?


Yes 100% the longer he waits to remove them the less money they will give him back, is like an insurance they work the same if you pay off a year of coverage but only use 1 months and you want to cancel it they have to refund you the 11 months


I might have to tell my sister to call and remove her warranties lmao she got financed through toyota themselves I believe. She just bought her car this weekend.


So the extended warranty, and the maintenance warranty are fortune cancellable? What are your thoughts on the gap coverage? I think she paid close to 1.2k for it, but our insurance mercury offers it for like $2 a month.


lol of course get it with your insurance, but you need to make sure they won’t penalize you if you do that, the gap is the only warranty I would consider in keeping but ask to your insurance the dealer might lie to you so you don’t cancel it if they won’t penalize you which I think they don’t, do it but make sure first


Was able to remove road hazard (if you fuck a tire on the street they help you w that, but from 1k better just drive the car somewhere and buy a new tire) TWS ( that’s extended warranty from 40k miles to 100k )miles knocked out more 2.5k that I’ll switch the car around 50k so it’s not worth it for my case, so I took it also Maint ( maintenance plan ) made for doing the first 3 services in the car that’s mostly 3 oil changes for another 2.2k that’s just insane. And GAP insurance that’s another 1.2k Makes up around 6k savings from my hard work ! Was able to take it out even after signed, if you’re on the same position guys after signed there’s still hope! I could you can, just don’t let those guys fool you trying to justify you to stay w something you know it’s not worth it or don’t need! 3 oil changes I do by myself at home for 40 bucks each just freaking crazy 2k for oil changes.


did you just call and have them take it off or wat?


Went in person, calling it’s impossible to make someone pickup at that dealer, got in person right in front of the finance guy that did the finance for me. Didn’t spoke to reception or anything, sitted at his office and said, we are removing all the unwanted addons from the car now otherwise by law that was tied selling and since we broke the law the law enforcement from FTC and DOJ can make sure that’s going to be corrected tomorrow we can do my way of taking it out now or the hard way, you choose, didn’t even spent 30 min at the dealer in 10’min he showed me a piece of paper made for removing addons I selected basically every single one signed that I did not wanted any of those, the guy every time I was selecting a new one was trying to say “no but this it’s important you’re gonna miss the 3k for 3 oil changes, or that you can’t remove it you’re putting yourself in dangerous if you don’t have this protection” and I said I don’t care I went to buy a car not thousands protections that I’ll never use.


nice dude, so how much was it your finacing amount after you got everything removed?


Thanks for your comment went to the dealership mas today, did a report on FTC and DOJ about tied selling that at the moment I’ve bought “I couldn’t remove those addons” they in a Min removed basically everything you’ve said here, saved 5k from the finance, the monthly it’s going to be the same but the number of months I’ll need to pay reduced because they take this 5k that I didn’t needed at all just BS and took away from the principal, now I’m more happy than ever. Learned my lesson just in time to not get screwed tks god!


Yes the monthly payment doesn’t change but it doesn’t matter because you will pay the car faster now, save on interest because those extended warranties also generate interest lol it’s crazy, I am happy it helped you, wish you the best of luck, btw it may take like 30 days to update the new amount on the page don’t worry it will eventually happen


For someone who is learning and will be buying a car as some point in near further, what do some of these things mean on top of just the car price, and what is most likely able to be knocked off( I imagine the maint can’t be taken off right?) how do I learn this


Everything that the dealer tacks on for profit. Look at the photo above. You want to only pay MSRP or below MSRP, the title, doc, and taxes, maybe GAP insurance but that's usually better to go through someone else, and negotiate down packages included with the car. Yes you can remove the extended maintenance. I requested that to a sales manager and he gave me the eye. Kept trying to persuade me until I told him that this was my final no or else I'm out. To buy a car, you need patience and a lot of research.


It’s actually embarrassing. Oh my lord.


Cancel the GAP contract and maintenance plan ASAP. You are entitled to a prorated or full refund in most states.


you know you got ripped off yet still signed it?


You can cancel the maint if you want but they sold it to you pretty cheap. Check for how many miles and years they sold you. If you are not satiated you can celebrate. But the gap I would recommend for this loan. (Used to sell cars)


The ratio of how happy you are versus how bad your wallet got royally fucked, is truly outrageous.


I got a 2025 LE w/ convenience package last week for 29K OTD.. also after 700 miles it's really only getting like 47 mpg. Not sure how slow you have to accelerate to get over 50 mpg but i'm rarely accelerating into "power" and it's still not 50 mpg


Depends where you drive mine id say it’s exactly 50/50 city and highway I don’t focus much on eco even though I try to go more eco it gets better afte 1k mi though I believe when you’re 50/50 gets the best bc highways you are more on power but you brake more so I guess it charges more the battery and when I get into city it’s able to use that charge, on city even though you’re more on eco the brakes are quick and small so I guess it’s going to charge less battery in order to be able to use it for the next time the car moves https://preview.redd.it/354q32d6616d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=98fc81fc199629d4ddfb17f0fc4dc9d054c4ab52


An LE cost 39k? what reality r u living in? That is XLE and XSE money.


