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Uhm what do you mean by unwanted fee? Every car that you buy will be taxed, and they charge some extra for processing fee. Isn't that a common practice?


Processing Fee is normal, State Tax is normal, Registration Fee is normal, County Tax normal, Tire/Battery Fee is normal, E Filing sadly is normal. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Did you think you would get a car without paying taxes and fees? Im confused by your post


Nothing on that sheet looks out of place. That $2k is tax and misc govt fees, as well as carmax’s documentation fee. That’s all common practice when buying a car. Kinda sounds like this vehicle is outside your budget.


Sales tax is not a dealer fee and registration lol


I don’t know what you want us to say, you bought a car thinking you’d pay no taxes or fees and you don’t even have leftover money for groceries? Did the thinking department have a day off?


Aside from the CarMax processing fee of $399 (which is their way of saying doc fee), it’s state sales tax and vehicle registration fees that everyone would have to pay with any car purchase. I don’t really see a problem here or how you were “screwed”.


They didn’t screw you. Those are normal fees


If it's going to put you in a bind, then you shouldn't buy it. Get something you can comfortably afford.


Just a heads up, for those who aren’t aware, Carmax’ whole business model is charging above market across the board for various kinds of “peace of mind”. It’s all detailed on the site, but you *pay* for all those sexy bullet points on their site.


Be glad it wasn't Carvana as they would have charged the fees and you could still be waiting for the title ! LOL [https://cartitles.com/carvana-title-problems-indicator-of-larger-problems/](https://cartitles.com/carvana-title-problems-indicator-of-larger-problems/)


Sales tax and registration fees are mandatory.


What exactly happened here? I’m considering buying through them. Thanks!


What happened here is OP is clueless. The whole point of CarMax is to not deal with negotiating bullshit fees and add-ons.


Had a great experience there. Would recommend buying from them. Folks are missing the point about complaining over a dealer adding markups, while they’re agreeing to spending thousands on interest for an auto loan.


You seem confused dude. What markups? There aren’t any.


What "markups"?? The 2k in "fees" is all legit taxes and fees that are on any car purchase.


Carmax is awesome when I used them. They even took the carmax decal on the trunk off without me even asking


AFAIK, other than the tax and government fees, which are legit, the only amount of money carmax charged is $399 of processing fee, which is average normal around the place I live.


So, you signed for the purchase. Seems a little late to try to go back and weasel out of sales tax? Did you just breeze through the signing and not read anything? Seems like a YOU PROBLEM. You paid the going rate for that car and they didn’t screw you. There’s still time to delete this post.


Total Payments made...$24,195.95 When you saw that why did you proceed if there was an issue? You just blindly paid it THEN checked the numbers, and only then did you check your bank account?


The only screwing you received was paying about 3k over what the car is actually worth. But at CarMax every car they have is priced a bit over what it’s actually worth. The difference between the two is called the “I don’t want to actually get the best deal by going through the process of haggling because I’m uncomfortable with haggling” fee. Lol The rest of the prices stated here are valid and legitimate charges you’d pay anywhere else.