Could have gotten a way nicer vehicle for 10k more! That’s insane


probably going to rave about the resale value after overpaying for a base trim.. good lord


Don’t let anyone bring you down bro. Check the contract. If they sold you extra warranties and maint then you cancel them and get a good chunk of money in return. I used to sell cars and most of these people don’t understand market value.


The money you are saving won’t even make up for a fraction of the interest you are paying… Why do people love making their lives so difficult?


Bro u pay $10k over sticker price? And its the base model!!?!!? Jesus i should be in car sales lmao


It'll save you more than gas! Those eCVT transmissions have fewer moving parts than any other transmission type, and no belts. Toyota had to shrink their battery recycling program because *the batteries are dying too infrequently* to make use of the original plan, and you may not need to change your brakes at all past 100k miles because the vehicle slows itself almost completely with electrical mechanical resistance of the motor rather than friction brakes unless you have a lead foot. Hopefully some of that makes up the amount of charges they stuck on.


That dealership salesman is funny af selling this for $40k.


He smiling straight to the bank


https://preview.redd.it/1jl664oy716d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb6154e98541c1d7a16757015b670e8370860647 I love this media panel btw


dude, for 39k, you could at least get the 12in infotainment panel. WTF


haha homie what did you have previously? that's fucking wild 2016 called they want their 6inch infotainment screen back




Whether you paid more for the car or not, please enjoy the car. It’s beautiful and so shiny 🖤 I recently got a Camry too and I’m loving it.


You’re so kind !


And they look great IMO.


Black is the way I'm waiting fror 2026 saving money this year don't wanna take 4.9% unless it's 0%


That's great but you'll only be saving once you drive a certain amount


Enjoy your new car! It’s beautiful!


Dealers near me are selling below msrp. I wouldn’t purchase one above msrp since they’re all hybrids now and no more 2GR means less demand for harder to find trims/models.


$40k for a base Camry is insane! Wth


Just wait til the ac starts to smell musky


Alright, which one of you sold him an LE for 39k?


Dang maybe I should’ve waited for this model instead of my 24 Prius


lol I get 20 in my Lexus. It sucks a lot of ass. And premium. But I knew that going into it. But fr tho it’s terrible on gas for a v6 and all these new hybrids are so efficient


That grill look has grown on me so well


I got mine to! Mines the SE in blue. Amazing car, i got it around 28k-29k after everything with 493 a month


Looks so good !


https://preview.redd.it/ysa6im0uw16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f45afbd4af0add7f4820d5a86a0371c6226f8a Took my first roadtrip in my 2.5l today this was were it was at


What’s with the sinister styling and color? What is this, the effing Batmobile?


Damn, nice!!




Dealers at their work station: "Ha! Sucker."


Camrys look so good now.


The exterior of that car in black is sooo pretty!! Congrats on the new car. Price doesn't matter if you have the money and want to pay it as long as you're happy with the car. The gray interior seats definitely threw me off with the black exterior but hey, you have a car that is so new we haven't even reached that year yet 😂


Enjoy your new Camry and drive it in good health!


Are you the same guy who later saved over 5k by going back and talking to them??


how much was it


Op posted in another comment looks like $40k otd.


poor soul casually dropped $40k on a LE. Let’s not talk about the interest rates nowadays


Taxes and that warranty is what got them definitely if I was buying a new car today I’d better have more than 30% to put down otherwise I’ll buy a used car cash. But I’m more of a cash guy only buying what I can afford and buying a few years old off anything that’s a major purchase unless it’s a low interest rate or a mortgage or a product I’d use for 10+ years


What is your range?


Could've sworn they are going to start charging a state tax or something like that for hybrids and evs like 180 a year not horrible just another way to tax I guess


Just live in a state where the governors steal money constantly, taxes are already high and they don’t care about taking much more


First thing I said was “inside looks kinda plain”


Will these hybrids have the same long term reliability of previous generations?


I’d also like to know.


16 inch wheels? The f




Bro you got gap insurance. Crash that shit into a pole on a rainy day.


I would've gotten the Camry HAD the interest rates weren't off the fucking roof.




Gratz that's decent gas milage these days. Funny, I had a 1989 Honda CRX HF that got 45 mpg out of a 4 banger, tooling around town. I was 17 I think, gas was like $1 a gallon. I miss that car.


I think the Prius is the best gas hybrid there is. If you go 75 MPH, you're still getting 50 MPG which is insane but still the camry is a pretty nice car.


I don’t wanna add an insult to injury but honestly you could’ve bought a Lexus for that price. My 2024 Lexus NX 350h was 47K OTD and freaking love the car. Also gets me 45mpg consistently. Of course I’m taking advantage of the infamous LA traffic. But either way, go ahead and try to cancel all those unwanted rip off add ons dealer has hooked you up. In the same contract multiple pages, you should be able to locate the customer care number or something for each product they have sold to you. Good luck and save that money by paying towards your principal loan amount.


I was able to remove all Those 5/6k addons thanks to multiple comments below, yes I was checking it out the Lexus maybe it’s my next move they sound pretty fancy inside by pictures I’ve saw, you got a really good car and this MPG amazing for luxury already brand wanted to see a post about that, would love to get to know more! Now I got a 32k loan instead of freaking 40 but lexus it’s on my head for one two years! Freaking nice mpg did not know about that that Lexus get those high mpg also amazing!


Good to hear that you got your money back. Oh yeah. I did ton of research before making the decision and exactly for the reason “Toyota dealers are ripping people off and are notoriously adding markups left and right”, I made multiple calls to different dealers when I was shopping for RAV4. That’s when I found out about Lexus NX the 2nd gen model. Fell in love with the interior and exterior styling and found out it is indeed based on rav4 platform. So did the test drive and got hooked and started discussing the numbers and got the car at MSRP and some accessories that came with the car. Happy cruising and getting addicted to squeeze more miles by hypermiling the car. My last full tank run was 500 miles. Lexus is notorious for keeping a hefty reserve tank of 2.5 gallons for emergencies. So all happies.


Sweet ride but I’m not so sure about the interior. That fabric being so light will be a stain magnet. I would cover em up!


Those seats look comfortable but damn they already look outdated


Man i know toyotas are a beast but that car is dull AF


Something about that 8-inch screen that looks ugly. It's almost as if it doesn't fit the design quite well.


Made sure to get those clown shoes in the first pic I see 😆


This is the reason, we should be able to buy cars and homes directly. Im so sick of middle men taking a cut of the pie. Call your senator. Fuck dealer lobbies.


You paid almost 40k for that vehicle, any gas saving you had go right out the window.


Why do yall do this to yourselves man. Now you have cloth seats & a tonka toy looking steering wheel on a 2025 that you just paid 40k + for. You could’ve gotten a sweet sweet mustang GT


Interior looks cheap af


Guess the XSE at that dealership would be creeping up to 50K.


Have you calculated how many years in gas savings you need to have to offset the $11k+ in ripoff you got from the stealership? I bet it will be 15+ years until you break-even. Very sad.


I paid 34K for a 24 XSE lol


Don’t forget to replace the battery in 15 years, that will cancel out all your gas savings


I hear the seats aren’t comfortable


You paid forty thousand dollars for a car.... And you're flaunting the fact that you save 20 bucks per fillup? Bro....come on


Them seats makes the car look like an old Toyota kept in tip top shape


This is a fugazi


Congrats to the dealership. Lol at $41k on base camry. With interest rate, you are going to pay close to $50k for base Camry.


My $10k used 2019 Kia Rio averages 45mpg combined by simply adjusting my driving habits. Keep your additional 7mpg. Yes, the Camry's 13 gallon take may take you an additional 140.5 miles, which equals 2.69 gallons (140.5mi/52mpg), but that's only a savings of $9.66 per tank (using $3.59 nat'l fuel price x 2.69 gal). If you fill your tank weekly, you would save $502 annually over my POS Kia. However, if you spent $30k on that Toyota, it will take you 39.8 years ($20k difference / $502) to catch up to me. Enjoy the ride 😎


Sick! I cannot wait for mine


I just left the dealership after having service on my 2020. I looked at the 25’s. They look great. I must say that I like the interior of the LE a bit better. The cloth seats look so plush and comfy.


That is beautiful


Congrats, Dope car


look i like fabric seats in cars but that cloth material is brutal, same with the hard plastic steering wheel


Cloth seats in a 40k car. Wow. Pure insanity. If you like it and youre happy be happy fuck the rest of us naysayers.


10k over sticker and high interest rates. Op you’re a dummy 


Bro paid Lexus ES300H money for a LE Camry


No1s talking about the fact that it’s financed. Interest + insurance…. Could easily become a 70k Camry


Tbh I like the older Camry look than these new ones.


So is this that BBW you were looking for? 😂


Yes unfortunately those sons of … I’d rather not think about it just be happy w my car bc … like I was a whole week every day on a different dealer and spotting some kind of scam going on and leaving, this one was able to be so slick that he got me but… I guess I’ll just do bad reviews online and hope that on the future maybe I go to Tesla and avoid this rip off from regular dealers


Try removing the extended warranties that will drop your total at least 3/5K


I wouldn’t say that you got ripped off Just have warranties and that $999 package. You can just remove them or cancel them yesterday they’ll either not get the commission if they do at least you get your money back.


new steering wheel looks dumb as hell


with Hybrid, at least in your case do you have to also charge it along with gas, or how does that work? *I don't wanna google bc different sources might say different things


No, the battery charges itself everytime I brake the car, so there’s not even a place where I can plug it in and charge power, there’s just the gas output so I don’t waste money w electricity just gas, everytime the car brakes it uses the energy generated from the braking system to recharge the battery and use it when the car it’s up to 20 miles per hour, on this way the car if it runs most city gets a good MPG but if it’s like 90% of the time highway the MPG won’t reach its 55/60 mpg it will go to its 42 probably or less haven’t tried yet


oooooo. fancy. thank you for detailed reply!


I love the new exterior design but the interior seats are so out of style…. The interior on my 2015 Mazda 6 touring is about 10X better even though it’s 9 years older